1; Unfortunate Encounter

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As I shrugged on my apron I wear while working, I walked into the store and greeted my co-workers.

I used to work at my family's coffee shop, but I quit eventually, moving out. It was just way too much pressure, man.

"Yo, spaz. New customer." I heard my co-worker tell me. 

I rolled my eyes and walked to the cashier and took their order while twitching and stuttering considerably more than usual. "Hello there! W-what may I get you?" I stutter out, face turning red when I realize the customer was highly attractive. 

This man had jaw-length blonde, silky hair that framed his oval fave flawlessly. His eyes, an emerald green, looked bored and a bit irritated. He had a small nose, well almost everything about him was small, including his body. He was very lean, but I could tell he was in shape. He was wearing a jacket with black sleeves and cheetah print on the inner part with black sweatpants, that accentuated his legs quite nicely. But hey, I'd hope not everything about this man was small.

"Lady, are you deaf or something? Or are you just so incompetent you can't even do the simplest job that is taking an order?" He spat out. First of all, Russian accent; fucking hot, I feel my knees buckling in. And second of all, what the hell did he just say to me?

"Ah! I'm so sorry sir, I spaced out. What was your order again?" I tried to be polite but when I smiled, my eyes didn't crinkle like they would with a real smile, giving the falseness away. 

He gave me his order once more and this time I got it all down and he gave me the money for his drink. 

"Name?" I question him, thankful that my job requires us to write the names for this moment.

"Yuri. Don't misspell it, hag." He walked away, but I still heard the last part of his sentence. How vile! Why does someone so attractive like him have to be such a.. Total dick! 

I grit my teeth and start making the coffee, muttering profanities under my breath to hold back my anger for this man. When the coffee is done, I call his name and he walks up from his seat where he waited, grabbed the coffee, glared at me, and left.

That dick! I then noticed something left on the table he was sitting at. A jacket? The cheetah print one he came in with! I guess he got hot in here and decided to take it off. I grabbed the jacket and ran outside of the Starbucks. We're on a street corner, so I had to look on both sides to see if this, Yuri, went either way. "Yuri!" I called out, in hopes he would hear me. 

After looking for about three minutes I decided that he's gone, and the only option I have now is to hold onto the jacket and then put it into the lost and found bin in the back.

As I walked back into the Starbucks, the warmth enveloped me and I immediately felt better being away from the harsh snow. I looked back at the register and figured that today is my lucky day, Yuri was standing there, looking impatient and annoyed. 

"Yuri!" I said his name in so much excitement, forgetting what a dick he is. 

His eyes travel down to my hand where his jacket is and his face scrunches up in frustration, "Why do you have my jacket lady, give it back." He didn't wait for you to reach out your hand, instead he stepped towards you and yanked it out of your hand roughly. 

I couldn't even process what had happened for a moment before I came to my senses and saw him walking away scoffing at me. "Hey! You should say thank you. I went out in the snow looking for you to give that back. Don't be such a punk, maybe you'll make more friends that way." I huffed out in anger and saw Yuri grit his teeth.

"Don't blame me for the decisions you make. You could have just left it there, I didn't ask you to go after me and give it back. Don't act like you're so high and mighty," He smirks, "from the way you act I bet you have zero friends." He then turns on me and proceeds to walk out again, but I run up to him and block him from leaving. His eyes widen in surprise, and then anger.

"Move, pig." My eyebrows furrowed and I struggled to hold back from punching him in his perfectly sculpted nose. 

"You really are a dick." Is all i had to say, moving away from the door to let him pass. For a moment he stood there and looked at me. If you asked me to describe the look in his eyes, I couldn't tell you. I think the best comparison would be a deer caught in headlights, but less scared. More surprised, or impressed. But alas, he didn't say anything else and left.

Whatever. There are plenty of cute guys in the world who turn out to be total jerks, so why did this one make my blood boil so damn much? 

I shake my head, as if to get of these thoughts plaguing my head and get back to my cashier. Thankfully, it's one of those slower days, when barely anyone comes in. While the whole confrontation thing was happening, no one entered the store miraculously. 

Time passed slowly, and a few more customers came in from the time I got back to the cashier and the time I clocked out. Thank god that day is over.

I wave over a taxi and get back to my apartment. When I open my door, I'm greeted by my lovely cat named, Vitya. He's the most adorable, fluffy, affectionate cat I've ever seen, and I love him with all my heart. 

He meowed at me to fill up his food bowl for dinner and I complied, following that with making my own dinner. 

I open my pantry and see nothing I could really make a good meal out of. Then, my eyes trail down to the instant ramen noodles. My mouth watered a bit just thinking about it and I caved, filling the container with water and microwaving it. Beef teriyaki just sounds too good right now to resist.

I then sat down to eat after mixing the seasoning with the noodles and sighed. That blonde punk today, Yuri. Why can't I get him out of my head? I've met plenty of attractive dicks in my lifetime and all I wanted to do was punch them, not punch them then kiss the hell out of them. 

I silently eat my ramen, not bothering to turn on music or the TV. I just realized how tired I am after today's antics and thought it would be a good time to go to bed.

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