Chapter 1

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Y/N stands at the foot of a cliff in a forest, looking at the nice slab, their helmet not seen. The teen pulls the Horngazel out of their little bag at their waist.

"Let's see if it works here. If not, it'll have to be decoration." Y/N sighs.

They carve a semi-circle into the wall, white lining where they carved. They put the Horngazel away and push in the middle, causing the wall to disappear inside the semi-circle.

"It works. Thank goodness." Y/N smiles.

Suddenly, there's a roar behind Y/N. The teen turns to see a giant bear behind them.

"A bear?" Y/N asks.

It claws at them, forcing them to dodge away from it, the helmet forming over their head again. If it won't leave them alone, they'll have to scare it off somehow.

"AIIIYAKASHOOLABACKA!" They yell, hoping it'll scare it off. (I literally just typed in random letters that are partially pronounce-able.)

The yell seems to aggravate it.


Meanwhile, nearby, a little duck with a red shirt and cap hears a strange noise while sharpening up on his camping skills with his family.

"What was that?" He asks.

His mother shrugs, "I'm not sure, Jett, I mean Huey. Sorry, still getting used to your names."

Huey smiles, "It's alright, but we should check it out, Mum. Maybe it's the Nandi bear that escaped Woodchuck Island recently. We should get it back before I have to graduate to a Senior Junior Woodchuck."

"Oooh! We get to fight a giant bear?!" A high-pitched voice exclaims, revealing a small female duck wearing pink.

Two ducks that look similar to Huey, but wearing green on one and blue on the other, minus the hat, groan in pain from the exclamation.

"Sure, Webby. Why not?" the green one shrugs.

The group abandons the campsite and run towards the sound to see a being in armour fighting the bear.

"It is the Nandi bear!" Both Huey and Webby exclaim.

The armoured being rolls, dodging another swipe at them.

They yell, "I go for a nighttime walk and I get attacked by a giant bear?!"

The armoured being's gaze lands on the duck family.

"Do you mind? I'm in the middle of a fight with a giant bear that doesn't like me." The being frowns.

The bear knocks the armoured person into a wall, causing a groan of pain.

"Get the Nandi bear!" The Scottish duck yells.


Y/N groans as the ringing in their ears subside. As they look through their helmet, they see the ducks taking down the bear, like they've done this before. As soon as the bear is tied up, Y/N smiles, glad they didn't need to do more fighting, or worse, rule two.

"I thank you for your assistance. I guess being thrown into a world one is unfamiliar with would take a toll on one's body." Y/N smiles formally.

The teen gapes at their own formality. Normally they're much more chill.

"Who are ye?" The duck wearing a top hat asks.

Y/N smiles, "Well, skipping the long story about my predecessors keeping the troll world and my original world separate, I am the Trollhunter! Who are you all?"

The blue-shirted one answers while pointing to each of the ducks, "I'm Dewey, and this is my family, Huey, Louie, My mum Della, Uncle Scrooge, and my best friend Webby!"

Y/N smiles, "Lovely to meet you all. You took down the bear fairly easily. Have you dealt with bears before?"

The family exchanges glances, then burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Y/N asks, confused.

Louie asks, "Don't you know who we are?"

Y/N shrugs, "No, sorry. I'm new here. Judging from your question, I'd say you're famous for something. But I've only been here a day... Oh crap! Can someone give me the time?"

Huey answers, "It's after midnight-"

"Holy Pretzel! I gotta get back!" Y/N exclaims, preparing to run when a cane trips them.

The teen growls and jumps back up, annoyed.

"What are ye doing here?" Scrooge frowns, a suspicious glare on his face.

"Long story short, I was sent to this place to protect it from whatever threats it faces. Apparently, I missed the Eternal Night, or Shadow War, or whatever you call it here. Now I HAVE to go, Scotty-Mc-Featherbrain!" Y/N frowns.

The family gapes at the Trollhunter in shock. Scrooge looks mad.

"I'm Scrooge McDuck!" Scrooge yells.

Y/N, looking at their wrist, asks, "Is that supposed to mean something to me? I'm new, I'm young, I'm bound to make mistakes, and I'll find out in the morning! I'll catch you on the flip side, Live long and prosper, Hasta la vista, baby, Gotta bounce, Have fun storming the castle, May the Force be with you, That's all folks, Hasta lasagna, don't get any on ya, Catch ya later, future dudes, and other fun ways of saying goodbye!"

The teen then runs away as fast as they can, leaving the family in confusion for a few moments, when Dewey exclaims, "They just referenced at least five different TV shows!"

Y/N laughs as they look behind to see Webby starting to chase them. Y/N widens their eyes and pulls out the Horngazel. They stop at a dock and draw a semi-circle on an old building, then step in, smugly waving goodbye as the little portal closes on the small duck. The teen pulls off the amulet, their normal clothes appearing back on their skin, including the hood.

