Chapter 2: Investigations to the unknown. Threat of an unknown enemy. Part - 2

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Third point of view

Date: April 7, 20XX

Location: University Plaza.

45 minutes later...

Time: Frozen

Getting to the plaza, Samuel rested his hands on his knees to take deep breaths to calm his racing heart. He couldn't stop running until Samuel had made it to the plaza on time, leaving him breathless and out of stamina. Samuel was being observed from a distance as a male with short black hair and a business suit could be seen using binoculars.

???: The target is here.

???: Hmph. He better have. Or else he would have wasted my time.

Samuel looked up and could see Scarlett and Katy's bodies up at the top of the flagpole.

Samuel: Scarlett! Katy!

Samuel lifted himself up to run to the flagpole, but the ground lit up for a second to create an ice wall in front of him.

Samuel: Ngh...!

???: Well, well. Guess you showed up after all.

Hearing a voice above him, Samuel looked up towards the flagpole. When it should've just been Scarlett and Katy, there was a third person on top of the actual pole now.

Samuel: I'm here now. You can stop using my friends as bait to get me here. They have no part to play in this. Let them go.

The voice began to giggle as she began to reply back to me as if my statement fell on deaf ears.

???: That wasn't why I brought you here. Albeit slightly the reason that is.

Samuel: Huh?

The talisman in the enemy's hand lights up as she yells down at Samuel.

???: I'm going to show you what happens when you play with a woman's heart! You cretin!

Samuel looked up at the woman and blinked a few times in confusion.

Samuel: W-Wait... What?

The enemy throws her talisman at Samuel as it begins to light up more. Samuel ran to the side as the impact zone was set ablaze in fire. Samuel looked to see how big it was as he could feel the heat brushing against his skin.

Samuel: (Okay... She isn't playing around anymore... Shit... Also, did she really have to call me that...?)

Hearing another projectile being thrown, Samuel began to rush out of the area of the blast.

Samuel: This is so unciviliiiiiiiiiized!!

???: Grrr! Stop dodging you cretin! You're supposed to be dying!

Samuel: I would rather be alive thank you very much!

As more attacks are made, the enemy Summoner sweats at the whole scene.

???: Jeez... Can't she take things more seriously and NOT blow everything up...?

For a few minutes, Samuel had to dodge and duck around projectiles being thrown at him as one of the projectiles was thrown at the ground in front of him. An ice wall gets created and soon two more to block the way out of the plaza and to keep circling around. A pair of feet landed down to the ground as Samuel faced towards who it was cutting off his exit.

???: For a human who doesn't die quickly enough, you sure have the stamina to stay alive this long.

From how the battle was going, Samuel was beginning to pant from the exhaustion he was feeling.

Samuel: That's...because you keep attacking me...and you're predictable...

???: "Predictable"!! Fine. If projectiles won't work, maybe physical contact will.

From what Samuel could see, the enemy began to walk towards him. Upon a closer look, he could see the female more clearly and including her character card. The female Samuel saw wore clothes that resembled that of Feudal Japan. That of a Witchcraft-User would wear back during that time. Her torso clothing had colors of black, blue, gold, and white; almost resembling a slight kimono with two twin coattails hanging behind her with gold lining imprinted on it. She wore a black and white choker that only showed her shoulders and cleavage. On her legs were knee high dark blue stockings and black high-pumped sandals with a black strap to keep them on her feet. Her hair was pink in the form of twin-tails and a blue ribbon located on the back of her head. What was noticeable about her was the fox ears and the single fox tail that was visible. The eyes she had were the same as he first met her at the parking deck during their fight before Samuel had to run away. The character's name Samuel can identify is known as Tamamo-no-Mae.

Samuel: ("Tamamo-no-Mae?" Where did I hear that name before??)

Tamamo-no-Mae: Now. Let's see if you can handle this!

Beginning to float around Mae, it was a mirror that looked to be regalia for its time. Mae began to spin the mirror softly with a single finger as it would then start to speed up. It began to spin faster and faster until it looked like that of a saw blade and could hear how fast it was going.

Samuel: Something tells me... That's another weapon of yours?

Tamamo-no-Mae: You would be correct on that one. Why don't you get a CLOSER look at it!

Thrusting her arm forward, the mirror was launched towards Samuel as he quickly dodged to the side, while the mirror bounced against the wall with a clang back towards its user.

Tamamo-no-Mae: Dance human, dance!

Sending her mirror in repeatedly, Samuel was stuck having to dodge left, right, duck and jump to avoid getting hit by the mirror. Whenever the mirror connected to Samuel, he would barely avoid getting a fatal cut due to the velocity of the mirror. Some would connect against him softly and open small wounds on his body as he lost stamina by each hit.

Tamamo-no-Mae: What's the matter? Slowing down~?

Tamamo-no-Mae began to giggle more as she held a hand to her lips to cover it up. Samuel growled softly at having to be at a disadvantage. He couldn't risk trying to get his phone out without getting attacked. If he did, Mae wouldn't hesitate to attack once more.

Samuel: (Cornered to where I'm forced to keep my wits and predict how she'll attack... I do have to admit, I'm trapped in this singular spot... But why doesn't she use her other attacks? She kept me on the run with her projectiles... If she can throw this mirror at me, why throw it this close...?)

Samuel had to dodge the mirror a few more times as a few more cuts were created on his body. Samuel grits his teeth to hold back from letting out a sound of pain as Mae's ears perked for a second.

Tamamo-no-Mae: Trying to act tough in hiding your pain huh? You're a calm person who's going to die soon enough.

This caught Samuel's attention as Mae had seemed to have heard Samuel's soft grunt.

Samuel: (Nothing sure gets by this woman... But if she can hear that, does that mean she has abilities that of an animal? I thought they were fake, but they're definitely real enough... Damn... Where have I heard her name before...?!)

The man on the roof observed the fight down below. Taking slight interest with how the fight is going.

???: (Well, it seems Mae is doing a nice job in keeping him situated in one spot. Thought she would run out of talismans in her slight recklessness. But she must be leading him on in her own tactical way. Seeing how he reacts to read his movements. The method may be slow, but battles aren't won in record time. Mistakes can happen to where the plan can go awry. We must be ready for any instance.)

Taking his eyes off the battle, he looks towards the flagpole to observe their hostages. But something surprised him when he noticed a change and looked towards Tamamo-no-Mae and talked into the earpiece.

???: MAE!! One of the hostages has disappeared!!

Hearing her Summoner say that through the earpiece, she looked back towards the flagpole and saw that Katy was gone, but Scarlett was still there. Following where Mae was looking at, Samuel looked towards where Scarlett was, but was more surprised that Katy was gone.

Tamamo-no-Mae: WHAT?!

Mae looks towards Samuel as he was surprised by this turn of events also.

Tamamo-no-Mae: How did you get one of them freed?!

Samuel looked at Mae from her accusation

Samuel: What are you talking about?! What did YOU do to Katy?!

Tamamo-no-Mae: Don't play dumb with me! I'm the one asking you that!!

Mae's attacks speed up due to her anger and begin to launch her mirror towards Samuel more. Each attack left Samuel less time to react to her attacks as more cuts were beginning to be made on Samuel's body.

Samuel: Ngh! Ah! Gah! Rah! (She's attacking out of anger now! If I don't do something now, I'm goin' to end up being chopped to pieces!)

As the mirror had returned to Mae, Samuel looked for his chance as Mae began to move her arm forwards to launch her mirror.

Samuel: (Now!)

Beginning to charge forwards, Samuel began to head straight for Mae as she launched her mirror at him.

Tamamo-no-Mae: What?!

The mirror was heading straight towards Samuel at a fast pace. Before it got close enough, Samuel twisted to his right to let the mirror soar right past him and keep charging towards his enemy.

Tamamo-no-Mae: No! That's not possible!!

Samuel: Not PROBABLE!! Don't underestimate me!!

Getting close to where Mae was, Samuel pulled his arm back and launched it towards her. Samuel's fist connects to Mae's stomach as she coughs up spit from the punch dealt to her and sends her backwards a few meters from Samuel is and onto her back. Samuel took some deep breaths as he heard the mirror hit the solid surface of the ice wall and become stuck there. The man on the roof became shocked to see Mae being struck directly by Samuel as he took a step back.

???: (Mae took a direct hit?! But that's not possible! That's unheard of to listen to, but to see this?!)

Looking to where the mirror was, Samuel walked towards where it was to examine it. He pulls on the mirror to get it freed. He had a better chance of examining the weapon Mae used to deal damage on him. The mirror had a clear reflective surface as it had two sharp points on each end with eight ball points that can be moved.

Once being able to hold the mirror firmly in his hands, Samuel tried to start figuring out who Tamamo-no-Mae is so that he could understand. Once thinking hard enough, he was able to figure out who she was. But holding the mirror, sent flashes of bits and memories coursing through him as instant information was somehow being fed straight to him. What he was seeing was Tamamo-no-Mae's memories and life.

Samuel: (Tamamo-no-Mae... The kitsune that originated in China... Killed by the Feudal Japan army in her time because of an illness their emperor had and because of her being a fox spirit... I know why I remember her... I learned of her in my Japanese History class, but what I saw just now, was a different story... I don't know what I just saw, but even if the two Mae's I could learn about... This one didn't seem to have wanted to kill anyone... She was just curious about the human world, but accused of the illness because of who she is... This one... Even had a different name before being called Tamamo-no-Mae...)

Mae began to get up slowly as she began to growl at having been attacked the way she felt. Mae could see that Samuel had a hold of her mirror and became angry.

Tamamo-no-Mae: Don't touch that mirror!!

By magic alone, the mirror was pulled out of Samuel's hands and sent back towards Mae as she glared at him.

Tamamo-no-Mae: You humans... You're all the same...

Samuel held his hands up as he tried to reason with her.

Samuel: Mae, wait a minute. Please.

Mae glared at Samuel as she dashed towards him and caught him off guard by her speed.

Tamamo-no-Mae: Shut up!!

Mae kicked Samuel in the gut as he was launched backwards towards the ice walls that were made. The impact caused Samuel to crash through it as he could feel pain in his body.

Samuel: Sh-Shit...! Augh...!

Samuel tried to get himself to stand up, but Mae grabbed the back of his shirt collar and tossed him towards a building. Samuel grunts at impacting against it before going back down to the ground.

Samuel: M-Mae... S-Stop...

Tamamo-no-Mae: I said be quiet!!

Mae grabbed Samuel by the neck and lifted him up with just her right hand as her mirror began to spin to pick up speed.

Tamamo-no-Mae: All I do is hope... I try to find peace by things that catch my attention, but it always becomes bad luck... Every time. So, like how most people ended me, I'll end you in a fate worse than what I dealt with.

Mae pulled her left hand back to prepare the mirror to attack Samuel.

Samuel: (I'm about to die...! I can't reach my phone because I'm trying to not give her reasons to attack me...! But I have to do something... ANYTHING!!)

When Mae moved her hand to send the mirror towards Samuel, he yelled at Mae with just a single word.

Samuel: MIZUKUME!!

This caught Mae's attention as the mirror's trajectory was changed. The mirror was set to be horizontal, but being called by that name got her instantly curious on how Samuel yelled that one word out. Mae lets go of Samuel's neck as he coughed to get some air back into his systems.

Tamamo-no-Mae: How do you know that?? I never told you!! I NEVER told anyone that name!!

Samuel looked up at Mae as he tried to focus his thoughts.

Samuel: It was when I touched your mirror... I don't know how... But I was shown some stuff... Stuff about your life. The way you were treated at the end... How your life started... I know only the important ones due to my history of the Tamamo-no-Mae in this world, but you're different from that Mae... You never meant to hurt a living soul, because you were curious about my kind, Mizukume...

