Chapter 5 pt 1

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A/N: This is a rewrite of a chapter because the other one was a pain in the *$$ and refused to be edited.

Y/N claps as Krel finishes his music.

"I'm DJ Kleb, and you've all been KLEBTASTIC!" Krel exclaims.

The teenager enjoyed that. Krel's fun, even though they've only spoken to him once before.

"Good job, whatever that was. And now, Mama Skull. Whatever that is." Senior Uhl announces.

Y/N smiles as they recognise the most popular girls of school walking onto the stage. They narrow their eyes at Claire's armour and helmet. The other two girls seem confused too.

"Um, hello? Can I have your attention? Look, I've got something to say. Something about this town." Claire frowns.

Y/N turns to the person next to them and frowns, "I don't think this is part of the show."

"Listen to me. Something dangerous is coming. Strange things happen in our town. We all know it! Pets go missing, people go missing. There's something alien amongst us, but we bury our heads in the sand and ignore it!" Claire continues.

Y/N feels a shiver running up their spine. Something's very wrong.

"But we can't do that tonight! Tonight, when night falls, you need to run!"

Suddenly, Darcie and Mary start playing, shocking Claire. Y/N turns around, noticing another person in similar armour to Claire's, only shorter and chubbier.

"No! This is not part of the show! You all need to run! You need to hide!" Claire orders.

Y/N frowns and runs out of the crowd. They have to get to their family. They pull out their phone and call their parents. Their father answers.

"Y/N? What's going on? Is something-"

Y/N interrupts, "No time, Dad! Just get everyone into the basement! Please, just trust me, Dad!"

Suddenly, the ground shakes, making the teen fall to their knees, the phone flying out of their hands as a pillar of smoke, fire, and darkness shoots into the sky. They gasp at the pillar as darkness spreads over the sky. The pillar roars as it consumes the light of the sun, turning it orange and possible to look at without being blinded. Y/N pales.

"Y/N! Are you there? Get to shelter now!" Their father's voice echoes over the speakers just before the phone is smashed.

Y/N looks up to see a giant creature with black stone for skin and metal armour around its body it's sickly green eyes staring down at the human.

(Looks something like this:)

The human gasps in fear and tries to run, only for the creature to pick them up.


Suddenly, a pink creature with curved blades cuts the other creature, turning it to stone, crumbling, letting Y/N down.

"Thank you." Y/N smiles, turning to the strange creature.

The creature leaves without a word, attacking other stone creatures. Y/N nods in appreciation, running home. They stop in front of their house seeing a lot of other creatures, some like the stone creature, others that seem to be stone but fight the others. The teen even swears some are in a bath.

Y/N frowns, "I'm not even gonna question that right now."

They run into their house, panicking, searching for the hidden trapdoor for the basement.

"Mum! Dad! S/N! B/N!" Y/N exclaims as they open the trapdoor, running into the basement.

They gasp as they find no one around. They go back upstairs, searching their sibling's rooms and parents room. They pick up S/N's phone and call their Dad.

"Dad! Where are you?" Y/N asks.

"Y/N! Kiddo, are you okay?" Their father answers.

Y/N exclaims, "Am I okay?! Where the hell are you? There are monsters outside and none of you are home! Where are you?!"

"We're getting to shelter! AH! Get away from my wife! Y/N, stay there!"

The call disconnects. Y/N growls in anger and searches through the basement for weapons. The teen picks up a metal bat with nails poking out of it, a whip with a sharp end on edge of the handle, a pepper spray liquid gun, and a Kendo sword. They are so glad their Dad watches Doomsday Preppers regularly and taught Y/N how to use the weapons and their own fists.

"This is my town, and my family is in danger! Running is not an option. I have to save my family!" Y/N growls, quickly tying their large/small amount of hair back out of their face, putting on protective clothing.

The teenager walks towards the door, their hand lingering over the door handle.

"Can I really do it? Can I really save them? Maybe I should just run..." They whisper, fear crawling back up to their mind.

They growl and shake the thoughts out of their head as a different fear dominates their mind. The fear of losing their family.

"I can't lose them! They're all I have!" Y/N growls, tears starting to show.

They grab the door handle, pulling the door open and running with the Kendo sword in anger and fear.


