Chapter 2: Investigations to the unknown. Threat of an unknown enemy. Part - 1

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Third point of view.

Date: April 7, 20XX

Location: University Plaza.

Time: Noon.

A couple of days have past since Samuel's encounter with Selena. Some damage that was caused in their fight still remained as caution tape was around some parts the area. News reporters were trying to even find out if anyone knew about what had caused it even. Alex and Scarlett were talking about the damages that were around the plaza too, but Samuel had other thoughts on his mind. In wanting to keep the secrets Samuel had experienced, he began wearing a finger-less glove on his left hand to cover the mark. He was also writing down important notes to keep track of due to the fight he had with Selena. Things such as:

Things to importantly remember-

1. When any character is summoned, time is frozen except for certain people and characters from the game.

2. Don't fight in a public area. Keep the fights away where casualties could happen.

3. (Important notice!) Any damage to an area is non-reversible and will be seen by others. If and all possible, take the fights away from populated areas too.

4. NEVER get an innocent involved in a fight.

5. To summon a character for myself, it requires total concentration. Once getting a handle over it, it should become easier to summon a character without needing to think much on it.

Samuel looked at his personal notes based on his experience to never forget what happens should he get caught in another fight. A picture of the clinic he first experienced the event showed the glass door he sent Underling through. Had he not took the time to redirect the projected glass, a some of people would have gotten seriously hurt from it. He thinks back to when he was able to calm down and talk with Blanc about the whole mess.


April 5, 20XX

Location: Samuel's room.

Time: Late night.

Samuel was in his bed as he looked up at the ceiling. The thoughts of what had happened earlier that day kept playing through his head as it was all real and not just some illusion. If it was some crazy dream to him, it would be some sick joke to wake up after all that happened.

Samuel: (Characters coming out of cards... It's almost too crazy to even imagine. Time being frozen and being awake during the whole thing. If I told anyone of this, they would think I was dreaming or think I need to be placed in an asylum for crazies...)

Samuel looked over to his phone and picked it up to open the Duel Summoners app. Once getting to Blanc's character card, he began to speak to Blanc.

Samuel: Hey, Blanc?

Being stirred awake from her sleep, she rubs her eye and looked sleepy.

Blanc (Inside Phone): Nggggh... Yeah...?

Samuel: I'm... Having trouble sleeping...

Blanc (Inside Phone): Is it about from what happened today...?

Samuel nodded his head as Blanc was correct about her assumption.

Samuel: It's... Still hard to believe... Almost scary even...

Blanc (Inside Phone): *sighs* Can't blame you there... I'm still surprised I'm having to be stuck here in this damn phone. I'm trying my hardest to remember, but I'm still coming up with blanks in my memories...

Samuel: Must be a big pain for you... Right...?

Blanc (Inside Phone): Got that right. I just want to find the asshole who put me in this damn phone game and tear their ass a new one.

Samuel nodded his head as he knew in some way that if Blanc ever had the chance, she would most likely do it.

Blanc (Inside Phone): Hey, may I ask you something?

Samuel looked at Blanc and tilted his head in wonder what Blanc wanted.

Blanc (Inside Phone): Since we're still both awake, should we try practicing on how to bring me out of the phone?

Samuel: Would this be to take precaution in case we get attacked again in the future? Being prepared to defend ourselves and know what we're doing?

Blanc (Inside Phone): Yes. You almost lost your life and somehow was able to save it by bringing me out. Had we not been given the chance to fight, we wouldn't be here now. We need to know what our capabilities are for right now.

Samuel looked at Blanc and thought back to the possibilities of what could have happened and agreed with Blanc based on her claim. Getting up into a sitting position, Samuel looks at Blanc.

Samuel: Okay... How do we bring you out?

Blanc: Didn't you say that a mark appeared on your hand earlier today?

Samuel: I did. Let me see if focusing will generate it. If I'm right...

When trying to focus on his left hand, Samuel looked intently towards it. Focusing for ten minutes now, Samuel couldn't generate a signal over his left hand.

Samuel: Damn...

Blanc (Inside Phone): Nothing yet?

Samuel: Nope.

We both began to try and think about what had happened the first time around to figure out how we did it the first time.

Blanc (Inside Phone): You were in danger when you were attacked by Linda, right?

Samuel: I was, yeah.

Blanc (Inside Phone): You were able to summon me during that time. Were you thinking anything specific?

Samuel thought for a moment before talking to Blanc.

Samuel: Hmm... I was scared when thinking how I would have liked to talk to you more, but I was clutching my phone tightly at the same time when thinking that.

Blanc (Inside Phone): Hmm... Maybe we shouldn't involve emotions in the fight when summoning. It should feel second nature when doing it. We need to practice. Try devoting all your thinking to bringing me out.

Samuel nods his head to try what Blanc suggested. He focused on the thought of never being able to talk to Blanc again as he clutched his phone. Samuel focused his thoughts to his left hand and could begin to feel something.

Samuel: I... Think it's working.

Blanc (Inside Phone): Don't lose focus. Put some more focus. Think about your friends. If they were in danger, you might lose them. Do you want that?

Samuel: N-No...

Blanc (Inside Phone): Then keep focusing. The more you focus on bringing me out, I can handle with the fighting from there. But you need to make it happen. Focus harder.

Samuel began to think harder to focus more mental thought into his hand, feeling a burning sensation happening.

Blanc (Inside Phone): Come on... If an enemy was here right now, you would be dead.

Samuel: N-No...

Blanc (Inside Phone): The enemy would kill you. Ending you and anyone else.

Samuel: N-No...!

Blanc (Inside Phone): Let it all out into your hand!

Samuel kept focusing more and more into his hand as much as he could. When feeling a burning sensation on his left hand, Samuel slams his hand against the floor to begin the summoning. A bright light flooded into the room as it enveloped Samuel in the process. Samuel breathed as some sweat poured down his face as a hand was placed on his shoulder. He looked up and could see Blanc in front of him.

Blanc: Good job. Some more training and you shouldn't be sweating when doing it later down the road.

Going to a window outside, Blanc could see a person on a bike pedaling by, but they were frozen in time.

Blanc: Once again, time is frozen due to the conditions we face...

Samuel: Seems like it.

Samuel goes to his bed to sit down as he took a deep breath. Blanc sat down beside him and looked around his room. Samuel's room consisted of being a regular average room. Nothing fancy to show off as there was hardly anything except for a couple of picture stands here and there.

Blanc: Your room is a lot different than what most people would have.

Samuel: Like what?

Blanc: You just... Don't have much.

Samuel: I never had a need to "have" something. I would look at something, and not really care for it.

Blanc looked at Samuel based on what he said as she was curious about it.

Blanc: Why not?

Samuel: I just... Never did. Personal possessions that didn't matter much...