Tamamo-no-Mae: Stop calling me that! That's not my name anymore!

Samuel: You can choose to run from it... But you know that won't be able to...

Tamamo-no-Mae: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! You don't know anything! You don't know how I feel!!

Samuel looked at Mae, sighing as he went to be in a sitting position.

Samuel: You're right. I don't.

Mae looked at Samuel based on his claim while he looked at her.

Samuel: But the part about feeling alone... Scared... Wanting to belong... I felt like that too... I don't even wish to go into details about it... But even if I feel brave, courageous or anything you might think of right now... I'm scared. But not because of my own life... But for those I wish to protect... Because the people who cared enough for me are my family I can trust with my life.

Samuel extends his hand towards Mae as he keeps looking her in the eyes. Mae felt scared by what he was trying to do as his palm was towards the sky.

Samuel: You didn't choose to end my life earlier today because of reasons. Maybe reasons that you wish it would have happened for you back in your time? To quell your thoughts that there are people that will risk their life for anyone regardless of who they are.

Tamamo-no-Mae: N-No... That's not it...

Samuel: You don't have to do this... This is your choice whether you want to kill me or take my hand. But what happened in your life... I'm sorry you were treated like a monster before your death. You had no control of how things would turn out based on the events that happened... Some may see a monster or a killer when fighting you, but all I see is a girl who wanted to see the world alongside humans and live her life the way she wanted.

Mae looked at Samuel in the eyes as he was trying to help understand her. Understand her for her curiosity, her reasons, and help make her feel accepted.

Tamamo-no-Mae: You... You're not afraid of me...?

Samuel: After what I witnessed when holding your mirror... No. Because no person deserves to live a life alone... That includes you.

Mae blushed as she looked at Samuel based on his words. Taking in the nostalgic feeling of belonging somewhere, despite who she was. She was about to reach out for Samuel's hand, when her Summoner talked into the earpiece.

???: (Earpiece): Mae. Finish him off. We have our orders and trying to make him join is off the table after what we did. If he won't summon help, there is no other option but to end this.

Mae became surprised by hearing this and placed a finger to her earpiece.

Tamamo-no-Mae: No! There's no need for that now! Please, reconsider!

Samuel became surprised softly by seeing that Mae was communicating with her Summoner from a distance.

??? (Earpiece): No Mae. We had our orders to finish off him before he could get stronger. Selena made the mistake of choosing Underling to handle this and get more samples. He is no use to us and the plans with what he knows. FINISH. THE. JOB.

Mae looked at Samuel and then to the earpiece her Summoner was communicating to her with.

Tamamo-no-Mae: Tell me this first... If we had brought him to where the base was... Would he have still died regardless of my choice?

The earpiece was silent for a few moments as it didn't sit well for Mae.

Tamamo-no-Mae: Tatsumi! Answer me!!

Tatsumi (Earpiece): What have I told you about using my name in front of the enemy?!

Tamamo-no-Mae: That deal became null and void when you decided to lie to me. Pig.

Mae heard her Summoner yell at her before taking her earpiece out and crushed it.

Tamamo-no-Mae: Jeez. Can't believe I trusted that piece of trash.

From a distance, the man Tastumi became furious about this whole mess as he took the earpiece out of his ear and gripped it tightly.

Tatsumi: Of all the bullshit!

Before Tatsumi could keep fuming over what happened further, he decided to collect himself for what he had planned.

Tatsumi: Fine. If that's how you want to play, then it's time I took the reins on this fight.

Tatsumi opened his phone and went to the Duel Summoners app. He opened a section that wasn't part of the actual game and hit a button as it began to pulse.

Tatsumi: I didn't want to do it, but you left me no choice but to use the Full Command system.

Walking with Samuel to the flagpole, Mae began to feel a soft pulse in her head as she was slowing down due to the pain. Samuel kept walking as Mae went down to her knees and began to squirm softly due to the pain. Holding her head as she whimpered at how bad it hurt. Hearing Mae, Samuel looked behind him and was surprised by this.

Samuel: Mae!

Samuel rushed over to where she was as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

Samuel: Mae! Are you okay?!

Tamamo-no-Mae: My head... It hurts...

Samuel: What do you mean?? You were just fine moments ago.

Tamamo-no-Mae: I know... But it just started hurting... Ngh...!

Mae felt another pulse of pain course through her head as she curled up from the pain.

Samuel: Damn it...!

Taking his phone out, he activated the app for the game and focused his energy to create a summoning circle. He removed his glove, placed his palm to the ground and summoned IF and Compa out. Once they were with him, IF and Compa looked to see Samuel had been in some fight.

IF: Sam?! What the hell happened to you?!

Samuel: No time to explain! Compa, can you help Mae here?!

Compa looked at Samuel and then towards Mae as she was in pain while squirming.

Compa: But... Isn't she the enemy??

Samuel: Forget that right now! Can you help her or not?!

Compa thought about it before nodding her head.

Compa: I'll try.

IF: Are you serious?!

Compa got close to help Mae as she decided to try and check what's wrong with her. IF got close to Samuel and whispered to him.

IF: Sam. This is nuts! What the hell happened after you left?!

Samuel: A lot happened in a short time, and I was left to try and handle this by myself... Trust me, Mae isn't our enemy now. Just misguided due to circumstances...

IF: Jeez... You and Nep would REALLY get along with making your enemy become your friend instead...

Samuel: I find that to be a compliment if anything.

IF: I swear I will hit you.

Comap tried to keep checking what was wrong with Mae, but she became confused.

Compa: I'm checking all her vitals... But nothing is out of place, there shouldn't be any kind of activity going on in her head. It's like... something I can't find...

Samuel went to crouch down next to Mae as he was shocked by this.

Samuel: What the hell is going on...?

Mae looked towards Samuel as she touched the tip of his finger with hers. Samuel looked at Mae as she had a pleading look in her eyes.

Tamamo-no-Mae: P-Please... Have one of them revert me back into card form... I... I feel something bad is going to happen...

Samuel was shocked by this as he shook his head.

Samuel: I'm not doing that. Not when we don't know what's going on yet.

Tamamo-no-Mae: You don't understand... The people Tatsumi works for, they have plans, countermeasures and other tricks that a normal person couldn't do alone... I fear he activated the Full Command system.

Hearing the same thing when fighting Selena and Underling. Samuel remembered the horror on Underling's face when she was threatened by Selena.

Samuel: "Full Command?" That's what Selena said to Underling when I first encountered them.

Mae nods her head at least hearing the name.

Tamamo-no-Mae: What you don't know though... Is what it does... You see, it-

Mae froze up as she stopped talking while also stops squirming. Samuel was waiting to hear what Mae was trying to tell him as he found this odd.

Samuel: Mae? What's the Full Command? Mae??

Mae began to sit up slowly as her head was hung down. A shadow covered her eyes as Samuel placed his hands on her shoulder.

Samuel: Mae? Are you okay??

Tamamo-no-Mae: Gee... Let me think...

Mae began to reach towards Samuel, as her hand grabbed Samuel by the neck. She stood up as she lifted Samuel from the ground to be held in the air slightly. IF and Compa looked at this and was shocked by this sudden turn of action.

Samuel: M-Mae...?! What are you doing...?!

Tamamo-no-Mae?: Mae is sleeping for now. You're facing me now~

Looking up at Samuel, her eyes were glowing red as it surprised Samuel just seeing this.

Samuel: (What happened to her eyes? They were yellow moments ago! Something is wrong about this!)

Mae grabs Samuel's shirt and spun him around once to send him flying away from her. Samuel bounced as he rolled against the ground until he was flat on his stomach.

Samuel: Kuh...! Ngh...

IF and Compa were shocked by seeing that as they ran to get to his side.

Compa: Sam! Are you okay?!

IF: What the hell is the deal with this lady?! Did she two-face us or something?!

Giggling could be heard as the three looked at Mae. Compa was doing what she could to heal Samuel's wounds as Mae began walking slowly towards them with a sway of her hips.

Tamamo-no-Mae?: It's not that she... "betrayed" your trust, but it's more like she lost her free will~

Samuel: "Lost her free will"?? Wait... Does the Full Command Mae was trying to tell me about consist of-

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): -taking over the mind and body of the summoned character? Yes, Mr. Price. Mae is currently sleeping in her subconscious. As you can see, I have full control of her actions and her abilities. All I can do on my end is just input commands to have her fight and talk through her as if it was her talking.

Samuel grits his teeth at hearing that as Mae was being forced to do his bidding.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): But due to Mae being uncooperative now, I have no choice but to keep her under my control when she is physically out to fight my battles.

Samuel: You bastard. She trusted you.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Trust means nothing to anyone. What matters is relying on people who can get the work done. Trust is a meaningless thing when you can't control the battle yourself.

Samuel was disgusted by hearing that as IF stepped forward.

IF: Some Summoner you are then. You're nothing but a loser if you have to resort to something like that. You're like a dictator who won't let someone do as they wish.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Do I look like I care?? I let Mae get away with some of the things she wanted to do and letting the enemy go again is something I cannot allow.

Samuel: If you're resorting to taking her freewill away to do your bidding... You're nothing but scum...

Tatsumi looked at Samuel as he could see him standing up even from all the wounds he had.

Samuel: Everyone has a choice to do what they wish. It's their choice to make and follow on it. But it doesn't give you the right to strip that away from her.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Choices. Who the hell gives a damn about what someone wants?

Samuel: I DO!!

Samuel glared at Tatsumi as he could see the anger in Samuel's eyes.

Samuel: No one should be forced to do something against their will. Especially when they lose it completely by a simple push of a button. That isn't a choice, that's imprisonment and slavery!! Anyone with a partner that can do that HAS no choice to follow your commands!!

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): And what are you going to do about it then~?

Tatsumi looked into Samuel's eyes and saw a fire ignite in them. Staring right back at Tatsumi as if Samuel can see directly.

Samuel: As a man of my word, I will not let you have any control over Mae any longer. I'll see to that personally.

Tatsumi smirked as he made a gesture while controlling Mae's body.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Then by all means. Just try it then!!

Tatsumi commanded Mae's body to charge in towards the three as IF decided to meet the enemy head on. Tatsumi used Mae's mirror while IF produced a katar in each hand and crossed her arms. The two clashed in a power struggle as the mirror grinds against IF's katars. With IF stalling Tatsumi, Samuel looked at Compa with a plan.

Samuel: Compa, help me get Scarlett down.

Compa: What happened anyway??

Samuel decided to head to the flagpole while explaining.

Samuel: Earlier, the two were kidnapped by the enemy. During my fight, Katy disappeared from the flagpole, and I have no idea what happened to her...

Compa: Oh my...!

Samuel: We can't worry about Katy for now... Scarlett is still here in the battle zone. With time being stopped, we can search for Katy later since we will have time on our side.

Compa: Oh right. Forgot the whole-time freezing thing.

Just as Compa and Samuel reached the flagpole, Samuel's phone got a text message coming through to him again. When he pulled the phone out, it read "Katy is in safe hands. Focus on the fight and save your friend. I'll return Katy to her home while the fight goes on."

Samuel: (Who is this person?? That's the second time they're helping me.)

Compa: Sam... We have to help Scarlett down...

Samuel shakes his head as he and Compa get to the flagpole to begin on trying to lower the rope holding Scarlett. Only problem was, it was wrapped up tight.

Samuel: How the hell does someone undo these knots?!

Compa: I don't know! Just start moving things!

Compa began to move the rope around as Samuel freaked out from this.

Samuel: ACK! Stop! You're making it worse!!

When Compa took her hand on the rope, she didn't make it loosen, but only harder to undo.

