Chapter 2

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Y/N swipes their sword the way they've been taught by both Blinky and Jim, accidentally knocking the lampshade over. María walks in, seeing the lampshade on the floor and Y/N scratching their neck with the armour on, flustered.

"Sorry, María. I didn't see where I was swinging this thing." Y/N chuckles nervously.

María sighs, "Why don't you go for a walk outside. I'll clean up the mess."

Y/N sighs, "Sorry María."

Y/N walks outside, embarrassed that they broke a lampshade with their training. Suddenly, a text comes in onto their phone. They're glad it works in this world.

"𝙷𝚎𝚢, 𝙽/𝙽, 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙻𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚝 𝚂𝚒𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚊 𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚔'𝚜? 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎. 𝙻𝙿." The text reads.

Y/N chuckles, walking towards Siesta Rick's, pulling out a pair of Sunglasses. Might as well amuse the friendly giant.


After a while of walking, the teen meets Launchpad at Siesta Rick's.

"What did you want me to see, Launchpad?" Y/N asks, their hands in their pockets.

Launchpad shushes them as he watches a video on a TV of something called "Darkwing Duck". Y/N chuckles as Launchpad fanboys about it. Must be his favourite show or something. The show ends with a "To be concluded", disappointing Y/N, who's now hooked.

"Whoa, what a twist!" A duck on the stage which looks a lot like the duck that was on the TV smiles.

Launchpad exclaims, "What?! I never saw that coming!"

"Wait, haven't you seen this episode?" Dewey asks, Y/N now realising he's there.

Launchpad answers, "Seventy-five times! But never in a parking lot."

Y/N chuckles, "Wow, Launchpad. I didn't realise you were a mega-fan like that."

Dewey stares at the human, who's so glad they put a hood and sunglasses on.

"Hi. I'm Y/N. I met your brother Huey, Launchpad, and Webby just yesterday with Fenton." Y/N introduces themselves.

Dewey smiles, "Name's Dewey."

"Sadly, beloved TV show Darkwing Duck, starring me, Jim Starling, was cancelled before we could end this story," the duck onstage sighs, then says in fake enthusiasm, "but there's no end to the savings at Siesta Rick's Sofa Fiesta!"

Y/N looks around, seeing only five other people showed up at the event.

"Let's get comfortable!" Jim Starling smiles, cutting the ribbon. "Ha-ha! I'll be signing autographs for one and all! If one and all want one."

Y/N sighs in embarrassment for the duck as a whole bunch of people leave, upsetting Jim Starling.

"Bunch of ingrates." He frowns as he walks over to his autograph table.

"You good?" Dewey asks Launchpad, noticing he's a little nervous.

Launchpad nods, "Yep. Totally cool. Thanks for being here for me, guys."

Jim Starling frowns as he signs the autographs, obviously not wanting to be here if no one is going to give him the fame he used to have. Another duck appears next to the group, obviously another mega-fan.

The fan talks to himself, "Okay, keep it together! "I am your biggest fan!" No. "I have modelled my entire life after yours." "I wanna keep you in a big jar in my closet!""

Y/N holds in a bark of laughter.

"Dude, chillax. Deep breaths. Breathe in and out." Y/N instructs, calming the guy down slightly.

Launchpad agrees, "Calm down, buddy. Jim Starling's just a regular guy. I've been to plenty of these signings, and one day, I'm actually gonna meet him."

Y/N stares at Launchpad in confusion. The other duck shares the same confusion.

"Wait. If you've seen him so many times, how come you've never talked to him?" He asks.


Suddenly, Launchpad faints, crushing the human and duck under his weight.

"This is why." Dewey frowns.

Y/N pushes the giant duck off themselves, helping the other duck up, then helps Dewey drag the duck to the star.

"I'm Drake Mallard." The other duck introduces himself.

"Y/N. That's Launchpad and Dewey. You go first, we'll need a while helping LP." Y/N smiles.

"Look, I'm the one and only Darkwing Duck. I need a real gig. I'm bigger than sofa store openings. I don't care that they sell recliners, too!" Starling growls into his phone.

Y/N glares at him. He doesn't deserve a name like Jim with that selfishness. Drake clears his throat. Starling turns to him, groaning as he hangs up the phone.

"Mr Starling, you have meant so much to me. I... I actually have a very important question for you." Drake smiles.

Starling interrupts the duck's train of thought by snatching the poster out of his hand.

"Great. Who do I make this out to?" He asks, not interested.

Drake hesitates, then says with confidence, "Oh! Um, uh, I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the president of your fan club. I am..."

Starling interrupts, "Yeah, yeah, that'll be fifteen bucks. Stay dangerous."