Y/N frowns as they make breakfast for Fenton and María, the wind whipping through the trees outside as a storm blows. The group had already prepared for the storm early.

"You really don't need to do this, Y/N." María smiles.

Y/N sighs, "I know. But it's nice and fun."

"It also gives me moments to think about that fateful day..."

Suddenly, Fenton lets out a scream, making Y/N and María quickly drop what they're doing and run to Fenton, where a shadow portal appears. Out walks a familiar teenage girl in purple armour.

"I think I got the wrong house..." She hesitates, making Fenton scream again.

Y/N chuckles, "Calm down, Fenton. It's for me."

Claire turns around to Y/N and smiles, "There you are, N/N!"

The two hug each other, missing their friend.

"It's been a while, Claire. In fact, you're just in time for breakfast. Holy Pretzel! I left the stove on!" Y/N exclaims, quickly running back into the kitchen.

Claire chuckles as she walks into the kitchen behind Y/N. Y/N breathes a sigh of relief as they plate the food.

"It's not burnt, thankfully." Y/N smiles.

The two pairs of species sit down at the table, Fenton and María at one side while Claire and Y/N sit on the other side.

"So... What brings you here?" Fenton asks, obviously nervous.

Claire hesitates, "It's a long story..."

Y/N replies, "She's here to help me hunt down Angor Rot and release him from Magica DeSpell's clutches. Whether it's by controlling him ourselves or by finding a way to give him back his soul, we don't know yet, we're still deciding. Our main objective is to get that blasted ring away from Magica. Don't worry, Claire. They know the basics."

Y/N shoves a hash brown in their mouth, happily eating the food. The News comes on the TV, getting the humans attention.

"Here in Duckburg, life is like a hurricane? Residents are battening down the hatches for the worst El Pato storm in decades." The news reporter announces.

Y/N frowns, "I didn't realise it was a hurricane. I just thought it was a bad storm."

"It's not a hurricane, and it's not just a bad storm." Claire shakes her head.

Y/N asks, "How do you know it's not- Oh... Right, magical senses. I forget you can sense things that us Normies can't."

Claire frowns, "Don't ever call anyone a Normie again."

"But it sounds cool!"

Fenton raises his hand in confusion.

"Oh, right, I haven't introduced you guys!" Y/N exclaims, "Fenton, María, this is Claire Nunez, a Shadow-magic wielder from my world. Claire, this is Fenton and María. The Cabreras. María is a cop while Fenton is a scientist. Claire's the daughter of a Councilwoman in our town. Everyone in this room except me is Spanish and knows that I am the Trollhunter."

Claire suddenly shudders.

"Something's wrong. I know where the source of the hurricane is coming from." Claire shudders.

Y/N quickly eats up the last of their food on their plate.

"Okay. I'm ready. Let's go! I'll just put on my armour." Y/N smiles as they pull out their amulet.

María frowns, "You're going? Now? In the storm?"

Fenton agrees, "M'ma's right! It's too dangerous to run out into the storm!"

"Who says we'll be walking?" Y/N smirks.

Claire rolls her eyes and forms a portal with her hand. Y/N summons the armour, leaving their head open.

"We'll try to come back in one piece." Y/N jokes as they pull Claire through the portal.

The portal closes quickly, leaving Fenton and María in awkward silence.

"I'll... be doing work in my room." Fenton hesitates.

María nods, "And I'll be watching my show."


As soon as Y/N and Claire step through the portal, Y/N summons their helmet.

"Where are we?" Claire asks.

Y/N takes notice of where they are, frowning at the expensive furniture and decorative pieces, including a painting of Scrooge McDuck.

"Considering the expensive decor, I'd say we're in the mansion of the richest duck in the world. Scrooge McDuck." Y/N frowns.

Y/N then pulls Claire back behind a wall as Scrooge walks past. When he's out of sight, Y/N lets out a sigh in relief.

"What was that about?" Claire asks.

Y/N answers, "Scrooge has it in for me. Although his mood may have changed considering Lena and I saved him from a Golem and I yelled that he was under my protection."

Claire makes a confused face.

"I'll explain everything another day. But can we worry about the hurricane right now?" Y/N asks.

Claire nods, the two walking through the house, gentle clanking of metal against the wooden floor.

