Terror of the Terra-firmians!

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"Oh man, that is classic cinema"

"So good."

"Oh, and remember when the surgeon tried to cut the mole-woman in half, and she multiplied into a million mole-babies and ate him? Roar!"


"I thought this was supposed to be educational" gosalyn says.

"You really thought that was an educational film?" Drake asked.

"Hey dewy grabbed me and said we were seeing something educational"

"Well I-I Guess You're right"


"You said this was an educational film, suitable for all ages"

"Uh, it's a cautionary tale about the dangers of mole monsters, and everyone could use a lesson on chainsaw safety"

"Hmm" dear stares at Lena suspiciously, then he pulls gosalyn away then the kids see him talking to her.

"Lame, where was the drama, the heart, the needlessly expensive car crash mayhem?"

"Even if mole-man did exist, why attack someone in the shower? With the water running there wouldn't be enough traction to attack anyone above the knee. Totally phony"

"What is with you guys? It says right on the poster, "based on an actual true novel."

"I got to go now I'm need for a movie shooting you stay with the mcduck and be my good girl ok"  drake grabs her shoulders.

"Ok dad"

He slides his hands up to her cheeks and Drake kisses her forehead, the he matches over to Lena.


"You stay away from my gosalyn, I don't want you poisoning my daughter's mind, so you just stay away from her"

"Ok. Whatever"

Then he goes to Ms. Beakly, "Ms. Beakly I got to go, keep an eye on gosalyn and if you can do me another favor-"

He pulls her to whisper, "I want you to do a background check on that girl, I don't trust her to be around my little angel, keep her away from gosalyn, make sure she stays away from gosalyn, I don't want her taking gosalyn down a bad path, she's too good to be troubled"

"Don't worry mr mallard, I'll see what I can get"

Drake nodded, ok bye gosalyn"

"Bye dad"

"This is the only book I trust. If it's not in the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook, then it's not a thing"

"What about were-ducks?"



"Not a thing?"

"Woah, what about the legendary Terra-firmians of Duckburg?"

"The what?" Gosalyn asked.

"Let's see, pterodactyl, terror-dactyl, terrible twos, nope no terra-firmians. Must not exist"

"Haha, what? Terra-firmians, the mythical underground race that live below our very city?"

"Oh is that what it is?" Gosalyn asked.

"No, that's ridiculous"

"No, you're ridiculous"

"Children, children, there's an easy way to settle this. Let's go find them ourselves"

"I don't think that's a good idea" gosalyn asked.

"Why? Chickened"


"No, because of Ms. Beakly"

"AHHH! Evil. Evil. You took the form of a poster, you won't get Launchpad"

"Stop, Launchpad, no"

"It's just an ad"

"Launchpad calm down" gosalyn grabs his arm.

"That's exactly what the sheriff told those reckless teens"

"Wait, shouldn't we tell someone where we're going before we blindly explore a network of dark and abandoned subway tunnels?"

"we're heading down"

"We'll be fine"

"Don't wait up"

"All, much better"

"I apologize for my associate. You can bill McDuck Enterprises for the poster"

"Oh, what about the damages to the men's room?"

"The men's room?"

"They come up through the toilets. Anyone can be a mole monster. Anyone. could be him, her, that baby, even..him"

"Alright, let's go before anything else happens"

"Uh Ms beakly, the kids left with Lena" gosalyn tugs on her skirt.



"Huh, now what's behind here?"

"The old 818 train line, famous for terra-firmian sightings. That's why it's closed off"

"The signs say "closed for renovations."

"That's what they "want" you think"

"Who are "they"?"



"Well we can't "not" go in at this point. Hello?!"

"Huh huh, these old tunnels. You can hear train vibrations from miles away"

"That was no subway train" Webby opens her book.

"The terra-firmians are an ancient race of two warring tribes. The terrans and the firmies. They were once united under a proud king. After the king's untimely death, an epic battle began over who would assume control. But, one day, the rightful prince will reunite the two tribes and put an end to their bitter conflict"

"What's that?"

"Oh, just a drawing of a candy I wish they made: webbi-dings"

"And that?"

"Me as a superhero. Look, could we just focus on the exciting stuff I just said?"

"So these terra-thingies are responsible for that tremor?"

"According to the JWG, earthquakes are shifting tectonic plates. Science fact. No reason for any of us to go in there. The book knows everything"

Lena grabs the guidebook and throws it down the stairs.

"Did the book know I was going to do that?"

"Ha ha, I can't wait to meet a real terra-firmian. I'm totally going to sacrifice myself in the name of the rebellion"

"Oh, and then I hunt down your attackers and avenge your death"

"Aw, that's sweet. There! Claw marks. Proof they were here"

"Even better! The tremors exposed three kinds of rock: schist, marble, and gneiss. Oh, do I spy some shale?"

