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June 1821: Vanessa is born 

June 1829: Vanessa turns 5 years old. She get's separated from her family and is sent to the orphanage and is then adopted by the  Crackshell-Cabrera family and moved to Duckburg. 

May 1839: Vanessa is 18 years old and had moved back to America after finishing college. She opened up her own bakery and ran her own business gaining a lot of money. She reunites with her old friend Scrooge who was now the riches duck in the world

December 1845: It was Christmas, Vanessa had planned to confess her feelings for Scrooge that night at a gala he was hosting but soon had her heart broken when she saw him and Goldie kiss that night at the gala. She left the manor that night and moved back into her old apartment. That was the last time she had spoken with Scrooge. 

January 1877: 32 years later Vanessa was still adventuring and treasuring hunting. she was still young as she had found the fountain of youth. She had met a young man named Danial and had fell in love with him. 

November 1878: Vanessa and Danial get married (Danial stays young with the fountain of youth as well.)

October 2004: Lena Duck/DeSpell is born

September 2007: Jasmine Duck is born

October 2007: Vanessa and Daniel get divorced and Vanessa, Jasmine and Lena move back into the manor with Scrooge. They also planned to get married after rekindling their love

November 2007: A month after Lena's birthday was Vanessa and Scrooge's wedding night. Everything was going well until her older sister; Magica appeared and had kidnapped Lena. Vanessa and Scrooge went after them after canceling the wedding and left Jasmine with Beakly and Donald while they took off with Della flying the plane. That night while defeating Magica; Scrooge had lost both Lena and Vanessa

This is where our story starts; the night of the eclipse...

It was the night of the lunar Eclipse and what was suppose to be his honey moon with his wife but those plans had been ruined. A battle had broken out between Magica DeSpell,  Vanessa and Scrooge McDuck. . .

Magica's screams died out with a flash of light, the light being so intense that it looked like Magica wasn't standing there to begin with.

The sky still gleamed a blood red color and the eclipse, high above the volcano, had barely begun to end. His Number One Dime rested in the palm of his hand, burning like ice-cold fire, and he curled his hand around it to make a fist. He relished in the pain, and the memory of the witch's final, empty threats.

It was done. His family was safe, but at the cost of also losing his beloved Vanessa and his oldest 'daughter' Lena to the witch who was also Vanessa's sister.

Scrooge sighed, the last several nerve wracking days of too much desperation and too little sleep catching up to him, and his knees trembled with the effort of keeping him standing. So he wouldn't simply fall back into the dirt, he carefully lowered himself against an outcropping of stone. He craned his head up so he could see the fading eclipse.

Mount Vesuvius was utterly silent, almost unnaturally so, and after being home to so much dark magic Scrooge wasn't really surprised. A gale swept hauntingly over the summit, easing the sense of stillness though it did little calm his nerves.

He clenched the dime tightly in his fist.

They were safe.

His radio crackled to life, scaring him out of his wits, and he let out a very manly yelp. "Uncle Scrooge? Is everything okay? I saw that burst of light—"

Scrooge fumbled for the radio in his pocket. "A-aye, Della! It's done. You were right, lass."

"Yes!" Della shouted ecstatically. Her energy was infectious, and Scrooge found himself smiling. "Yes! I told you, a counter spell would do just the trick! My lessons on Magic from auntie really did come in handy"

"That you did," Scrooge chuckled, though the smile was quick to slide off his face as he looked down at his palm, and the dime that continued to burn him. "But I think I've had my fill of magic."

Della blew out a breath. "No argument here."

Scrooge hesitated, his throat working silently. "Any word on Donald and Jasmine?"

"He's awake! Jasmine is still unconscious but doing a bit better. Mrs. B radioed in just a couple minutes ago," Della said, and even over the crackle of the radio, her relief was overwhelming. "Donald woke up demanding to know where we were."

Scrooge rolled his eyes, though his smile returned as a full-blown grin. "I'll be surprised if Beakley doesn't have to tie that lad to the bed to keep him from chasing after us."

Della sniffed, laughing weakly. "Yeah. It's not like Donnie to let a little something like a coma keep him down."

"Of course not," Scrooge said over the twinge in his chest. "Just watch, that barmy brother of yours will be on his feet within the week."

"I'll be surprised if you're on your feet in a week. Are you and aunt Vanessa on your way back yet?"

"I'll have you know I've been resting my eyes." Scrooge however felt hurt when she mentioned Vanessa knowing she wasn't returning any time soon.

Della laughed. "Well can you rest your eyes back on the plane?"

"Och jings," he grumbled. "Can't a man get a moment of peace after defeating his sworn enemy?"

"Not if he wants a ride back he can't."

Scrooge groaned, but started pulling himself back to his feet. "You're a slavedriver, lass, y'know that?"

Della laughed at him again, the ingrate. "I'll start getting ready for takeoff."

He looked onward, again confirming that the total eclipse had come to an end. He could see a sliver of the pale moon he knew, and breathed a sigh of relief. Scrooge finally felt it was safe to tuck the dime away, and made sure it was secure in his left breast pocket.

Della was waiting for him at the base of the mountain, Donald was waiting for them back at the mansion, finally conscious and impatient as ever. Little one-year old Jasmine was also at the manor with little Webby waiting for their return as well. Scrooge couldn't recall ever wanting to be home as much as he did right then.

