2; Contrasting Yuris

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I wake up to the sound of rock metal, jolting out of bed in panic, till I realize it's just my alarm. I'm quite the heavy sleeper, so I have to do things like this to get to classes on time.

10 AM. Class starts at 11, I should probably hurry and get ready. When I go to classes, I don't wear anything fancy, just jeans and a sweatshirt mostly. But today, I'm feeling sweats. Sweats, why is that bringing a sour taste on my tongue? Eh, I just want to be comfy today. Especially because it's only acting, and everyone in that class is amazing. My best friend Victor is in there as well which is awesome! I hear we're getting two new transfers today which is hella awesome, and I'm super excited to meet the new people, especially because they're two guys! Score!

I shrug on a hoodie over my muscle tank and stumble in the bathroom. I do my stupid skincare routine that honestly, doesn't do much for my face, in my opinion. Concealer and mascara is what I usually go for makeup and lazy days like this. Finishing all of this in 10 minutes, I have myself enough time to cook breakfast get to class on time, my school only being a block away.

I make some cereal and my cat rubs on my legs, trying to get my attention.

"Baby! I'm eating, you can wait until I'm done can't you?" he meowed in response as if to say, 'If I have to..' I smile at how cute he is. I actually named him after my friend I mentioned earlier, Victor. I've known Victor since we were just 5, both having the same passion for the stage and performing. We became the best of friends and became inseparable ever since. After I finish eating, I put food in Vitya's food bowl and scratch under his chin.

I check the time and see that it's 10:35, time to leave. I put on some sneakers and grab my backpack with my notebooks, pens, and water bottle. Locking my door on the way out, I prepare myself for the day ahead of me.

Making my way to class has become routine after a few weeks, so getting there was like a walk in the park.

Walking up to NYU's acting class, my eyes drift over the students in the class until I see the one I'm looking for.

"Chloe!" Victor yells in glee and runs over to hug me. Victor was always so energetic and happy in the morning, I'll never know how.

"Heya, babe. How you doin this morning?" I shot back with a wink, teasing my friend as I made my way to our usual seats.

"Very well, my dear friend. You heard about the new students right? Two guys, one Japanese and one Russian. Maybe I'll meet my perfect Russian match I've always dreamed of!" Eyes sparkling, Victor stood up and threw his fist in the air, proclaiming today he would meet his soul mate for sure. Last time we got a new student, it was a guy as well and Victor got super excited for it, only for him to realize the guy was straight and put in the class by accident. Real bummer.

"Calm down there, Victor! Don't want you to get your hopes up yet, okay? We have no idea what these guys are even like." Victor frowned at me and sat back down, mumbling a 'Whatever.' I smile at him, knowingly. He hates when I ruin his pining for random guys.

I'm sure you could have guessed by now, but Victor was 100% gay. He loves penis. He told me when we were in 10th grade, Sophomores in High School. I caught him drooling over some popular, attractive guy in Geometry and questioned him after class. As soon as I popped the question, I knew the answer. His eyes started to water a bit and I puled him into a hug, assuring him I'll always be his best friend.

Oh, those were the days. Victor really is the best, and I could only hope we can be friends forever.

I snap out of my daydream when the teacher and a dark haired boy wearing glasses came into the class. This must be the Japanese exchange student! I sneak a glance at Victor to find he looked at me at the same time. He had a stupid smirk on his face that said, 'Soul mate, bitch.' I giggled and flicked his head, turning my attention to the front of the room.

"Would you like to introduce yourself, young man?" My sweet acting professor asked the Japanese boy. He looked really anxious, as if his knees were going to buckle in any second.

"H-hello, everyone. My name is Yuri Katsuki and I'm from Japan. I'm 23 and I have a huge passion for acting. I hope we can all have a good year!" He finishes, giving an adorable lopsided smile. He's so adorable.

Everyone claps and the teacher asks if anyone would like to have Yuri sit with them. Just then, Victor shot up, "I would love to take Yuri under my wing, seat him next to me Professor," finishing with a wink and holding his hand out, presumably to Yuri. The professor agrees and urges Yuri to go on and take a seat next to Victor.

Yuri takes a seat and sets his bag down next to him and looks over to Victor and I, giving us smiles.

I start to introduce myself but just as I did that, the door was shoved open and it banged against the wall. And there he was, the Yuri from the Starbucks the day before. What are the fucking odds?

The Professor looks started as Yuri started to introduce himself without missing a beat.

"Yuri Plisetsky from Russia. I'm here to learn about acting, though, I'm sure I'm already the best in the class." He then walks to the part of the room with the most vacant seats and sits down.

The room is dead silent and then the Professor breaks it by saying thank you to Yuri for his flamboyant entrance. She then continues starting the lesson and the day goes on ordinarily, occasionally picking on people to demonstrate stage directions in the front of the class.

The class ends after two hours and Yuri, the rude ass Russian one, is the first person out. Victor stretches out in his seat and sighs, thanking the gods for ending the class. I turn to Yuri, the cute Japanese one, and introduce myself as I tried to earlier. "Hi, Yuri! I'm Chloe, a good friend of Victor. Do you have any plans after class?" Victor and I always stop by the Starbucks where I work after Monday lectures.

Yuri blushes and stutters out a 'yes.' Victor squeals in glee and insists that he comes with us to Starbucks. "Um, are you guys sure? I mean, not that I don't want to come! I totally do! I just wouldn't want to intrude-" Victor cuts him off by putting tilting his face up to his with his fingers and leaning in inches away from his lips, "Don't worry, Yuri, you're not intruding on anything. Just come with us and have a good time. Don't think." He winks. I shake my head and sigh pulling the back of Victors backpack and flicking him in the head.

"Don't do that to this poor, sweet boy you just bet!" I chastised him. Victor puffed out his bottom lip, crossed his arms and looked away. I rolled my eyes and turned to Yuri, who was still blushing heavily from the encounter with Victor. "Sorry about him, Yuri. But please, just come with us. It'll be fun! And if Victor tries that again, I'll flick him. Sound good?" Yuri smiles at me and nods his head. "Yay! Let's go squad!" Victor exclaims and practically runs out the door. I shake my head once more and follow him, Yuri not far behind me.

The Starbucks is fairly close, so it only took us about five minutes to walk there.

As we walk in, I come face to face with a certain blonde Russian, cunt.

I guess God isn't on my side today.

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