"Now to get to María." Y/N sighs.


After a long trek, avoiding the duck family, the teen crawls through the guest window where she's staying to see María sitting on the bed, an eyebrow raised in an expression Y/N can't read.

"I left a note." Y/N smiles sheepishly.

María replies, "I know."

Y/N hesitantly asks, "What time is it?"

"Three in the morning." María answers.

"... Crap." Y/N mutters.

María chuckles, "You're lucky mi Pollito didn't come in."

Y/N blinks, "Hold on, did you just call him your "chick"?"

María nods, "Yes, a child is a chick, unless you're a dog, then it's a pup. Why?"

Y/N holds in a laugh, "It's just the first thing I thought was an attractive female, because that's what human's use the term chick for more commonly than its actual meaning."

María chuckles herself. Y/N smiles as María hugs them. This feels nice... like a mother's hug. It's been a year since they felt that, all because of the Eternal Night, where it happened. The moment their world shattered. Y/N shakes the thought out of their head, not wanting to sour this moment.

Y/N smiles, "How about I stay up for a few more hours so I can actually make you guys breakfast? I know if I fall asleep now, I'm not getting up until midday."

María sighs, "Alright, mi amiga (Sorry, I couldn't find a Gender Neutral term for "friend" in Spanish), you may stay up, but I don't want you to be falling asleep during the day. I'm going to bed. Buenos noches. See you in the morning."

Y/N smiles, "Seeya then, María."

María walks out of the door, closing it. Y/N goes through the poses of holding Daylight in their hand, remembering how Jim showed them how to wield it properly. They continue these poses until the sun comes up.


Fenton yawns as he gets out of bed, getting the sun out of his eyes. His nose picks up on a strange scent wafting through the house. He hasn't smelt an actual home-cooked meal since he became an intern at McDuck Enterprises. He opens the door and walks to the kitchen to see that person from yesterday with the odd-looking hands at the stove. What was their name?

"Buenos dias, Amigo!" The teen smiles, not even looking at him, their hood still over their head as they take a swig of coffee.

The Latino duck asks, "What's... What's all this?"

The teen laughs, "Breakfast! We have Greek Yogurt, coffee, oats, pancakes with berries mixed into them, toast, and of course a big jug of water!" 

Fenton hesitates as he looks at all the food prepared at the table. He feels guilty about yesterday and this breakfast makes him feel extra guilty.

Fenton starts, "Look, I'm sorry about yesterday. I was surprised and wasn't thinking when I saw your hands, and I-"

"Forget it, Fenton. I've had weirder reactions to my looks. It's water under the bridge. Irrelevant. Forgotten. Let's keep it that way, please. I don't want another stupid nickname like "Fleshbag" thrown at my face." The teen frowns.

Fenton goes to say something when his M'ma comes in, seemingly surprised herself.

"Y/N?" M'ma asks.

So that's their name!

"Morning, María! I wasn't sure exactly what you and Fenton would like, so I decided to make a range of dishes!" Y/N smiles.

M'ma smiles, "You didn't have to do all of this, mi amiga-"

Y/N interrupts, "But I wanted to, María! You did this much for me, think of it as my repayment!"

Fenton stares at the teen in shock. He can't see the way their eyes gleam in the shadow of their hood, or the furrow of their brows, but he can feel it in the cracking of their voice. He can see the nervous twitching of their feet hidden by their shoes.

M'ma smiles, "Alright. But you have to explore the town with Fenton today."

Before Fenton can protest or agree, suddenly rain pours down, confusing everyone as the TV turns on.

"Doctor Atmoz Fear is planning on flooding Duckburg!"

Fenton smiles, "You know what? I'll meet you at Ray's Electronics, I need to pick up something before then! You can meet one of my friends as well."

Y/N shrugs, "Sure. But I'm keeping my hands in my pockets and my face hidden under my hood."

Fenton chuckles nervously.


Y/N walks up to two ducklings who they recognise from last night just outside of Ray's Electronics. They lean against the wall, waiting for Fenton as the skies clear up, news of a GizmoDuck defeating Doctor Atmoz Fear.

"So, where is your friend?" Webby asks.

Huey smiles nervously, "Fenton is very busy... working... on robotics."

Y/N raises their eyebrow. So Fenton knows these people. Suddenly, Gizmoduck flies by, landing in an Alleyway, where there is a lot of banging, a trashcan rolling out of the alley, and a cat screeching as it runs away, making Y/N feel bad for the guy. But when Fenton walks out of the alleyway dragging a giant bag behind him, Y/N covers their mouth, preventing themselves from laughing.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Fenton apologises.