Blanc just watched Samuel on his claim as she didn't delve further in onto the topic.

Blanc: Well, that's okay. You just never seemed to find what you want yet really. It'll come in time.

Samuel: Maybe...

Blanc got up to look at one of the picture frames that were sitting on a stand. It was a picture of Samuel, Scarlett, Alex and Katy in the frame. It showed that Scarlett had earned a first place metal as three of them were cheering while Samuel had his calm expression like usual with a thumbs up in the pic.

Blanc: Are these your friends?

Samuel got up and went closer to where Blanc was and nods his head.

Samuel: Yes. The red haired girl is Scarlett. She runs track  as a sport. This picture was taken... Maybe a year ago in June. Scarlett trains every chance she can get to win in races. The one in dreadlocks is Alex. He's a big mouth that gets himself into trouble with whatever he says.

Blanc: Reminds me of a certain CPU I know back home.

Samuel: And the one with pink hair is Katy. Kind of... joyful minded. Does what she wants... and is my roommate.

Blanc: Really?

Samuel: Yes.

Blanc looked at the picture a little bit more before putting it down. The next picture frame that is on the table was face down as it got Blanc curious.

Blanc: Why is this one face down?

Samuel: Reasons.

Blanc: What kind of reason?

Samuel was quiet for a moment as he didn't answer it. When he could figure out what to say, he looked at Blanc.

Samuel: The painful kind that I can't look at most times... The kind I don't want to talk about even...

This caught Blanc off guard by what Samuel said as he didn't seem to be joking about it.

Blanc: Sam? Would it be okay if I asked what the picture was?

Samuel was quiet again as he didn't answer Blanc's question.

Blanc: Sam?

Samuel: I'm feeling tired now Blanc... Can we go to sleep now...?

Feeling she had hit a sensetive question, Blanc nods her head as she didn't want to upset him over it.

Blanc: Sure. But tomorrow when we have time, we should keep practicing more on how this summoning thing works.

Samuel: Okay.

Grabbing his phone lightly, Samuel presses the button as the light envelops both Blanc and Samuel to where Blanc was put back into the phone. Time had resumed as the bike rider peddled away. Samuel yawned and lied down so he could go to sleep. For the past day after resting, Samuel and Blanc would train to focus on their summoning. Making the summoning time it took for them to do be shortened to be almost second nature to them. All this to be ready for battle if they are caught off guard by an attack.

(Flashback ends)

Alex looks over to see Samuel and was about to talk to him when noticing he was deep in thought. Alex placed a hand on Samuel's shoulder and shook him.

Alex: Yo. Earth to the brainless. The king of awesome is trying to speak to you!

Samuel snaps out of his thoughts as he looked at Alex.

Samuel: Huh...? What?

Alex: Dude. Where is your head at?? You look like a brain-dead zombie, who looked like he had a bad day, and is constipated after eating the wrong piece of meat.

Samuel and Scarlett looked at Alex based on his analogy as Scarlett led first to speak.

Scarlett: Why in that specific order?? That makes no sense.

Alex: It does for me in my own way. Don't question my own logic if you know what's good for you. No one can psychoanalyze this shit.

Samuel looked at Alex with a blank stare and places a hand on Alex's shoulder.

Samuel: I don't think that's a good thing if anyone can't... I'm sorry for your struggles at being a psychopath.

Alex: Well it's at least a good thing that you care- NGH!!!

Alex gains a tick mark on his head based on what Samuel said to him. He grabs hold of Samuel's collar and begins to shake him back and forth while Samuel has a straight face still.


Samuel: Screaming like one will make you sound like it though... Wait...

Samuel thought for a moment about what he had just said.

Samuel: Would that mean that you've been a psycho-


Samuel: But you're yelling like one...

Alex: That's because you keep antagonizing me!!

Samuel: I'm only saying what I truly think. Freedom of speech.

Samuel holds up two fingers in a form of a peace sign. Alex lets go of Samuel and yells to the sky. Alex then slams his arms onto the table and then his head on top of them.

Alex: THIS GUY!! What the HELL is wrong with his thinking!? ARGH!!

Scarlett: *giggles* I think it's funny how someone so calm in what they say, can make someone like you rage by only words alone.

Alex gets all up in Scarlett's personal space and begins to yell. Alex's eyes only being a void of white as he yelled at Scarlett.


Scarlett: Coming from the guy who reacts every time to Sam's words? Nah. I don't believe a damn thing like that at all. *laughs*

Scarlett pounds the table softly as Alex placed his hands on his head at being treated the way he is.

Alex: Why am I being treated this way!?

Samuel was behind him and hit Alex with a book softly over and over.

Samuel: Sakebu na. Anata wa futatabi chūmoku o atsumete imasu. Translation: Stop yelling. You're drawing attention once again.

Alex got up and slapped the book away from Samuel.


Samuel: But it's a great gag to laugh at.

Alex: I DON'T CARE!!

Scarlett came in behind Alex and then began hitting him in the head with a book.

Scarlett: He's right actually. I find it strangely and very funny when hitting someone with it. You could even also say, you're finally "hitting" the books. *giggles*

Alex threw his arms in the air due to Scarlett's pun and began to chase Scarlett and Samuel around the area..

Alex: Come here!! I'll show you what's funny!! It'll only take my bare fists!!

Samuel: Getting a beat down from you? From someone who is made fun of for every reaction he makes?? I don't think so.

Scarlett: Now that's a laugh.

Alex: SHUT THE HELL UP YOU TWO!! Come 'ere already so I can beat you two into pulp!! I will not stand to be made fun of by a man who has hardly any emotions and a girl with a flat chest!!

Scarlett froze for a moment before rearing her hand into a fist to punch Alex in the face. Even though the comment was meant for Scarlett, it caught that of another attention who had been listening all this time.


Samuel moved his hand to his phone and lower the volume on his phone to quite down Blanc. A punch sound could be heard with Alex yelling as he bounced across the ground and into the table and chairs they were sitting at. Scarlett had the angriest look on her face as she matched over to where Alex was and picked him up.

Scarlett: What did you say to me you bastard?! You don't go telling a woman like me about their breast size!! I KNOW I have a flat chest!!

Alex: *coughs* Then why even at the age of *coughs* 19, do you still have no boobs...? You're secretly a reverse trap, aren't you...??

Scarlett: YOU SON OF A BITCH!!

Scarlett gets Alex onto his feet and gets behind him quickly. She wraps her arms around Alex's waist and lifts him up, over her, and into a German Suplex.

Alex: YARGH!! What the f**k?! I knew you were a reverse trap!!

Scarlett: YAKAMASHI!!

The sounds of punches could be heard with Alex grunting by each strike given to him.

Scarlett: You don't learn when to shut your mouth to avoid getting into trouble!!