"How is that better than subway monsters?"

"Cause my thing's real"

"How can you dismiss this after all the stuff we've seen with Mr. McDuck?"

"Most of that is actually logged in the Guidebook"

"Even the headless man-horse?"

"It's been booked. Anything new, I add myself. Now help me with this shale rock. It's for my geology badge"

"Why don't you ask your best friend, the Guidebook, to help you? Wait, you can't; it's a book"

"How to properly handle rock samples in the field." Ahem"

"What was that? Um, after you"


"Sorry, couldn't resist"

"Just more subway junk. Now, if you're all done, I have some rock samples to collect"


"Oh hey! Watch it!"



"AHH Those are moles!"

"It's ok Launchpad, there are no moles" gosalyn tries calming him down.

"Launchpad, it's just the guys"

"Huh, you would say that. Have there always been three of them?"

"Haha, I can explain"

"You are all in big trouble. I assume this was your idea"

"Sure, blame the mysterious rebel playing by her own rules"

"No backtalk. You made me come all the way down here, drag two more children and one man... child right into danger"

"MAN-CHILD?! WHERE!? Woah, easy LP easy, one monster at a time"

"Uh Launchpad i think she's talking about you" gosalyn whispered.

"You talk my granny" gosalyn says.

"I had to I was worried webby's, worried about you"

"I don't need your help so leave me alone!"

"Aren't you supposed to be crazy adventure family? This is like an afternoon field trip for you people"

"Well, there won't be any more afternoon field trips for you, I can assure you that. And webby please be nicer to gosalyn she is your best friend after all"

"Gosalyn is not my best friend, Granny, Lena didn't mean to...Terra-firmeans!"

"Naturally occurring tectonic shifts!"

"Oh, splendid, we're stuck. It looks like the only safe way out of here is to get this train moving. Launchpad, get to the control room"

"No, Mrs. B. I can't leave you alone with.. I mean, uh, I don't know if I can. I've never crashed a train before"

"Well, maybe you can drive the train without crashing it"


"Uh, just get to the control room and see what you can do?"

"Ms. Beakly, I read a book about trains, maybe I can help Launchpad"

"Very well, just be careful"

"Fine. Hey Dewey, why don't you come along too I need someone to help... me... for some other reason. Just in case"

"Put down the pipe Launchpad" gosalyn takes the pipe and puts it down.

"I'm going to the rear to see if I can detach us from the cave in. You with me. You caused us enough grief"

"Aye, Aye. Colonel Crumpet"

"We'll stay here and be on the lookout for terra-firmians. It must be about halftime at the quake games, it should be easier to spot one"

"Okay, just stay put. After you help us get out of here, you'll never see Webby again. And I want you to stay far away from gosalyn"

"Okay Lady, you are real bad at asking for help"

"Please talk some sense to Webby. You don't really believe that rock monsters are playing earthquake games"

"Huey's usually right about nerd stuff"

"Not this time. Those aftershocks are actually a revolt led by the lost terra-firmian prince. He's using the games as a distraction to storm the Calafirmy Citadel. It's all in this artist rendering"

"Ooh, that all sounds awesome, I want that to be true"

"Earthquakes are a result of shifting tectonic plates"

"But who's pushing the plates, Huey? Who's pushing the plates?"

"Other plates are pushing the plates"

"Now who sounds ridiculous?"

"Louie, who's side are you on?"

"Oh, neither. This is just way more entertaining than that movie. What? I got a refill on the way out. It's encouraged"

"Probably just some leftover rubble from the cave in"

"I'm coming your highness!"

"Webby, no, please it's not safe"

"Uh, this could be it, this could be the prince. This could be... a rock?"

"Uh, see, just a bolder from the cave in. Can we go back inside before we're crushed?"

"No. just because this is only a rock, doesn't mean there aren't terra-firmians still out there"

"So we're supposed to examine every rock in this tunnel? That actually sounds pretty fun. Wait, that's not the point"

"Looking good, Tea-time. Keep it up"

"This would go a lot faster if you'd give me a hand"

"Well, the sooner I help you, the sooner I never get to see my friends again, so..."

"Want me to go get one of the more trustworthy kids to help, or am I still not allowed to talk to them?"

"Do not mouth off to me. It's your fault we're in this mess. Who raised you, anyway? I know a bad influence when I see one. Those are good children with bright futures. Especially gosalyn"

"Yeah? And what does that make me?"

"I don't know"

"And I have no intention to red, If you're going to vandalize, at least do it right"

"So, Dew, it's nice down here, huh? Kinda natural for you. You know what I like? Dirt. Dirt's pretty cool and comfy huh? No grass seed without dirt"

"I guess"

"But I hate the sun. Not into that. Gets into your beady little eyes, makes everything all hot, plus it makes it a lot harder to possess people. No thanks, am I right?"