Y/N rolls their eyes as Webby just stares at Fenton.

Huey smiles, "Fenton! You just missed a GizmoDuck flyby!"

Webby finally gasps, "YOU'RE GIZMODUCK!"

Y/N groans as they clutch their ears in pain from that scream.

"He's not gonna be for long if he can't keep a secret identity." Y/N frowns.

"Huey!" Fenton exclaims.

"I didn't say anything!"

Y/N chuckles, "It was kind of obvious, considering GizmoDuck crashed into one alleyway and Fenton came out of the same alleyway a few moments later."

"HI! I'M WEBBY! NICE TO SEE YOU! DOES YOUR SUIT HAVE A TOILET?!" Webby exclaims, causing Y/N to cover their ears again.

Y/N groans, "Look, kid, you wanna be friends with someone, turn down your voicebox volume a bit to a normal sound. Also, secret identities are kind of something you don't scream at the top of your lungs."

Fenton sighs as he pulls out a book with a list of people who know he's GizmoDuck, adding Webby's and Y/N's name, which makes Y/N chuckle.

"I'm not seeing your M'ma's name on that list, considering all those other people." Y/N smirks.

Fenton glares, "And I'm planning on keeping it that way. So not a word to her, Y/N."

"My lips are sealed, Amigo."

"Uh... who's this?" Huey asks.

Fenton smiles, "This is Y/N. M'ma took them in just yesterday."

Y/N frowns, "I don't like handshakes. So put that hand away before you bring it out. However, I will do foot taps, if you're up for it."

Huey shrugs, "I'm good."

Webby bounces up and down in excitement. Y/N smirks in amusement as they put out their right foot, prompting Webby to do the same. Y/N taps their foot on both sides of Webby's webbed foot, then the top.

"You're welcome."

Fenton sighs, then smiles, "Well, hero-ing is well and good, but today is all about science! About Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera peeling back the veil of the unknown to make a discovery so revolutionary that I'll be remembered as more than-"

As the four walk into the shop, Fenton's interrupted by news on the many TVs inside of GizmoDuck saving Duckburg, one mentioning how GizmoDuck saved his wife, Dr Atmoz Fear busted, and how the masked cyborg steals hearts. Y/N holds in a chuckle as they pat his shoulder in a way to comfort him, their hand slipping out of their pocket only to comfort their new brother.

"Tough luck, buddy." Y/N sighs, knowing the feeling of only being known for being your secret identity.

As Fenton looks to the ground in shame, Huey explains, "Poor Fenton's worn out from saving the day every day."

Webby tears up, "A tragic hero that cares for everyone... but himself."

Y/N turns to the duckling for a moment, then turns back to Fenton, who's trying to ask for some assistance from a staff member.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for your latest birefringent beam splitters?" He asks the staff member who just ignores him.

Y/N mentally groans, "Great, another Krel."

"Beam splitters, huh? Cubic or dichroic mirror?" A female voice asks from to Fenton's left.

Y/N turns their head to the bird in question, revealing she's a chicken.

Fenton asks, "Huh? You know about dichroic mirror splitters?"

Y/N turns to the kids, who both shrug in response to her.

"Yes... Because I'm a scientist. High-energy physics can be challenging for a rookie." The chicken teases as she tosses the beam splitter to Fenton.

Fenton juggles it for a second, then catches it.

He stammers, "Oh I'm no rookie! I-I'm a scientist with McDuck enterprises, actually!"

The chick sasses, "Oh... Sell-out science! Pushing pencils, wearing a suit! Brain-storming the next GizmoDuck, like we need more of that show-off."

Y/N narrows their eyes at this chick as Fenton stammers. They're not about to let this girl hurt their new brother like that.

"GizmoDuck is only doing this because his conscience isn't going to let him get away with ignoring people doing bad things. After all, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing. GizmoDuck has the ability to help, and you have the audacity to call him a show-off for helping? What kind of person are you? One that sees only the negative side, or one that sees things with an open mind? Because calling him a show-off seemed pretty close-minded to me. What do you do, Jerkface? Blow things up?" Y/N scoffs.

The girl rolls her eyes, "Uh, I shatter expectations?" Her phone rings for a moment, interrupting Y/N's glare at her. She takes it out and groans, then rejects the call, getting into Y/N's and Fenton's faces. "I have no rules, no limits, I don't kiss up to zillionaires, I work for myself!"

Y/N frowns, "That sounds kind of like you're trying to get yourself and others hurt."

Fenton smiles, "Actually, I'm working on my own project that's pretty neat. I haven't quite cracked the equation yet but it's still very dangerous. The most dangerous kind of neat."

Fenton then purrs, which makes Y/N look at him like he's just grown a second head.

"Alright, suit, you're doing hard science? Show me your lab!" The girl smirks.