Alex: And that's MY fault for instigating something?!

Samuel pops up behind Scarlett with a blank face.

Samuel: Yes.


Samuel: But it's true...

Alex: I DON'T CARE!! In this cruel world, men need to stick together in trying times! Bros before h-! Huh?!

Alex heard sounds of bones cracking and looked to see it was Scarlett who was cracking her knuckles.

Scarlett: Go on. Just WHAT were you gonna say?

Alex sweats as he crawled backwards against the ground while Scarlett approached Alex. Before Scarlett could approach Alex further, a piece of paper fell on her face while Samuel was helping Alex onto his feet.

Scarlett: Huh?

Scarlett took the paper off her face and looked at it. The piece of paper confused her as she read the first few words.

Scarlett: "Things to importantly remember"? 1.-

Samuel freaked out when hearing Scarlett reading his notes as he elbowed Alex in the stomach.

Alex: Guuuuuuh...! What the hell was that...?!

After knocking Alex to the ground, Samuel rushed over to Scarlett quickly. Once he got close enough, Samuel took the paper from Scarlett's hand to keep her from reading any further of what he wrote.

Samuel: That is something you don't need to see.

Scarlett blinked her eyes for a moment in surprise that Samuel would do that.

Scarlett: Huh?? What do you mean??

Samuel makes a motion of zipping his mouth, locking it and putting an imaginary key in his right pocket. He then follows suit to folding the paper in his hand and putting it in his pocket left pocket.

Scarlett: Sam, what is that paper about??

Samuel: Nu-uh. Nrg na mmm nham ha.

Alex: SAM!!

Charging up from behind, Alex grabs Samuel's shoulders and spins him around to face Alex.


Samuel: Mmhmm neugh. Memmr rrng ah naa.

Alex looked at Scarlett knowing if she was paying attention to what happened.

Scarlett: Right side pocket.

Alex quickly reached into Samuel's pocket and pulls out the key to unlock his mouth. Soon making motions of unzipping across Samuel's mouth.

Samuel: Was that really necessary?

Alex: When you god damn elbow my stomach, yes!!

Samuel: I have reasons.

Alex: Enlighten me then!

Samuel: No.

Alex began to shake Samuel back and forth wildly.


Samuel: You asked, I answered. Isn't that enough?

Alex: I- You- Reasons- AAAAAAAAAH!!

Alex lets go of Samuel and places his hands on his head.

Alex: You are the least sensible piece of shit!

Samuel: I make every sense though. Also, I'm not poop.


Scarlett placed a hand on Samuel's shoulder to gain his attention.

Scarlett: What's going on Sam? Why won't you tell us?

Samuel looked at Scarlett and shook his head to continue on keeping his secrets.

Samuel: No.

Alex: What do you mean "No"? What are you-

As Alex was talking, he stopped in the middle of his sentence and didn't finish. Seeing this, Samuel looked around to see that everything had frozen to a halt.

Samuel: (So, it's time again huh? Why now...?)

Samuel pulls his phone out of his pocket and turns the volume up. Blanc could be heard yelling through it.

Blanc (Inside Phone): -kick his ass with a god damn fork!!

Samuel looked at Blanc at hearing that and began to speak.

Samuel: Have you been yelling this whole time while I muted you...?

Blanc was panting at having to yell out a long time and then composed herself.

Blanc (Inside Phone): In a sense, yes.

Samuel: Well, I think I may have an outlet for you to get rid of it right now...

Blanc (Inside Phone): Okay and what would- Wait, you're talking to me out in public, why?

Samuel: Time is frozen, and there could be an enemy nearby.

Looking at Samuel, Blanc nods her head at understanding the situation.

Blanc (Inside Phone):Then let's not waste time then.

Nodding his head, Samuel focused his thoughts to the familiar sensation on the back of his left hand as he took the glove off. The summoning circle he had practiced with up till now had appeared like normal as he placed his palm to the ground. The summoning circle leaves the back of his hand and expands on the ground. A light shines upwards to the sky as Samuel summoned Blanc out to prepare for battle.

Blanc: So, where's the enemy?

Samuel: I don't know. We still don't know everything about this whole thing, Blanc. At most, we don't know if time being frozen is an area affect. Only freezing the area around where any character is or something. We don't even know how big it is.

Blanc: Well, we'll just have to figure out what to do then. We know we can't start time again unless we get rid of the enemy attack and lower the casualty rate first.

Samuel nods his head to confirm with Blanc about the consequences if anyone gets hurt because of the fight. But just as the two try to take two steps to begin, blasts of fire could be seen flying in the sky towards them.

Blanc: Huh?!

Samuel: Where did those come from??

With where they were standing, Blanc and Samuel had to help move Scarlett and Alex's bodies away from the blast or they would get hit. Upon impact, some of the concrete had shattered, causing some pieces to be projected towards the group. Acting quickly, Blanc summoned her hammer out and took out any big pieces that would have been lethal.

Samuel: Thanks Blanc...

Blanc: Thank me later when our fight is over and we live from it.

Samuel: Right.

Looking at the spot where the blasts landed at, Samuel looked up and around. In the distance slightly, he could see a figure at the ledge of a rooftop before they backed away. Seeing this movement, Samuel pointed at the building where he saw the person from.

Samuel: Over there! I saw movement coming from that direction!

Blanc: From the looks of it, that's a parking lot.

Samuel: The top should be cleared of any cars. Hardly anyone parks up there at most. Let's go.

Blanc nods her head as the two begin to head towards where the enemy is. At the top of the parking deck, the attacker gazed upon the two heading their way. Their voice being that of a female's.

???: Guess they're on their way over here. Good.

Listening into an ear piece, the female holds two fingers to her ear to respond.

???: I know I should have ended them, but I have my methods on dealing with targets. Just watch and see, Master.

Location: University Parking deck.

Getting to the parking deck entrance, Samuel and Blanc looked up to see where the last known attacker's location was.

Blanc: If we remember where they were... They were on the top deck, right?

Samuel: I believe so. Though, they could have fired more at us from a distance... Don't you find it weird?

Blanc shook her head based on the claim.

Blanc: Maybe. But it could have been a way to lure us to this place to conserve their energy.

Samuel: Also true. What we saw weren't normal attacks. Those seemed to have been magic based from how they looked.

Blanc: And with magic, comes at a cost of energy. We don't know who it is, but that shouldn't mean we can let our guards down at knowing how they attack.

Samuel: Without knowing what our enemy looks like, we are at a disadvantage for sure.

Blanc: Let's be cautious as we go from here on. Once we get some knowledge on our enemy, we may be able to find a weakness.

Samuel nods his head as the two entered the parking deck. Both of them carefully moved throughout the parking deck to pay attention for any slight of movement. Getting to the middle of the parking deck though, the two look around to see their surroundings were getting darker.