"Hey cool! A dead guy!" Dewey's voice exclaims.

Y/N and Claire quickly run to a window to see three ducklings outside, dragging a body inside. The two shrug and run downstairs to see-

"A cave duck!" Huey smiles, looking at said duck.

Y/N sighs, "Oh, Huey."

Claire gives Y/N a confused look.

"I know them all. Well, except the tall woman over there." Y/N whispers, pointing to a buff woman.

"Aww... Hey, little guy." Webby smiles.

The cave duck jumps towards the ducks, sniffing them.

"Maybe we should let them know we're here?" Claire asks.

Dewey exclaims, "Oh, maybe he was frozen on an iceberg..."

"And the iceberg melted and he was washed ashore with the storm!" Webby finishes.

Scrooge scoffs, "Yeah, pffffft.... frozen in an iceberg. Preposterous!"

Webby frowns, "It happened to you twice."

Y/N laughs, "Look at that! You learn something new every day. How ya doin', Tophat?"

Everyone turns to the two humans in armour in shock.

"Trollhunter?" The children and Della chorus.

"What are ye doing in me house?!" Scrooge exclaims.

Y/N shrugs, "Eh, long story involving my friend. Oh, by the way, I gotta introduce you. Guys, this is Claire. Claire, that's Danger Dewey," they gesture to each person as they say their names, Dewey having a face full of joy, "That's Weird Webby, by the way, weird is awesome, don't take offence. Huey, A.K.A. Brainiac. Scotty McTophat, not explaining that one, and that's the boy's mother, was it, Danna?"

"Della." She frowns.

Y/N shrugs, "I was close. But I don't know Sky High over there." pointing to the tall woman. "Wait, where's Lazy and Road Hazard?"

Webby asks, "You mean Louie and Launchpad? I think they're upstairs."

Y/N shrugs, "I can say hi to him later. By the way, what's up with the Cave-dude?"

Everyone shrugs except Scrooge, who's got a glare on the two teens. Claire notices and just deadpans at his stare. Huey goes back to his earlier freakout over the cave duck.

"He could prove my report is accurate to the Junior Woodchuck Council and guarantee my entry gets in the new guidebook!" Huey exclaims.

"Great!" Della exclaims.

The tall duck frowns, "Aaaand possibly disrupt all of Time."

Y/N shrugs, "I agree with the Jolly Green Giant. Time travel is not something to mess around with."

Claire nods, "I've had my fair share of Time Travel. Not as great as it seems."

Della frowns, "Aww... But it's one little cave duck!"

"Time doesn't care." Y/N frowns.

The tall duck nods, "The Trollhunter is right. Small problems can turn into big problems if not prevented early. Step a butterfly in the past..."

Della asks, "Duuuude, why would you step on a butterfly? That's sick, lady. Sick!"

Claire frowns, "She's talking about the butterfly effect. It's a hypothetical situation."

"Good! Keep it that way. Kids, take him to the TV room before the butterfly basher here gets to him." Della frowns, referring to the tall woman.

Y/N chuckles, "I'm so glad I'm not the only one that does nicknames."

The older woman goes to protest when there's another crash.

Scrooge frowns, "We'll deal with these crises in order of importance. Strange storm first, Caveduck second. Trollhunter third."

Y/N exclaims, "I'm not a crisis!"

Scrooge glares at Y/N, who just ignores him and follows the kids.


The two humans watch as the ducks make the Caveduck welcome, which basically means watching them make a pillow fort with the couch. Huey's driving the humans insane by acting like the Caveduck is an idiot.

"I made this shelter based on cave paintings from your time! I couldn't find any mastodon fur, so I improvised. Just like home, huh?" The Caveduck sniffs the pillow fort, then turns away from it. "No, you're right. Cozy blankets are no substitute for mastodon fur. Hey!" Huey exclaims as the Caveduck steals the young boys' hat.

"Hahaha! He's got a hat like a person." Webby smiles.

Dewey frowns, "Webby, please. This is serious."

He then turns the hat backwards, making the teens chuckle.

"Duckus lopithicus is not a joke! He doesn't understand your funky fresh ways." Huey exclaims, wiggling his hips while saying that, making the Trollhunter burst out laughing. "I've reconstructed some rudimentary Caveduck language."