Samuel: Compa...

Compa: Sorry...

Samuel pulls out a pocketknife and looks at Compa.

Samuel: And this is why I bought a multi-tool in case cutting rope, screwing nails into place, or opening a cold bottle pop would come in handy...

Compa: Who said that it-

Samuel: Alex did. He undermines my thinking.

Compa: Oh, that makes sense then.

While Samuel cut at the rope from one side, he slowly tried to figure out how to undo the other rope that was a mess. At the fight though, IF was doing the best she could in trying to gain the upper hand against Tatsumi, but the speed of Mae was getting the better of her. Tatsumi delivers a flurry of kicks while using the mirror to hover around him.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): What's the matter? Can't keep up?

IF: Ngh... Augh... You're using someone's skills for yourself. That's not skill at all.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Who gives a damn about it? It's all a fight in the end.

IF was pissed by hearing that as she channeled flames into her knives and swung her blade at Tatsumi. The blade misses due to Tatsumi controlling Mae's body to dodge the attack. Pointing her blade at him, IF gives a serious stare to show she wasn't playing around.

IF: You think just because it's two characters fighting that it's "Just a fight?" You don't view your "partner" as a person. You only see her as a thing!

IF charged in towards Tatsumi in making each attack towards him. Commanding Mae's body, Tatsumi uses her to do a high kick to IF's head, but IF dodges to the side, surprising Tatsumi when missing a strike.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): What?!

IF slides to the side as she prepares an attack in the form of a stance.

IF: Trust is a highly valued thing in the group I'm in. And if you can't trust anyone but yourself, you're going to be the one who falls alone! Prepare to eat my Heaven Demon attack!

Jumping towards Tatsumi, IF makes a series of strikes that each land against Tatsumi. From Tatsumi's vision, IF makes swings against him, a spin attack, alternate hits with each hand, and all before a cross-slash in the form of an X. Tatsumi stumbles backwards as Mae's body had gained cuts from the attack.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): YOU BITCH!!

IF smirked as she pointed the katar towards Tatsumi at her confidence.

IF: Ready for round 2?

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Bitch, it's going into round 3!

IF: Okay. This will also allow me to show you why I'm IF, a gust of beautiful wind that blows through Gamindustri!

The two charged towards each other to enter another weapons clash. Back with Samuel and Compa, Samuel was almost done cutting the large piece of rope needed to bring Scarlett down while Compa held onto it. When the rope is finally cut, Compa is pulled up into the air slightly due to the weight of Scarlett being hung by the other end.

Compa: Aaaaaah! I'm being pulled up!

Samuel: Compa?!

Samuel looked up and could see up Compa's skirt. When Compa looks back down, she blushes hard about what is happening.

Compa: HEY!! Don't look!!

Samuel tilted his head for a moment in being confused, but realized what Compa meant and looked away.

Samuel: Sorry!

Compa: Sam! I want to get down! It's scary up here!

Samuel looked at the two ropes where Scarlett and Compa were on.

Samuel: If I get you down right now, Scarlett will fall!

Compa: Then what do we do??

Samuel thought for a moment and came up with a decision.

Samuel: Just hang on tight for a little bit Compa. I'll get Scarlett down and then hoist you down the same way. Do you trust me Compa?

Compa: You don't have to ask for it. Just please hurry!

Nodding his head, Samuel began to pull on the rope holding Scarlett up high to bring her down. The more Scarlett was brought down, the more Compa was lifted more into the air. When Samuel got Scarlett down, he used his foot to keep a hold on while cutting the ropes holding Scarlett. Flames, wind, and ice were being made in the fight with IF and Tatsumi, the two still fighting as IF was slowly getting more wounds by the second. After Scarlett was freed of the rope, the rope escaped from Samuel for a moment and made Compa almost start falling.

Compa: AAAAAH!!

Samuel: Hang on Compa!!

Samuel quickly grabbed onto the running rope as it still moved in his grasp. Samuel had to grit his teeth and tighten his hold on the rope. The rope stops just as Compa is about two-thirds of a way down the pole as Compa looked at Samuel.

Compa: Sam?!

Samuel: D-Don't worry about me for now...! J-Just keep calm...! I'll get you down right now...!

Looking at his hands, some blood was beginning to seep down slowly as he released one hand from the rope. Distributing his weight carefully, Samuel alternated hands to lower the rope each time to help Compa get down. On her way down though, Compa could see the pain Samuel was in as he kept his hold on the rope. When Compa finally felt the ground with her feet again, Samuel lets go of the rope and winced in pain.

Compa: Sam? Let me see your hands.

Samuel looked at Compa and shook his head.

Samuel: No. We got to-

Samuel reached and grabbed hold of Scarlett's arm and yelled in pain at the mere touch. Compa got close to Samuel and inspected his hands. Samuel had rope burn and his skin was torn due to the friction he felt. Blood was slowly coming out of his palms as Compa was surprised by this.

Compa: Oh my...!

Samuel: I told you not to worry about me...

Compa: Why would I not worry about you?? You hurt yourself just to keep me from getting hurt!

Compa took Samuel's hands and began healing them.

Samuel: No. No, no, no, no, no, no. You need to take Scarlett and go. She isn't safe here!

Compa: Just give me two minutes. Tops! Please, you're not safe here too in this kind of state...

Samuel decided against his better judgment that trying to argue with Compa was out of the question.

Samuel: Okay. But only for two minutes. If my hands aren't healed when it's up, we are leaving.

Compa: And Iffy...

Samuel: At least you go and take Scarlett. I have to stay and help IF by using ability cards.

Slowly, Samuel's hands were being healed due to Compa's skill to repair the damage done to them. Each repair done to his hands makes Samuel wince more in pain at the reverse healing.

Samuel: You know... Even if healing can help repair damage, the reverse damage done hurts like hell...!

Compa: This isn't a game... So of course, it'll hurt for humans...

Samuel: My point exactly...! OOOOOwwwww...!

Compa: I'm sorry...!

Compa and Samuel were crying because of two different things while IF blocked another strike from Tatsumi. The mirror circled around IF in deflecting it from wherever it will come from. But while the mirror circled her, Tatsumi would come in and deal physical blows to IF in surprise.

IF: Guh...! Augh...!

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): You seem to be slowing down, while I stay strong!

IF: Oh, just shut up already...

Tatsumi grabs IF by the collar to spin her around in a circle. The faster he spun, the more of a momentum there was created. Wind dirt began to pick up due to the circular motion of swinging IF around as Tatsumi had a smile that was expressed through Mae.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Let's see how far you can fly away~

Shocked by hearing this, IF tries to lift her left palm towards Tatsumi and call out her attack.

IF: D-Demonic In-

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Not fast enough!!

Tatsumi lets go of IF and sends her flying towards where Samuel and Compa were at. Compa had just finished healing Samuel's wounds when they heard a noise coming in their direction.

Samuel: You hear that?

Compa: The voice sounds familiar... Is it Neptune falling from the sky...?

Compa looks upward to see if anyone is heading their way, but IF calls out to them.


Looking in the direction of the voice, Samuel and Compa see IF flying at them with an ability almost charged too full.

Samuel: Kuso yarō! Translation: Son of a bitch!

Grabbing Scarlett's body, Samuel held her in a bridal style way to quickly move out of the impact zone.

Compa: What did Sam say??


Before Compa had time to move, IF crashed landed at where Compa was as her Demonic Inferno went off in an explosion. Both girls caught up in the blast took huge damage from it as both have wounds showing on their body.

Compa: Ow... That hurt...

IF: Damage like that will Compa... It always does... Ow...

Laughing could be heard as Tatsumi saw what happened to the two.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Oh man! You two took that so hard that your HP is almost gone!! Tch-hahahahaha!

Samuel looked back to see IF and Compa in a bad shape and saw how Tatsumi was acting.

Samuel: (The hell is with this guy?! He seemed so composed about this whole deal, now he sounds like a lunatic!)

Tatsumi kept laughing at the sight, until he stopped laughing and held his head while controlling Mae's body.

Tatsumi: (Shit... I almost lost it... No matter how much training I have, this kind of power can still break someone... F**k...)

Mae's head shook left and right as Tatsumi had calmed down in his high of adrenaline.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Okay... No more wasting time. Let's end this.

Tatsumi commanded Mae's body to move forward towards IF and Compa to revert them back into card form. Samuel saw this and was slightly panicking by having to see this.

Samuel: (Shit...! This is bad! IF and Compa are going to be finished off! What should I do?!)

Getting another text, Samuel quickly looked at his phone and saw a message on it. It read "Calm down. The situation may be bleak, but even when things take a turn for the worst, there is always a bright light at the end. Keep hold to that light, and you will prevail. Believe in your bonds, and they will be your strength."

Samuel: ("My bonds"?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?! What am I supposed to do with this advice?! Just WHAT am I supposed to do?!)

Samuel heard the scream of a woman as he looked up to see that IF and Compa were being tormented as IF had her katars crossed in front of her. Tatsumi was using Mae's mirror to relentlessly attack as a saw blade, chipping away at IF's weapons to inch closer each time.

Compa: Iffy! I'm scared!

IF: Sam! We could really use some help here! Now!

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Don't expect him to do anything. He can't help you anymore.

Samuel kept watching as he gripped Scarlett's shoulder softly with his left hand. He watched as the mirror inched more towards IF and Compa to their doom. Samuel felt a burning sensation on the back of his hand as he left Scarlett to be by herself and charge towards Tatsumi.

Samuel: Hey! I got something for you, you bastard!

Tatsumi looked to his left and saw Samuel had unexpectedly approached him with a fist ready to strike him.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): (He came in to attack me?!)

Tatsumi stopped the attack and jumped away from Samuel to jump up to the top of the flagpole. Samuel looked up and glared at Tatsumi as he glared back at Samuel.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Mr. Price. Your first name is Samuel, correct?

Samuel kept glaring up at Tatsumi, but didn't answer. When not given an answer, Tatsumi grew angry.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): ANSWER, THE QUESTION!!

Samuel: Yeah. That's me.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): What makes you different? You did something that no one else could've done.

Samuel: And what's that?

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Hitting a summoned character.

This raised some eyebrows from Samuel, IF and Compa based on what they only know.

Samuel: Come again?

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Don't play dumb with me. Your punch earlier. How did you do it?

Samuel: Do what, exactly?

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Tch...! I don't have all night to toy around here! Stop playing dumb with me! Tell me right now-

Tatsumi took a talisman of Mae's and prepared it to be fired towards where Scarlett's body is. Samuel connected to where Tatsumi was aiming at and was worried.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): -or I kill your friend.

Samuel: No! Leave Scarlett out of this! Your fight is with me!!

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): ANSWER THE QUESTION THEN!!

Samuel: I don't know what you want me to answer damn it!!

The flame aimed at Scarlett burned brighter due to Tatsumi's rage and made the three worried more.

Samuel: STOP!!

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): How can someone like YOU, hit a summoned character after gaining your power?

Samuel: Shouldn't it be as simple as hitting any normal person?!

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Not how you can! A Summoner shouldn't be able to have the power to HIT a summoned character unless draining all of their power!! YOU!! You did it so easily!!

Samuel was shocked and looked towards IF and Compa for answers as he didn't know how, but they only shook their heads to answer that they didn't know also. Tatsumi had run out of patience and took a deep breath.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): I grow bored of this... Say goodbye now...

Snapping his fingers, he sent the fireball towards Scarlett and surprised Samuel.

Samuel: NO!!

Samuel began to run towards where Scarlett was as he outstretched his left hand. Time began to move slowly as the projectile closed in on Scarlett's location.