Samuel: H-Huh??

Blanc: What's going on??

Outside the parking deck, trees were beginning to appear around the deck, slowly appearing closer to their location. It was as if a forest was being created in the area they were at as it blocked more light by the second.

Samuel: Okay... This is nuts...

Blanc: Trees in a parking deck?? These can't be real...

Samuel walks over to touch one of the created trees and flinched in surprise.

Samuel: No... They're real. They're not illusions. They're real as one would be.

Blanc: Really??

Blanc walks over to the same tree as Samuel's and touches it. To her surprise, the tree was real like any other would be.

Blanc: Wow. That's really impressive. But... Why trees though...?

Looking around, Blanc tries to figure out what the enemy is planning. But she didn't have to figure it out for long as she saw a projected fire attack aimed towards her and Samuel.

Blanc: Incoming!!

Blanc pushed Samuel out of the way of the attack as she jumped away in time. The fire blast crashed into the tree, but it didn't leave any burn marks on it. In the area Blanc and Samuel were at, their vision was limited due to the darkness that surrounded them. They could also hear the sounds of someone giggling.

???: Nice dodge. I thought I had a complete advantage on you. At least you'll make this more fun than I originally thought.

Due to the female being in a parking deck, the voice echoed throughout the place. Discerning the location of where she was.

Blanc: You got one sick mind in treating a fight as a game really.

???: Maybe. But if you really think about it, we ARE being used as part of a game. But at least I'm enjoying myself while in the process!

A light shines for a moment in the darkness as another fire blast was sent towards Blanc's way as she dodged another blast. Two more blasts were sent in succession this time as Blanc swung her hammer horizontally to destroy the attacks.

Blanc: Grrrr! Would you quit that?! Stop hiding in the shadow, bitch!

???: What? You said this was a fight, right? At least I can make use of my abilities. For example~

Seeing more attacks being sent her way, Blanc prepared to dodge backwards to avoid the blast. But unexpectedly, a force of wind pushes Blanc forward towards the attack.

Blanc: What?!

With Blanc being forced back to where she dodged from, the attacks connect cleanly to her.

Blanc: AUGH!!

Samuel: BLANC!!

Blanc falls to the ground as some smoke resonated from her body. She coughs after catching her breath while getting back up.

???: *giggles* Like my little trick~?

Blanc: Grrrr...! Fine. I admit that I wasn't expecting that.

???: If you liked that, don't worry~ I have more placed around the area~ Be careful where you step now~ Not like you have any choice~ *giggles*

Hearing there was more traps in the area, this put Samuel and Blanc on high alert based on who they are facing.

Samuel: More traps...?? So this whole time was to help set up for your plan in the cover of darkness?

???: Someone's a smartypants~ Let's give him a prize shall we~?

Hearing something activating behind him, Samuel turned around and could see the smirk of his attacker before firing a magical blast at him.

Samuel: AAAAAAH!

Blanc: SAM!!

The attack sent Samuel flying as a another trap was set off the propelled him in another direction and soon another. Samuel rolled against the ground as he groaned in pain from the attack. Blanc tried to rush on over to where Sam was as another trap set off in front of her. A wall of ice being created in front of her.

???: Uh~ Uh~ Uuuuh~ You don't think it's going to be that easy, do you~?

Blanc grits her teeth at having to hear her enemy taunting her.

Blanc: (What is with this enemy?! They're so childish, and yet they're this tactical?? It's like she can predict our every move!)

Blanc was careful with her next move as she looked towards Samuel. Samuel gets up slowly as he took some deep breaths to recover from the surprised hits. There was hardly any damage done to him.

Blanc: (From the looks of the last attack, it was just wind that pushed him... Ugh... I can't figure this enemy out...)

Samuel got up onto his feet as he looked around, thinking to himself.

Samuel: (Ngh... This is getting us nowhere... We can't see anything and no matter where we walk, we could set off a trap... There has to be a way to set them all off without one of us getting near it... Wait...)

Thinking back, Samuel had did a draw during the time he could rest and had drawed an ability just like Selena.

Samuel: (If I use that, it could remove most of the traps set up by the enemy.)

Reaching his phone, the screen lit up as a card rose from the screen for Samuel to grab. He takes it and holds it out.

Samuel: Activate! Dogoo Swarm!

???: Huh??

Blanc: Why that card again...?

The card shines a bright light before disappearing. A rumbling could be heard as vibration in the ground could be felt at everyone's feet. Sounds of activated traps were beginning to sound off as each one would activate in the distance all around the parking deck.

???: Huuuuuuuuuh?! What's activating my talismans?!

All around, the traps the enemy had placed began to blow up, cause bursts of wind or make ice walls left and right. Upon a clearer thought, Samuel spoke towards Blanc's way.

Samuel: Um... In my theory... The traps seem to activate to live creatures or anything coming through their area... Though... Now seeing what my plan has done... all the traps are getting activated and move towards our location...


As more traps were being set off, flashes of fire attacks could be seen as traps were activated in certain places. Gusts of wind being felt from other traps and walls of ice being made due to the Dogoos running past them. As some Dogoo run past Samuel, a gust of wind pushes him down as he gets trampled by the Dogoo.

Samuel: My actions have betrayed me...

With where the female enemy was, they were leaning against a tree as she was trying to figure out what was happening.

???: What is going on with my traps??

The female began to feel something pushing up against her leg as it caught her attention. When looking down, the female saw the Dogoo surrounding her.

???: What the hell are these things?!

Upon freaking out explosions of fire and gusts of wind could be heard as Dogoos were attacked by the enemy. With the enemy focused on the Dogoo, the magic keeping the parking deck in a dark forest wore off. Bringing light back into the area to see where the enemy was along with the gathered Dogoo. Fire and wind obscured the image of the enemy still as Blanc rushed towards Samuel.

Blanc: We're getting out of here.

Nodding his head, Samuel and Blanc began to rush towards where the entrance of where the parking deck was. After clearing away a good amount of Dogoo away, the female could see that her targets were getting away.

???: Hey!! Get back here!!

Sounds of incoming attacks could be heard as Blanc and Samuel dodged left and right while sometimes ducking to avoid the attacks. Just as the two made it to the entrance though, Blanc was hit by a fire blast that propelled her forwards with a yell, while Samuel was hit by a wind based attack.

Blanc: Augh!!

Samuel: Gah!

Blanc bounced against the ground and then into a roll from the attack she was dealt. Samuel rolled against the ground and could feel some stinging pain in his muscles as he got up slowly to recover. Like how they saw Underling had reverted into a card form, Blanc was knocked out to where she reverted into a card. Samuel looked in the direction where Blanc's card was as he could see that Blanc was defeated in battle.

Samuel: Blanc! No!!