Y/N feels the amulet pulsing in their back pocket, warning them of some kind of danger. Although, if it could tell her where the danger would come from and what kind, it would be helpful. They presume it's this bird that's intimidating Fenton. They then notice Fenton's sweating nervously.

"Uh... Yes. My lab. T-that is mine. I'll pick you up at Seven for some severe... sciencing." Fenton frowns, trying to look cool.

Y/N looks between the two, then scoffs, "I'm out. Sheesh, catching Lightning in a bottle with Krel was less torture than watching you two science-flirt." 

The teen walks over to the two ducklings and sits down next to their short figures.

"Are they... fighting?" Webby asks.

Y/N chuckles as Huey smiles, "Oh Webby." He then pulls a book out of his hat and continues, "This is the standard romantic courting of adults, commonly known as a "meet-cute"."

Webby asks, "Are you sure? Fenton looks awfully sweaty."

Y/N chuckles, "My acquaintance Jim did that all the time with his girlfriend Claire. So did Toby to Darci. Actually, that's half the school with their love interests. He's sweating because he's nervous that he's gonna screw up and she's not gonna like him, while she's just wanting him to make the first move, which is gonna take forever." They then pause in shock. "When did I become a love expert?"

Huey agrees, "Anxious perspiration, intense eye contact, coy body language. Only thing we haven't seen is the awkward yet adorable accident."

Y/N smirks, "I've seen that plenty of times with my friends. Only the last accident was Toby knocking out Darci's father. It's only adorable when Toby does it."

The bird asks Fenton while walking towards him, "Do you want my name or address or... any... means of contact?"

Fenton, while backing away, answers, "Uh, yes, of course, all of it!"

Suddenly, he bumps into a battery stand, making it fall over. Y/N bursts out laughing.

"Love is in the air!" Huey exclaims.

The chick takes Fenton's phone off him while he tries to pick up the battery stand. She types something into it and gives it back.

"It's Gandra. Gandra Dee." The bird smiles.

Y/N narrows their eyes as Gandra walks out. Something about her doesn't sit right with Y/N or the amulet pulsing in their pocket.


After leaving Ray's electronics, the group stop at the Cabrera house, where they hang out in Fenton's room for a short while, Y/N still not taking off their hood.

"So... the yellow, or the yellow?" Fenton asks the three others in his room.

Y/N grabs one of the yellow shirts.

"I'm gonna do something to this. You can decide which one you want to wear after I'm done. I'll be fast." Y/N smirks.

They quickly zoom out to their room to pull out a Bedazzler. They pick out blue beads and quickly get to work. After a few moments, they come back into Fenton's room with the yellow shirt covered in blue atoms.

"What did you do to my shirt?!" Fenton exclaims.

Y/N answers, "I made it cooler. Now it has science on it. A whole bunch of atoms. It was either that or make it look like electricity running along it, but that'd take too long. You're obviously going to go, no matter what I say, so might as well make one of your shirts at least somewhat okay for the date."

"Not a date." Fenton frowns.

Webby nods, "You need something more formal, like a tux, ooh! Or a fancy cloak!"

Fenton smiles, "I have a lab coat."

Y/N goes to grab it when Fenton moves it out of their reach.

"You are not adding anything onto my lab coat." Fenton frowns.

Huey, looking at a DNA model, replies, "You need to dress to impress."

The model falls apart after Huey touches it. He then quickly swipes the broken model under Fenton's bed.

"Guys, this is just a professional meeting of the minds, which could turn into a flirtation that could then blossom into a loving relationship for as long as we both shall live! ...But I don't want to come on too strong, so not a date." Fenton frowns.

Y/N sighs, "Yikes, man. And I thought Steve and Jim were bad. I could understand Steve's nervousness, his girl kicked him in the face!"

Everyone stares at Y/N in shock.

"She ended up being a princess that fled her kingdom from a coup. I don't know, I didn't get the whole story."

They quickly snap out of their shocked state.

Huey smiles, "A night of romance is just the break you need."

Webby adds, "Also if things don't go well, you can always reveal you're GizmoDuck!"

Y/N takes the helmet away from Webby and shoves it into Fenton's bag.

"No GizmoDuck. She hates GizmoDuck. That would ruin things even more! The more people know a secret like this, the more in danger his family and friends become. What if one of them becomes evil? What if someone evil finds out about his identity? They will use his attachment to his family and friends to find out his weaknesses and strengths, making him powerless. Don't you ever read the comics? Never reveal your identity as the local hero. It always ends up with someone getting hurt." Y/N frowns, half from seeing Jim's experience, half from sci-fi.

Fenton agrees, "Y/N's right. No Gizmo! Just Fenton."