"Launchpad, do you think I'm a mole monster?"

"What? No, no. I can't believe my best friend is a mole monster"

"I'm your best friend?"

"Oh no, it can hear my thoughts. Keep it together, Launchpad. Gotta change the subject, somehow. Hey, you know what we should talk about? Another subject"

"Launchpad" gosalyn grabs his hand.

"Look at my eyes look at me"

"Ah I'm looking"

"You know you can trust me, right"


"Do you remember that day at the zoo you crashed my stroller in that alligator pit I nearly fell in but you caught me right"

"Yeah The zoo let us have anything in the gift shop just to not sue them"

"Exactly you known me long enough to know that I'm not a mole monster and there is no such thing" she hands him an old alligator plushie.

As he takes it he starts to get emotional, "I trust you, can't you trust me and dewy" the way she gives him puppy eyes make him realize it.

"Oh I'm sorry gosalyn" gosalyn and Launchpad hugged grossing dewy out.

"Ew" then he gets pulled in a hug.

"Aw, ok"

"Okay, look out the window. this is not real. You have a very active imagination, Webby, I want to encourage it. I admire your vivid imagination..."

"You're not even listening to me. You want to listen to me? I'm saying one thing, you are ridiculous, "I know everything, I am scientific, me and my science facts."

"...but this is a rock, not a terra-something, a stupid rock... that suddenly disappeared"

"Ohh, nice twist"

"Um, anything could have happened to that rock. It could have rolled off"

"Rolled off, up, and out of this dent? Hah, I don't think so"

"Uh, maybe it disintegrated, or sudden wormhole, they're always good for an unexplained disappearance, or we could all be seeing things because of a methane gas leak. Let me check the JWG"

"Are we all seeing that?"

"That? That's sparks from faulty wiring, or maybe a crazed sword killer with a flashlight. Still not counting out methane gas leak"

"Not everything is a methane gas leak"

"It's gone"

"Oh, that's way creepier"

"Ah, my eyes"

"Ah, I knew it! Mole man! Everything I ever seen in a movie is real! AAAHHH! AAAHHHH!!!"

"No Launchpad look it's just dewy" gosalyn says.

"Oh right sorry"

" I suppose you're good for something"

"Ah, don't hurt yourself with a compliment, Abby Road. I'm just trying to help"

"Alright, I've had it up to here with your horrid behavior"

Train turns on, Lena sees Magica in her shadow. Launchpad starts accelerator and train starts moving.



"This can't be happening"

"Down here!"



"cough, cough, woo, crashed it. Back foul monster you can't take me too, Mr McD won't give me the time off"

"Uh Launchpad, he doesn't give you any time off" gosalyn syas.

"Leave her, Lena. She'll never trust you. She's keeping you from them. Leave her and we'll be better off"


"Yeah, me. Let's go"


"Where are you?"

"Huey, Huey, c'mon, we got to go!"

"Can't. need to stay near the light. I can still see. the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook says I'm statistically safer this way"

"If you stay here, you'll be crushed"

"At least I'll know what's crushing me. Who knows what's out there?"

"We know what's out there. Terra-firmians"

"But if they're real, then what other crazy things are out there just waiting for me in the dark?"

"The only way to know is to find out together"

"uh okay, I didn't see that coming. Really came together in the third act"

"Everyone here? Everyone okay?"

"Oh yeah, we're A-ok. Just a couple of non-monster folk eager to help out"

"A way out? There's a way out?"

"There's always a way out like my dad always says" gosalyn said.

"Huey, wait. I told you they were real"

"He must be the prince and the others are his rebel force"

"They must have got trapped down here"

This must be the prince of the bill-faced creatures of the land above and the others are his rebel force"

"I told you they were real"



"That was interesting. We still need to find a way out"

"Look. they smashed us an exit"

"Thank you fellow underground creatures"

"Aw there're so cute" gosalyn says

"Sorry I doubted you"

"I'm proud of you, Huey. Facing your fears, embracing the unknown"

"Annd logged it! no longer unknown. They exist, science fact. Ah, that feels so much better"


"I really could get used to being down here"

"See Launchpad nothing to worry about" gosalyn locks her arms in his.

"why didn't you leave the big purple one? She's getting in the way of our plans"

"Lena, listen dear. I may have been a bit quick to judge you. Would you like to join us in the mansion for pancakes?"

"Now when you say pancakes do you mean actual pancakes or english muffins covered in maple syrup?"

"I mean actual pancakes"

"Then yes"

"Lena, you're welcome at the mansion any time"

"That's why. Gotta play the long game. Hey, wait up!"

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