Laughter could be heard as the enemy stood at the entrance of the parking deck. Her eyes could only be seen as a pair of yellow eyes were shown.

???: You survived longer than what I thought would be difficult to others. But sadly, this is the end. Goodbye.

Seeing a flash of the enemy holding something in her hand, Samuel looked over to where Blanc's character card is and feared about what was about to happen. The enemy threw the attack towards the card that represented Blanc in a fire based attack. Samuel got onto his knees and then up into a kneel to push off where he was. Samuel rushed to Blanc's character card as the attack approached closer to its destination.

Samuel: NOOOOOO!!

???: Huh??

Jumping towards where the card was, Samuel grabbed hold of Blanc's character card and held it as close to him as he could. The attack that was meant for Blanc was instead crashing into Samuel's back. The attack makes Samuel let out a scream of pain as the attack was burning against him without burning the clothes on his body.


With a snap of the enemy's fingers the fire attack ceased while Samuel fell forwards to the ground in pain. The enemy looked at Samuel with wide eyes based on what she had saw as this had caught her off-guard.

???: (He... He protected her? Even after she was defeated??)

The enemy looked intently towards her targets as her eyes moved to something she was hearing. In the shadows, she placed a finger to her ear to speak to someone.

???: H-He protected his summoned partner... N-No I'm not going against your orders... I just... Don't think he needs to die yet... Maybe as, a "Learn your place" or something... Like... Make an offer the next time?

Waiting a moment to listen for her partner to speak to her, she then smiles happily at what she heard.

???: Thank you for understanding Master~ Hee Hee~

The enemy ended the call with her Summoner as she watched Samuel struggle to get up and then begin to run away. The summoned enemy looked at Samuel as he got farther and farther from her.

???: (There's something about him... That's different~) *giggles*

Location: University Plaza.

Getting to the plaza, Samuel leaned against a pole as he reached for his phone. He began to focus what energy he could to create a summon circle on his left hand.

Samuel: (H-Have to...get rid of these burns...) Come out... IF, C-Compa...

Placing his hand on the ground, a light radiated as two people began to appear inside the summoned circle. One being in all pink clothing, pink eyes and a black choker while another had brown long brown hair, green eyes with a long blue trench coat along with a black tank top and shorts. Once the summoning was completed, Samuel fell down to the ground and caught their attention.

Samuel: IF... Compa... Ugh...

IF: Sam!

Compa: Oh my! He looks hurt!

With the two hurrying on trying to treat Samuel's wounds, he thinks back to when he first met the two.


April 6, 20XX

Location: University dorms, Samuel's room.

Time: Night.

In Samuel's room, he had just finished a session of practicing his training to help summon Blanc out quicker. Training to increase the effectiveness of his summons while also giving everything he had. Blanc had just returned to the phone as she evaluated Samuel's skills so far.

Blanc (Inside Phone): Hmm... We could only increase the summoning by three per day... Not bad, but still good.

Samuel: So tired... Ha...

Blanc (Inside Phone): We're done for the day anyway. We should rest up for tomorrow to continue again.

Samuel nodded his head as he decided to go take a hot shower, refreshing him after the intense focus training he was put through. He walked past Katy as she was listening to some music in her earphones. Samuel decided to stop for a moment and talk to Katy.

Samuel: Hey Katy.

At catching Katy's attention, she opened her eyes and looked to see it was Samuel talking to her. She took an ear piece out so she could hear him.

Katy: Yeah?

Samuel: No... I was saying "Hey" as in "Hi."

Katy: Oh. Okay, hi Sam.

Samuel looked at Katy as he remembered the note Katy gave to him a couple nights back as it seemed to be a good time to try and talk to her.

Samuel: Um... What kind of music you listening to?

Katy: Listening to some pop music. Taylor Swift, Jonas Brothers, Elton John. Those people.

Samuel: Hmm. I like Elton's "Saturday" song. Really catchy.

Katy: Heard that too and it was good.

Katy smiled as she looked at Samuel as he took a seat down next to her. Katy showed all the songs she had downloaded as some time passes.

Samuel: Hey... Katy...

Katy: Hmm?

Samuel: I'm... Sorry for my harsh attitude towards you a couple nights back...

Katy was shocked to hear Samuel say that to her.

Samuel: You were just... Trying to have fun and... People get over excited when having too much fun. I'm-

Katy put a finger over Samuel's lips and shook her head.

Katy: It's okay. I admitted I was wrong too. Let's just try and not worry over what happened. Okay~?

Samuel looked at Katy at how she could just forgive him that easily even when she was the one who wrote the apology note in the first place.

Samuel: Y-Yeah... I should head to bed... Got another long day tomorrow...

Katy: Okay. Night night.

Katy smiled at Samuel as he entered his room and lied down on the bed. Once he was on his bed, he was about to close his eyes for the night when he remembered something he almost forgotten to do.

Samuel: (Right... My drawings... Need to keep loading up on what I can use to help Blanc and I...)

Reaching his phone, Samuel opened the game to the drawing section. Like before that was mentioned, one of the cards Samuel had drawn was a Dogoo Swarm card. In the 5 he drew though, he gained another character card, but somewhat important too. One of the cards he drew was the IF and Compa card. The two characters began to move in the card as they seem to have been through the same way like Blanc was.

IF (Inside Phone): Ugh... What the hell happened??

Compa (Inside Phone): My head's spinning... Iffy... Make it stop...

IF (Inside Phone): Just close your eyes for a moment... It'll pass...

Samuel: Um... Hello...

When the two opened their eyes, the two could see Samuel's face. From being observed, the two scream out as IF pulled her gun out to shoot at the screen in her attempts to hit Samuel. It freaked Samuel out as he let go of his phone and it dropped to his bed at hearing gunshots and being targeted. He quickly picked the phone up and tried to talk some reason to them.

Samuel: If, Compa. Calm down.

IF (Inside Phone): Calm down?! We wake up and you're just watching us sleep!

Samuel sweats at the misconception and looks at her.

Samuel: IF... Are you even in your bed right now...?

At hearing that statement, IF was about to say something when she and Compa began to look around themselves.

Compa (Inside Phone): H-Huh?! Where are we?!

IF (Inside Phone):I swear! If you did anything-!

Samuel: Can I PLEASE explain before you lose another gasket...?

At quickly explaining the type of situation they were in, he had also spoken to Blanc who went through the same thing too. They didn't know where they were, but was conscious in their surroundings. Once they were calmed down, they began to have a normal conversation.

IF (Inside Phone): Really? You threw Underling through a glass door??

Samuel: It was locked. I had to open it somehow. It was that or stay trapped in the one place where no help was coming.

Compa (Inside Phone): He does have a point. You would too if that was you Iffy.

IF (Inside Phone): If he really needed it. But in Samuel's perspective... It was probably necessary.