Della was waiting outside the plane when he finally reached the base of the volcano, but she noticed someone missing. "Uncle scrooge... where's aunt Vanessa and Lena?"

Scrooge looks down sadly. He was disappointed in himself for not being able to protect Vanessa from her older sister. "Lass...aye wasn't able to protect her... the lass took a hit for me and disappeared, and lena... she disappeared when Magica blasted her"

Della was quiet for a beat too long.

Scrooge turned to look at her.

His niece was rubbing her arm with a sad smile that looked out of place on her usually proud face. "I should've known auntie would do something like this. She always did what she wanted and let nothing get in her way" she said. "It's just...after what happened to Donald and to Jasmine —"

"Ach, lass," Scrooge said, gently gripping her shoulder. "It's ok. That brother of yours scared the living daylights out of both of us as well as Jasmine; but I'm still worried about her. It should still be afternoon back home, aye? Why don't you give him a call?"

They landed in New York about ten hours later.

Despite Scrooge's exhaustion, he was only able to sleep for a third of the flight. It was hard not to think about his nephew and daughter and how they'd left them in bed, lying still and pale. Magica's attack had come hard and fast, just five days ago now.

The Bin should've been safe, but by moving via shadow Magica had thwarted the magical defenses he'd spent millions on. It had been months since they'd seen hide or tail of her, and suddenly she was emerging monstrous from the Bin's shadow, a creature of dark magic the likes of which Scrooge had never seen.

She'd grabbed Donald and Jasmine by the throat, and held them over the side of the bridge where the wedding was taking place.

Her voice, cloying and singsong.

"The dime, in exchange for your nephew's and daughter's life."

"Uncle Scrooge?"

He jerked back a little in his seat, the Sunchaser's windshield coming back into his focus.

"Aye, Della? What is it lass?" Scrooge replied, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger.

She was looking back at him with worry in the furrow of her brow, but thankfully refrained from asking if he was alright. "I'm gonna hit the sack for a few hours. You gonna get some sleep too?"

Scrooge made a show of standing up and stretching, loudly cracking his back. "Are we at the good airport? The one with the snacks?"

Della rolled her eyes. "Of course," she said.

"Good!" Scrooge said. "I'm getting tired of peanut butter crackers. Maybe installing a refrigerator would be a good investment."

He made for the ladder leading to the cargo hold, but Della spoke up behind him.

"Uncle Scrooge, we never talked about what we're going to do about...about Auntie Vanessa or Lena."

Scrooge turned back to see Della hanging over the back of the pilot's seat, on her knees with her arms dangling over the side. It was a childish display, and reminded Scrooge poignantly of her youth. But her expression, drawn and anxious, was so at odds with it was enough to drive a hot wedge of guilt into his gut.

He knew that she was only worried about Donald and Jasmine. It had only been five days since they saw Magica toss Donald and Jasmine's bodies, limp like ragdolls, into the bay. Five days since Magica stole his dime and the countdown to the eclipse began.

He knew that Della wanted children of her own someday.

Scrooge understood why Della was being cautious. But all the same.

"I'm not sure Della" He said sadly.

Della looks at her uncle. "What do you mean your not sure, you always have a plan!" She said

Scrooge looks at his niece. "Well I didn't this time... would you rather I left Magica alone and let her run free!" He said

He recognized the guilt on Della's face by the way her expression creased. She lowered herself out of the chair, rubbing the side of her face without looking Scrooge's way. "No, no I...sorry, I think I just need to get some sleep."

Scrooge's countenance softened. "It's been a trying for days for the both of us. I'm going to make some calls, get some snacks for the road. I expect you to be asleep when I get back!"

Della's smile was small, but genuine as she nodded in acquiesce.

With that he finally descended into the cargo hold.

Once entering the airport, Scrooge saw that there was a payphone in a back corner of the airport, beside the vending machine he most liked to frequent on these trips. He forked over the necessary change with one hand and dialed, as the phone rung.

"McDuck residence," Beakley answered, succinct after two brief rings. It was a relief to hear her voice after the chaos of the last day alone.

"Beakley!" he said cheerily, "I trust the mansion's still standing then?"

"As always, your faith in my abilities is nothing short of reassuring," she replied dryly. "I trust this means you've made it to New York?"

"Aye," he said, lifting the duckling a bit on his hip. "How's Donald?"

Beakley's voice noticeably sobered. "Better. He's resting now, but he was able to stomach some broth. We've passed the point for pneumonia to be a threat, so it's just a matter of giving him time to recuperate."

Scrooge closed his eyes, exhaling heavily through his nose. "Good. Good. Thank you, Bentina. Let him know we're on our way, next time he wakes?"

"Of course, sir."

Scrooge he was worried for the answer to his next question. " is Jasmine?" He asked.

There was a long pause, in which Scrooge was all too aware of.

"I'm afraid she hasn't woken up since this morning sir, but she is doing better. She's resting right now and Duckworth got her to eat a little bit before she went back to sleep" She said

Scrooge relaxes hearing that Jasmine was ok and doing better. "Good, Good. We'll be home in a few hours."

Their was another long silence.

"Was there something else, Mr. McDuck?"

"Er....yes. There is one thing."

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