The mark on the back of his hand began to glow more brightly as it burned more. When the fireball was about to crash onto Scarlett, Samuel let out a scream that echoed throughout the frozen area.


But when the projectile should have incinerated Scarlett and kill her, it stopped in its tracks as a bright glow came from where Scarlett was at. It was a blinding light that blinded everyone nearby.

IF: WHOA! What's with the light?!

Compa: It's so bright! Iffy! I'm going blind!

IF: Close your eyes then Compa!

Samuel and Tatsumi also had to shield their eyes from the light as Tatsumi switched over to his own on the rooftops. The light shone from the plaza as Tatsumi looked to where the source was at.

Tatsumi: (That light! No! IT CAN'T BE!!)

Tatsumi switched back to controlling Mae as he saw the fireball he sent was soon coming back at him.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): SHIT!!

The flames crashed into Tatsumi and sent him flying into a wall of a building, making him cough up blood from Mae and even himself. When the light dies down, Samuel, IF, and Compa could finally see that Scarlett was okay and unharmed.

Samuel: Scarlett!

Samuel ran over towards where Scarlett was as he lifted her up to hold her in his arms. He could see that no harm was done to her and that there were no burns anywhere on her body.

Samuel: (She's okay...? B-But how...?)

While they had the time to take a breather, Compa began on trying to restore IF's strength by healing her wounds.

Compa: You okay Iffy?

IF: Yeah... I'll be fine...

Compa could hear the slight worry in IF's voice.

Compa: What's wrong?

IF: That freak... He just used his own partner... Just to fight us without directly being here... Compa... If that should happen to us... We wouldn't be in control of our actions anymore...

Compa could understand IF's worry and hugged her from behind.

Compa: It won't happen...

IF looked back at Compa to which she pointed towards Samuel.

Compa: Even if Sam is our Summoner, he didn't hesitate to defend us. He's just like Nep-Nep when knowing when to help someone and ESPECIALLY when they need help the most.

Compa smiled at IF as she continued to help heal her wounds. IF looked towards Samuel as he tried to search for anything that hurt Scarlett. IF smiled at the determination Samuel had, even if it meant risking his life for the right cause. IF thought about what would have happened if both of them had been drawn by the villains instead and shivered at the thought.

IF: (Samuel Price... What drives you to protect those around you?)

Tatsumi shook his head while he was stuck to the wall. He could see Samuel checking on Scarlett's body for wounds while Compa was getting closer and closer to restoring IF's strength back to 100%.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): (Okay... No more playing around...)

Getting freed from the wall, Tatsumi pushed off of it and launched himself towards the area in front of Samuel and charged towards him. Looking to see Tatsumi was charging at him fast, Samuel tried to get up quickly.

Samuel: Shit!

Tatsumi grabbed Samuel by the neck and slammed him hard into the ground. The force broke the concrete while delivering a sharp pain to Samuel's already existing burn wound.


Compa: Sam!!

IF: Sam!

IF quickly got up and began charging towards Tatsumi with her katars out to deliver an attack from behind. Tatsumi reacted to using Samuel as a shield to redirect the attack, but IF stopped before her katars could penetrate Samuel.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Uh~ Uh~ Uh~ Don't want to hurt your "friend" now, do you~?

IF grits her teeth at the cheap move the enemy made as Tatsumi tossed Samuel into the air and grabbed his ankles. Tatsumi spun around and used Samuel as a weapon to hit IF in the side due to Samuel's shoulder.

Samuel: GAH!!

IF: KUH!!!

IF was sent flying as the ground broke up from her impact. Tatsumi kept spinning a little longer until he tossed Samuel away. Landing on the ground as he bounced a little each time until he stopped face down on the ground. IF struggled softly to get up on her feet as she spat out blood.

IF: I'm really getting annoyed by this scumbag...

Compa was rushing over to help heal Samuel's wounds when an ice wall was created to cut her off.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): No more healing for you two... And you...

Tatsumi looked at Samuel as he dashed in and picked him up by the collar. Samuel was breathing hard from the pain as blood rolled down his head.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Time to end this...

Mae's mirror began spinning like a saw blade once more as it was positioning itself close to Samuel's face. Samuel grunted in trying to keep away from it, but couldn't do anything as it kept getting closer to him slowly. IF tried getting on her feet, but the pain coursed through her and sent pain through her legs. Compa, feeling desperate, runs around the wall to bring her weapon, that of a giant syringe to prepare for stabbing into Tatsumi. But due to his reflexes, Compa gets knocked away by a kick and she lands on her back. Compa tried to get up slowly, but was close to her limit already due to not being a direct fighter like IF.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Your time will come girly... But first...

Tatsumi looked back towards Samuel and smiled in a dark way.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): DIE!! SAMUEL PRICE!!

When Tatsumi was about to send the mirror towards Samuel, a rock came flying in and hit Tatsumi in the back of the head. Seeing the rock from where it came from IF and Compa were beyond shock to even express any words.

???: HEY!! Get your hands off him!!

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Who the hell dares-?!

Looking behind him, Tatsumi became surprised even further by who attacked him, but the person seemed surprised also.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Th-This can't be!!

The camera moves as it shows a woman with scarlet red hair. In truth, it was Scarlett who had thrown the rock and looked surprised by who she hit.

Scarlett: Tamamo-no-Mae?? What the hell is going on here?? Is this some cosplay fight or something??

Tatsumi lets go of Samuel to drop him to the ground. Samuel shifts his weight to look at who was talking to Tatsumi, but becomes increasingly shocked by seeing Scarlett being able to move right now.

Samuel: S-Scarlett?!

Scarlett: Sam, what the hell is this??

Samuel: Don't even ask right now!! You need to get out of here!! NOW!!

Scarlett looked around Tatsumi as she could see some blood on Samuel's head.

Scarlett: Jeez, you people make this fight seem so REAL. Even the cosplayers of IF and Compa. Matched every detail, including the girl cosplaying Tamamo-no-Mae. Man, she's probably one of the best Caster class servants in the Fate series from her bio alone.

Samuel tilted his head at Scarlett knowing who Mae was.

Samuel: You know Mae??

Scarlett: Heh. Who wouldn't? Tamamo-no-Mae is just like the one from Japanese folklore, but in Fate style. Her greatest strength is in her mirror for which is her Noble Phantasm or in its shortest name, Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu. Using its power allows her-

Samuel: STOP!! Stop talking about her abilities!!

Scarlett looked at Samuel on why he cut her off as Tatsumi kicked him in the stomach.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Shut up kid!! It's impolite to interrupt a woman!!

Tatsumi kicked Samuel in the stomach again as blood came out of his mouth.

Samuel: AUGH!!

Scarlett: Hey! You don't need to hit him that hard! Isn't this just... a... game...?

Taking a look around her surroundings, Scarlett could see the broken ground, ice walls, some flames around the plaza, and double-checked Samuel's wounds that were seen on his body.

Scarlett: Oh my god... Th-This is real...!?

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): And the illusion is broken. Thanks a lot for keeping quiet, you fool.

Tatsumi grabbed Samuel's collar and tossed him towards where Scarlett was as Samuel landed hard onto his stomach.

Samuel: Guh...! Can we stop with the throwing...?? I think I have internal bleeding...

Scarlett gasped, running towards Samuel to help assist him as he was hurt. She lifted him up and had Samuel lean against her.

Scarlett: Sam. WHAT the hell is going on??

Samuel: Scarlett... You can't stay here... You're in more danger than you were now...

Scarlett: So, what? You want me to leave you here?? Damaged and hurt??

Samuel: Yes...!

Scarlett shook her head at hearing Samuel's words.

Scarlett: Do you even hear yourself?! You're asking me to leave you here and die!

Samuel: It's better than having fought tonight and not saved you at all!! Katy was in danger too!!

Scarlett: Katy?!

Samuel: Thing is, she's safe now. But you're still in danger...! You need to go!!

The sounds of footsteps could be heard as both looked to see Tatsumi walk to them. But for Scarlett, it was Tamamo-no-Mae.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): She can't leave now. She knows as much as you do, at least... Less actually...

Scarlett: Why is this happening?? That stuff from the news... Is all of THIS real??

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Jeez. YES!! All of this is real!!

Tatsumi used another talisman to send a fireball towards Scarlett, but only grazed her as the intense heat singed her sleeve and some of her skin.

Scarlett: AAAH!

Samuel: No!! Grr!

Tatsumi began to laugh as he created another fireball quickly.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Let's see how you can deal with one directly.

Samuel: No...! Don't do it...!

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Goodbye.

Tatsumi sent the fireball towards Samuel and Scarlett as she was pushed away from Samuel to act as a shield.

IF: (No! If Sam dies...!) Tch...!

IF got up quickly and ran towards where the two were. The searing wave of the heat got closer and closer to the two, as IF got in the way. She looked back towards Samuel with one eye.

IF: Find a way to beat him. Please...

Samuel: IF!!! NOOOOO!!!

IF took the full force of the hit as the searing heat consumed her. The fireball dissipates as a card is left in its place. Compa looked at her hand as she began to disappear.

Compa: Guess my time is up too... Sorry Sam...

Compa disappeared as her image was back on the card due to IF's defeat. Samuel scrambled and grabbed the card as it disappeared back into his phone. Looking at his phone, a timer was placed on the card IF and Compa summoned from as they were locked for now.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Your last chance. Your last life. End of the game, Mr. Price.

Samuel: (No... They were my last AND only chance left... If Mae wasn't controlled by Tatsumi... Damn it...!)

Tatsumi began to walk towards where Samuel was as he remained where he was. Scarlett looked at Samuel as she could tell that Samuel had given up.

Scarlett: Sam... Are those damages you gained the reason for all this...? Those burn marks? The damage that's happened around here recently...?

Samuel looked back towards Scarlett and the look in his eyes was different. A sense of lost hope in them. Samuel looked away from Scarlett as to not look at her when things came to an end. Tatsumi kept his distance as the ability of Samuel hitting summoned characters was made apparent.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): I'll stay about this far from you. Don't want any sneak attacks done.

Checking the supply Mae had, Tatsumi made sure he had enough.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): One final attack, killing blow.

Grabbing three talismans, Tatsumi tossed them into the air as the fire, ice and wind curses merged together. It created a storm-like attack that also created lightning in the mix of them.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Any last words?

Samuel was silent as his head was still down. Not wanting to look at Tatsumi and give any satisfaction. Tatsumi scoffed at not hearing anything coming from Samuel.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Suit yourself... Now do us all a favor? Disappear, and die.

Scarlett: No...

Thrusting his arm forward, Tatsumi sent the merged magical energies towards Samuel as it broke the ground in its wake. Scarlett watched as she saw the world in slow-motion. Seeing the attack barrel towards Samuel as the attack would kill him in an instant. Every fiber in her wanted to run. But the pain her heart would feel in leaving Samuel for his death would always be on her mind, while also not knowing what to tell their friends of what became of Samuel.

Scarlett: No... No!! SAM!!!

Scarlett got up on her feet and sprinted towards Samuel and got in front of him. She wrapped her arms around Samuel tightly to have her back to the attack in order to shield him. Tatsumi became surprised by Scarlett's sudden actions as she looked back at Tatsumi with a glare.

Scarlett: Do your worst. But I will NOT let you kill him.

Before the attack came into contact with both of them, a burst of wind surrounded both Samuel and Scarlett. Protecting them from the attack that was trying to make contact with them. The merged energy attack was trying to push towards them in every attempt it had. Seeing the attack being pushed away surprised Tatsumi even further.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): WHAT?!

Scarlett: H-Huh?! What's happening??

Scarlett was freaked out by the sudden burst of wind as it had caught Samuel's attention. He looked around to see what Scarlett meant. The familiar winds, the familiar feeling, and the familiar scenario.