Samuel: Honestly, if Blanc didn't give me the courage to survive, I would've died in the building before I could have a chance to fight.

The whole time, Samuel had gotten to know more of IF and Compa as some time passed before he passed out and was late to class the next day.

(Flashback End)

Compa began to locate the pain that was causing Samuel while IF kept a lookout for any enemies or characters trying to hunt Samuel down. Being told of some of who to lookout for, she had a knife and gun ready just in case any enemies appear.

Compa: Where's the pain at??

Samuel: B-Back...

Lifting up the back of his shirt, Compa could see how bad the burn mark was as it was a big and red.

Compa: Oh my!

IF looked behind her and could see the burn marks Samuel had on his back. Compa quickly got her medical kit out and began to work quickly on trying to help heal Samuel without hurting him.

Compa: What happened??

IF: Where's Blanc??

Samuel: H-Had to run... She was defeated in battle...

IF and Compa: WHAT?!

Samuel told them everything that happened until he summoned them out. Explaining the disadvantage they had against the enemy they couldn't see. Even explaining that a timer appeared on Blanc's card after returning it to his phone. Meaning that he couldn't summon Blanc out again until the timer reached zero.

IF: Damn. That's really tough. Having to see in the dark and also dealing with traps/projectile attacks? That's almost impossible.

Compa: But the weird thing is this big burn mark... Judging from the size, it should have left a hole in your clothes... Fire based attacks should have destroyed what should have been your shirt and your back. But it's just YOUR back that got burned...

Samuel: Augh... I don't know... All I could do after Blanc was defeated was protect her card and ensure it wasn't destroyed or captured... Selena made the mistake in showing that cards can be retrieved by any Summoner no matter if they won or lost...

IF: Glad you were able to make it out of there though...

Samuel: Not really sure if I did escape... That's what keeps troubling me...

IF and Compa looked at Samuel as he began to explain.

Samuel: The enemy had me where she wanted me... She could've taken me out along with Blanc's card... But it didn't happen... The attacked stopped halfway through before it vanished...

IF: What? You think this was just a warm-up and that it was meant to intimidate you??

Samuel: When you put it that way, I would believe that...

Compa was able to begin on healing up any damage done to Samuel as she applied some burn cream on his back.

Compa: You should be good as new soon Sam. Don't worry.

Samuel: Not worried... I know you're doing your best...

After 15 mins pass by, the ointment Compa applied to Samuel's back magically heals up and restores Samuel's condition back to normal. Samuel sits up and leans against the pole slightly as he groaned in pain softly. Compa pulled out some bandages as she began to wrap them around Samuel's torso.

Compa: Don't push yourself too hard now... The actual pain you feel is gone, but what you experienced will still hurt a little bit...

Samuel: Thanks for letting me know...

IF: I haven't seen any other people. I keep looking, and I don't see any movement here or there.

Samuel: Doesn't matter... I don't know anyone that has yellow eyes and talismans... Or fox ears for that matter... Other than that, she's a female...

This caught IF's attention as Samuel had said that.

IF: "Talismans"?

Samuel: That's what what I could see and hear when I had a chance to listen and see the enemy. Those would be the projectile based weapon/traps she was putting down. Other than those... I can't think of any character that meets those descriptions... The darkness made it impossible to read her character card too.

IF got to thinking on how she could help with this dilemma.

IF: Well, why not ask your friends? If they play the game too, they might know who out of the four available factions in the game that are available can figure it out.

Samuel: Hmm... You have a point... Scarlett chose the Fate series and Alex chose JoJo's Bizarre Adventures. Good idea I- Yow!

Compa had accidentally pulled too tightly on the bandages and caused Samuel pain.

Compa: Sorry! I didn't mean to do that!

Samuel: -F...

Once Samuel was able to get use to the pain he was feeling, he returns to where his friends were at as both were still in frozen time as if they were still talking to him. Under his shirt, Samuel had bandages around his torso and some on the upper portions of his arms.

Compa: Please be careful to not over work yourself for now...

IF: Just know that even with Blanc out for the count, we're here to back you up if you need it.

Samuel: Yeah... I'll try and not push myself... Thanks for your help in healing my wounds, Compa. And to you also, IF for keeping watch during the time.

IF and Compa: Ready whenever you need help!

The two smiled and waved before a bright light surrounded Samuel as IF and Compa went back into the phone for now. Time resumes from where it stopped as Samuel put up an act just as he put his glove back on.

Alex: -trying to hide dude? Why all the secrecy?

Samuel: Like I said, I'm not trying to hide anything.

Scarlett: Then what about the piece of paper you took from my hand?

Samuel had almost forgotten about the paper as he came up with a lie for it.

Samuel: It's... Just something I'm working on is all.

Alex: Like...?

Samuel: Just... An idea for my own card game in the future.

Scarlett and Alex looked at each other based on what Samuel said and looked back at him.

Scarlett: A "card game"?

Alex: What?? You wanting to make something big out of it??

Samuel: Yeeeeeeah. Pretty much...

Alex and Scarlett looked at Samuel after all that he just said, and bought into his words.

Scarlett: A card game huh? Well, like most people say, "The most quiet are the most creative."

Alex: Samuel?? "Creative"??? Nu-uh. Can't put those two together. It's just not possible.

Scarlett: It's a thing. Just think about Albert Einstein when he created the theory of relativity and the equation of E=MC2. It led to the development of the atomic bomb.

Alex: And a dead man wouldn't think about making a game during the time. People back then were boring as hell.

Scarlett scoffed and crossed her arms at hearing Alex's words.

Scarlett: Wow. You are really judgemental. You know that?

Alex: I get that a lot. Even from my mom.

Scarlett: Really? I wonder why?

Scarlett said in a sarcastic tone as Samuel sighed mentally in his thoughts.

Samuel: (Well... I dodged the questions for now... That'll teach me to write stuff like that in public...)

Before Samuel could keep thinking, Alex wrapped an arm around Samuel's shoulder.

Alex: Well, none of us have classes for the day. What should the three of us do?

Samuel held back a yell as the pain as his back was still sensitive to the touch.

Samuel: (Agh...! Alex...! You ill-sufficient thinking man...!)

Scarlett: Hmm... Don't know. We could head to the track? Do some laps?

Alex: Na... We need to have something more fun. None of that shit sport.

Scarlett hits Alex in the head with an annoyed look.

Scarlett: Track is NOT boring.

Alex: It is. What's more fun are playing some games. We could go to an arcade together.

Having a hard time keeping it together, Samuel had to make a decision based on what Scarlett and Alex said.

Samuel: I-I believe we should go to the arcade... Would like to play some games actually.

Scarlett sighed at the majority vote while Alex was really happy.

Alex: Ha ha! Yes!

