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Inside a house in Arcadia, two young-looking humans are standing, talking about what's happened in Arcadia and what will happen to one of them. One is a black-haired boy with blue tips on the end of his hair while the other is a H/C haired person with an amulet in their hand, a backpack, and a few bags on their arms. Their names are Douxie and Y/N.

"And your sure you're going to be alright? You're probably going to be there for a year or two." Douxie asks.

Y/N smiles, "I'll be fine, wizard. I've got a Horngazel, a Kairosect for emergencies, enough Australian and American frozen food to last me a year if I can control myself and plenty of clothes and another bag of hoodies. You know how I pack my clothes. Although, do you think you'd be able to spell freeze them for me? Magicked frozen food lasts longer."

Douxie chuckles, "Alright. But I'm giving you a magic necklace that should keep you warm or cool, depending on the weather you're going to be in. I don't know what kind of atmosphere it's going to be in or if you'll even find Trolls there. All I know is that you're somehow needed in that world."

"I got this. You're stressing too much, old man. Sheesh! Nine hundred years old and he stresses like a dad sending his kid to school for their first day." Y/N mutters.

Douxie frowns, "I heard that!"

The teen chuckles, "Just open the portal already, Hisirdoux."

Douxie rolls his eyes and flicks his wrist bracelet, where a whole bunch of runes are. He picks one and holds his hand in front of him, creating a glowing blue portal. He pulls a necklace out of his pocket, putting it on the teen, who hides it underneath their shirt as they adjust the backpack on their back and pull their other bag over their shoulder. Douxie shoves his hand in the backpack, freezing the food inside.

"Now remember, you won't know where you are, so it's probably best to lay low for a while. Just until you get used to your surroundings." Douxie instructs.

"Why do you think I keep the hoodies, Doux? I'll see you when I get back. Don't let the world die without me, and don't lose Nari." Y/N smiles.

Y/N faces the portal with a determined look on their face. They pull up their hoodie, covering their head. They step through the portal, finding themselves near a bank.

"What an odd place to place a portal, Douxie." The teen shrugs.

Suddenly, the alarm rings, startling Y/N. They see a group of people running out of the bank with money bags over their back. Thankfully, being the Trollhunter gives one plenty of skills to stop a simple robbery. There's one with a large body, one with a skinny body, and one that's sort of big, but short. Simple.

"Come on, we gotta get this to M-"

Y/N kicks one in the shin, surprising the other two.

"BigTime!" the skinny one exclaims.

"That doesn't belong to you." Y/N frowns.

The short one yells, "Get the kid!"

The two others go to attack Y/N, only for the teen to dodge them with ease. When one punches, they swerve. The teen picks up a trash can lid and throws it at the skinny but tall one's head, knocking him out.

"You're gonna pay for that!" Bigtime yells.

"He did not protect the face." Y/N shrugs nonchalantly with an odd accent.

Bigtime goes to attack again, the giant trying to come from behind. Y/N ducks, making them hit each other.

"Stay still!" Big time growls as he throws another punch at the teen. "Why aren't you hitting me?!"

Y/N giggles, "But you're doing such a good job of beating yourself up! Why should I stop you from doing my job?"

The teen suddenly lands on the floor, groaning in pain, a bruise forming on their arm underneath the hoodie.

"Now you're gonna pay!" The large one growls.

Y/N smirks as they turn, preparing for him to come closer. As soon as he's close enough, Y/N's foot shoots out, kicking him in the privates.

"Rule number 3!" They cheer, quickly getting up.

They quickly grab the skinny one and pushes him into the other two, knocking them all down into a dogpile. The teen wipes the sweat from their head to see a duck police officer walking her way to the three thieves to arrest them. The duck has brown feathers, a yellow beak, and is in some human-like police officer attire and seemingly has curly hair atop her head.

Y/N mutters, "Now I've seen everything."

The duck, after putting handcuffs on the robbers, locks them in her police car, which Y/N chooses not to question how it got there. Thankfully, their hood hasn't fallen off, so their face is still relatively hidden.