Huey smiles, "We'll take care of everything. The lab will be perfect for your DAAaaAAaaATE!"

Y/N mentally counts down as Fenton protests, "Not a date!"

Suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing María.

"What's this about a date?"

Fenton, Webby, and Huey rush to hide the Gizmoduck Helmet as quickly as possible and try to maintain the most casual pose possible while Y/N chuckles at their misfortune.

"It's a little lab session with a peer. I should just be myself, right M'ma?" Fenton asks.

María protests, "Oh no, Never be yourself on a first date. Or a second. Or any dates. You have to be the best version of yourself."

She retreats from the doorway for a few moments to return with a white suit and a purple shirt.

"Here, this was your dad's. I've been saving it for a special occasion. Have a nice time Pollito! Oh, and if that girl breaks your heart, I will hunt her down and dismantle her life, piece by piece..." María frowns for a moment, then gives Fenton a thumbs up. She goes to walk away when she turns and looks at Y/N. "Oh, Y/N, you go with him and tell me how it goes. Gracias!"

"Damn, María is a dangerous woman. Remind me not to get on her bad side, Fenton." Y/N chuckles.


Y/N, now sitting in the front seat of a limo next to a giant duck that shouldn't have a drivers license, is digging their nails into their seat. He almost crashes into any car, narrowly missing every time.

"So, what's this big date, huh?" The driver asks.

Fenton frowns, "Not a date!"

"Right, of course, but if it was, I say it's good that you find that special someone. And that someone can be many things. A friend, a confidant, a deadly ninja, a forbidden mermaid, a were-duck," He pulls over just next to Gandra and continues talking, "a clone of yourself, a Viking shieldmaiden, a talking cloud of energy that one time."

Y/N stares at the duck who has been introduced to them as Launchpad in confusion and wonder as Fenton steps out of the Limo to greet Gandra.

"I'm suddenly very intrigued by your life. What are you? I'm pretty sure you're not just a limo driver. There's no way you'd meet that many people as just a Limo driver." Y/N smiles.

Launchpad smiles, "I just work for Mr McDee. You get into a lot of dangerous adventures with McDee around. Maybe you can join us on an adventure one day, Y/N."

Y/N smiles, "I may just take you up on that offer, Launchpad."

The two lovebirds behind them (Hehe. Puns) buckle up.

"Get comfy. I'll have you at your date in no time!" Launchpad smiles.

Y/N chuckles as Launchpad takes off at supersonic speeds.

"Ignore Launchpad. He's just teasing Fenton." Y/N tells Gandra.

Gandra asks Fenton, "You brought your friend along with you?"

Both Fenton and Y/N chorus, "Not our idea."

Y/N smiles, "His mother heard about this and told me to come and make sure it goes well. Trust me, you don't want to get on his mother's bad side otherwise she'll use her power as a detective to dig up any dirt on you and completely ruin your life. Basically, I value my life more than Fenton's privacy."

Fenton blushes and throws his bag at Y/N, getting them to shut up.

"There's no pressure. This doesn't have to be a date." Fenton tries to recover some dignity.

Gandra asks, "You don't want this to be a date?"

Fenton pales and stammers out this excuse:

"No, it can be! I mean, I just wanted to have it what you want it to be! We're just... two minds melding!"

Launchpad and Y/N exchange embarrassed looks.

"Woof." Launchpad mutters.

He turns on the radio, where "It's a date" starts playing. Y/N facepalms and changes the song to something a little less "in your face". And it's also one of the songs Y/N's siblings introduced them to.

"You're welcome."


Inside the elevator, Y/N leans against the wall, feeling embarrassed for both of them.

"My intern should be prepping the lab now. It's a very professional work environment!" Fenton smiles.

The door to the elevator opens, and Y/N falls to their feet, trying so hard not to laugh. There is a table set up with hearts all around it while Huey is standing there, trying to make the night more romantic.

"Benvenuti! Welcome to Jetta Scorpios, a place for romance! Prego, prego, prego! Please follow me." Huey smiles.

Y/N lets out a snort as it gets harder to hold in their laughter. They see Webby and quickly run over towards her, only to have her run towards Fenton and Gandra. Y/N manages to calm down enough to hear a thrashing against a door.

"You will rue the day!"

Y/N facepalms. This is a horrible plan, and Fenton seems to agree as he takes Webby and Huey away from Gandra.

"This is a disaster! She's not into romance accoutrement! She's into science!" Fenton tells the two.

Y/N nods, "I'm agreeing with Fenton. Stop meddling with love, you'll just get people into trouble."

Huey pulls the book out of his hat and frowns, "According to the JWG, mood is essential. Without it, how will you two develop chemistry?"

"With actual chemistry!" Fenton exclaims.