Scarlett: Of course... Men out rule the option that a female tries to give when there is only three people...

Alex: I knew I could count on you eventually!

Alex brought his arm back and swung it to slap Samuel in the back. This sent tons of pain to course through Samuel's back.


Samuel got down on one knee as he tried to desperately reach for his back, but couldn't. Alex looked at his hand and blinked.

Alex: Hmm... Don't seem to know my own strength...

Scarlett: Great. You might've hurt him, Alex.

Alex: I wasn't even trying! I was doing a normal slap to his back like we usually do!

Samuel groaned in pain as he tried to reach for his back still.

Samuel: I curse the arms I was given at birth that can't reach behind me...

Scarlett sighed as she walked over to Samuel and began on trying to help rub the pain away slowly.

Scarlett: Does that help?

Samuel: *sighs in relief* Yeah... It does... Slightly...

While Scarlett rubbed Samuel's back, something caught her eye quickly.

Scarlett: Sam? Did you get hurt?

Samuel: What are you talking about?

Scarlett: There's bandages under your shirt here.

Alex: Huh?? He does??

Scarlett pointed to the small area at Samuel's arm that the bandages were slightly noticeable. Samuel flinched at hearing that and pulled away from Scarlett and pulled his sleeve down.

Samuel: It's nothing for you to be concerned about. I'm fine.

Scarlett: Sam, what's wrong?? You're our friend.

Alex: Buddy. If something is troubling you, you can tell us.

Alex tried to lay a hand on Samuel's shoulder, but shrugs it off softly.

Samuel: I said I'm fine... It was just an accident with me having to teach Katy to cook something. The pain is still there, but I'm okay. Honest.

Scarlett and Alex looked at each other as Samuel went to gather his things.

Samuel: I'll meet with both of you tomorrow. I remembered I have class today and want to get there early.

Once he was done, he hoisted his backpack over his shoulder and began to walk off.

Scarlett: Sam! Wait just-!

Scarlett was about to go chase after Samuel when Alex stopped her.

Alex: Leave him be.

Scarlett: Alex!

Alex shook his head as he watched Samuel walk away from them.

Alex: We can't help him if he isn't willing to seek it... We need to give him time to tell us first...

Scarlett looked towards where Samuel was walking and looked worried for him.

Scarlett: Oh Sam...


Location: University Dorms, Samuel's room.

Time: Night.

Time passes by as Samuel had finished his classes for the day, he came straight home to do his homework. But after that, he began on trying to search up any information based on any hints he was given during his fight against the enemy. By what he learned so far, the enemy had yellow eyes, was able to create territories to their favor and used talismans. Samuel used what time he could to search up any information regarding to any of the four factions that met the requirements. So far, his search came to nothing.

Samuel: Augh... Why does EVERY character in any given series have yellow eyes in them?? Either they are just poorly designed, or the creators can't think of a color to use besides the ones that look cool for it...

IF (Inside Phone): It's a mystery to us all sadly...

Compa (Inside Phone): Pea has yellow eyes, but only when she goes HDD... Plus she fights with her hands...

IF (Inside Phone): And it isn't any of the Gold Third members either. I don't remember them using talismans. Just cheap knockoff moves from their gaming sponsors they represent from...

Samuel groaned as he hit his head on the table.

Samuel: This is only my second enemy and I don't even know who this enemy is...

IF (Inside Phone): Don't lose hope now. We're only just getting started.

Compa (Inside Phone): Iffy's right. Not every enemy is going to be the same. And that means new challenges to face even.

Samuel sat up and looked over to his phone to look at IF and Compa. They gave their best smiles to show they weren't going to give up in trying to help.

Samuel: If you two won't give up... Neither would Blanc really...

IF and Compa nod their head as a knock at the door was heard and a voice could be heard.

Katy (Through Door): Sam? You going to have dinner with me?

Samuel looked at the door and then a knocking on the glass screen of his phone. IF was the one knocking against it.

IF (Inside Phone): Why don't you take a break and eat something? You're not a machine after all.

Compa (Inside Phone): Keeping your energy up is half the battle when needing to rest up after fights too.

Samuel took a moment and sighed knowing they were right as his stomach began to growl.

IF (Inside Phone): See. You're hungry. Go get something to eat or you'll pass out.

Samuel: Okay. I'll talk to you two later.

IF and Compa waved at Samuel before he closes the app. He gets up to put his phone in his pocket and takes his notes on his research on the enemy. When opening the door to his room to meet Katy, the doorbell to their dorm rang.

Katy: I wonder who that is?

Samuel: I'll go check. (Out of chance that it could be the enemy...)

Samuel went to the door and put his hand into his pocket. Inputting the password to his phone as he got his finger ready over the app in case of a battle. When looking through the peephole of the door, he was surprised that it was Scarlett. Scarlett was outside holding a bag that was from a fast food restaurant.

Samuel: (Scarlett?? What's she doing here??)

Katy came over to the door also to see who it was.

Katy: Who's at the door?

Samuel: It's Scarlett. And she brought food with her.

Katy became happy at hearing that food was brought with Scarlett.

Katy: Oh. That's good. That means I won't have to wait for you to cook now~

Samuel looked towards Katy with a look and a tick mark on his head.

Samuel: Is that the reason you knocked on my door...?

Katy looked at Samuel as she scratched the back of her head, giggled and stuck her tongue out. This annoyed Samuel further as he was right.

Samuel: You're so lazy...

Opening the door, Samuel greeted Scarlett at her arrival.

Samuel: Hey Scarlett.

Scarlett: Hello Samuel, hello Katy.

Katy: Hi Scarlett.

Scarlett came inside the dorm with Katy and Scarlett hugging each other.

Samuel: What brought you here Scarlett?

Scarlett broke from the hug with Katy to face Samuel.

Scarlett: Thought I just come and visit. That's all. Maybe enjoy some food with some friends.

Katy: That sounds lovely! But... Where's Alex though?

Scarlett flinched for a second and then spoke.

Scarlett: Alex is focusing on his studies as he forgot to study for a test tomorrow.

Samuel: Hmm... That would be like him to wait until the last second. Let me guess, gonna try that one cheat Soul tried to use in Soul Eater?

Scarlett: How did you-

Samuel: He watches too much anime, and he made me watch it with him.

Scarlett looked at Samuel and thought for a moment.

Scarlett: Alex would force one of us to watch it.

Samuel: Yup.

Some time passes by for the three as they watched some of the news that was on. The news was showing pictures of the parking deck Samuel was at earlier today.

News Reporter (TV): Earlier today, areas of where ice, turned over cars and scorch marks could be found on the first floor parking deck of the local university. Witnesses says that when they left their cars, none of the stuff mentioned was there when driving there for their classes. If anyone has any leads on how these occurrences are happening, please lend your support.