"I thank you for your assistance, but how were you able to take them down so easily?" The officer asks, a slight Cuban/Spanish accent coating her words.

Y/N smiles, "I took a lot of self-defence classes, and my parents always taught me that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing. Plus, they're not all that smart anyway."

The teen internally gapes at herself for coming up with such a smooth lie. The officer seems to be pleased with the teens' answer and holds out her hand/wing to shake. Y/N shakes the officer's hand.

"Officer María Antonia Magdalena Aldonsa Cabrera." The duck introduces herself.

The teen smiles, "Y/N M/N L/N. Nice to meet you, ma'am."

María smiles, "Where do you live? Where are your parents? I'd like to meet the people that raised such a respectable person."

Y/N freezes, unprepared for that question. Memories crack through their walls into their mind remembering their parents.

"My parents... aren't with me anymore... I lost them during an attack... I'm all alone..." Y/N whispers. Their eyes widen in fear as they realise what they've gotten themself into, with no help from anyone from their world, "Great Deya... I'm all alone."

María frowns, "You don't have any relatives? Family friends?"

Y/N sighs, "No. I'm all alone."

"How could a child have been left unattended like this after the Shadow War? How has no one seen the child and tried to take them in? This will not stand!" María thinks.

"You can stay with me and my son until we can find you a suitable home." María smiles.

Y/N's eyes become as big as saucers.

"You'd do that? But-"

"No buts, you're staying with me until we can find you a better home." María orders.

Y/N smiles, "Thank you, ma'am."


After a while of driving and dropping those three criminals at the Police Department, which Y/N finds out to be known as the Beagle Boys, María stops the car and opens her door, which prompts Y/N to open the door on her side. Y/N looks at the house, impressed at the simpleness of the design.

"Nice house." Y/N smiles.

"Gracias. My son should be home soon." María smiles as she unlocks the door. The two walk through the house. "Just put your las cosas on the other couch. I'll get you something to eat. You must be starving."

Y/N shrugs, "I'll be fine, ma'am."

María narrows her eyes at Y/N, "Are you alright, child? You haven't taken off that hood since you got in the car."

Y/N sighs, "On the way here, I've realised I'm very different from everyone here. I got... scared, I guess, that you wouldn't see me the same way after finding out."

María raises her eyebrow in deadpan. Y/N sighs and takes off the hood, revealing their H/C hair, E/C eyes, face, ears, and everything down to their neck. The teen rubs their arm as a nervous habit.

"What are you?" María asks, not in fear, but genuine confusion and interest.

Y/N sighs, "I'm known as a human. I don't have a beak, like you, or feathers, or any fur... You probably think I look hideous."

María shakes her head, "Of course not. You're just different. Not hideous. Whatever made you think I thought you looked hideous?"

Y/N sighs, "Just some... Trolls. Thanks. It's nice to hear someone say I don't look like a Fleshbag every time I walk past them."


Y/N smiles, "I'm gonna share quite a story with you."


"And then Blinky said, "Master Jim! You're not Troll anymore! Put the toaster down!"!"

The duck and human laugh so hard.

María smiles, "So, I assume human's don't normally turn into these Trolls and back into humans where you're from?"

"Not even close, María. Humans really only changing is when they grow from a child to an adult, and that's full of pimples and zits. I'm one of the lucky ones in that regard, only one or two pimples every month." Y/N smiles.

María asks, "So, why are you here anyway? So far we've just been talking about your adventures. What about why you're here in Duckburg?"

Y/N sighs, "Well, after I was chosen as the Hunter, we found that there's really no need for the Trollhunter because there's peace between Trolls and humans in Arcadia. Douxie sent me here because apparently, this world needs help."

"Well... You missed the Shadow War if that's what you were sent for." María shrugs.

Y/N chokes, "Shadow War?!"

María shrugs, "Si. It was an eclipse, the moon blocking out the sun, and it was actually for a few hours instead of minutes, and everyone's shadows took a form of their own and went to Mr McDuck's Money Bin. We all were just trying to survive for a while, fighting our own shadows when they didn't go to the Money Bin."

