chapter nine

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Season one, episode nineteen

BONNIE WAS FINALLY READY TO GET BACK TO school so this meant that Hunter would be with her. The week before, he had gone to the office to switch his history teacher to Alaric, and while this would be a mega downer in terms of his lacking attendance, he knew he needed to be there with her. As much as she was fighting it, Bonnie was still emotionally drained.

She was a strong teen but, one who needed someone to be there for her, and he was it.

"You sure you're ready for this?" The Saltzman boy asked as they walked down the hallway, abandoned by everyone as the whole school was already in their class.

"I'm ready as I ever will be, I guess that's what matters." Bonnie replied, taking a deep breath in, and long sigh out as she let one foot step before another. Her hand found it's way into Hunter's as they approached the door, the girl quite obviously nervous.

"If you need something, you remember the spell, right? Do it exactly like I taught you and it will send me a signal if you are upset or in trouble, wherever you are, wherever I am." The Saltzman boy squeezed her hand lightly and smiled at the girl, putting his opposite hand on the door handle as he did his best to balance their books. "Here we go."

He twisted the handle, and the two stepped into the room, everyone staring at them, "sorry we're late." As he glanced back, Bonnie's head hung low, not wanting to make eye contact with Stefan, or Elena who were both in the class. Rightfully so, they were taking her for granted.

Hunter hated that.

"Well, looks like we'll be at full occupancy today. Welcome home, Bonnie." The boys uncle eyed him angrily but nodded his head slightly. "Hunter."

Alaric continued on with his lesson as the pair made their way to the last two seats in the room, conveniently placed right by Stefan and Elena. Hunter could see Bonnie visibly tense at the sight of it, and gently placed his hand on her back. The boy guided her to the seat she would be more comfortable in, set her books down for her, and placed himself in the last remaining seat between Bonnie and Elena.

The couple beside them did their best to catch their attention with smiles, and short waves as Alaric went about his lesson, Bonnie sent a quick smile to Elena to be kind, and looked back to the front, leaving Stefan confused.

"Not today, man. Not today." Hunter warned, shaking his head.

His patience was wearing thin with the way Bonnie was treated, and when Hunter gets mad, Hunter uses magic.

He hoped for everyone's sake, that didn't need to happen.

  HUNTER HOPED BONNIE WAS OKAY AFTER HAVING to leave her to go to one of his classes. He felt overly anxious about her situation, and to be quite honest, it was driving him insane. He wished he could just skip forward to the part in life she was happy, he knew if that happened, he would too.

... but we don't all get what we wish for.

"You okay there, cousin?" Sky asked, running up to her cousin before throwing her arms up to jump on his back.

Hunter fell forward slightly with a laugh but, kept himself stable on the ground to hold the blonde up.

"You aren't little anymore, kid." He joked, hearing Sky let out a dramatic gasp. "What? You're not!"

"Okay, I guess i'll let you live." The Laveau girl commented with a roll of her eyes, jumping off her cousins back. "How was class with your uncle?"

"Didn't even pay attention honestly, I was just worried about—"

"Hey, guys! I heard Bonnie is back, do you know where she is?" Caroline, who had talked to the Bennett witch on the phone every day but hadn't seen her spoke, excitement coursing through her veins.

"We're supposed to meet her out by the parking lot for lunch if you wanna come." Hunter replied, throwing one arm around Sky, and the other around Caroline. "I hope she's okay, I couldn't stay with her all day."

"You've been with her every single day, I think she's grateful for that and if she says she's okay, I think she's okay." Sky commented with a shrug, the trio making their way outside the building.

"She keeps telling me how amazing you've been with her, I think you've really helped her heal." Caroline smiled brightly, she really wanted to push the subject of the two of them possibly getting together but, she decided to keep her mouth shut this time.

"I hope you guys are right." Hunters eyes drifted across the way. "There she is."

Without a moment's hesitation, Caroline ran off towards Bonnie and threw her arms around the girl. It was then that Hunter realized Elena had been talking to the witch, and things were obviously tense. He decided to stay back while they had their conversation.

"You're dying to know what they're talking about." Sky joked, elbowing her cousin.

"I just think that Elena can make her do things she doesn't want to do... or can't do. Look what happened to you and especially look what happened to Grams. I don't ever want that to happen again." The Saltzman boy shrugged slightly. "I'd do anything to make sure you guys don't get hurt again."

"There's vampires all over town, nobody's safe." Sky pat Hunter on the back before turning to walk in a different direction. "I have lunch plans, see you later!"

The Saltzman boy stared into the distance and sighed, maybe Sky was right.

  AFTER FINISHING LUNCH WITH BONNIE, THE two of them went their separate ways again. Hunter was making his way to the next class when someone grabbed onto his shoulder. He turned to see Stefan behind him, with a light smile on his face but all Hunter could do was glare.

Grams was 100% right, witches shouldn't have to be around vampire business.

"Can I help you?" The Saltzman boy questioned dryly.

"I wanted to check on you... and ask how Bonnie has been doing since y'know." Stefan replied, a look if sincerity that the boy he was speaking to could not trust across his face.

"Her grandmother died, how do you think she's doing?" Hunted answered with a shrug. "She's not comfortable around you, and she's not going to be."

Stefan scratched his face, almost in annoyance before he was able to respond, something about him seemed almost irrational, erratic.

"If there's anything I can do just please, let me know." The Salvatore begged, before clearing his throat and walking around Hunter as quick as he could.

Hunter couldn't help but note how odd that interaction was.

This episode has been split into two so next chapter will be the Miss Mystic Falls pageant!

Three words to describe Sky?

Hope you enjoyed!

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