Part 15:- With her

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Time flies so fast. It just feels like yesterday when we got married and Suchi entered our lives. Being Suchi's father is the best feeling. Every time she calls me "dadda", I find myself being more responsible. My daughter gives me some unknown peace. 

Earlier I used to just work patiently and slowly but enough fast to complete it before time and then sleep in the office but since I have Suchi I just what to finish the work as soon as possible and run back home to play with my doll.

Her innocent face gives me some unknown calmness. My life was always filled with love and she has just showered more. I am surprised by her immense love for me. She just knew I am her father and her big heart trusted each and every word of mine. She blindly follows whatever I say. She would fight everyone who tries to mess with her father. She is a bundle of joy. Her actions, her love for me melt my four-chambered beating organ.

I smiled to myself like a fool recalling all the past events when the tingling of bangles took my attention away. Being newly married, Saanvi wears a lot of tingling kinds of stuff which of course my sweet mother gives her like her shiny bangles till elbow, Anklets, something anklet type wrapped around her sleek waist, and of course her cheeks kissing earrings. She looks stunning in all the sarees she wears, she does apply minimal makeup but I am still waiting for the natural make-up, her precious carefree smile.
She talks less and smiles 5 times a day. I wonder how is able to breathe all day without talking much.
Maybe when she would trust me enough, she would be able to share her feelings with me and maybe that can help in lifting some weight off her heart.
I know something is bothering her too much. She keeps zoning out every now and then. She thinks to an extent where she even forgets to have lunch.
I force-fed her numerous times that is another thing she burned me down with her death glares and called me an idiot man a thousand times for the same.
Anything but I won't compromise on her health. That's it even if she starts pinching me for it.

"Rishi, your watch is in the second drawer. Don't throw the things tomorrow morning for it" She spoke arranging some things in the drawer.

I chuckled recalling how I empty the whole closet to get my things and later she corrects it, glaring at me with her big eyes.

I kept my laptop aside and that's when my eyes fell on the white envelope.

It's for her! I hope she agrees to it.

Caressing sleeping Suchi's hair I got down the bed.

What will I say?  Saanvi I want you to accept this... No no, she would directly pinch me for ordering her in a rude tone.
Saanvi this is nice... You will like this
But what if she doesn't like it? I don't even know her choices.
Uff! You stupid beating mechanism why are you getting intimidated?
Saanvi either glares or pinches she doesn't kill so stop beating so loudly.

I called Saanvi reaching exactly behind her but it seemed like my body parts were hell excited to make me embarrassed, my voice stuck in my throat. I cleared my throat and she immediately turned around and looked at me with her big doe-shaped eyes.

What was I supposed to say?

She raised her eyebrows at me when I could not form words.

Oh, envelope. Yeah!

I forwarded the envelope hesitantly. Her face immediately went pale as she looked at it. With shaky hands, she opened it.

Please don't slap me. Please. If she slaps me today it will be my first slap from a woman.

"Holiday? " She looked at me confused.

"Yeah... Yeah! Actually, I didn't take Suchi anywhere in the past month and she won't go without you so just... You... Know... "

"Sure! " She mouthed shortly and resumed settling the drawers.

Phew! That was easy. I thought she will not like it and might end up slapping me in fury.

Walking past her I lay on my side of the bed with a small peaceful smile on my face.
I know she is disturbed. She has a lot to say but she is not able to. Maybe the new air will calm her down. The place is close to nature and nature is the best healer. Maybe she would find her much-needed peace there. I just want her to enjoy her life. Whatever the past she had does not seem pretty pleasant but that is past, when she has her whole life ahead she shouldn't waste it thinking of it which does not do anything but to hurt her more, Deepen her wounds.
I know it is easier to be said than done but that does not mean she won't even try.
I want her to move on from her past. I lied to her that the one-week holiday in khajjiar is for Suchi, it's actually for her.

I don't even remember when darkness consumed me. I woke up listening to a yelling  Saanvi, "Don't! Please Don't. I am sorry... Sorry... Sorry " She kept on crying, screaming throwing her hands.
Listening to her even Suchi woke up and started crying. I quickly came to her side, "Saanvi, Calm down. Relax" I shook her holding her shoulders and she finally stopped screaming, I quickly patted Suchi back to sleep, and when I looked at  Saanvi again, her eyes were half open and tears kept following from them, she was staring at nothing in particular.

"Saanvi? " I held her shoulder and shook her again. She fully opened her eyes and when she realized her state she quickly got off the bed and went to the balcony.

"Have it" I kept a glass of water in front of her, she was sitting holding her head between her palms. "Umm... R... Rishi I am sorry. You can go back to sleep" She looked embarrassed and scared.

"Why are you scared? " She  shook her head denying my words, "No I am not"

"You are! " I wiped her cheeks, tucking a hair strand behind her ear.

"I... I.. . " She was fumbling, she was clearly frightened.

"Leave it. You calm down first ". I held her hands in mine.

"Rishi you can go. I am fine really "

"I am quietly sitting here. I am not disturbing you" I whispered rubbing my thumb on the back of her hand.

She sat quietly looking at the stars. I held her hand and kept looking down feeling the comfortable silence between us. I want her to know that I am with her. And I will always be with her. She is my responsibility, she is my family.
Yes, the reason for marriage was Suchi but Saanvi is equally important to me. We may not share husband-wife relation but at least we can be friends with each other.

"I was 19... " She spoke up softly but I kept my finger on her lips. I know what was coming.

"Do you trust me? "
I don't want her to share anything just because of her overthinking pressure. I want her to be comfortable with me.  I know, she doesn't trust me still.

Minutes of silence pass by and I knew the answer already. I smiled at her and got up to go inside when she held my wrist.
Please ignore the grammatical mistakes.

Let me enjoy my drink now, bye❤✨.

Thanks for reading❤.

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