Samuel: (These winds... This feeling...)

Samuel began to shift his weight to move from Scarlett away slightly, taking her left hand to look on the back of it. Like his, a mark began to form on the back of Scarlett's hand as it matched mark for mark. Scarlett felt the burns on her hand and looked at it and saw the surprised look on Samuel's face.

Scarlett: Sam?! What's happening?! What is this thing?!

Seeing the mark, seeing what was happening and what it meant. It brought back hope to Samuel in this fight.

Samuel: Get your phone out and open the Duel Summoners app.

Scarlett: What??

Samuel: Just trust me!!

The winds were beginning to die down as the combined magic was inching closer and closer to the two. Scarlett opened her phone and went to where the Duel Summoners app was. When opening it, it was just static and made Scarlett curious. Instantly, Samuel took her hand and placed her palm over the screen and shined a bright light from it.

Scarlett: Huh?! Sam! What's happening?!

Samuel: Just a little thing called: SAVING OUR LIVES!!

On Scarlett's phone, some of the cards she had claimed began to stir and move around softly. But the two didn't have time to wait on getting situated at all.

Samuel: Scarlett, I need you to focus. Focus with all your might and feel as if something is building up inside you.

Scarlett: What-?

Samuel: Do you want to live? Or die?!

Scarlett: Live, I want to live!

Samuel: Then think focus all of your energy to your left hand at this moment.

Scarlett: WHAT?! What are you talking about?!

Samuel took Scarlett's shoulders tightly and spooked her.

Samuel: We are about to DIE!! YOU will die!! I will DIE!! Not unless you focus and do as I say!! DO IT!!

Scarlett looked at Samuel at this different side to him that she never saw before. A type of will to keep calm even during the toughest moment. Scarlett nods her head and does as Samuel tells her. Focusing her thoughts onto her left hand, energy began to build up and feel it in her left hand. When the mark was fully glowing on her left hand, Scarlett looked at it.

Samuel: Now, while we have time. Even though we're almost dead... Just think of any character you have. Any Fate character that's strong/powerful.

Scarlett began to think of a character that came to her head as a Spell Circle began to materialize on the top of her back hand.

Scarlett: Huh...? What't-?

Samuel: Sorry, but you can marvel at this later...!

Samuel took Scarlett's hand and slammed it onto the ground. The mark disappears as it enlarges in front of them on what Scarlett's choice was. Scarlett covered her eyes due to the bright light, but Samuel kept looking and could see a silhouette in the circle.

Samuel: (Whoever Scarlett chose, I hope they can help us...!)

When the light dies down, Samuel could have a better view from who has been summoned. The character summoned was a girl with blonde hair with hair accessories in them. Her dress and clothings were all pink as the frills of it went to her thighs and her shoulders showing. Her boots and leggings reached up to her thighs with a slight cape hanging behind her. In her hand was a wand that had pink tulips, a star in the middle of a ring and red grip to hold the wand. The character card Samuel could see was Magical Girl Illya.

Before Samuel had a chance to say anything to her, Illya sat on the ground and yawned while using her left hand to cover her mouth.

Illya: Haaaaaaaa~... Ngh... I'm so tired... Five more minutes...

Illya was about to fall asleep when Samuel went over to her quickly and began to shake her. Samuel placed his hands on her shoulders and shook Illya back and forth.

Samuel: NO!! Nononononono! You fall asleep, we're ALL dead!!

Samuel had shaken Illya that she had gained swirls in her eyes and was dizzy.

Illya: Ugh... Waaaaaa...

Samuel: You have to be kidding me...!? (Just who is this girl?!)

Samuel continued to shake Illya to snap her out of her dizzy state, but soon felt a hard hit to his head.

Samuel: OOOOWWWW!!! What in the-?!

???: Don't you shake her like that! Some nerve of a man doing that to a little girl!

Samuel looked towards the voice of who said that he was met with the wand Illya was holding. It may just be a wand, but in truth though, it has a conscious of its own. The wand's name was Ruby, the magical source to Illya's form and abilities.

Samuel: Okay... Either I'm going through hemorrhagic shock, or this wand is really talking to me...

Scarlett: That's because it is! And don't call Ruby an "it", SHE has a personality too!

Samuel looked towards Scarlett and saw the amazed look on Scarlett's face. She got close to where Illya and Ruby were. Checking both Illya's clothing and even the wand, Ruby herself, on how real they had become.

Scarlett: D-Did I do that?? Did I bring them to life??

Samuel: More like... Summoning them is what I would call, but same reasoning, I guess.

Samuel gets hit again in the head by Ruby, causing him to place his hands on his head again.

Ruby: If there is anything, summoning us is just rude. Don't you know that summoning us here by force is kidnapping?!

Samuel: I may have said it, but I wasn't the one who summoned you... So, stop hitting me with your handle...

Ruby: Well, if it wasn't you, then who did??

Scarlett: Yeah... That would be Ruby alright... Sometimes a hothead, but get her mad and she can hurt someone by herself...

Ruby faced Scarlett and went to her quickly.

Ruby: A HOTHEAD?! And who do you- Oh wait...

Circling around Scarlett, Ruby sized her up by looking around Scarlett.

Ruby: Hmm... By looking at you... You seem to train a lot.

Scarlett looked at Ruby based on her claim.

Scarlett: If it explains anything... I do run track. I even got a first-place medal back in my dorm.

Ruby: Really?? Well, I must say, you deserve congratulations! Wanna shake hand to handle?

Scarlett: Why thank you Ru-

Scarlett took her hand away before it touched Ruby's handle. Scarlett proceeded to grab onto Ruby's circular ring to pull roughly on her.


Samuel was taken aback on Scarlett's turn of behavior as she slammed Ruby to the concrete.


Ruby: Gurk! Guess my reputation precedes me...

Scarlett: It's called: "WATCHING THE SHOW!"

Samuel just kept looking and sweats just by seeing Scarlett like this as Ruby was being stomped on.

Samuel: (Mental note: Don't make deals with Scarlett... Unless I have a death wish...)

Illya shakes out of her dizziness and looks to see Ruby being brutalized by Scarlett and freaked out.

Illya: Aaaaah!! Ruby!

Illya quickly ran towards Scarlett and pulled on her arm.

Illya: Please stop hurting her!!

Scarlett looked at Illya and saw the look of worry in her eyes. Sighing at having to make the right choice, Scarlett stopped tormenting Ruby.

Scarlett: S-Sorry Illya... I was trying to teach Ruby a lesson about tricking people...

Ruby: Ugh... I think my spirit is in pieces...

Scarlett: Maybe if you didn't try to manipulate people often, it wouldn't happen to you.

Samuel watched as he looked to his right and was grabbed by the throat.

Samuel: Crap...!

Scarlett, Illya and Ruby looked towards Samuel's way and saw him being lifted up by Tatsumi.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): DON'T YOU DARE THINK YOU'RE SAFE!! I don't think so!

Samuel: Sh-Shit... I almost forgot we were in danger... Guess you're not that memorable shit-bird...

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Shut up!!

Tatsumi tosses Samuel as he crashes into Scarlett, both groaning with Samuel coughing.

Samuel: I really hate this night... Such a damn drag...

Scarlett: You're complaining...? That's a first coming from you... To EVER hear actually...

Illya ran over to check on Samuel and Scarlett while Ruby hovered close to her.

Illya: Are you two, okay?!

Samuel: That depends... Know any healing magic...?

Illya: No...

Samuel: Then no...

Scarlett got up and pushed Samuel off of her. Samuel began to cough from the pain he felt.

Scarlett: Okay... Whoever this is, they're really making me mad...

Samuel: Well... Mae isn't herself right now... Whoever we're dealing with, has full control of whether or not his partner's actions... Took her free will away when Mae became friendly to us... But damn... If Mae was holding back and toying with us when she was conscious... I don't know what to expect now...

Scarlett looked at Samuel and then towards Illya. With being the last person being able to fight, she gained a determined look on her face.

Scarlett: Well. Even at a time like this, we need to fight.

Samuel looked at Scarlett and included Illya by what Scarlett meant.

Scarlett: When people are out of their control and can't resist mind control, it's up to people like us to save them, right?

Samuel: Basically.

Scarlett: If Tamamo-no-Mae really is being controlled, we'll just need to free her. Like your two friends earlier, they were from Neptunia, right? We just need to turn her into a card.

Samuel looked at Scarlett at her determination as she looked at Illya.

Scarlett: Illya, you ready to do this?

Illya nods her head to answer Scarlett.

Illya: I'm not really sure what's going on... But I don't want people getting hurt when I can do something about it.

Scarlett: That's the spirit!

Both Illya and Scarlett looked towards where Tatsumi was as he just glared at the two.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Give an inch... And pests get a mile... This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. But now this is happening.

Scarlett: Get used to it. I don't tend to like people who underestimate me, so just because I'm new to the situation, I can handle my own when needed.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Duly noted.

Without warning, Tatsumi launched towards Scarlett, but Illya got in the way and held Ruby tightly in her hands tightly. A shield was formed quickly out of magic due to Illya's abilities as Tatsumi's fist connected to the projected wall.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Quick for a little girl!

Tatsumi tried to put more force on the punch as it began to crack the wall Illya created.

Illya: I may be little, but I can pack a big hit!!

Releasing the shield, Tatsumi became surprised as Illya focused her energy for an energy blast attack against him. The blast sent Tatsumi flying away as he recovered to see Illya had closed the gap between them.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): What?!

Illya smirked while Scarlett and Samuel watched from the sidelines.

Samuel: She's fast!

Scarlett: Hey. I may not watch a lot of anime, but I know my Fate series. This Illya is different from another version of her. An alternate dimension where the Third Holy Grail war didn't ruin her family. So even if she's different from how she normally is, I would say this version of her is stronger in a way.

Illya charged an attack to send a blast of energy at Tatsumi, but dodged to the side quickly. Once evading the attack, Tatsumi threw a punch and connected to Illya's stomach.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Not this time bitch!!

Ruby: Oh, now that's just profane to say to her!

Tatsumi angled the attack to send Illya into the air, but instead coming back down, Illya was floating in the air.

Illya: Owowowowowow... That really hurt...

Ruby: This is still a fight, Illya... Of course it'll hurt...

Illya: I know... Why can't I just live normally...?

A blast of wind blows past Illya and soon ice. Looking down, Tatsumi kept using more of Mae's talismans.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Get down from up there!!

Illya: Um... What if I don't want to...?

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Then I'll make you by force!!

Tatsumi throws a talisman into the air that causes a downdraft that causes Illya to yell in being sent downward to the ground. The force crashes her against the concrete as she gets up to see her enemy about to strike at her with Mae's mirror.

Illya: Ah!

Illya dodged to the side to avoid the mirror, but Tatsumi kicks Illya in her side and laughs.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Hahaha. Does that sting?

The kick sends Illya flying into the flagpole from the force of the kick. The impact Illya had to the flagpole caused it to leave a highly noticeable dent of Illya's crash.

Scarlett: Illya!

Samuel: Tch... Not good...

Samuel pulled out his phone to activate an ability card in order to distract Tatsumi from Illya for a moment by using Swarm Dogoo. Using the ability began to generate a mass of Dogoo that surrounded everyone to give Illya some time to recover.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Grrrrr! So annoying!

Samuel: Welcome to the resource department... If you have a complaint, go away.

Tatsumi yelled in rage as the Dogoo swarmed more on him. Scarlett and Samuel began to quickly head over to where Illya was and help her up.

Scarlett: You okay??

Illya: Mm-hmm...

Samuel looked between Illya and then Tatsumi as the swarm was disappearing quickly.

