Part 16:- A little Closer

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Saanvi was cooing Suchi to sleep. They reached khajjar and Suchi was very excited all the way, she sat on Rishi's lap and kept giggling when she saw small houses from above. She was thrilled as she first time sat in a plane. Saanvi was content looking at her. It was so thoughtful of Rishi to plan a  vacation from his busy schedule for Suchi.  She even felt guilty about not thinking like him for Suchi. She was so drowned in her own miseries that she forgot about the enjoyment of the little soul. She had not taken Suchi anywhere since she was born and now she was grateful to Rishi for doing it for Suchi.

With all the playing and squealing, Suchi was grumpy now. She wanted to sleep but their continuous travel didn't let her. When they reached their hotel room, the first thing Saanvi did was to pat her to sleep.

"You too take a rest " Rishi said keeping the suitcase on the side.

Saanvi nodded at him and after freshening, she laid beside Suchi.
Rishi too joined them once he was done informing Bela, Mahir, and Saanvi's Dad that they reached safely.

He kissed his innocent daughter's forehead who was sleeping without any care of the world, snuggling onto her Mumma. Rishi then looked at Saanvi who was too sleeping peacefully. He kissed her forehead, letting his lips rest on her forehead for a while. His mind when to the night before when she held his wrist.

He turned to her surprised, her moist eyes, gazed at him with hope in them. She never seemed this vulnerable to him. "Saanvi" Her name left as a whisper from his mouth, her hold on his wrist tightened, "I don't know about trust but I feel safe with you. "

"You and your whole family make me feel good "
She was taking long breathes as if her mind were displaying the most dreadful pictures of her life.

"Calm down Saanvi" Rishi quickly held her hand in his and rubbed her back, "let's go inside ". He asked but she shook her head denying his words.
Getting the signal, Rishi silently sat beside her holding her hand, she leaned onto his side, keeping her head on his biceps, gazing at the stars.
Rishi wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she leaned into his warmth.

He kept caressing her until she slept and that's when he lifted her up in his arms and laid her down on the bed beside Suchi. Her anxious wordings made him helpless. He wanted to help but didn't know how to? 

They don't talk much but they are used to each other's presence. When Saanvi is happy it automatically brings a smile to his face and when she is gloomy, without even realizing Rishi's mood turns sour. Every time he sees her sleeping peacefully or looking at Suchi with content, it fills up his heart with happiness. He always wants to see her like that happy and content.

He too slept recalling the last night.

Rishi made Suchi wear her talking sandals. She again refused to wear her sandals instead preferred her Mumma's high heels but Rishi made her wear the tiny sandals in the deal of five chocolates. Saanvi glared at him for spoiling her but he gave her a sheepish smile. Suchi jumped in Saanvi's arms kissing her nose, "please Mumma" She made a pout which instantly melted Saanvi but she still tried to be firm on her decision, " Suchi you... "  But Rishi cut her off, "please Saanvi" He too pouted matching Suchi's face. Saanvi shook her head at them.

When both of them looked at each other, they burst out at their pouty face. Saanvi too smiled at the duo.
"Fine! But you better make her brush each time you give her chocolate"
Saanvi said in a stern voice.

"Aye! Aye! Captain" Rishi bowed before her. Suchi quickly put up his words, she too copied him, "Aye! Aye! Captain" She tried to bow down but her head crashed on her Mumma's chest. She held her head in her tiny palm and giggled looking at them. Rishi and Saanvi could not help but chuckle at the goofball.

They were going for dinner as they were tired and very hungry.
Rishi took Suchi in his arms and went to the hall directed for dining with Saanvi following him behind.

Suchi's eyes twinkled looking at the fairy lights all around.
"Shall I click your picture mam and sir?" A waiter asked giving a polite smile. Rishi nodded his head at him looking at an excited Suchi.
He asked Saanvi and Rishi to come closer as they stood too far for a couple picture almost dropping out of the heart-shaped decorated mirror on the wall.
They move a little closer. Rishi held Suchi in one hand and he kept his other hand on Saanvi's waist. She was wearing a light pink saree, as his cold hands landed on her waist, both of them shuddered at the sudden contact, they became conscious.
Saanvi looked at Rishi and simultaneously he looked at her, "perfect" The waiter said gaining their attention.
Their cheeks heated up as they withdrew their gazes from each other.
"Thank you" Rishi said to him after which the waiter took him to their table.

Suchi was busy admiring the colorful paintings on the wall while both of her parents' eyes were cast down.

"This Place is nice" Saanvi decided to break the ice. She was waiting for him to say first but he was too busy in his own world.

"Y...Yeah" He said trying his best to focus on painting behind Saanvi.

Suchi took Rishi's hand in her tiny ones and kept it on the table and then climbed on the table to grab Saanvi's hand too, "Careful doll! " Rishi exclaimed quickly as he saw her walking on the table. She took Saanvi's hand and kept it in Rishi's making a real replica of the adorable couple picture on the wall in front of her. She clapped excitedly looking at her real art piece. Rishi looked at Saanvi to find her smiling at him. He sighed in relief smiling back at her.

Soon the food arrived and they got busy devouring the delicious meal with the goofball occasionally pouting and keeping a few veggies on Rishi's plate hiding from the Mumma goofball.

Saanvi sat on the swing in the balcony, relaxing in the fresh air. Her mind and heart seemed to calm down a little. She had a small smile on her face as she was waiting for Rishi.

She was looking for him when he graced her with his presence. It felt like there was some silent understanding between them.
He sat beside her. It was a little different today. As he sat there looking in front holding the coffee cup, Saanvi moved a little closer to him. Rishi was alarmed.

Is she going to pinch me for holding her waist? Was she uncomfortable then? But didn't she smile or maybe it was just a formality?

Saanvi kept the cup on the table and intertwined their hands, he was surprised. He looked at her and she blinked her eyes in return.

"I was... " After a long sigh, she started.

"But... " Rishi interrupted her but this time she put her finger on his lips.

"I want to " Her grip on his hand tightened.
Please ignore grammatical mistakes.

Well a little late but here is the character aesthetics demanded by Bookish_With_Specs ❤.

Designed by __aaaarya__ ❤ ✨ who unlike me is not lazy🐒🐒.

Thankyou Baby for sparing your precious time to make such lovely Graphics ❤❤✨.

Saanvi Maalik

Rishi Sehgal


Who wants an update tomorrow? 🤭

Thanks for reading❤.

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