Y/N scoffs, "Sheesh, can you at least fake enthusiasm? First, you hear his name, sign it correctly, and then say the price, and say the catchphrase enthusiastically. Like this." The teen clears their throat and smirks, "Thanks for showing up to the signing! That's fifteen dollars. Stay dangerous!"

Drake stares at the teen in shock, and so does Starling.

"You see the difference? You inspire more with enthusiasm. Even if it is faked." Y/N scoffs, disappointed in the guy.

Suddenly, Starling's gaze lands on Dewey and he jumps over the table.

"A fresh-faced new fan! I knew the kids still loved me! Who do I make this out to?" Starling asks, taking off his sunglasses.

Both the disguised human and duckling pull Launchpad onto the table.

"Oh, the fainter's back." Starling groans.

Y/N growls and pulls the poster out of Launchpad's hands.

"He'd really appreciate it if you would sign his-" Dewey starts to explain, only for Starling to sign Launchpad's chin. "Poster?" Dewey questions.

Y/N slams the poster into the table, making the star jump in shock.

"I don't care for you, but somehow my friend does, and he wants you to sign his Poster, so sign the blasted poster to Launchpad before I rip out your eyes to use as earrings!" Y/N growls.

Dewey, Starling, and Drake stare at the human in shock. Starling obeys as quickly as he can, signing the poster, which Y/N takes quickly and puts back in Launchpad's hand. Starling lifts Launchpad's head and smiles towards Dewey, with an awful fake smile as Dewey takes the picture.

"Hashtag Darkwing Duck- Oh, that's weird. Darkwing Duck is trending number one worldwide!" Dewey exclaims.

Starling exclaims, "What!? Gimmie!"

Y/N grabs his wrist and twists it, not letting him near Dewey. Dewey continues to read off his phone.

"It says here that they're making a movie of Darkwing Duck!" Dewey exclaims.

"They are? We am?" Starling exclaims in shock.

Y/N raises their eyebrow. How does he not know this if he's the star? Suddenly, Starling climbs on top of Launchpad, who is on the table.

"Darkwing Duck is back, Baby!" Starling exclaims.

"He is?!" Launchpad exclaims, getting up and throwing Starling off of him. "It's him!"

Launchpad then promptly faints again, crushing both Drake and Starling, getting a few laughs out of Y/N. Dewey takes a picture, making Y/N laugh even harder, their hood falling off, which gains Dewey's attention. Y/N panics and moves the hood back onto their head. Hopefully, Dewey didn't see their face.


The Duckling and human sit in the front of the Limo, which probably isn't a good idea considering the fact Launchpad keeps fainting when looking in the rearview mirror to see Starling.

"LAUNCHPAD! Stop looking in the rearview mirror!" Dewey orders, waking him up.

Launchpad nods, "Yup! Totally profesh. No problem."

He then looks in the rearview mirror again, fainting, causing the car to somehow stop.

"Hey! Fragile cargo back here!" Starling exclaims.

"Ugh, I'm driving." Y/N frowns, unbuckling their seatbelt and sitting on Launchpad. "Wait, this is an auto?"

They adjust the mirrors, cringing in disgust as they move the mirror away from Starling.

"Back on top. Arriving on set for a big-shot movie in style. Thanks for the ride, fans." Starling smirks.

Y/N growls, "Shut up or I'm making you walk!"

Dewey smiles, "Wow. I am going to a real movie studio! Where larger-than-life big-screen legends are born!"

Launchpad smiles, somehow awoken again, "And you get to ride there with a real-life movie star!"

Y/N cringes in disgust as the duck sniffs his sweaty armpits.

"Are we sure about this guy? Why wouldn't the studio send a car for him? Or, you know, tell him the movie exists?" Dewey asks.

Y/N holds in a snarky comment.

Launchpad shrugs, "They couldn't make a movie without him. Jim Starling is Darkwing Duck!"

Starling smirks, "Yer dang right he is, buddy!"

"Get back in your seat!" Y/N yells.

Launchpad exclaims, "I'm his buddy!"

He then faints again, only this time his foot pushes the accelerator. Y/N pushes the "hazards" button and tries to reach the brakes, only for the limo to crash into the movie studio where they are making the Darkwing Duck movie.

"Launchpad, I'm never letting you drive with your role model in the back ever again." Y/N groans, trying not to puke.

The window rolls down and Dewey freaks out, "Oh, man. I hope whoever owns the studio isn't mad at-" He then stops and gapes, "Wait... What the?!"

Y/N looks at the sign to see Scrooge McDuck on it. They start to pale.