The picture of the parking deck changes to that of a sponsored game that the group was all to well familiar with.

In other news, the hit game of Duel Summoners keeps its rank for Best Mobile Game. With the mix between being able to trade cards with other players while being able to draw cards and battle other players in competitive battles.

The TV is turned off as Samuel, Scarlett and Kate looked at each other.

Scarlett: Another place on campus? Jeez... Look at the damage... Wonder what could have caused that??

Katy: I don't know... It's a wonder how some people can do that...

Samuel looked at the TV from what he saw as the fight haunts him. The attacks he felt are quite proof that the game has evolved, but anyone that didn't have the same abilities like him couldn't see the harsh truth of what was going on. Scarlett looked towards Samuel and placed a hand on his shoulder softly. Feeling an unexpected touch surprised Samuel and quickly made him look at Scarlett.

Scarlett: You okay? Does the events the News show us scaring you?

Samuel regained his composure and shook his head.

Samuel: No. Just... Making me curious of what is happening is all.

Scarlett: Oh... Okay. But it is rather curious. How can these things happen so quick though? It happened during day light and nobody can figure out what happened...

Katy: Yeah... It sounds scary...

Samuel took a sip of his drink and looked at the two.

Samuel: Just... Just don't stay in one place too long. I'm sure this whole thing will blow over soon. (IF I can figure out how this is all happening first that is...)

Scarlett sighed as she felt annoyed by all of this as it was confusing her a lot.

Scarlett: But how?? The police have no logical evidence how these people can cause this destruction. Last time, it happened during a public area where a few could've been hurt, and even the clinic you went to. Don't you find it weird??

Samuel just took another sip of his drink and just sighed.

Samuel: I do. But we can't do anything about it. It's best to let whoever is capable on being able to solve this problem. (Albeit that the most capable person right now is ME, I'm already struggling...)

Katy: I'm sure that it's being handled Scarlett~ Let's just focus on here and now.

Katy smiled at trying to change the subject from what was being talked about.

Scarlett: Yeah... Guess all we can do is wait...

From a window outside, a person with binoculars looking into the dorm where Samuel, Katy and Scarlett were. A person sighed as it was that of a male.

???: And tell me why are we scoping oput the enemy late at night?

??? (Inside Phone): Because... I wanted to see what he was doing right now.

???: *sighs* Well, all he's doing right now is enjoying a meal with two girls.

??? (Inside Phone): What?! Let me see!

Putting the phone's camera to the binoculars, the enemy could see Samuel talking to Scarlett and Katy. This brought great anger to the enemy when seeing this right in front of her.

??? (Inside Phone): Why the nerve of-! We've waited long enough! SEND. ME. IN!!

The male sighed as he was roped into this mess when it was supposed to be a scouting operation against Samuel in seeing who he was associated with.

???: (Of all times to be jealous of a male... God damn it... Good as a time as any to get rid of the company's potential enemy right now I guess.)

Back inside the dorm, Samuel was beginning to collect the dish plates they used for dinner as Scarlett held a hand up.

Scarlett: Hold up. I brought the food, I'll wash the plates.

Samuel: Scarlett, you don't have-

Scarlett: No. I won't have it. You are still recovering from what happened last time. You rest for the night.

Samuel: Oh, yeah... Sure.

Scarlett got up and took the dishes for him to take them to the sink and rinse them. Katy looked at Samuel while tilting her head.

Katy: *whispers* What happened?

Samuel: *whispers* Nothing to be concerned about Katy.

Katy: *whispers* Oh, okay.

Once the dishes have been put on the dish rack, Scarlett dries her hands off to walk back over to where Samuel and Katy are and sits down. Samuel looked at the time and could see that it was currently 10:30 pm. Katy began to yawn at feeling tired as she got up from her seat.

Katy: I think I'll head to bed... I'm feeling sleepy...

Scarlett: Okay Katy. Sam and I will be here if you need us.

Katy nodded her head as she went to her room and closed the door. Scarlett looked at Samuel while she tapped the table.

Scarlett: About what Alex did today-

Samuel: Don't even talk about it. It happened, and it's done with. Don't worry about it.

Scarlett: Why didn't you tell us you were hurt...?

Samuel: It wasn't necessary.

Scarlett sighed as she got closer to Samuel.

Scarlett: May I see how bad it looks...?

Samuel looked at Scarlett and shook his head.

Samuel: I am fine. You don't need to worry.

Scarlett: But you're our friend, Sam... We're always going to care in trying to help.

Samuel: I get that... I do..

Samuel sighs as he brings a hand over his eyes and takes a breath.

Samuel: It's just... I don't have that much trust when it comes to others... I try to open up here and there, but it's hard for me. Hard for me because of how I was raised... My childhood wasn't normal as I can remember and I feel I can't even trust myself at times... I had you two as my friends from high school because you and Alex have always been there for me... Trying to live with Katy is a difficult problem in its own right because of it... Understand...?

Samuel waited for confirmation on Scarlett's response, but it never came.

Samuel: Scarlett?

Samuel uncovered his eyes as he became shocked. Before him was Scarlett, but time had been frozen for her.

Samuel: (Time is frozen?!) Oh no...!

The door swings open as Samuel got up quickly to reach in his pocket. Before he could pull his phone out, a blast of wind pushes Samuel to the wall as he was flat against it. The wind made it hard to open his eyes as the wind kept him pushed against it.

Samuel: AAAAUUUUGH! Who??

???: *giggles* Hello again~

Samuel heard the voice through the wind, hearing the familiar voice of a female speaking to him.

???: Sorry to cut your "party" short, but I think this needs a little more drama here~

Samuel opened his eyes softly and could see a silhouette of a person coming into the room and then picking up Scarlett over her shoulder.

Samuel: S-Scarlett!

???: Meet at the flagpole in the plaza in an hour, or I have my way with your "girlfriends"~ *giggles*

Samuel: "Girlfriends"? *gasps* NO! LEAVE KATY AND SCARLETT ALONE!!

???: Not my problem~

The person began to laugh as she rushed through the door and the wind keeping Samuel to the wall was released. Samuel rushed through the door to lean over the railing, seeing the enemy he has to face run off with Scarlett.


At remembering that Scarlett wasn't the only person in danger, he heads for Katy's room and opens it quickly to see that the windows were open. He heard a vehicle starting up and rushed to it and could see a van outside driving away.

Samuel: (First the enemy taking my friends, and they even have equipment that works during frozen time?! Just who are these people?!)

Samuel shook his head and began to rush for the door. He took hold of his jacket and began hurrying down the stairs.

Samuel: (One thing for sure, I'm going to do ANYTHING I can to save them!)

Samuel ran with all his might, hurrying to get to the meeting location that he is meant to fight at.

To be continued...

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