He then makes some strange noises, which confuse the humans and other ducks. The CaveDuck starts talking.

"Ba, ba, Bubba!" He exclaims.

Webby smiles, "Maybe Bubba is his name. Hi, I'm Wabba!"

Trollhunter smirks, "I agree."

Huey frowns, "That's ridiculous. He can't understand modern language, Webby. I'll offer him some tree bark and leaves as a peace offering."

The humans and Caveduck make disgusted faces until Bubba eats what looks to be a hot dog from Dewey's hand, then topples the pillow fort.

Trollhunter asks, "Was that a Chilli Dog?"

Dewey nods, making Trollhunter chuckle.

"Mmm... Bubba Grubba." Bubba smiles.

Claire jokes, "Bubba speaks in the third person a lot."

Huey, about to lose his mind, exclaims, "Caveducks. Do not. Eat. Cheese dogs!"

Dewey yells, "They do now!"

Bubba runs out of the room, the ducklings chasing him. Claire chuckles as the kids continue to sputter out exclamations.

"At least try the bark!"

The teenagers chase after the children, chuckling. Suddenly, Bubba finds a skateboard, although Claire's half sure Dewey gave it to him.

"He shouldn't be exposed to wheels for another 10,000 years!" Huey exclaims as they pass by Louie and Launchpad.

Trollhunter smiles, "Hi Lazy!"

Dewey exclaims, "Louie, we have a new brother! He's a cave duck and his name is Bubba."

Louie asks, "I'm sorry, what's this now?"

"Wanna hear his theme song?" Dewey asks just before singing, "Bubba, bubba... that's all I've got."

Bubba then crashes into a Chilli dog stand, a painting falling on his head, where the humans notice he's wearing sunglasses.

Bubba laughs, "Woah ho ho! Bubba.... flubba?"

"Ooh, that's good! Lyrical genius this guy!" Dewey exclaims.

Claire sighs, "Guys, he's wrecking the house."

Trollhunter nods, "True. Oh, hey Launchpad!"

"Della, clearly you can see there is a problem here?" The woman asks.

Della frowns, "Kids. If you're gonna let the cave duck skateboard in the house, he should be wearing a helmet. Problem solved, good parenting Della."

Claire frowns, "You haven't had much practice being a parent, have you?"

Della asks, "How could you tell?"

"Call it a hunch." Claire frowns.

The Trollhunter walks over to the tall woman and asks, "Okay, what is your name? I don't wanna be completely rude, so I'm asking for your name before it just gets awkward."

"Mrs Beakley."

"Nice ta meet you!" Trollhunter smiles.

"Bubba tuba! Bubba tuba!" Bubba suddenly yells, pointing at Louie.

A few people look at Louie with suspicion.

Webby asks, "Ooh, what does Tubba mean?"

Louie obviously lies, "Oh, nothing... hehe, it's just cave duck nonsense, ehehe..." He then whispers something to Bubba.

The humans exchange looks. Claire grabs the Trollhunter and walks away.

"It's the green one's fault. You can see that clearly." Claire frowns.

Trollhunter nods, "It's definitely Louie, but I think he's just done one of those Get-rich-quick schemes."

Suddenly, all the clocks in the building start spinning like crazy as Claire grabs her head in pain.

"Oh great! We're in a paradox! I'll prepare for the Time Reapers." Trollhunter frowns.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes, making Pirates appear on the boat in Scrooge's pool.

Launchpad exclaims, "Hey, it's those pirates!"


"The El Pato storm has merged with a terrifying Time Vortex that local reporters are calling a Timephoon! The Timephoon has unsurprisingly localised itself above McDuck Manor. For more, we go to our guest weatherman, Benjamin Frankloon?!"

A duck version of Benjamin Franklin continues the forecast, "As history's foremost meteorologist, What the devil is this box?! Is it stealing my soul?!"

The confused duck practically assaults the camera, cracking the lens.

"Back to you, Roxanne."

The Trollhunter bursts out laughing, "Oh my goodness! That's hilarious!"

Claire and a few other adults glare at the Trollhunter. The only child in the room is Louie. The others went searching for Bubba.