Dewey drags the human teen through the studio, trying to get into the room Scrooge must be in. Y/N just wants to know how Dewey knows where he's going. Dewey then kicks in the door, looking ticked. The two ducks in the room (Or is he a swan?), Scrooge and someone else, turn their attention towards the duckling. He then takes one of the trophies, stands on the table and confronts Scrooge, pointing the trophy at him.

"You have a movie studio that could fulfil a starry-eyed boy's cinematic dreams. Why didn't you tell me?!" Dewey exclaims.

Scrooge frowns, unfazed, "To avoid this exact conversation."

Dewey stops, then backs away, "Okay, yeah, no, I can see that."

Y/N chuckles as Launchpad enters behind them. Suddenly, Starling turns the lights of causing Y/N to groan in annoyance, getting Scrooge's attention. The teen shrugs and gestures to Dewey.

"I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the comeback the audience demands! I am..." Starling then jumps on the other duck's chair, smiling, "a huge fan, Alistair Borswan! I mean, I've never actually seen your work, but you're British, so I'm sure that it's very classy, and yeah."

"Must be a swan." Y/N frowns.

The swan now introduced as Alistair, slightly creeped out, frowns, "Uh, yes. And you are?"

Y/N frowns, "He's the original Darkwing Duck, Mr Borswan."

Launchpad, staring at a Darkwing Duck poster, exclaims, "Aw, cool! A big-budget reboot of the thing I loved as a kid! Those are always great!"

Y/N frowns, "Actually, I can name a few movies that weren't all that great. You were better off watching the original series."

"Is Darkwing's motorcycle in it? Is he still a noble hero who gets back up and fights for right, no matter what evil throws at him? You're keeping the theme song, right?" Launchpad asks as he and Starling crowd Alistair.

"Would you like to see the trailer?" Alistair asks.

Y/N shrugs, sitting down on a chair, everyone else getting excited. The logo of McDuck Pictures appears with purple smoke at the bottom corner of each side.

"Within every man, there is a war."

The scene changes to the camera showing multiple dark buildings.

"Not of action, but of ideas. There is no right or wrong." A man's scream is heard. "No heroes or villains. Only darkness."

The entire city shows a blackout. The scene then changes to the word 'DARKNESS' line before it changes again to people running away while a pearl necklace slowly drops to the ground.

"There is one man who can fight the darkness."

Launchpad cheers, "Yeah, here we go baby!"

The scene changes to a silhouette of Darkwing Duck on one of the building towers. Thunder sounds as it changes.

"With more darkness."

Y/N turns to Alistair in confusion. The scene changes to someone lighting a match and drops it. It soon shows a fiery symbol of 'DW'. Launchpad looks in horror while the scene changes again to people running out of the subway.

"It's the Dark-wing! Run!" A person on the TV exclaims.

The scene changes to the pearl necklace that finally lands and break into pieces. The scene changes to a police dog who looks like Commissioner James Gordan, confronting Darkwing Duck on the rooftops.

"You can't just flap around in the night! You'll terrify people! It's too dangerous!" The dog exclaims.

Darkwing smirks just before it changes to the Title screen.

"Darkwing: First Darkness. This film not suitable for children."

Y/N holds themselves together, fighting against the want to stab Alistair with Daylight. He just destroyed Launchpad's childhood, and Y/N can see it in his eyes.

"That was stupid!" Y/N exclaims, waving their hands around. "First of, that's just like Batman, The Dark Knight! In my... Country, Batman was a child-appropriate television show during my parent's years as children. Then it became like this and not only were my parents upset with that but so was I! Where's the humour and teaching people right from wrong? Teaching people compassion, proper grammar!? That was crap! You want something that'll sell and make lots of money, you have to make it child-appropriate and something that'll draw people in! Only people who like Horror movies will be watching that! And trust me, there are more children in the world than adults. Screw your "Artistic work"! I've seen fanfictions more appropriate than that!"

Launchpad agrees, "That is not Darkwing Duck! DW'd never hurt innocent people or set the city on fire. Not on purpose."

Alistair asks, "But are we all not both the heroes and the villains of our own story?"

Y/N growls, pointing their finger at Alistair in anger, "If I hear any more philosophical crap out of your mouth, so help me I will pull out your teeth to use as chest pieces and make a flute out if your arm!"

Everyone stares at Y/N in shock. The teen clears their throat.

"Sorry. Got ahead of myself. But seriously, do not feed me philosophical crap or you will regret it." Y/N frowns, causing Scrooge to narrow his eyes on the teen, or more specifically, their hands.

Starling smirks, "Well I like it! Grim, gritty. Shows off my dark, smouldering side. Ooh! Ahh!"