Y/N nods, "Besides, that little book has just given me sore ribs, because he had said to her in the elevator that "it's a professional work environment", but THIS is anything but."

Y/N feels a tingle go through down their back, the amulet in her pocket trying to warn them of danger. They look around to see Gandra isn't at the table. Y/N tosses some food gloves to Fenton.

"Don't touch the spaghetti with your bare hands. It's unsanitary. I'm going for a walk." Y/N frowns.

The teen walks through the lab, pulling out the amulet which is pulsing like crazy.

"Hisirdoux, this better not be malfunctioning." Y/N mutters.

Suddenly, they bump into an electric-doored closet, partially open, where a chicken has been knocked out and has a few burns. Y/N immediately puts the amulet in her pocket and checks the chicken's life signs.

"Pulse seems good, breathing sounds fine, are those electrical burns? Yikes. How'd you get electrocuted in a closet with no electronic devices other than the light and door? No... Gandra!" Y/N growls.

They try and wake up the chicken scientist, slapping him, then they sigh.

"Ah, screw it. I'll help you later."

They walk outside to see a pigeon-hulk. Seems all logic has gone out the window tonight.

"Alright! Which incredible muscle should I use to destroy what first?" It says.

Y/N exclaims, "Oi! Ugly pigeon-hulk-freakazoid-troll!"

The pigeon turns to them, aiming a punch at them.

"I did not think this through!" Y/N exclaims as they dodge with the grown ability Trollhunting instils into one.

GizmoDuck exclaims, "Y/N! Look out!"

He grabs the human with his suit, throwing them out of the way of being crushed.

"Y/N!" Huey exclaims, running over to them with Webby behind him.

Y/N quickly gets up, their hood falling from their head, revealing their species. Y/N groans as they see the two kids next to them.

"I was trying to hide this. But there's no time! Fenton's in danger with that pigeon-hulk!" Y/N exclaims.

"The pigeon is called Beaks." Webby smiles.

"AH! Yuck! Glazed donuts!" Beaks exclaims.

Y/N exclaims, "WHAT KIND OF MONSTER DOESN'T LIKE GLAZED DONUTS?!" as they run towards Beaks and jumps.

They go to punch his face when he knocks them to the ground. He goes to step on them when her foot connects with his privates.

"Rule number three!"

Beaks collapses and the teenager runs over to the ducklings, protective instincts taking over.

"We have to get out of here!" Y/N exclaims when something shatters behind them.

They turn to see an acid thrown onto the ceiling, making the ceiling crack and collapse. Y/N grabs both ducks hands and runs through the lab, trying to get to an escape. Suddenly, a giant piece of ceiling starts to collapse just above them. Huey and Webby shield themselves while Y/N starts to pull out the amulet. Suddenly, the roof stops.

"Go, find cover!" Gizmoduck smiles.

Y/N pulls the ducks to the table and they hide under it.

Huey frowns, "This date is a disaster! Fenton's gonna be crushed."

Y/N and Webby gasp as Beaks tries to kill GizmoDuck by crushing him.


Y/N growls, "Not if I can help it!" as they move out from under the table, standing up.

Huey exclaims, "What are you doing!? You'll get yourself killed!"

Y/N frowns, "I've already said this today! All that is necessary for the Triumph of evil..."

"Is that good people do nothing." Webby finishes.

Y/N nods, turning back to see GizmoDuck being electrocuted by Gandra.

"Sorry, suit." Gandra frowns.

"Alright! That's it! You mess with my Hermano, you mess with ME!" Y/N growls.

The human throws of their hood and flies towards the two superpowered birds and uses their Trollhunting training to land every hit they can, mostly kicks. Beaks grabs Y/N's leg during a kick and throws them into a wall, earning a scream of pain from the human. Beaks picks up the table Huey and Webby are hiding under and throws it away, then picks them up.

"I got your kids! ...Maybe, I'm not sure how this family works. But don't think about following me!" Beaks growls.

He then slams into the window a few times and swims up, leaving the two birds and one human behind. The window fixes itself by putting a sheet of metal between the water and the room.

"Ugh, that idiot!" Gandra growls.

Y/N glares, "HIM!? Gah!" The teen gets up shakily, their gaze not moving from the chicken. "YOU were the one that teamed up with him, that got Fenton in danger for no good reason! You work for Beaks!"

Gandra turns to Y/N and yells, "I work for myself, freak! I was just using him for funding and resources!"

Y/N growls, "Then get a normal job like everyone else has to! You'd be surprised by the amount of money that software developers get paid. You're clever enough to be one, but you don't seem to have the street smarts to go to a good company to get the money!"

Fenton growls, "Was any of this real? What are you?"

"A scientist! Free of responsibility!" Gandra frowns, her voice seeming to crack as she goes to the elevator. She sighs, "And look, for what it's worth... You're a good scientist, Fenton."