"I'm not going to lie! But fine. This is very bad." Trollhunter pouts, not that anyone can see it through their helmet.

Scrooge frowns, "We need to find the cause of this Timephoon! Did anyone touch a cursed artifact or some kind of improperly worded wish?"

Mrs Beakley frowns, "S.H.U.S.H. Chrono protocol suggests that someone is tampering with the Timestream at specific points, but who? And how?"

Scrooge wheels a whiteboard to the group of people and turns it, revealing an image of something in a bath, what seems to be an elephant, and two other crudely drawn people.

Louie panics, immediately trying to wipe it off, "But this could be any of the Time shenanigans we've dealt with recently! Why assign blame?"

Claire narrows her eyes at Louie, rubbing her head as another headache comes on.

Della smiles, "Louie's right! It's not like we haven't faced Pirates before!"

Scrooge takes Louie away from the board and starts writing equations, explaining the Timephoon.

"Each new arrival adds to the rift. The more contemptible continuum crashers arrive, the worse the storm gets!" Scrooge explains.

Trollhunter mutters to Claire, "I'm gonna start calling him the Doctor or David Tennant with all these time travel terrors."

"You both are good at those tongue twisters." Claire mutters back.

Beakley frowns, "So what you're saying is that we should stop these small problems now so they don't get out of hand and cause big problems later."

Della turns to Beakley and smiles, "I see how you turned this into a lesson on parenting, and I am impressed."

"Perhaps Gyro has some Time Tech left that will help us identify what's causing this." Scrooge frowns.

"I love where your head's at, Uncle Scrooge! Oh, too bad we can't go ask him. You know, 'cause of the storm." Louie frowns.

Claire asks, "Uncle?"

"Hey, Claire can travel anywhere if she has an emotional anchor there or knows the location! She can get us there!" Trollhunter pipes up.

Suddenly, thunder echoes through the room and a chicken the Trollhunter finds familiar falls into the middle of the room.

He grabs Scrooge and shakes him, yelling, "Someone stole my Time Tub and destroyed Time and Space!!!"

Claire frowns, "I'm going to help the kids with Bubba."

She gets up and makes a portal to the children.


"Maybe your research is wrong? DON'T HURT ME!" Dewey exclaims as Claire steps out of the portal.

Huey cracks up laughing, which starts to sound evil, then he frowns, "My research? Wrong?! Nonononononono! The cave duck is wrong! He understands modern language, has mastered the wheel, enjoys processed meats?! He's far too advanced!"

Claire suggests, "Maybe he's from another timeline than what you think. He could be from the tower of Babel for all we know, and he's just speaking a dead language."

Suddenly, Bubba rolls in front of the young people playing a Keytair like a pro. Huey bites his book in an effort to not scream.

"I take it back. He's a cave duck that has adapted to his new environment." Claire deadpans as a high pitched squeal starts to go through the room coming from Huey.

Webby smiles, "Advanced is right! Did you see the finger progression on that Solo? This is your chance to find out the real truth! Isn't that what the Jr Woodchucks are all about?"

Huey, whose eyes are going red and looks like he's about to snap, exclaims, "FINE! I'm going to observe him so HARD! COME HERE YOU HISTORICAL ABOMINATION!"

Claire backs away, "I think it was less confusing back with the adults."

She turns and walks back downstairs, her headache getting worse as the storm does.


Scrooge frowns, "Start from the beginning."

Gyro explains, "Okay, I was in my lab, definitely not cloning an army when there was a sudden flash. I turned around and my Time Tub was gone! I was caught in the afterblast-!"

Louie exclaims, "That's a thing!?"

Trollhunter immediately takes note of this, adding it to their mental "Louie had a Get-rich-quick scheme that failed and is tearing apart reality" folder as everyone looks at him.

"I mean, go on." He hesitates as he pulls up his hood and tightens it, trying to make himself smaller.

Gyro continues, "And hurdled through Time and space to this very moment!"

Louie interrupts, "And then the thief disappeared into the timestream! He could be anywhen! Oh, we'll never find him!"

Trollhunter mutters, "Adding that to suspicious activity folder."

Gryo frowns, "The thief must be bringing items from the past here. That's why the storm is dumping people from those time periods on your doorstep. The Time Tub and the thief are in this house!"