Y/N coughs, "Kiss up."

"I kinda hated it." Dewey says.

"WHAT?!" Alistair asks, completely shocked.

Dewey explains, "I didn't understand what was happening or what the bad guy was doing or even who the bad guy was!"

Y/N shrugs, "That's what happens when idiots are hired to make the movie."

Scrooge slams his fists into the table and growls, "I knew he needed a moustache!"

"It needs aliens!" He then stands on the table then does a kick, "Oh! Or ninjas! Or the streetwise sidekick who skateboards everywhere and talks in catchphrases, like ya Dewey!"

Y/N frowns, "That'd be Mary Sue-ish, Dewey."

Everyone looks at Y/N, confused.

"Mary Sue is the name used to describe a character that is so unrealistically free of weaknesses, usually female as Gary Stu is used to describe male characters like that for some reason. A Mary Sue is often an author's idealized self-insertion, or Wish fulfilment for the author. For example, they don't make mistakes, they never get hurt, they never have to suffer consequences for their actions, can do anything, is loved by everyone in the story except the villains, unless you want the villains to fall in love with them too. Oh, and they almost always have a tragic backstory to make you feel pity for them." Y/N explains.

Everyone stares at Y/N in confusion, wondering how they know all this stuff.

Y/N sighs, "I do a lot of fanfic reading and writing in my spare time. I come across way too many Mary Sues."

Scrooge ignores the teen and turns to the swan and frowns, "This is your main audience. If this fiasco is gonna make money, it has to appeal to the most childish child I know. Dewey's in charge."

Y/N holds in a laugh as they watch the unfolding chaos.

"What? No!" Alistair yells.

Dewey smiles, "Yes! Let's talk musical numbers! How many is not enough?"

Starling turns Alistair towards him, "Don't listen to these yahoos. We're making art! When do we start?"

"We're almost finished, actually." Alistair frowns.

"Ah. So, we're shooting the Darkwing scenes last!" Starling smiles.

Alistair continues to disappoint Starling, "No."

"Of course! I'll be put in with CGI!" Starling smirks.

Alistair sighs, "You are not playing Darkwing Duck. He is."

Alistair gestures to the door where Drake walks in.

"I'm getting out of this trainwreck." Y/N frowns, starting to leave.

"Mr Starling! Uh, we met at the signing. You fell on me, remember? It was a huge honour; Uh, do you have any words of wisdom for the man stepping into your cape?" Drake asks.

Before Y/N can step out completely, they grab Drake out of the lunging duck's way and quickly grab Starling's wrists, putting him in a painful position as they hit a pressure point on his neck, knocking him out.

"Don't attack an innocent." Y/N glares, their E/C eyes burning into Starling's soul.

A security guard comes, picking up Starling and throwing him out. Drake grabs Y/N, a starry-eyed look in his eyes.

"Teach me how to do that!" Drake asks.

Y/N shrugs, "Sure. But it has to be somewhere private so no one gets hurt."


After a while of walking, Drake and Y/N come to a big room no one else is in.

"Alright, how do I do that?" Drake asks.

Y/N chuckles, "Okay, calm down. First, let me teach you the three rules I've been taught that keep me alive plus one I made myself. Rule one, Always be afraid."

Drake tilts his head, confused, "But doesn't fear stop you from doing things?"

Y/N shakes their head, "No. Fear acts as an adrenaline inducer. It keeps you sharp, wakes up your Flight-or-Fight instincts. It heightens your senses, keeps you alive. Makes you vigilant. A hero is not they who are fearless, but they who are not stopped by their fear. You just can't let your opponent know you're scared, or they'll use it against you."

Drake shrugs, "Okay, I guess that makes sense."

"Rule two. Always finish the fight. An opponent shouldn't be given mercy unless they repent. I hate that rule, but I can't survive without it." Y/N frowns.

Drake frowns, confused, "What do you mean?"

Y/N sighs, "Long story, but you don't need to worry about that. But here's one that's saved my butt a few times. When in doubt, kick 'em in the Gronk-Nuks!"

"Gronk-Nuks?" Drake asks.

Y/N grabs a dummy from nearby and shoots right in the nards, making Drake wince.

"Almost always effective, no matter what gender you use it on." Y/N smiles. "Another rule is "always protect the face". You don't want to be knocked out or end up with a broken jaw which will ruin your face for the rest of your life. Now, come over here. Let me show you how I knocked Starling out."

Drake walks over to Y/N, who has their hands on a dummy's head.

"Okay, you see this part here, right behind the ear where the jaw connects with the neck? That's where I hit."


