Background of characters

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Jasmine: A 11 year old duckling, living with her mother's Vanessa, boyfriend; Scrooge McDuck after her mother sacrifice herself to protect her from her aunt Magica. That had been when she was still a baby,She was now on a quest to figure out what happened to her mother and save her mother from her aunt as well as find her older sister she didn't know about. While on this quest she learns more about her magic and her powers. However when she meets the triplets while at her first day of school she forms a close bond with them and has to deal with feelings for a certain green wearing duckling.

Vanessa: Vanessa grew up in Italy with her adoptive family the DeSpell's. She is was separated from her birth family and was put into an orphanage where she grew up until she was about 5 when she was adopted into the Crackshell-Cabrera family and had gained a baby brother she grew close too growing up.

As the years went back she fell in love with her best friend; Scrooge McDuck who she had met after moving back to America after college or she did until she saw Scrooge and Goldie kissing at a gala. After that she left the manor and married Danial Duck, the two of them had two children together, Lena Duck/DeSpell and Jasmine Duck.

By the time Jasmine was 2 months old and Lena was 3 Vanessa and Danial had been fighting a lot since Danial had cheated on her with Goldie and so they ended up getting divorced and Vanessa got back together with Scrooge, and they married or they tried too.

They got into a fight with Magica DeSpell the night of the wedding who had wanted revenge on Scrooge. Vanessa had gotten trapped within her amulet which was passed down to her daughter shortly after. Vanessa had been trapped by Magica while trying to protect Scrooge and her daughter, when Magica was defeated by Scrooge; Magica was trapped in Scrooge's number one dime but Lena who was only 3 had gone completely missing.

Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera: Is Vanessa's younger adoptive brother and is Jasmine and Lena's adoptive uncle. He was close with then when they were younger but after Vanessa and Lena had disappeared he hadn't been able to actually spend time with Jasmine especially after he got his internship with Gyro

Magica DeSepll: Is Vanessa's older adoptive sister and Jasmine's aunt as well as Lena's 'creator'. She is evil but she wasn't always like this their was a time when she was really nice and loved her younger sister but it all changed the day she found the truth about Vanessa. After that Magica had been after him for his number one dime as well as wanting to take her sister out of the picture as well.

Lena DeSpell/Duck: Is Magica's puppet used to get Scrooge's number one dime. She is also Vanessa's oldest daughter and Jasmine's older sister. Lena is a mischevious and mysterious teen friend of Webby Vanderquack . She's calm four years older than Webby but three years older than Jasmine. She does not seem, to have a similar traits to her aunt because of her own mischievous nature in obtaining Scrooge's No #1 Dime mode.

Lena had been kidnapped by Magica when she was 3 and was turned into her shadow. So when Magica was trapped in Scrooge's Dime she became Lena's Shadow and had been for the last 11 years.

Louie: Is a 10-year-old duckling, the quick-witted, fast-talking youngest brother, Louie has a knack for charming his way into, though not always out of, danger. "The Mouth" has Uncle Scrooge's head for wild, larger-than-life moneymaking schemes, but none of Scrooge's work ethic. His keen improvisational skills are a welcome asset on any given adventure, although they sometimes land the family in even bigger trouble. Louie is also the more sensitive one but he hides it with an act only Jasmine seems to be able to see through; Louie also had to deal with his feeling for Jasmine as well. As been described as the 'evil' triplet, Louie is a laid-back, resourceful trickster and is he is always up for an adventure with his family especially if it involves treasure. Louie can be very greedy, and like Scrooge, he's got an eye for money and treasure. Although Louie has a lazy and careless personality but can be adventurous and smart when it counts. Louie is a schemer, with his confidence and persuasive charm he manipulates others to get want he wants

Dewey: The Middle Triplet, dealing with classic middle-child syndrome, Dewey is always looking for ways to stand out from the crowd. Dubbed "The Guts," Dewey is quick to throw himself into dangerous situations without thinking, just to prove himself. Deep down he's worried that he's just an ordinary duck so he's constantly itching to make a name for himself. Dewey is the daring, rebellious, and adventurous attention seeker of the trio, who loves to explore and do bold and exciting things to stand out and get noticed. Dewey can be impulsive; he can't sit still too long before jumping into action, often without thinking it through. Dewey desires to stand out as his own individual among his brothers, by trying to impress all those around him by doing big extraordinarily things. Dewey is also close with Jasmine and he helps her look for clues about her mom.

Huey: The oldest of the three nephews (by three seconds), he is often called upon to be "The Brains." He LOVES being a triplet, is the consummate Junior Woodchuck, and often finds himself scrambling to find logical solutions to the completely illogical. Ever the explorer, Huey is always eager to test his mettle and may one day earn his Adventurer's Merit Badge. Huey is a smart "by the book" guy (specifically the Junior Woodchuck Guide Book). Huey is intelligent, analytical, and precarious boy scout. Huey is the most rigid of the triplets but he is still be troublesome like his brothers yet he stands out by being a duck of strategy. Huey also comes off as "nerdy" as he is shown to enjoy science; in discovery, books, modern inventions and more. His own brother Louie has call him nerdy yet he is proud of it. Jasmine and Huey have books in common they both like reader and will read together sometimes.