Fenton glares, "And you're a crook."

Y/N stops the elevator door from closing and puts their hand on Gandra's arm, surprising both Gandra and Fenton.

"Listen, responsibility isn't a bad thing. Some go their entire lives, living existence in quiet desperation... Never learning the truth, that what feels as though a burden pushing down on our shoulders... That burden is responsibility, but it's actually a sense of purpose that lifts us to greater heights!" Y/N tells Gandra.

Gandra pulls her arm out of Y/N's hand, pushing Y/N out of the elevator, making it close, not letting Y/N continue their thoughts.


Y/N pulls Fenton out of the GizmoDuck suit. He hits it a few times, trying to get it to do something. It then throws a pie in his face. Fenton wipes the pie off and paces, thinking.

"Okay, you don't have the suit, what can you do? Think Fenton, think." Fenton groans.

He then picks up a paddle and ball.

Y/N sighs, "I have a suit."

Fenton looks at the teen in curiosity. Y/N pulls out their amulet, concern for the ducklings just flowing through their entire body.

"For the glory of Hisirdoux, Daylight is mine to command."

The teenager is surrounded by blue light as the armour materialises over their clothes and skin, a sword appearing in their hand. They then snap their fingers, making a helmet appear over their head.

"You have your secret identity, I have mine. No blabbing to ANYONE, got it?" Y/N asks.

Fenton nods.

"Oh, and call me Trollhunter."


"HAHA, HASHTAG MAKE IT RAIIIIIIIIN!" Beaks yells from near the top of a building after he jumped out of the water, making it seem like it's raining.

Webby asks, "How is this a part of your plan?!"

Beaks scoffs, "Duh, I wanted to up my visibility. You don't get more visible than being a giant monster!"

Huey cries, "You ruined Fenton's date! WHERE IS YOUR HEART, MAN?!"

"In here somewhere, under all these RIGHTEOUS PECKS! PLA-PLAW!" Beaks smirks as he starts moving his pecks."

"EW! Gross! I did not need to see that!" A familiar voice yells.

Before the three can look towards the voice, a blue ball hits Beaks in the head.

"Ow! Ow! Who's doing that?!" Beaks exclaims.

The three turn to see Fenton and-

"Trollhunter?" Huey and Webby whisper.

Fenton smiles, "Call me Fenton!" as he wacks the ball back with a paddle stick.

The ball hits Beaks again, bouncing back to the heroes. Trollhunter holds their sword like a bat and hits the ball back towards Beaks. Beaks puts the kids down in a giant W on the side of the building and jumps down.

"Where's Y/N?" Huey asks.

Fenton hits the ball towards Beaks again, only this time Beaks catches it.

"Wow, I never actually caught a ball before. Well, WHO'S THE LOSER NOW, COACH DAD?!" Beaks exclaims.

Trollhunter chuckles, "You never caught a ball before? Wowza, you really needed to get outside more often."

Suddenly, an electric shock goes through Beaks, getting surprised reactions out of the two heroes.

"Gandra?" Fenton asks as the chicken reveals herself.

Gandra glares, "Hurting puny, helpless heroes was not part of our deal, Beaks!"

Fenton smiles, "Gonna focus on the 'hero' part."

Trollhunter rolls their eyes under their helmet as Gandra is suddenly thrown back into Fenton and them, making the trio roll behind a statue.

"Are you okay?" Fenton asks.

Gandra groans, "I... I can't shock him anymore! His nanite-enhanced skin is too tough!"

Trollhunter chuckles as they hold their sword, "Well, it's a good thing this was made to cut through beings made of stone, then."

Gandra grabs the sword off of Trollhunter to use against Beaks only for it to immediately appear in their hands again.

"Only I can wield it. Sorry. Kind of a 'Chosen one' thing." They shrug.

Fenton smirks, "Yeah, but what matters is inside. Under all that, he's still the same weak, ego-fueled dweeb!"

Trollhunter tilts their head in confusion, "I don't see how that helps us here."

"Ugh, heroes... Always with the morals!" Gandra scoffs.

Fenton shakes his head, "No, I mean inside, he's weak!"

Gandra looks to Trollhunter, slightly confused, but they just shrug.

"Don't ask me, I work with beings with stone for skin. Not birds."

Suddenly, the two get it.

"Ohhh... I see." Trollhunter chuckles.

Fenton walks out from behind the statue with a phone in hand.

"You can stop, Beaks, look! You're trending worldwide!" Fenton exclaims, gesturing to the phone.

Beaks exclaims, "I wanna see, I wanna see!" like a child wanting to see the T-rex in a zoo.

