Chapter 4

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Some would say Scrooge McDuck is a selfish man, but anyone that really knows Scrooge knows that his family made him more generous than in his youth. He's become protective of his family, so if anything were to threaten them, he'd do whatever he could to protect them. This is why he doesn't like this Trollhunter or Y/N character. Wherever they've shown themselves, danger has often been nearby. And whenever he saw them, it was with his family. They pose a threat to his family. He opens his security room and watches the camera feed, remembering last night how they had left a dangerous weapon in his room with a knife. He then gapes at what the screen reveals.

"What is that magical miscreant doin' on mah roof?!" Scrooge exclaims, glaring at the image of the Trollhunter in red armour.

The Trollhunter seems to climb over the walls and parts of the roof, paying no mind to the laws of gravity. Some they climb, some they walk up. Then they show off, somersaulting to get to another part of the roof. He watches as the Trollhunter sits on his roof for a long time, obviously thinking about something. He fast-forwards, looking for when they move again. He plays the footage again when they take out a pen and paper, writing on it, then pulling out the dagger Scrooge has in his hands now. He watches as the Trollhunter then jumps into his study.

"How did they get past the booby-traps?" Scrooge questions.

"Might I suggest, sir, that they really were just trying to warn you of a new enemy?" Duckworth asks, phasing through the wall, standing next to Scrooge as he watches the Trollhunter.

The Trollhunter makes no move to steal anything, just leaving the weapon and note in the chair, which Scrooge looks at again. As the Trollhunter leaves, he watches as they spy on the kids' slumber party. They chuckle a few times at the kids. Their body language seems relaxed. He frowns, turning away from the cameras. He walks out, grumbling. Duckworth continues to watch the videos, learning something about the Trollhunter. They seem to have a soft spot for children and seem willing to kill to protect them.


Y/N and Fenton are busy chatting with each other in the backyard, Y/N telling him all about their experiences the previous evening and this morning.

"And then I knocked her out like a Troll would have! Oh, Blinky would've been so proud!" Y/N smirks.

Fenton asks, "How do you think she got that technology, though?"

"My thoughts? She stole it somehow, whether it be from your boss, Beaks, Glomgold, or someone else." Y/N shrugs.

María calls the two smart people, "Y/N! Fenton! We have a visitor!"

Y/N and Fenton exchange glances, wondering who's visiting. They both walk inside to see-

"Lena?" Y/N asks.

Said duck turns around and smiles, "Y/N. Um... the Trollhunter said if I ever needed... something, to come here."

Y/N puts their hand on Lena's shoulder, "Sure, Firewood. Is it something private or can you talk about it with María and Fenton around?"

Lena rubs the back of her neck, "I'd rather talk in private, if that's okay."

Y/N nods in understanding. Beter to talk about a lot of stuff in private.

"María, Fenton, we'll be in my room." Y/N smiles.

María nods as the two teenagers towards the room. Y/N opens the door, leading Lena inside. They close the door, turning to the other teen.

"Alright kid, you wanted to talk to the Trollhunter?" Y/N asks.

Lena frowns, "Yes, I did, Trollhunter."

Y/N stares in shock.

"You have the same magical energy. I stayed behind yesterday. Something about you worried me. I then saw you punch Magica." Lena frowns. "But what I wanna know is this; Who is Angor Rot?"

Y/N frowns, "It's a long story. You're gonna want to sit down. This is the story I've been told."

Lena nods, sitting down on Y/N's bed.

"In my world, Angor Rot was a warrior troll who lived during Gunmar the Black's War for the Surface Lands. The ongoing war raids between Gunmar and King Arthur had been happening for years and had ravaged Angor Rot's village. At some point during this war, Angor had found a drowned girl and brought her to a sea cave in the Bulgaria's Black Sea that he had heard legends of, one where powerful spirits were said to reside, who would sometimes come to the aid of Magickind. Here he'd hoped that she might find peace with the spirits who communed there." Y/N explains.

Lena leans forward, interested in the story. As Y/N talks, they take a piece of paper and start drawing.