Webby: The heart (and the fists) of the team. Webby has spent most of life isolated in Scrooge's mansion obsessing over his past exploits and training for action with her granny. Now that she's out in the world, Webby is itching for every adventure the world (and being a normal kid) has to offer!

Webby is an adventurous, zealous, and eager girl who dreams of being an explorer. Webby has had very little social contact in her entire life, which makes her socially awkward upon meeting new people. Webby is an excitable young girl, often rambling and never knowing when to stop speaking. 

Webby is a bit of a tomboy. In addition to her cuteness, Webby is kind and sweet and cares about those around her deeply. She is a big fan of the McDuck family, and is very knowledgeable on many aspects of their genealogy and always enjoys studying their exciting and mysterious family. Webby is a very athletic and capable young girl, skilled in espionage-tactics, accents, and parkour. With all of her cooped up energy for adventure and danger, Webby can make a small game intense

Since she grew up with Jasmine the two of them are very close with each other. Also Jasmine is the only one that is able to play a game with Webby she can survive the intensest of it.

Scrooge: Tougher than the toughies, smarter than the smarties, Scrooge made his money fair and square. Part mysterious billionaire, part adventurer, his wealth combined with his overwhelming confidence has bred an unpredictable nature and a belief that anything can happen & everything is possible if you're willing to work for it. His love of money isn't because he's greedy, it's because he knows how he earned each dollar; each coin is a memento of a past adventure. He is a Scottish duck and is the richest businessman in the world. He goes to extreme lengths to save even small amounts of money, especially his Number One Dime. Scrooge was a very adventurous, outgoing and brave man, even in his older years. Some of his exploits include defeating a Rock Giant and carving a statue out of its leg and solving the mystery of the Chupacabra and swimming in a pile of gold. He spent an undetermined amount of time in the timeless demon dimension of Demogorgana. In 1956, he captured a unicorn that he locked in his Other Bin. In the 1960s, he worked with the spy agency S.H.U.S.H., where he met Agent Bentina Beakley, who later became his housekeeper. In 1977, he found a mysterious Dreamcatcher. At a later point Scrooge decided to adventure with his sister's kids; his niece and nephew Della Duck and Donald Duck. He remarks that he's done 'about' everything in his life, from prospecting to treasure hunting and even farming chickens. Once an avid adventurer, Scrooge started to slow down and began spending more time back at home, until his nephews rekindled his desire for adventure. Scrooge values hard work and integrity and continues to be a hard worker in his old age. He wishes to instill values of hard work and dedication to his great-nephews.

Stern, yet kind-hearted, Scrooge takes great care in mapping out his paths, using the knowledge he has gained over the years to keep himself safe and out of harm's way. He is happy to impart his knowledge to others, provided that they are willing to listen. Scrooge can also be quick-tempered, especially where his pilot, Launchpad is concerned. His rival, Flintheart Glomgold also brings out his temper, though in a different way. Scrooge is determined not to let Flintheart ever take his position of richest duck in the world.

Scrooge is shown to have an obsessive side, such as when he wanted to stop at nothing to climb Mount Neverrest, even putting the childrens' lives at risk to further his goal. Nevertheless, Scrooge will ultimately put the safety of others above his selfish desires. Indeed, his greatest shame is his failure to save his niece Della from her ill-fated space voyage. His second shame was letting Magica ruin his relationship with his beloved Vanessa and taking her away from him. Scrooge is also very self-righteous; carrying great pride in the experience and capabilities that made him the legend he is today. He often states who he is to assert dominance or going into a challenge knowing he will achieve, this shows he has put himself on a mantle.

Scrooge loves Jasmine as if she was his own daughter. After Vanessa disappeared Scrooge was left to take care of Jasmine by himself with Beakly's help

Della: Despite the fact she is missing in action, she is known as an adventurer. It has been shown that is a high-spirited, daring and courageous woman who loves going on adventure with her family. In many adventures she has been shown to help others, and was a quick thinker that helped to get the family out of trouble.

However, her thrill-seeking personality often blinds her to the dangers and consequences of her rash selfish actions, which later resulted her becoming lost in space.

Della is very close with Vanessa and had always treated her like her aunt even though she and Scrooge weren't married at the time. She also liked to learn magic from Vanessa a lot when she was younger.

Donald: Donald Duck is a caring, devoted, independent and fiery duck who takes responsibility for his sister's kids as their guardian. Giving them love and protection as if they were his own children, doing anything to protect them from harm's way.

Donald was also close with Vanessa and liked to learn things from her growing up. He and Della also liked to listen to her sing to them.

Luke: Luke has been a servant of Magica since he was 5. He was close friends with Jasmine as kids as they had grew up together. Luke has a love for dancing. When he and Jasmine were 3 he moved away with out telling her as he got accepted into a dance school.

5 years later he comes back expecting everything to be cool with her and Jasmine but it wasn't, Jasmine was still upset with him for leaving her with out telling her, however he had to try and get Jasmine on his side for Magica's plan

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