The Curious Case of opal

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Scrooge, Della, and Ms. Beakley waited all night for Louie to come out from the operation.

They were waiting in the waiting lounge, sitting down.

Della was in the chair, half-asleep, Ms. Beakley was holding a cup of coffee and Scrooge was pacing back and forward.

As they waited, they heard the doors open and saw Louie in a Doctors uniform with a cap.

Louie: ok the operation was a success

Opal came out, trying to walk so she took small steps.

Opal: ooh

Louie: whoa there

He catches her on time then he helps her walk.

Louie: come on let's pack up so we can take you home

The three watch proudly as Louie was helping his little adopted sister.

(Theme song)

Meanwhile, at the mansion, the kids were watching a movie when they heard Scrooge opening the door.

Huey, webby and dewy tan up to him.

Webby: so what happened, dad

Scrooge made a look as he takes off his hat.

Scrooge: webby go upstairs for a minute, there is something I have to tell the boys

So she does as she's told and jumps upstairs, still eavesdropping. The two remaining triplets looked back at Scrooge as he bends down.

Scrooge: boys there's something we need to talk to you about

Huey: ok

Then he moves out of the way to see Della making a concern look.

Della: boys I found out what was wrong with Louie

Dewy: yeah

Huey: what is it

Della: well he decided that he wants to be a doctor

The boys were shock, mostly Huey was,

Dewy: that's cool, now on if one us gets hurt we don't have to see a doctor cause Louie is one

Dewy went to leave but Della stops him,

Della: that's not it, there's something else

So they listen in closer.

Della: Louie has been working at the hospital and well he's got something

The boys were eager to here what it was then Della moves to show Louie holding up opal.

Della: boys meet your new sister opal

Louie: hey guys come meet opal, say hi opal

He takes her hand and waves out to them.

Opal: (giggles)

All the triplets did was stare at their new sister, mouths opened wide.

Louie then puts her down, upstairs webby was shocked as the boys.

(Cut to commercial)

The boys watched as Louie the room nice for opal, he had made his bed hers, made a dresser for her clothes that he bought for her.

Opal help unpack her stuff which was a big suitcase, it was cute how she was dragging it across the room, setting it down and take her clothes out, she takes her stuffed swan plush and puts it on the bed.

Although dewy won't mind having a baby sister, Huey is still puzzling of how Louie became a doctor so quickly, it makes no sense.

Huey: ok when did you became a doctor

Dewy: and when did you adopt our sister

He picks her up and he mushes her face against his.

Opal: (giggles)

Louie: yesterday and I became a doctor many weeks ago

Webby: so how did you meet opal

Louie: when I started working at the hospital

Huey: you worked at the hospital

Louie: yes for weeks now, the doctors were really impressed by my talent they made me a doctor

Huey: but the study of being a doctor takes tears how did you managed to learn when your lazy

Louie: well after everything we been through after what mom told me, I decided to get a hobby so I read some of the medical books and over time I became good

They then turned to see dewy going through his bag and take out all his supplies. Then he takes out a Stethoscope and starts playing with it.

Dewy: ooh I'm going to go listen to Launchpad's heart

Louie then snatches it and puts it back in his bag.

Louie: give me that, that is not a toy

The next morning, everyone was at the table eating breakfast, Ms. beakley had pull out a high chair for opal and everyone was founded by her.

Everyone: aw

Webby: she is so cute

She then hands her a bowl of sugary cereal.

Beakley: here you are little one

Opal: (giggles)

Louie then ran and pushes the cereal away.

Louie: no she's not supposed to have surgery or artificial food

Dewy: oh cone on Louie let her be

Louie: no she's allergic to that stuff and she's lactose intolerant

Beakley: ok how about some toast

Louie: no she's allergic to wheat to

Beakley: really what else is see allergic to

Louie then pulls out a list.

Louie: she can't have milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, and soybean

Dewy: ok what can she eat

Louie: fruits and veggies

He takes out a applesauce and a spoon then gives it to opal.

Louie: but she has to eat it mashed up because her teeth are very sensitive

He then looks at his watch and realize he was getting late.