"While the war between Gunmar and Arthur eventually ended at the Battle of Killahead, it left Angor's home in ruins and defenceless. Long after the Battle of Killahead, to gain the strength he needed to defend it from raiders in the war's aftermath, Angor returned to the sea cave he'd once brought the drowned girl to, hoping that perhaps he could find strength for himself, too. Offering his flesh for power, Angor tried to barter with the spirit of the cave. Little did Angor know that within the cave, Morgana Le Fay, the very person he had brought there years prior, lie waiting, driven mad with vengeance after being defeated and sealed away in the Heartstone across the world by Merlin and his apprentice. Though her physical body remained trapped, she had found a way to project her spectral form into this place of power. Embittered and agonized by her loss and imprisonment, Morgana saw Angor's arrival as an opportunity. She used Angor Rot as her pawn, taking his soul and transferring it into the Inferna Copula, a ring with which she could control Angor Rot, and use him to erase Merlin's legacy and kill his Trollhunters." Y/N continues to explain as they finish the drawing, handing it to Lena.

Y/N continues, "For hundreds of years, Angor Rot murdered dozens of Trollhunters and took their souls in order to fill the void that had been created due to the loss of his own. At some point, Angor decided to hunt Merlin himself in Aysa-Thoon, a temple dedicated to both Merlin and Morgana. However, the wizard managed to lock him up within the temple as punishment for assassinating his champions under the orders of Morgana. Centuries later, Stricklander, a changeling who's now good, found him and controlled him in order to dispose of my last predecessor, Jim Lake Jr."

Lena asks, "Did he succeed?"

Y/N smiles, "Thankfully not. Jim, the first human Trollhunter, managed to survive every encounter with him. He was marked with the Sigil of Angor Rot. Basically, everyone else who had that mark on them died, not just a death like a stab, but he stole their souls too, a fate worse than death. Jim had to kill Angor Rot... twice."

"Wait, how did he die twice?" Lena asks.

"First, Jim stabbed Angor with his own knife coated in Creepers Sun poison, which turns you to stone and effectively kills you, then his friend Toby smashed him with a heavy hammer, releasing the souls of the Trollhunters he killed. The second time, Morgana had brought him back to life, with his soul in his body. He was still on her side for a while, but Jim reminded him of why he went to Morgana. He was once a great warrior hero of Trollkind. Jim asked him what his excuse was now he had his soul back. That put things in perspective for him. He finally chose the right side, but at the cost of his life as he held Morgana down, letting him stab her. But she was a 900 year old witch. A sword made for killing Trolls did nothing to her, but they wouldn't let Angor's second death and sacrifice be in vain. Claire, who was kind of like you, used the Skathe-Hrün, or Shadow Staff, to lock Morgana into the Shadow Realm, which killed her. Actually, you'd be surprised how many people have died more than once." Y/N explains.

Lena frowns, "What's the Shadow Realm like in your world? Here it's kind of like here, just everything's dark. I was stuck in there and followed Webby around."

Y/N frowns, thinking, "I don't think it's like that in my world. When Claire described the Shadow Realm to me, it's like... space, making you weightless, but with breathable air and without stars. Just darkness, asteroids, and the light that comes through the opening one can make with Shadow Magic. Magic's different through the multiverse."

Lena sighs, "In my experience, nothing good comes out of magic."

"Now, that's not true, Lena. There's good magic, then there's bad magic. Some people can use both, but too much of a bad magic affects some. You just haven't had the best experience with magic. I've had a few experiences. Sometimes, you have to fight fire with fire. Admittedly, when some do that, we all get burned. Hisirdoux, although we call him Douxie, he was a magical kid. He was born with magic too. Obviously not like you have been, but if a human were to just have magic, they did what they could to use it to their advantage." Y/N smiles.

Lena frowns, "Well, you don't know what it feels like to dream constantly about being a monster."

Y/N frowns, "You're right. I don't. But... it seems to me like you have a lot of talent for magic and very little training. I don't know what it's like to feel that you've turned into someone like Magica. But I do know someone who does."

Suddenly, a small glowing blue portal as big as a handheld mirror forms right next to Y/N, shocking Lena and confusing Y/N.

"Douxie? What's wrong?" Y/N asks, seeing her friend with blue tips.