After teaching Drake how to defend himself and knock an attacker out, the two walk to his trailer. There's a noise inside the trailer, making both people share confused glances.

"Help! I'm trapped in a prison of guilt!"

Drake punches the door, opening it easily.

"I'm impressed, Mallard." Y/N smirks until their gaze lands on Launchpad inside Drake's trailer. "Launchpad?"

Drake exclaims, "Fear not helpless- Oh, hey it's you. I heard your cries," He helps Launchpad get up, "and I freed you... from my trailer? What... what are you doing in my trailer?"

Y/N sits on the Darkwing couch inside, confused as well.

"Definitely not locking you in here to sabotage your movie..." Launchpad lies, locking the door, "buddy?"

Y/N facepalms.

"Drake, do you have your own bathroom?" They ask.

Drake nods, "Just through that door, Y/N. You can't miss it."

Y/N walks towards it and locks the door, hitting their head against their hands repeatedly.

"That stupid Starling has convinced poor Launchpad he's doing good!" Y/N growls.

Outside the door, a lot of fighting is heard, even a crash into the door, making Y/N jump.

"I'll let them fight it out." Y/N mutters.

They hear Launchpad apologising a lot. After a while, there's a little fanboying. Safe enough to come out now. The teen opens the door, seeing Launchpad fanboy over a toy.

"Is that?"

Both boys chorus, "A hyper-rare Battle-Hat Darkwing Duck Action Figure!"

Y/N chuckles amused and good-naturedly.

"I thought these were banned because they posed a blinding hazard for kids! May I?" Launchpad asks.

Drake smiles, "Ah, a keen eye. I insist."

Launchpad picks it up, then accidentally shoots himself in the eye. Y/N winces and pulls a bag of peas out of the freezer and shoves it on Launchpad's now red eye.

"I can see why these were recalled." Y/N frowns, picking up the toy and putting it back on its table.


After a while, the peas are put back in the freezer as Drake and Launchpad play with the toys they have, holding one of the Darkwings above an iron. Y/N knows this isn't gonna end well, so they're reading through the comics, smirking at all the twists. Very few of these were made into episodes, this Negaduck character is quite interesting and reminds them very much of Starling. Dark, brooding, insane, and selfish too.

"Your pyro-pandemonium is passé, Hot Couture!" Drake exclaims.

Launchpad counters, "Au contraire, Darkwing. I'm setting the fashion world on fire!"

Y/N just continues to read the comic in fascination. While Launchpad moves the Hot Couture action figure around, he accidentally knocks a little bit of liquid onto a lunchbox, making Drake freak out, which makes Y/N put down the book.

"Oh no!" He exclaims, dropping the hot iron onto his foot, making him exclaim in pain.

Y/N grabs the peas out of the freezer again. They pick up the iron, turning it off, then shove the peas on Drake's injured foot. They then pick up the lunchbox, giving it to the duck.

"Oops. My bad." Launchpad apologises. He takes note of Drake's lunchbox, "Hey, I had that same lunchbox as a kid." Launchpad smiles.

"Not like this one. Now, shocking as it may sound, I was not the coolest kid growing up." Drake admits.

Launchpad scoffs like he was obviously lied to, "What? No."

"I know, right? But one day, I saw this show about this hero. He was unstoppable. No matter how many times he was beat up or blown up or electrocuted." Drake smiles.

"No matter how many planes he crashed or... or how much property damage he caused!" Launchpad inputs, confusing Y/N.

Drake continues, "He always got back up and fought for what's right."

"So you got that lunchbox, everyone saw how cool you are, and they stopped beating you up!" Launchpad guessed.

Drake shakes his head, "Oh, no. They... they beat me up much harder. But I kept getting up. Look, I know this movie's not perfect. But I really want to make it better. Then, maybe I can be on the lunchbox that inspires some other kid like me. And a cut of the toy sales would be nice."

Y/N claps in approval, "You've inspired me, Mallard."

"You are a true fan. We can save this movie! We gotta tell Mr Starling." Launchpad smiles.

Drake refuses, "Yeah, I... I don't know. He kind of wants to make me not alive anymore."

Y/N smirks, "Get your cape, losers. We're gonna save Darkwing Duck."


After a while of walking and splitting up, Y/N sneaks around the set, acting as normal as possible.

"Where is that set? It should be around here somewhere..." Y/N mutters.

They hear Drake saying something to Starling. They sneak around a corner to watch the conversation. What shocks Y/N though, is the fact Starling is in the Darkwing Duck costume.

"I am so sorry about everything. You helped me through a really rough time. Your heart is in my lunchbox. Come work on the movie with me. Together, we can inspire a new generation and make the best Darkwing Duck ever!" Drake smiles as he holds his hand out to Starling for him to shake.