Samuel: She better do something soon, we're going to be next on the food chain if we can't beat this psycho.

Scarlett looked at the situation between her and everything else. Scarlett soon gets an idea as she looks at her phone and then to Samuel.

Scarlett: Let me ask you something... I summoned Illya from the game... Right?

Samuel: Yeah. Same goes for IF, Compa, that blob storm I have over there and even Blanc. But the only characters I have are on cooldown due to them being defeated in battle...

Scarlett looked at Samuel and then at her phone.

Scarlett: If Tamamo-no-Mae and Illya are from the game, then I say play the rules of the game and use what you got!

Scarlett looked at Illya as she stood up.

Scarlett: Illya, ready to kick some ass?

Illya sweats as Scarlett holds a hand out to her and gives a toothy grin.

Scarlett: Let's show this punk some meaning of Girl Power!

Illya looked toward Scarlett and smiled at her encouragement and took her hand to get back up.

Illya: Got it! I'll do my best!

Scarlett: You're not the only one fighting this fight! I'll support you all the way!

Scarlett and Illya looked at Tatsumi as he cleared up the swarm of Dogoo.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Enough!! I grow tired of this! One way or another, you three will DIE by my hand!!!

Scarlett smirked as she got her phone prepared while Illya began to walk towards Tatsumi slowly.

Scarlett: Sorry ya big perv! But if there's one thing you don't mess with, it's girls who can kick ass while having a great fashion sense! Ready Illya?

Illya: Ready!

Scarlett pressed her phone and swipes up to send Illya something as Illya takes hold of a glowing card.

Samuel: Huh? What did you do??

Scarlett: Just watch. Because Illya isn't just about to get a new fashion change, but with an extra boost in power!

Samuel tilted his head as he looked to Illya as the card changed to that to have a picture of an Archer on it.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): A card? That of an Archer Class??

Illya and Scarlett's image show up in a split down the middle as they call out a command they both know to do.

Illya/Scarlett: Install!

Tatsumi's eyes widened with what was said as Illya's form began to change, and her character card changed with what was happening. Samuel looked at the card floating above Illya as the card glowed brightly.

Samuel: What's happening??

Scarlett: There's a reason Illya is my main when it comes to the Duel Summoner's app. With this, I'll show you why girls can kick ass just like men!!

Samuel was about to ask more, when Illya's form began to be masked in a swirl of a vortex. Samuel was questioning what was happening, when Illya was soon shown once more, but this time, her appearance had changed. Illya's hair had been put into a ponytail with chopsticks to hold it up. Some skin was being shown as her stomach and thighs were revealed more, but leather straps were wrapped around her thighs. For clothing, Illya's clothes consisted of red, black, and white with a red long sleeve overtop with a black and white chestplate. At her hips, an open red skirt goes down to Illya's calves as she wears short black shorts. For footwear, she wears black steel toed boots that go up past her ankles while then having a serious look in her eyes. This was not the same Illya as before, as when her character card changes, she has transformed into: Archer Illya!

Samuel's eyes widened upon Illya's change in form as he looked to Scarlett for answers.

Scarlett: Illyasviel Von Einzbern. May be the Summoner of Berserker in the Fate/Stay Night series and in Unlimited Blade Works, but in the Kaleidoscope series? A kickass Magical Girl with capabilities to not just utilize her magic, but to BECOME equal to Heroic Spirits!! Her form when having this specific Archer card equipped? Archer Illya!

Illya soon got into a stance and summoned out a bow and readied the arrow to fire towards Tatsumi as he was forced to dodge it.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): What speed and precision! Equipping the card not only made her stronger, but sharper on the accuracy!

Before Tatsumi could react, Illya closed the distance to catch Tatsumi by surprise. Tatsumi tried to gain some distance, but received a kick to the abdomen to be launched away.

Archer Illya: That's for the kick earlier. Consider it, "Return to sender."

Tatsumi regained his footing as he prepared ten talismans of different elements to fire at Illya. As they flew towards Illya, Scarlett had a trick up her sleeves.

Scarlett: Not going to be that easy! Ability activate: Rho Aias!

Scarlett throws the ability towards Illya as she generates an energy shield in the form of an iridescent flower as it blocks the incoming shots.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): A shield?!

Scarlett: Not just that! Illya! Get ready to power up!

Scarlett flings another ability to Illya as it shows up what was activated.

Archer Illya: Trace on!

Gathering magical energy around her, Illya summoned the two blades most common for the Class Card equipped uses Kanshou and Bakuya. Black and White short blades that soon materialized into her hands. After gaining weapons to fight with, Illya charged forward and began to attack towards Tatsumi while he defended using Mae's mirror. Illya had a calm demeanor with each strike she made while Tatsumi sweats.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): (This is ridiculous! I'm being pushed back by a small child?! Me!! Tatsumi the Assassin?!)

Tatsumi gazed towards Illya with the onslaught coming his way as she smirked in seeing Tatsumi struggle in the fight. With Tatsumi at his limit and about to lose his composure, he explodes with energy using Mae's body as a medium to expend energy to begin focusing on finishing the battle. The force of the energy caused Illya to retreat slightly with the ominous aura she sensed.

Archer Illya: (This feeling... I sense something...)

Scarlett frowned while Samuel could feel the intensity in the air. As Scarlett began to speak to Samuel.

Scarlett: Get ready... Because we're about to see Tamamo-no-Mae's power in full...

Samuel looked at her confused as Tatsumi announced the two.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Samuel Price and his friend Scarlett! You pushed me to enact the power of Tamamo-no-Mae's sacred Noble Phantasm! Be generous because you will only live to see it once!!! Eight-Fold Blessings of Amaterasu!!!

Scarlett: Here it comes...

With calling out the name of the Noble Phantasm, Tatsumi summoned levitating talismans along with glowing torii gates. Tatsumi began to chuckle softly and then grow into a manner of a cackle. The torii gates began to generate energy as they were drawn in by Mae's mirror to be absorbed into Tatsumi.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Witness! Tamamo-no-Mae's power!! You will never have the chance to win!!! When I utilize her power, she gains immense power from the gates I have summoned, her spells are nearly limitless to cast!!!

Scarlett held a fixated face as to focus on the situation and think of a solution.

Scarlett: Illya, focus on looking for an opening. Attack when you can, but focus on defense.

Illya looked towards Scarlett and trusted her given the seriousness in her eyes. Samuel could feel how focused Scarlett was due to the gravity of the situation as she seemed to know what she was doing.

Scarlett: Sam, how long will it take to get your partner back out again?

Samuel looked at Scarlett and looked at his phone to see Blanc will be available in 5 minutes.

Samuel: 5 minutes. But why-

Scarlett: Be ready to summon your partner when you can.

Samuel was confused, but trusted Scarlett knew what she was doing. Samuel nods his head and stands by her in wanting to see how this all plays out as Illya gets into a stance and prepares herself for the danger.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Feeling scared yet little girl?! My how serious your eyes are.

Archer Illya: ...

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Too scared to talk? I knew you couldn't handle the pressure.

Archer Illya: Just try and hit me if you can... But whatever attacks you throw, I'll send it back 10x stronger~

Tatsumi looking at Illya, he growls in anger at having to be toyed around by a couple of teens. Illya got into a stance to be ready for the first attack Tatsumi throws her way. With the sound of Illya's shoe moving against the ground to move slightly, Tatsumi generated a talisman and threw it towards Illya. Seeing the attack flung towards her, Illya soon jumped out of the way and began to run in a circle around the base where Tatsumi hovered.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Dance little girl, DANCE!!!

Illya kept running as she jumped or dodged the attack aimed to kill. Dismissing her blades, Illya does a front-side flip to dodge while summoning her bow and arrow to aim a shot towards Tatsumi. Tatsumi, however, looked at Illya and prepared a talisman to counter the arrow. Both fire their projectiles as an explosion is made in the middle between the two. Smoke surrounded the area as Tatsumi growled in anger with how the battle was drawing out this long.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Hiding in the smoke? I thought we were fighting!?

Archer Illya: No, just doing strategic maneuvers!!

Jumping out of the smoke, Illya had new blades equipped, but were longer than her original pair. Illya almost reached Tatsumi as an ice wall was created when Tatsumi placed a talisman at his feet.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Hahahaha!!! Well, guess you're not as strong OR smart giving your location away!

Illya gritted her teeth as she jumped up to ascend the wall of ice. Once meeting Tatsumi face to face, or rather face to Mae's face, Illya assumed another stance again as to prepare for an up-close fight with Tatsumi. Both glared at each other as Illya charged in to clash her sword against Tatsumi's mirror. Tatsumi controlled the mirror to bring it down on top of Illya, but she side-stepped to dodge. Twisting her body, Illya turns in a counterclockwise rotation to swing both blades at Tatsumi, but gets blocked by the mirror. What was attached onto the mirror, however, was a talisman as it caught fire. Illya saw this at the last second as she got hit by the explosion. The explosion sent Illya flying as she landed on the ground hard while reverting to her previous form. Ruby sat up and had tiny stars floating around her head from the damage they took.

Ruby: Oh my... That was quite an attack...

Illya: That really hurt...

Scarlett began to sweat as she looked towards Samuel for an update on Blanc's condition.

Scarlett: Sam!

Samuel: Not yet! We got 30 seconds!

Scarlet: Well, you better prepare Blanc before the timer is up! Illya won't last much longer!

Tatsumi dropped down from the ice wall to land down in front of Illya. Illya tries to get up and attack once more, but soon has a foot placed onto her chest to pin her down.

Illya: Ngh!!

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Ready to give up?

Illya tried to struggle still as she wanted to get back up to fight for Scarlett and Samuel. Tatsumi sighed and raised his foot, but then slammed it down on Illya's hand hard. A bone could be heard breaking when Tatsumi crushed Illya's chest.


Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): If you beg for forgiveness, maybe I'll consider taking you in to help out on missions.

Illya was still trying to struggle as she tried to lift Tatsumi's foot off her chest. Tatsumi seeing this, he began to levitate the mirror and began to make it spin into a buzzsaw. Tatsumi began to make the mirror slowly lower itself as the mirror was lining itself to Illya's head. Scarlett gasped as she looked at Tatsumi in anger.

Scarlett: Is that how you treat kids?!?!

Tamamo-no Mae (Tatsumi): When children are bad, they need to be punished. When I deal with kids... Well, let's just say that I am not so kind when kids decide to get in my way.

Illya was scared of what was going to happen to her while tears began to go down her face.

???: Hey bitch!! Remember me!?

Tatsumi, hearing a familiar voice, looked towards where the voice came from, only to meet a hammer in his face to be sent flying. Samuel had placed a hand on the ground as a summoning circle faded after it was used. Blanc focused on helping Illya back up as Ruby began to work some magic to help ease Illya's pain.

Blanc: Are you okay?

Illya: I was scared I wasn't going to survive, but I'm glad someone joined just in time!

Blanc: Would have joined earlier, but I was resting up until now. So...

Blanc faced towards Tatsumi as she gripped her hammer more.

Blanc: Shall we teach that bitch a lesson?

Illya: Wait! From what I heard, she is being forced to hurt us!

Blanc: Forced???

Ruby: Yes. Apparently, the enemy we are facing is being controlled with no will of their own. With what the enemy we're facing has, they took that person under their control by force to attack us!!

Blanc looked towards Samuel for confirmation of the events as Scarlett and Samuel joined them.

Samuel: Blanc, it's true! She was going to join us and stop fighting when her partner, Tatsumi began to take over her own freewill!

Blanc: Seriously?? Talk about your superiority complex...

Samuel: Look, even if we want to take it easy, we need to turn Mae back into a card... It will make her unavailable to talk to after that, but we have no other choice...