Douxie answers, "Angor Rot's remains are missing. Claire tried to find him with Shadow Magic, but-"

"He's here, Douxie. Angor Rot is here in Duckburg. Someone's meddled with Dark magic, bringing back the Inferna Copula, and now Magica DeSpell, who I believe is this world's version of Morgana, controls Angor." Y/N interrupts.

Douxie pales to the colour of Lena's feathers as Lena stares at Y/N in shock.

"If someone is controlling him, that world is in even more danger than I thought!" Douxie frowns.

Y/N nods, "In fact, I'm glad you called. I need Claire here for more than one reason."

Douxie nods, "I'll send her there as soon as I can. She'll find you."

Y/N nods, the portal disappearing.

"Well, McDuck's not gonna be happy." Y/N cringes.

Lena asks, "Is it because of the magic?"

Y/N shakes their head, "No, he just hates me. Now we need to find Angor Rot before he can hurt Scrooge!"

Both teens run out of the room, urgency on their faces.

"Woah, Woah, where are you going?" María exclaims.

Lena hesitates while Y/N immediately answers at flash speed, "We're-going-to-do-our-best-to-save-a-Scotsman-from-having-his-soul-eaten! If-I'm-not-back-by-dinner-I'll-cook-breakfast! Love-ya! Bye!"

They grab Lena's hand and run out, summoning the Daylight armour and running towards the woods, leaving a very confused Spanish duck.


Scrooge frowns, pacing through his study, trying to figure out what the Trollhuner's angle is. Why are they always around his family? He looks out the window to see something just in the shadows in his yard. He narrows his eyes in suspicion. It hides behind a tree. Scrooge frowns as he walks down his stairs.

"Beakley, I'm going outside." Scrooge announces.

Beakley turns to Scrooge in confusion as he walks outside to his yard. She shrugs as she continues vacuuming. He looks around, searching for what he saw when something comes out of the ground. It looks ugly, mud and grass covering its entire form. (I'm horrible at describing them. Here's a picture for those who don't know Golems:)

Scrooge jumps out of the way as it brings its muddy fist down to smash Scrooge.

"Why you malevolent mud-slinging miscreant!" Scrooge exclaims.

The slow creature brings his fist down to destroy Scrooge again when a glowing blue light slashes at the creature's arm, cutting it off.

"For the glory of Hisirdoux, not another step towards the sassy Scot!" A familiar voice exclaims.

Scrooge gasps as he sees the Trollhunter standing in front of him, sword in the air aimed at the creature. The creature goes to slam its regrown arm into them, but they quickly slash the arm again and stab its chest, quickly pulling out a totem and throwing it to-

"Lena?!" Scrooge asks.

Lena catches the totem, examining it. It had a round head with a nose and eyes carved into it, arms and legs like anything else, and a strange symbol on its chest.

Trollhunter slashes the beast again, making the creature pick them up and wave them around as it walks towards Lena.

They yell to Lena, "Destroy the Animus Totem! The Golem can't survive without it!"

Lena crushes it with her magic, and the mud creature just falls, disintegrating, leaving mud and grass on all three living beings.

"What in Blazes was that?!" Scrooge exclaims, pointing an accusatory glare at the Trollhunter.

The Trollhunter tries to wipe some mud off and growls, "Angor Rot. This was his work. I recognised it from the Eternal Night when I was attacked by one of these. Only the one that attacked me was made of glass and was smashed by a tubby guy wielding a floating hammer. We're lucky it was this and not a Gumm-Gumm." Trollhunter then yells, "I know you're there, Angor! I know you can hear me! McDuck is under MY protection! This could end three ways, Rot! You could kill us, I could kill you, or we can help each other! It's your choice! I'll let you think it over. For now, get lost!"

Lena and Scrooge exchange confused glances, not realising that a certain Troll was watching the whole thing, and has just disappeared into the shadows of the woods, looking behind in curiosity at the human.

The Trollhunter continues to shake themselves off, "You got my letter, right Scotty?"

Lena asks, "What's with you and the nicknames?"