Y/N watches in anticipation, hoping he'll agree. Their eyes suddenly land on the closet behind Starling where a hand is sticking out.

"Yes..." He shakes Drake's hand with a sinister smile, "I will."

Starling suddenly opens the door, throwing Drake into it. Starling continues to slam the door onto Drake's face, repeatedly.

"Ow! Oh! Why? We! Fix movie. Together. Why?" Drake says, a slam interrupting every word.

Y/N growls as Starling continues to slam Drake's face.

"Stupid. Movie star. Face. Get. In!" Starling exclaims.

Starling finally closes the door, turning around with a crazed look in his eyes.

"Showtime!" He chuckles, then laughs like the Joker, or in this case, Negaduck.

Y/N waits till he leaves, then opens the door, three bodies falling on them.

"Drake, wake up! Come on! If we don't stop Negaduck, more then the movie is gonna be in danger." Y/N panics, trying to wake him up by slapping him. After a few moments, of nothing, she groans, "That's it. Gotta do this the old fashioned way. Wet willy time."

The teen puts a bit of spit on her finger then shoves it in Drake's ear, making him wake up in shock.

"Did you just give me a wet willy?" Drake asks.

Y/N frowns, "I am not defending myself for waking you up like that. Negaduck- I mean... Starling is going to completely ruin the film! He's gone insane!"

Drake exclaims, "We gotta get everyone out of there!"


Y/N and Drake walk into the room, only this time, Drake's in costume.

"Well, I'm no megafan like you, but damn, that's a good costume." Y/N compliments.

Drake frowns, "You stay out here, it's too dangerous!"

Y/N deadpans at him, "I taught you my rules, and your way of repaying me is to tell me to stay outside? No no no! My buddy Launchpad is in there, in danger! I'm not going to be standing out here doing nothing! I can't believe I'm saying this again, but all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing! Damn, that's the fifth time this week."

Drake asks, "What are you going to do?"

Y/N sighs, "Alright, look, Mallard, you can't tell anyone. You're the third person to know, but here it is."

The teen takes off their hood, revealing they are human.

"Before you ask, I'm human. And I'm not done yet. For the Glory Hisirdoux, Daylight is mine to command." They quickly say, ignoring anything telling them to be dramatic as they call for their armour and helmet. "Now let's get dangerous, Darkwing!" Y/N smirks before running into fire.


"Cut!" Alistair exclaims.

Starling exclaims, "No cuts!"

Starling zaps near Alistair's feet just before Alistair can about to reach the camera.

"JIM STARLING NEVER CUTS!!" Starling exclaims. "I'll film this finale if it kills me. And everyone on this roof!"

Suddenly, an eerie voice announces, "I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the overstuffed burrito that spills onto the lap of crime."

Another voice chuckles, "And I am the freak of nature that haunts sane people's dreams."

Two people appear on either side of the room, one in Darkwing Duck clothes, the other in a familiar suit of armour.

"The Trollhunter?" Scrooge and Dewey ask, confused.

"I am Darkwing Duck!"

Starling yells, "No, I am!"

The armoured person laughs, "No, you're Negaduck! If you had read the comics, you'd know that Darkwing's greatest enemy was Negaduck! Too bad he never made the cut."

Starling yells, "How Dare you!?" and shoots the laser beam at the Trollhunter.

They get thrown back a few feet, only to get back up.

"I have the magic of a nine hundred-year-old wizard protecting me, Negaduck! What do you have? A laser? Pathetic! I am the Trollhunter! But I think I'll make an exception for you!" Trollhunter chuckles as they dodge another beam.

"What are those idiots doing?" Alistair asks.

Scrooge gapes, "Drawing fire."

The Trollhunter yells, "What are you still doing here? Get everyone out before you're all shish-kebabs!"

Trollhunter grabs Darkwing and ducks (Accidental pun) out of the way, right next to Launchpad.

"We've gotta stop the flames!" Launchpad exclaims.

Darkwing frowns, "I'll keep him distracted. You turn on the rain machine."

Trollhunter smirks, "I think you mean we'll keep him distracted."

Launchpad nods as they put their hands together, feathers meeting armoured skin.

"Let's! Get! Dangerous!" They chorus.

The three split up, Trollhunter yelling out insults.

"Hey, Negaduck! Yo momma is so fat when she got on the scale it said, "I need your weight, not your phone number"!"

Dewey starts laughing as Darkwing jumps onto the crate and yells, "Ha Ha!"

Starling exclaims, "What?! I knocked you out cold. Like, a lot!"