Louie: speaking of which I need you guys to watch her cause I got to go, can I count on you guys to watch

Dewy: you can count on us Louie

Louie: good he walks over to opal and kisses her forehead.

Louie: bye opal

Opal: (giggles) bye Louie

She watches him leave as everyone looks back at opal.

Later that same evening, Louie came back early.

Louie: hey guys I'm back

He was everyone upstairs, Huey, dewy, webby and opal on a sleigh.

Dewy: ready one...two


he drops his bag and tries to stop them but they already took off.

Kids: GO

opal: (happy screaming) AHH

Louie: AH

Louie ran up the stairs, jump and grabs opal, after the kids landed, they saw Louie falling down while protecting opal.

He then gets up while carrying opal, then he glares back at the others.

Louie: guys please no surprises or dangerous stunts, opal has a sensitive heart

They watched him go upstairs with opal and follows him.

Webby: well since that you're back, we can get ready for our trip to the deep Amazon jungle

Louie: so but I can't

Kids: huh

Dewy: why not

Louie: because I have to look after opal

Dewy: then we can bring her along with us

Louie: No are you crazy it's too dangerous to bring a baby on a adventure

Dewy: Louie she's our sister too and she needs to know what we do in our family

Louie: and what's that out your family in danger for a worthless treasure no she's not ready and she's just a baby

Huey: ok since when do you care about anyone other then yourself

Louie: since I became a doctor and wanted to help people

Huey: I just don't think your a doctor i mean how can you finally be smart enough to be a doctor, how can you be hard working when you were always lazy how could you read that many book in a week it's impossible


after he yelled out at his brothers they saw how scared they look and he made a worried look as turns around to tuck opal in bed.

She settles in and closes her eyes when Louie shuts the blinds, then he picks up the books off the floor and puts them in the closet.

Feeling guilty for the pressure he's put on his brother, he tries to talk to out to him.

Huey: what do mean feel important, you're important here

He then thrust him back and turns to face him.

Louie: AND WHAT EXACTLY AM I GOOD AT HERE (sigh) look you guys have your own thing here, dewy you're the adventurous one, Huey your the smart genius one and webby's a clone of Scrooge and a super spy and what am I, what those that make me, the troublemaker, the burden, the black sheep, what my role here, what makes me do important here

He sits down on a stack of books, feeling miserable. The brothers and webby feel back for him.

They walk up to him.

Louie: I just wanted to feel important in this family, sometimes I feel out of place and I guess the real reason why I adopted opal is because she makes me feel important. I just wanted to make the family proud

Huey then placed his hand on his shoulders.

Huey: you are important

He then gets up and moves his hand off.

Louie: oh what am good at that do important

Huey: uh

Dewy: oh

Huey: well uh

Dewy: uh

Louie: exactly

He goes back to sulking

Webby: you're good with heart-to-heart talk

Louie: meh

Dewy: you're good at planning

Louie: so

Huey: your good at giving pep talks

Still not looking them in the eye and feeling important, Huey sat down next to him.

Huey: it's always great to find a right angle to take control of a situation, but you simply can't plan for everything. You still believe that while you're bound to deal with bad surprises, they may also lead to a good one.

He looks up and smiles for a bit.

Dewy: your a unique snowflake Louie just in your own way

He then felt good about himself as he wrapped his arms around them then looks back at opal face who was sleeping peacefully.

Louie: thanks guys

Dewy: besides it's good that you found something that you're good at

Huey: yeah that way Uncle Scrooge won't have to pay cheap for a doctor, he'll use you

Louie: (soft chuckles)  yeah

Just then Launchpad came I , grabbing his finger while looking for Louie.

Launchpad: oh good dr. Louie your here, quick I need help, I got a splinter and it hurts really bad, can you please help me

He was shocked for how small the splinter was but saw how Launchpad was on his knees begging.

He smiles.

Louie: ok Launchpad hold on, dewy get my bag, Huey get some bandages

Dewy: yes dr. Louie

Huey runs to the restroom and dewy rushes on over to get his bag.

He grabs Launchpad's hand, take out a tweezers, pulls the splinter out.


Launchpad: OW

Huey gives him the first aid kit, he gets a bandage and puts it on his finger, behind them as opal was sleeping, she was smiling.

Opal: (giggles)

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