"It's easier than making an effort to remember people's names." Trollhunter shrugs. "Now, Angor Rot is still targeting you. If I've learned anything from my predecessors, he was studying how you fought. He's dangerous. More dangerous than Glomgold, the Beagles, and Magica DeSpell. But he also has no choice. Lena, you tell him what I told you. I have to go."

The human goes to run off, then stops for a moment, turning to the ducks.

"And, both of you, get a shower."


Y/N groans as they walk into the Crabera's house, getting the attention of both residents, mud and grass spreading from their hair down to their feet, in between their chest and shirt, inside their pants, even somehow in their underwear. Kind of like that feeling when you go to the beach and sand gets everywhere, only with mud and grass, which dries in bigger clumps.

"What happened to you?" Fenton asks.

Y/N replies, "Golem."

They promptly fall onto the ground, exhausted from fighting and running as some mud falls to the ground.

"I think I'll just... pass out here, thanks..." Y/N trails off as their eyes roll into the back of their head.

María frowns as she picks up the human and carries them to the bathroom, filling up the bathtub with warm water. The duck sighs at the human. The poor kid can't catch a break. Maybe María should go with them next time they go out.


After a long clean, getting mud and grass out from underneath their own feathers, Lena's explaining the story of the Trollhunter and Angor Rot to Scrooge in the loungeroom, on the lounge. Thankfully, the triplets, Webby, and Della aren't back yet.

Scrooge frowns, "So, what yer sayin' is that this Trollhunter is from another dimension and the Golem was made by one of their enemies, who's now hunting me under Magica's orders?"

Lena nods, "That's basically the gist of it."

"So what happens now?" Scrooge asks.

Lena shrugs, "I'm not entirely sure. But I know Angor Rot's situation. Maybe Webby, Violet, and I can find a way to get his soul back in his body."

Scrooge refuses, "Not yet. The kids can't know just yet."

"Why not?" Lena asks. "The sooner they know, the sooner we can get Angor Rot out of Magica's clutches!"

"From what you've told me, he's an assassin. You can't trust assassins! What if he decides to turn on us as soon as we free him?" Scrooge frowns.

Lena hesitates, then slumps down in disappointment.

"I guess you're right." Lena sighs.

Suddenly, the door opens to the mansion, a bundle of laughs coming through the house. Webby's eyes land on Lena and she immediately goes off on a long story about their adventure.

"Lena! I'm so glad you're here! You won't believe the adventure we were just on! Della's ancestor on the Non-McDuck side, Cornielias Coot fought off the Beagle Boys with POPCORN! POPCORN!" Webby exclaims.

Lena blinks a few times, then smiles, "Why don't you tell me about it?"

The two walk off to Webby's room as the triplets walk to their own room, chattering away. Scrooge frowns in thought. The fight from earlier is still on his mind, the Trollhunter's words still ringing in his ears.

"McDuck is under MY protection!"

Why would they say that? Are they really not a bad person? Scrooge continues to ponder this. He then pulls out a picture of Y/N. How are they connected to the Trollhunter?

"So you've had quite the busy day, sir." Duckworth announces his presence as he dusts an old painting in the room.

Scrooge sighs, "I suppose ye saw them?"

Duckworth nods, "Indeed. I have never seen that style of fighting before, though. And they seemed genuinely concerned for you. Perhaps they're just getting on their feet before someone like this Angor fellow removes them."


At nighttime, in the Financial District of Duckburg, a dark portal appears, little whisps of dark mist swirling around it in the shape of a tall oval. 

Out steps a teenage girl with a large patch of white in her black hair, reddish brown eyes, and purple armour. Her hair is tied back into a bun while she's wearing purple armour.

"Now, where are you, Y/N?" She asks, walking through the night, exhausted from creating that portal between the two worlds.

A/N Wowza, that took a while. No it didn't. You know that.

Anyway, Now Claire's here! Yayyyyyy! I have noticed that some of my readers may not know what Trollhunters is, and therefore have no idea what armour Y/N is wearing. So, Here it is, just imagine yourself in it:

The Amulet:

The Helmet looks kind of like this, but this is Eclipse helmet and the internet won't provide the pictures I want:

Basically, Eclipse armour is just inverted colours. Here's a more helpful description I found. Wanna know more? Ask Wiki.

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