Y/N exclaims, "Oh come on! You had someone trying to bring about an Eternal Night with an eclipse too?!"

María nods, "That's one way to put it. It was the work of Magica DeSpell."

"In my world, it was Morgana Le Fay." Y/N frowns.

Suddenly, the door opens, which causes Y/N to put the hood on quickly.

"M'ma! I'm home!" A male voice smiles.

"Over here, son. We have a guest." María smiles.

A younger duck walks in, his feather colour similar to his mother, with an "intern" vibe.

"Fenton, I'd like you to meet Y/N. They're staying with us for a while." María smiles.

Fenton blinks, then waves, "Hello..."

Y/N gets up and walks over to him, sticking their hand out to shake his.

"Nice to meet you, Fenton. Your M'ma has told me much about you." Y/N smiles, a teasing smirk playing on the teen's features.

Fenton immediately blushes red, making Y/N wonder how feathers can blush. Fenton's eyes suddenly land on Y/N's hand, which they immediately retract when they realise it.

"What happened to your hand?" Fenton asks.

Y/N makes an offended noise, turning their nose away from him.

"That's their normal hand, Fenton!" María exclaims, offended for Y/N.

Y/N sighs, turning away and walking towards the kitchen, away from the duck that just offended them. They pull out the Amulet of Daylight, looking at it in sadness. The two ducks talk in the other room, and Y/N listens.

"I'm sorry, M'ma. I was confused when I saw their hand and I-"

"You shouldn't apologise to me, you should apologise to that poor child. They've lost their family and are all alone here. They were scared people would hate them because of their differences and you questioning their hand just hurt them more, Fenton."

There's silence for a moment, then the sound of a door closing. María walks into the kitchen to see Y/N sitting on the floor, looking at their amulet. María sits down next to the human.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" María asks.

Y/N doesn't answer, just hugging María silently. After a few minutes of silence, Y/N speaks.

"I'm all alone, María... I'm a freak here... " Y/N mutters.

María frowns, "You are not a freak, Y/N. You can stay in the spare room. I'll bring your las cosas up."

Y/N nods, getting up and following the police officer to the spare room. María opens the door to reveal a nice little room with a bed and an old piano sitting near the wall.

"Thanks, María. I know that I'm intruding but-"

María scolds, "You are not intruding, cariño. We want you here. You'll be alright. How about later, tonight, you go exploring in the armour?"

Y/N smiles, "Thanks, María."

María leaves the room, closing the door. Y/N sighs as they walk to the window, overlooking Duckburg. They can make this work. Y/N pulls a piece of paper out of her pocket and a pen and writes on it.

𝓘'𝓿𝓮 𝓰𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓪 𝔀𝓪𝓵𝓴 𝓽𝓸 𝓬𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓶𝔂 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼.  𝓘'𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓯𝓾𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓫𝓮 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽.  𝓘𝓯 𝓷𝓸𝓽, 𝓘'𝓵𝓵 𝓼𝓮𝓮 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓘 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓭𝓸 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓬𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓯𝓪𝓼𝓽.

Y/N then jumps out the window, pulling their hood up. As soon as they're out of sight range, they stop and hide behind a tree anyway.

"For the glory of Hisirdoux, Daylight is mine to command."

A glowing blue armour surrounds the teen, fitting perfectly over their figure. A helmet appears over their head, concealing their identity. They climb up a ladder onto someone's roof, then run across the roof, jumping onto another one, landing with ease. They continue to do this, running into the night.

A/N: Hi everyone. I had this idea in my head, and credit to @ydhghf for inspiring me. Now, this is before season 3 but after season 1, so yes, Fenton is Gizmoduck. Please leave a vote and comment! Please, I'm begging you. We will be meeting Scrooge and the others, just need an idea of how to get to meet them.

And another thing, could someone please tell me how I did with the Spanish? I have no idea what M'ma Cabrera called her son or how to spell it, all I know it was Spanish. Could you give me some cool Spanish words for her to use?

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