Blanc chuckled as she lifted her hammer over her shoulder and gave a small smirk.

Blanc: You think I care about going easy? I plan to get my payback for what happened earlier today. I'll bring my hammer down on that "Tatsumi" bastard's head if I please.

Blanc soon turned around to face Tatsumi as she smirked in being back in action.

Blanc: Ready for MY round two??

Tatsumi was about to say something when Mae's power soon began to wear off. Blanc began making a call out towards Tatsumi as to anger him more.

Blanc: What's the matter?? Feeling tired or something???

Tatsumi growled as he prepared more talismans to have for battle against his own foes.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Just because her Noble Phantasm wore off, that doesn't mean I am without a means to protect myself!!

Blanc chuckled as she gripped her hammer and began to charge towards Tatsumi. The two clashed as Tatsumi used the mirror to block the attack and deliver a counterattack. Blanc used her handle of the hammer to block that next as the two stared into each other's eyes.

Blanc: You may have her as a "partner", but don't go stealing other people's skills when they don't BELONG to you!!

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): I had been working with Tamamo-no-Mae longer than yours and Mr. Price's. So, I know Mae better when given the chance to take control!

Blanc: Just because you say that that's BORROWED POWER!!! It's not even yours to call your own!!

Tatsumi gave a sound of dissatisfaction and began to chuckle. This caused Blanc to raise an eyebrow at why Tatsumi was chuckling.

Blanc: What's so funny??

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): I wonder how you will be once I gain control over you~?

Blanc: Like hell I'll let you control me!!

Blanc pushed her hammer more on the mirror to make Tatsumi retreat away while Blanc chased after him. Illya wasn't too far behind as she wanted to help Blanc with whatever power she could to assist Blanc. Scarlett watched the battle as Blanc had some difficulty keeping up with Tatsumi as she looked towards Samuel.

Scarlett: Hey, you got anything to help her??

Samuel: Not really. IF and Compa were one of the other character cards I had. The ability was something I was able to get, but I don't know what else I can do...!

Scarlett took the phone from Samuel as she began to look through the cards he held. A card catches her eye as it was something familiar to her and showed it to Samuel.

Scarlett: Yes! You can do something! Look!!

Showing Samuel what was on his phone, it looked to be that of a crystal with a power symbol on a card. It was one of the cards Samuel had pulled out when he drew IF and Compa the other day, but didn't know what it was for at the time.

Samuel: Okay, I see a crystal. What of it??

Scarlett: From what I know of the Neptunia series, CPUs like Blanc need that to power up! And what happens when a character powers up?

Samuel was looking at Scarlett in a confused way before putting the pieces together about what she meant by this.

Samuel: That means that there could be a chance to make Blanc stronger than Tatsumi??

Scarlett: If there was a diploma for learning on games or anime, you would get an A!!

Hearing the words from Scarlett, Samuel nods his head and pressed the button to see the crystal-like object rise out of his phone. It was a crystal that looked like a power symbol as Samuel took hold of it to begin running to where Blanc was. Blanc and Illya were working together on each side of Tatsumi to get a chance for an opening, but the combination of using the mirror and talismans proved to be difficult to do. When Blanc tried to attack with her hammer, the mirror circled around with a talisman attached as the talisman created a gust of wind. Blanc tried to keep her ground, but was soon flung backwards to be sent flying into a nearby car.

Blanc: Ngh... I'm getting REALLY pissed off from those cheap tricks...!!

Samuel: Blanc!!

Blanc got up from the car and brushed off any glass that was caused to get onto her. Blanc looked to Samuel and Scarlett to see what the matter was.

Blanc: If you need to tell me something about keeping her safe, we're trying as best we can.

Scarlett: Oh trust me, you'll like what we have to "share" with you instead.

Samuel looked at Scarlett with a blank stare as she placed her hands at his sides.

Scarlett: What? What??

Samuel sighed as he looked at Blanc and held up the crystal he had obtained.

Samuel: I believe this will help.

Blanc: A Share Crystal?! How did you get your hands on this?!

Samuel: I-It came out of my phone. Scarlett said it would help you.

Blanc: And good help it WILL bring! Give it here, quick!

Handing Blanc the Share Crystal, Blanc was about to insert it into herself, but Illya soon crashed down on the ground nearby as she groaned in pain. Illya's HP was nearing the limit as she tried to get up, but Tatsumi had jumped into the air and was planning to take her out first.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Once I take you out and collect your card, I'll take Samuel's partner next!!!

Blanc: Over my dead body you will!!!

Tatsumi could see Blanc rushing to act as a shield for Illya to allow Samuel and Scarlett to help Illya get out of the fight. Tatsumi growled in anger, but soon began to chuckle with how the fight had been.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Okay then, what do you have to bring? Huh?? Last time you fought against Mae, YOU TURNED INTO A CARD!!!

Blanc felt insulted, but she instead smirked and opened her palm to show the Share Crystal in her hand. Tatsumi, knowing what that crystal was, began to sweat from the sight of it.

Blanc: Yes. I got defeated the last time. But what didn't happen last time, was the fact I didn't have THIS!!

Tatsumi soon dived to try and stop Blanc from transforming as Blanc was putting it into herself. Samuel seeing Blanc was about to be attacked, he couldn't stand to not go back to help Blanc. When Tatsumi got close to attacking Blanc, Samuel appeared from behind Blanc in a rush with his fist clenched tightly. Tatsumi was caught off guard by the suddenness of Samuel being ready to attack.

Samuel: Normally I wouldn't hit a girl, but if being real, you're a male mind controlling a female with your mind. So, I have no regrets!!!

Samuel then threw a punch that landed on Tatsumi's face as Mae's body reeled back in pain.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): (H-He punched Mae again!? This confirms it! There is no mistaking this at all!! Samuel Price is clearly different from the other enemies I have faced!!)

A surge of light could be seen as Tatsumi could see Samuel's silhouette crossing his arms in the blinding light.

Samuel: So, you want to have a fight and pick on the weak, huh? Well, if you pick on the weak, guess I'm going to be the one who protects them from you!!

When the light dies out, a light shoots upward where Blanc was standing as her form had changed. In the sky, Blanc's clothes had changed to a white skin tight battle-suit. With her new form, she had sleeves on her arms equipped with mechanical gauntlets for each arm. On her legs were white tights with armor at her feet for shoes. Blanc's hair had even changed as it was now longer and turned to a color blue. When she opened her eyes, they had turned red with a power symbol in them as she smirked and summoned her weapon. Although it would be her hammer, because of this change, her hammer had turned into an axe. While in this form, she would be known as Lowee's Goddess, White Heart!

White Heart (Blanc): So, who's the bitch now~?

Samuel: I think that is Tatsumi, right over there.

Tatsumi glared as he got up to prepare a talisman to throw at White Heart, but the instant he did, White Heart slammed her axe into Tatsumi and made him cry out in pain.

White Heart (Blanc): For a person with all this "power", you sure are taking a beating.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Y-You dare insult me?!

White Heart (Blanc): O-Oh, wait. Am I talking to the fox girl? Or the perverted ass summoner controlling her?! OF COURSE I'M TALKING TO YOU!!

Off to the side, Illya and Scarlett looked at the scene with Ilya shaking in fear.

Illya: Um... Is she always like this...?

Scarlett: Let's see if I know her character... She cusses at times... Gets even angrier when transformed... Yeah, I would say that.

Illya: R-Remind me to not make her mad at me...?

Scarlett: Don't worry... As long as you don't talk about a specific topic... You will be okay...

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): You think I'm scared of you? Me?! I wouldn't be scared of some girl, who is FLAT CHESTED!!

Some sounds of glass could be heard breaking as Scarlett facepalm herself and sighed. Illya looked at Scarlett wondering why she did that.

Illya: What's wrong?

Scarlett: That idiot just basically signed their defeat...

White Heart gained a tick mark as a shadow overcame her face. Without even looking at White Heart, her rage could be felt as it was increasing.

White Heart (Blanc): Sam... Get out of the way...

Samuel: Huh?

Samuel looked back and began to sweat seeing White Heart in an enraged state as the shadow was still covering her face, but a circular red glow came from her eye that spooked Samuel out a bit.

White Heart (Blanc): Get out of the way, or I'll flatten you in my path...!!

Samuel widened his eyes in shock as White Heart began to fly as wanting to go the shortest distance towards Tatsumi. Samuel dived out of the way as the pavement was brought up in the wake of White Heart's anger. Tatsumi tried to raise the mirror in wanting to block the attack coming his way. When the axe collided against the mirror, a shockwave was caused in the initial attack that knocked down Samuel, Scarlett and Illya.

Scarlett: Yeah... Blanc is REALLY angry right now!!

Samuel: God damn it... We couldn't have had a simple fight... No, it had to escalate because a madman talked about Blanc's breast size...? What a drag this is...

Illya: Um... I would like to rest back- Um... Wherever it was I was sleeping in...?

Scarlett: Illya, we still need your help!

Yelling could be heard as White Heart slammed Tatsumi into the ground and proceeded to throw him towards a stone pillar. With time being frozen, the rubble floated in the air in suspended animation. Scarlett was watching everything unfold as she looked at Samuel.

Scarlett: Is this how you saw the world when you got sucked into this mess??

Samuel: Trust me, I don't like it as much as you do. But with how much Blanc is causing mayhem, it'll reflect it back once time resumes.

Samuel looked towards White Heart and began to call out to her.

Samuel: Blanc!! Finish the battle quickly!! You have to remember that whatever damage is finished in this fight, they'll still take effect when time resumes!! We agreed to as LITTLE damage as possible!!

White Heart was about to go on and attack Tatsumi once more, before Samuel's words reached her. White Heart looks at Samuel and sees the damage around her from the shockwave, the floor slam, and the pillar from her current fight.

White Heart (Blanc): Crap... I got so enraged by that bastard...

White Heart looks over to Samuel in the eyes and could see the seriousness in wanting little damage done in this fight. Nodding her head, White Heart turned her attention back to Tatsumi as she prepared her axe. Tatsumi began to get up while holding his head.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): When I get my hands on those f**kers...

White Heart (Blanc): I doubt you will any time soon.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): Like hell you would even- UGH!!!

When Tatsumi turned around, he felt the axe slam into his stomach which made him cough from the force of the impact.

White Heart (Blanc): You think just because you can take over another person that you're better than others? Well, you're wrong. Now I'm going to show you what happens when you abuse your power and try to take powers that aren't your own!!!

Circling around Tatsumi, White Heart began to strike at her enemy with great force and speed. With how weakened Tatsumi was with the added damage Mae's body was taking, Tatsumi was barely keeping up to the speed. Spinning her axe, White Heart soon swings it upward to send Tatsumi spiraling into the air. White Heart soon assumed a stance as she prepared for one of her attacks as to do it in the sky rather than on the ground.

White Heart (Blanc): Because I rather keep this world from facing chaos, I plan on finishing you in the air. Hope you said your piece because this fight is done.

Tatsumi, who was enraged by how the fight went, could barely move as he began to fall from the sky in not being able to continue in the current state of Mae's body.

Tamamo-no-Mae (Tatsumi): D-DAMN YOU!!!

White Heart (Blanc): Metzelei Schlag!!

Swinging her axe, White Heart uses the momentum to begin flying towards Tatsumi as she keeps swinging her axe. The more White Heart did, the faster she began to spin. White Heart was spinning so fast, that her attack became that almost to something of a buzzsaw. When White Heart closes the distance, she makes a slash at Tatsumi as she passes by. Upon landing contact against Tatsumi, a ball of energy surged as it soon exploded. Tatsumi yells in frustration as Mae's body begins to resist the command inputs as his phone screen says "Failure: Full Command System shutting down!" on it.