Darkwing smirks, "I don't want to brag, but I'm incredibly strong and resilient."

"I gave him a wet willy." Trollhunter announces.

Everyone stares at the Trollhunter in disgust and shock. Starling's gaze lands underneath Darkwing, where there are a lot of explosives.

"Oh, really?" Starling smirks.

Trollhunter gasps seeing what's going on in his mind, "Darkwing, look out!"

Starling shoots the box Darkwing's standing.

"Darkwing!" Launchpad and the Trollhunter yell.

"No!" Dewey exclaims.

The Trollhunter growls, preparing to attack the laughing maniac again when a groan is heard. The smoke clears to show Darkwing, seemingly just fine, just covered in soot.

"What?" Starling asks, confused.

Darkwing falls over. Trollhunter yells out a battle cry, charging at the insane duck.

"Get back up!" Darkwing whispers to himself.

He quickly gets back up, charging with the Trollhunter. Suddenly, Starling shoots above them, causing a piano to fall on them. The Trollhunter raises their sword, slicing the piano in half, protecting Darkwing and themselves.

"Why won't you stay DEAD!?" Starling yells.

 Trollhunter yells, "Because I've almost been killed by a lot of things! You're not special, you platypus!"

"I was talking about him."

Trollhunter smirks, "Because I'm not letting him die! And you're costing Mr McDuck a lot of money in property damages. I am not paying for those."

The two get zapped by the laser, which Trollhunter realises they probably should've picked a better costume than their metal armour. They pull out their sword, letting it absorb most of the electricity.

"Keep getting UP!" Darkwing yells.

Trollhunter lets out a battle cry, just about ready to pass out, but refusing to obey their body's commands. Suddenly, the laser cannon blows up, making the ducks and human dodge. Trollhunter groans as smoke radiates off their body. They look up to see Darkwing and Starling fighting, but they can't tell who's who. It's going too fast.

"Uncle Scrooge, stop the bad guy!" Dewey yells.

Scrooge yells back, "Which is the bad guy?! If only one had a blasted moustache!"

The Trollhunter growls at the Scottish duck and turns back to the fight. They scoff and turn up to see Launchpad crawling towards the rain machine. They quickly climb up to help him.

"It's stuck!" Launchpad exclaims.

The Trollhunter pulls out their thigh blades, sticking them together. They then stab it into the valve, then turn it with all their might.

"A little help, Launchpad!" They yell.

Launchpad puts his hands over the top of Trollhunter's, pushing it, making it move much easier. It suddenly launches water at the two, throwing them off the beam.

"Shows over, Deadmeat Duck!" Starling smirks.

Suddenly, the Trollhunter and Launchpad crash into the floor in between the two actors and the electrical rod. The Trollhunter rolls away, groaning in pain.

Launchpad yells, "STOP! You're not a villain. You're a hero. Our hero. No matter how hopeless things got, Darkwing Duck got back up and did what was right. For Darkwing Duck is bigger than one man. He is the hope that flaps in the night..."

Scrooge gapes, "This may be the most eloquent Launchpad has ever been."

Dewey shrugs, "He knows a lot about this one thing."

Launchpad continues, "But he is light. Just. And the most tenacious part of all good men..."

The two actors and the Trollhunter hear something, turning around to see the electrical rod glitching.

"Uh, Launchpad?" Darkwing asks.

"Inspiring the citizenry to rise to a new Promethean..." Launchpad continues.

Starling exclaims while pointing at the electrical rod with the chainsaw in his hands, "Hey, dummy, it's about to blow!" He turns to Darkwing, "You really can't stop him once he gets started."

"Well, he is your biggest fan." Darkwing shrugs.

Trollhunter nods, "He is. Is this what you wanted, Starling? You turned into Negaduck, forgot what it means to be Darkwing Duck."

Starling looks down at his chainsaw, seeing his reflection. He drops the chainsaw when the group notices Launchpad's still going.

"... one who subjugates his will. To the will of the common good. A daring duck of mystery. A champion of right. Who is the cunning mind behind that shadowy disguise?" Launchpad finishes.

The Trollhunter gasps as they realise Launchpad's still in danger.

"Launchpad!" They yell.

The two actors get up and run towards him, meaning to get him out of the way.

"I got ya!"

"No, I got him!"

Darkwing tries to push Launchpad but Starling knocks both men aside. The electric rod begins to malfunction. Starling turns around in horror as it explodes. 

"Starling, get out of there!" Trollhunter yells, only to be blown back with everyone else.

Both Darkwing and Launchpad are in shock as Darkwing falls onto his knees. Trollhunter limps over and puts their hand on his arm. They see Scrooge looking at them with a glare, so they run away, throwing a smoke bomb taken from Darkwing to the ground. They write a note quickly, dropping it in their path as they leave.