Fenton throws the phone to the pigeon-hulk, who fails to catch the phone a few times. When he does catch it, he goes to tap the phone, only for it to crack and break under the strength of his fingers.

Trollhunter walks out, chuckling, "Can't use a phone? Oh, dear. How will you ever see how visible you are if you can't touch a phone?"

Beaks whispers, "I can't use a phone..." He then yells, "I CAN'T USE A PHONE! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Trollhunter holds their sword like a bat as Gandra charges the glowing ball with electricity. Gandra throws it onto the floor, making it bounce up.

"Batter up!" Trollhunter laughs as the blue ball speeds down towards the ground.

They hit the ball, making it fly into Beaks mouth and short-circuit the nanites. The pigeon-hulk turns back into a normal-ish pigeon with skinny arms and legs. Beaks then coughs out the ball, which Fenton then picks up.

"Ew... That's even worse than Bruce Banner Hulking out." Trollhunter cringes.

They look at Gandra and gently punch her shoulder.

"Don't hurt Fenton or I will come after you."

The group hears the two kids still stuck on the Waddle building cheering.

"Fenton did it! And without the Gizmoduck armour!" Webby exclaims.

Trollhunter sighs as they pick up a rope, pulling two knives out of their thighs. They stab the knives into the building, climbing towards the ducklings, slowly, but steadily.

"AAAAAAAAAAH! I WANNA COME DOWN, HEEEEEEEEEELP!" Huey suddenly yells, making the Trollhunter stumble.

"You know, this isn't as easy as it looks, so I would appreciate it if you didn't distract me like that!" They yell.


"And I'm ready for you to SHUT UP!" Trollhunter yells back as they get closer.

The teen reaches the ducklings, making them stare in shock.

"You wanna get down or you wanna stay up here, kids?" Trollhunter asks.

They just stare in shock as Trollhunter ties one end of the rope around their waist and ties the other end around the kid's waists.

"You go down first, hug the building, I climb down, you slide down. Got it?"

The two nod their heads as the teen tightens the rope. They slowly slide down, Huey first, then Webby. The Trollhunter stabs the building with their knives and climbs down.

"Tell me when one of you is close to the ground because I can't see."


After getting the ducklings to the ground, Trollhunter pats Fenton's shoulder.

"I'll meet you at home." They whisper into his ear.

Fenton smiles at them when the ducklings jump on the Trollhunter, firing fifty questions at them. They quickly shake off the ducklings.

"Look, I gotta split, kids. I sent Y/N home. They couldn't do anything to help you. Dasvidaniya!"

The teen runs off, swerving in and out of places to avoid the Reporters and ducklings. For all they know, they could be hunted down by the government. They make it to a familiar dock, removing the amulet, their hair falling into its natural place, only for Y/N to cover their head with the hood again. After a bit of running, they make it to their home. They knock on the door.

"María? It's me... Y/N." They smile nervously as they open the door.

María is sitting on the couch, watching the news where Y/N's taking down Beaks with Fenton and Gandra, and then a whole video of them helping the kids down.

"What happened at the date?" María asks.

Y/N answers, "We went to the lab, she ended up being a spy wanting something made in McDuck labs, she changed her mind, stopped Beak-freak with us, and now she's good. Don't worry, no one knows I'm the Trollhunter except Fenton."

María asks, "Why didn't Fenton use the GizmoDuck armour?"

Y/N hesitates, "GizmoDuck was unavailable... You know how civilian life is..."

"I know Fenton is GizmoDuck." María frowns.

Y/N sighs, "You didn't hear it from me. And please don't tell him you know until you have to. You could tell him you know I'm the Trollhunter, though. I'll be resting in my room. Thanks again, María."

Y/N waves as they close their door and slumps down on their bed.

"Tomorrow will be a new day."


Somewhere deep in the forest, there's a duck with pale white feathers, dark hair with a purple streak in it, and a broken dress stares over a cauldron.

"Dark Magicks of the multiverse, send me someone to eliminate the McDuck Clan!" The duck says, an English accent lacing her words.

A ring pops out of the cauldron, shocking the duck.

"What? A ring? How is this going to help me eliminate Scrooge McDuck?"

The cauldron speaks, "That's the Inferna Copula. It holds the soul of a ruthless assassin from another world. He's only ever failed once. You can't do much without your magic, so you need his assistance."

The duck asks, "How do I find him?"

"You wield the ring, he obeys you. He will be sent to this realm soon."

The duck smirks, "Well, might as well. It actually doesn't look bad."

A/N: Hello everyone, it's ya girl! If any of you know Trollhunter's Lore, you know what the Inferna Copula is, you know what's going to happen. No spoilers, but someone did request this, and I like the idea, but I need more ideas, like how the Duck family finds out Trollhunter and Y/N are the same person. Please Vote and comment!

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