Everyone stares at Gyro in deadpan except for Trollhunter.

"It's not me, I just got here." Gyro frowns.

Scrooge frowns, "Said the clone."

"Hey, I've had a few clones of myself! It's a dizzying experience, considering they all took only one aspect of my personality each, including my love of singing, but clones are not something to be worried about. Oh, and it's not Claire or me, she just came from my world to help me with a few things, including hunting a certain Golem spawning troll." The Trollhunter frowns at Scrooge specifically.

Della frowns, "So we need to find a master thief capable of breaking into both the lab and the mansion."

"It's one of the kids." Scrooge deadpans.

"Definitely, I'll get Dewey." Beakley frowns.

Trollhunter chuckles as Della yells, "What?!"

Suddenly, another lightning flash happens and a Ninja appears on the table, making Gyro scream. Trollhunter chuckles as the Ninja crawls up into the rafters like a spider.

"Ninjas! Worse than termites! You cannae ever get them out of the rafters. I'll spook him down!" Scrooge frowns as he walks away.

Trollhunter yells, "No need! I got this!"

They step on the wall and run up it, concentrating as Claire walks into the room. Trollhunter jumps onto the Ninja, pulling him down to the ground, wrestling with it as it pulls out a knife. Trollhunter summons their thigh glaives, blocking the knife.

"Nice knife. Mine's better."

Della frowns, "The kids couldn't have done this!"

The Ninja throws the Trollhunter away, where a Shadow Portal appears, the teenager disappearing into it as another one appears nearby, dropping them onto the couch, making Gryo scream again.

"I'm sure they didn't mean to." Beakley frowns as they throw the Ninja away.

Trollhunter nods, "Thanks C-Bomb."

The Ninja appears behind Beakley with a smoke bomb, but Claire holds her hand out, a shadow portal forming just above Beakley and below the Ninja.

"Not today!" Claire growls, opening another portal to her left, throwing the ninja into a bookshelf.

"I need to find myself a Skathe-hrün to learn how to do that!" Trollhunter smirks.

"I'm sorry I don't yell at them for every little thing, but they're good kids!" Della exclaims as the Ninja runs out of the room, the group following him.

Beakley frowns, "Even good things do dumb things, and we have to make sure those dumb things don't turn into bad things like destroying all of existence!"

Trollhunter exclaims, "Are you seriously having this conversation while fighting a Ninja?! While I admit that is really good multi-tasking, it's weird."

The Ninja disappears for a moment, then reappears behind Della, who blocks his sword with her metal foot. Trollhunter jumps in between them with the sword Daylight.

"Nice sword. Mine's bigger." Trollhunter smirks, then cuts his sword in half. "And more deadly, apparently..."

Beakley whistles, gaining the attention of the others. Claire chuckles as her eyes land on the words Santa Trap.

"Saraba!" Trollhunter exclaims as Claire makes a portal underneath him, then one aiming at the chimney.

The Ninja gets thrown into the firepit, where bars come down after Beakley pushes the Santa Trap button. The ninja hurriedly scurries up as the fire lights itself.

"I officially love this house!" Trollhunter exclaims.

Scrooge appears again and yells, "There are Spanish Freedom Fighters on the roof!"

Beakley asks, "Are you certain?"

A muffled, "Viva la revolution!" is heard from above.

"Oh, no, they may be French." Scrooge shrugs.

Claire frowns, "Too bad. I could've reasoned with them."

Trollhunter jokes, "Claire, so could I, but Freedom fighters are not someone that can be reasoned with."

The entire group runs to the roof to fight the newcomers.

"This is the most fun I've had since Krel and I put the electricity of the entire town in the shape of Lightning in a bottle just to mess with the Arcadia!" Trollhunter laughs.


After a while, the group runs back into the house to see Bubba riding a dinosaur.

"Should I stop being surprised now?" Trollhunter asks.

Claire shakes her head, "Nope. I still get surprised."

"Okay, I admit, this is a big problem! What do we do, Mrs B?" Della asks, worried.

Beakley answers, "Well, first we have to-"

She's suddenly cut off as she gets hit by lightning, sending everyone back a few feet.

"Mrs B!" Della gasps, staring at the spot Beakley once was.

"Bubba Trubba."

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