After a while, firefighters begin to put out the fire while taking parts of the rubble away. Alistair and Dewey try to move parts of the rubble away aswell. Y/N runs in, coughing a lot as they walk over to Darkwing and Launchpad.

"Launchpad, Darkwing, are you alright? Wait, Where's Starling?" They ask, covering for themselves.

Darkwing frowns, "There's no sign of Starling. The movie's ruined, I lost my big break, my hero tried to kill me, and, oh... I blew him up. Oh, what am I gonna do now?"

Launchpad answers, "What Darkwing Duck always does: 'Get back up.' You know, you could do this for real."

"What? Be a superhero? I mean sure, I'm scrappy, I'm brave, I look great in a cape." Darkwing smiles.

Y/N growls, "I hate capes. They always get in the way."

"Gizmoduck does it." Launchpad offers.

"I am better than Gizmoduck." Darkwing frowns.

Launchpad sighs, "It's one thing to play a hero. And it's another thing to actually be a hero. Do it for Jim."

"I don't know... I... This whole thing sounds like it could get-"

"Dangerous?" Y/N and Launchpad chorus.

Launchpad smiles, "You already got one fan!" holding his signed poster up.

Y/N chuckles, "Make that two. I don't have a poster for you to sign, but I'm sure you could sign one of the shirts in the gift shop."

Darkwing Duck signs the poster.

"Drake Mallard. Huh. Never heard of you." Launchpad smiles.

Y/N smirks, "Your secret identity is safe with me."

Drake whispers, "And yours with me."

Y/N hugs him, their hood and sunglasses falling off to reveal to a certain duck that the teen isn't a bird or animal, like normal people in this town.

"Woah, what's with your head, N/N?" Launchpad asks.

Y/N quickly covers their head with the hood.

"I'll tell you when I'm more comfortable. I just gotta get home before nightfall, or my... guardian will have my guts for guarders." Y/N chuckles nervously, still not ready to tell Launchpad the truth.

Launchpad smiles, "I'll just tell Mr McDee and Dewey that you went home early because of all the excitement."

Y/N hugs Launchpad, giving both the ducks a quick noogie before running off.

"Don't trip on a raindrop!" They laugh as they run out, a duck's eyes on them with suspicion.


Y/N makes it home safely, a sick feeling in their stomach.

"Something's wrong... Starling's dead, Scrooge saw the Trollhunter, and now I feel sick. What's wrong? Are my predecessors warning me of something without the Forge? What's wrong? What's with this unwavering dread I'm feeling?" Y/N asks themselves as they walk into their room.

They pick up a pair of clothes and a towel, walking towards the bathroom.

"Maybe a hot shower and sleeping on it will help." They sigh as they get into the bathroom humming a song they heard some passerby humming.


Scrooge McDuck searches through his study for information on skinny flesh-covered creatures. So far he's only come up with Centaurs.

"What was that creature that Launchpad was talking to?" Scrooge asks himself, looking at a picture the security cameras managed to get of it and the note it left behind.

𝒮𝑜𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒹𝒶𝓂𝒶𝑔𝑒𝓈, 𝒮𝒸𝑜𝓉𝓉𝓎 𝑀𝒸𝒯𝑜𝓅𝐻𝒶𝓉. 𝒮𝑒𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝑔𝓁𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓉 𝓂𝑒 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃. 𝒯𝒯𝐹𝒩.

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒯𝓇𝑜𝓁𝓁𝒽𝓊𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇.

Scrooge grumbles to himself, looking over the news of recently. Reports of this Trollhunter showing up at the Waddle Building and now it's shown up at his movie studio? The five-fingered fleshy creature appeared at his Studio with Launchpad as well, so they have to be connected. This is sending Scrooge's instincts through the roof. The Trollhunter is dangerous, and it seems to use magic, so it seems pretty obvious to him what it is.

"It's working for Magica DeSpell!" Scrooge frowns.

He searches for magical spells through his cluster of paper to find something mentioning vessels.

"Vessels are used as servants of witches and wizards, obeying them without hesitation because they have no choice, either being made by the witch/wizard or being forced into it by slavery." Scrooge reads.

He frowns, remembering how Y/N mentioned their "guardian" with concern on their face, leaving Scrooge wondering one question:

"Which one is the vessel?"

A/N Shoutout to @lordredsontlborn @Shad0w_Weaver and @ydhghf because of lordredsontlborn's thoughts on why Scrooge doesn't like Trollhunter and ydhghf and Shad0w_Weaver because they've been here since the start.

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