Tamamo-no-Mae's body soon explodes from the energy of the attack. Floating down from above, Tamamo-no-Mae's character card was shown to Samuel, Scarlett, Illya and White Heart. When confirming that Mae was defeated in combat, Samuel looked at Scarlett in wanting to gesture to her in taking the card. Scarlett thought it was sweet of him, but she shook her head.

Scarlett: Sam, I appreciate it, but you honestly deserve it more.

Samuel: How come?

Scarlett: When I woke up in this place while time was frozen, I could barely do anything as I was scared shitless out of my mind! But you? You just handled it without problems. Sure, you reacted more than usual, but you handled everything like a trained professional. This was my first time, but I didn't know what to think with everything going on. In honest truth, I may have helped, but it was because of you that gave me the courage to fight instead of run. The character card of Mae should go with you instead.

Samuel looked at Scarlett and took to considering Scarlett's words and faced Tamamo-no-Mae's character card. Reaching out with his right hand, Samuel takes hold of the card itself. But when grabbing it, Samuel began to question one thing that was on his mind.

Samuel: Um... How do I capture cards I get from battle...?

Feeling his phone vibrating roughly, Samuel picked up his phone and saw the card and his phone shared in the same light with one another. The two soon began to meld together where Tamamo-no-Mae now resided in Samuel's phone.

Scarlett: I... Guess that's how it works in the real world...?

Samuel: Honestly... That was only my first card to capture.

Scarlett: Yeah. Still... It sucks that you're a Neptunia user... Sure I could have used Mae, but I guess if we can still capture cards, we can always trade-

Before Scarlett could finish her suggestion, Samuel began to feel a sharp pain on his left hand as there was a burning sensation greater than before.

Samuel: AUUUUGH!!! SHIT!!! M-MY HAND!!!

Scarlett, White Heart and Illya circled around Samuel as his left hand began to glow. Morelike, the markings on Samuel's left hand began to glow. Samuel flipped his left hand to show the current marks on his left hand were changing. Almost as shifting due to an unexpected change after gaining Mae's card to capture into his phone. When the changes were done, Samuel had a new mark on his left hand as it was different from the mark he was given at first.

Illya: Is...that supposed to happen?

White Heart (Blanc): How should we know?? I never saw that happen when we defeated Linda.

Scarlett took hold of Samuel's hand quickly and was just as equally confused or if not, more than what Samuel was feeling.

Scarlett: Huh?! How come your summoning mark is different now?!

Samuel: What do you mean?

Scarlett: Usually when someone captured a card, that was just it! You had bragging rights to just have the card and be able to exchange it with another person to get a card they want back!

Scarlett began to shake Samuel in wanting to figure out what secret Samuel was able to discover.

Scarlett: No one that I know HAS that kind of mark!! How did you do it?!

Samuel: I don't know...! But can you please stop shaking me...?!

When Scarlett realized how much she was shaking when she stopped, Samuel was a bit dizzy in the eyes.

Illya: Um... I think you shook him up too much...

White Heart (Blanc): Yeah, we can both see that. Haaaaa...

White Heart focused as she soon reverted back to normal as Illya watched Blanc. Blanc let out a sigh as she is relieved that the current enemy threat is dealt with for now. Illya watched Blanc as if amazed how different their powers were in terms of abilities.

Illya: So, how did you transform again?

Blanc: By a utilization method of concentrated Share Energy. Or otherwise called a Share Crystal. My power comes from the belief people place on CPUs such as myself.

Illya: "CPU"??

Blanc: Ah, right. You're not from this world or mine. CPU stands for: Console Patron Unit. As for my status, I govern the nation known as Lowee in my world in the Land of Gamindustri. To others, I am known as the Goddess White Heart who never gives up in a fight.

Blanc smiles as she holds out a hand to Illya in wanting to show a sign of friendship.

Blanc: But my friends call me, Blanc.

Illya looked at Blanc and smiled as she powered down from her form and shook Blanc's hand to return the gesture of friendship.

Illya: It's nice to meet you, Blanc. My name is Illyasviel Von Einzbern. In my world, I come from where magic can come in any form of power. My partner, Ruby, allows me to channel my power to what I can do and with certain class cards, my arsenal of abilities grows to further heights. But my friends call me Illya.

Blanc and Illya seemed to get along nicely as Samuel and Scarlett watched from the side. Both smiling to see their partners were happy to meet each other.

Samuel: You know, it's fascinating to see two people, who come from different worlds meet. You never think that such a phenomenon would be possible. But yet, it does.

Scarlett: Right. Like... It makes you wonder... Just why this is all happening... Why IS it happening?

Samuel looked at his phone and saw the cooldown for Tamamo-no-Mae going down as it will take a while until she becomes available after all the damage she took. Samuel even looks at his left hand to see the new marks he got from taking in Mae's card as his phone pings a notification.

Phone: Update Initiated. Estimated time until completed: 18 hours.

Samuel: An update? That's weird...

Hearing Samuel say something, Scarlett went over to him and looked at his phone. Scarlett took a look at her phone, but she wasn't receiving an update.

Scarlett: How strange... How come you're getting an update, but I'm not?

Samuel: That shouldn't be the weird part...

Blanc and Illya looked at Samuel as Blanc, being Sam's partner, asked him first.

Blanc: Why do you say that? Shouldn't an update be not that strange?

Samuel: Yeah... It wouldn't... If not for two things...

Scarlett, Illya, and Blanc tilted their heads as Samuel showed Mae's countdown timer and the update to which Samuel received it. When he showed Mae's it had shown her countdown would end in 17 hours and 45 minutes. The strangest part was that the timer for the update on Sam's phone would end nearly at the same time.

Illya: Well, it is convenient that Mae would be awake while we wait for the update to be almost done.

Samuel: You still don't understand, lllya...

Scarlett: What else could there be??

Blanc: It's the fact Illya and I are materialized into this world. When we're out, time is supposed to be frozen. That means for ANYTHING telling time.

Samuel: Mae's timer is still going down when she recovers. The update INITIATED while in stopped time. Anything time based or anything that revolves the laws of time, should not be going against it. But this app, the game that everyone has... began to update on my phone while Blanc and Illya are out.

Scarlett catching on to the new revelation of what he is experiencing, it made sense that Samuel was questioning something out of the ordinary.

Scarlett: Y-Yeah, you're right. When you mention this... It makes sense...

Samuel: Yeah. Not to mention that-

Samuel heard a ping coming from his phone as he looked to see another text message.

Samuel: And then there are the random texts... That I should not be receiving while time is stopped...

Scarlett: Okay... This is getting freaky.

Samuel: You're telling me? I have someone sending me messages and yet I have no idea who it is...

Looking at his text messages, Samuel opened it to read the message aloud. Even though Scarlett, Illya and Blanc crowded around him.

Samuel: It says... "One of many you have beaten, soon a power you will awaken. Battle with a heart that is true, powers to unearth that will ensue. Join to hearts close to you, and new allies shall come to your rescue. Time will come when you will learn the truth, so bide your time until it is unearthed." Okay... That one is new...

Scarlett: Who would be able to send you messages like this??

Samuel: I don't know... But they're also the reason Katy was saved... So... If there IS something I'm supposed to learn from this, I hope I will be able to learn about it soon... Hopefully through Mae at least...

Blanc: I hate having to wait, but it couldn't be helped to defeat her when she was being controlled like that...

Illya: What should we do now...?

Samuel: We have to keep living normal lives. We can't just stop worrying about this personal issue as if we break our routines, we'll be drawing attention to ourselves. For now... Blanc and Illya have to return to the phones... I'm sorry.

Blanc held up her hand and shook her head.

Blanc: If it means to keep this world as normal as possible, I will do whatever it takes. Even if every day spent here will lead me back to my world one day.

Illya: And if you need me, Scarlett will summon Ruby and I to help you once again!

Ruby: Although I don't condone my services to just anything, this is seriously a pickle we're all in.

Scarlett looked at Illya and Ruby that made her smile at their willingness to cooperate and was happy to hear that they

Scarlett: Thank you, Illya, Ruby. I'm proud to be your Summoner.

Illya: And I'm glad to be your partner.

With Blanc and Illya returning to their respective Summoners' phones, time resumed as all damage caused played out as normal and left vast damage to the area.

Scarlett: It's still scary... Seeing all of this... To think that the news reports were because stuff like this is happening.

Samuel: Imagine anyone else who had to go through that. Unexpected deaths... Unknown causes of accidents... Who knows what is happening...?

Blanc (Inside Phone): Hopefully when we talk to Tamamo-no-Mae, we'll get some answers.

Illya (Inside Phone): I hope we can figure this out... What if more show up to attack? Or if someone like me awakens to find themselves in a new world?

Ruby (Inside Phone): I must agree. With how we were in our world one minute, and the next we find ourselves here with no memories is quite... confusing and disturbing...

Samuel nodded his head as he sighed with no clear method of how to avoid more damages to areas along with people being in the way.

Samuel: One thing is for certain... We need to figure this mystery out... Or I fear that before we can fix anything, it'll get worse... WAY worse...

Taking their leave for the night Samuel and Scarlett went their separate ways as Tatsumi had stayed to observe from a distance as he phoned in on his contractors.

Tatsumi: Sir, this is Tatsumi... ...We have a problem... ...No, I had failed in my attempt to kill the interloper... ...Yes, Tamamo-no-Mae is now within his possession... ...It is even worse... ...From the recent fight, another person awakened during the time freeze effect. Samuel Price and now a female by the name of Scarlett Rose... ...Yes... ...I see... ...I concur with what you say, and agree with the further studying of who we are dealing with. And with my recent battle with Samuel Price, you may find something... Interesting from this, Head Chairman.

Tatsumi hung up the phone and proceeded to grab his phone. Tatsumi began to leave the rooftop and reached for the door handle, but turned around quickly as if sensing someone watching him. To his usual expectations, there didn't seem to be anyone there. When clearing his suspicions, Tatsumi began to leave the roof. Unknown to him, a person soon climbed up and watched Tatsumi leave. When standing up, it was a girl who had long black hair that reached to her back with white skin. It was brushed nicely so as to not have tangles in it. The attire she wore consisted of a white t-shirt that exposed her stomach with a breast size of an A, a black jacket that had sleeves, a pair of black shorts that went to her thighs and a pair of black tights with a pair of black boots. Her face could not be distinguished as she wore a mask to conceal her identity.

??? (Inside Phone): That was a close one.

The voice that was heard was a girl as the individual looked at her phone to reply. Seemingly serious as she wasn't wanting to joke around.

Masked Individual: Tatsumi Nakasha, trained assassin specialized in assigned targets to make deaths look like natural causes. With the power he has acquired, Tatsumi was sought out for his talent in taking out special targets for wealthy compensation... Not what I would say "a close one" with someone as sadistic as him...

??? (Inside Phone): Well... One of us has to have optimism in this mess... Especially with how this so-called "game" has been going on for nearly a year and three months now... And honestly, I'm just glad we have help now. Well, two actually.

Masked Individual: Yes... But why now...? That surge the night before

??? (Inside Phone): Maybe we just got lucky for once? Not like we had much chance in recruiting new people in the first place...

The Masked Individual began to think about what could have caused it.

Masked Individual: No... Luck had no part to play in all of this... Not when it comes to magic... And that surge a couple nights ago... Might be the reason why Samuel Price is not affected by the time stop... And now... Scarlett...

??? (Inside Phone): Um... Yeah... I have no clue...

The Individual sighed and looked to the skies as a small smile began to appear under the mask.

Masked Individual: Well, at least our plans can proceed faster now.

Chapter 2. End

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