Origin of Skylor's ponytail

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Requested by masterofstringcheese on discord.

Our story begins when Skylor was ten years old. Up till that point, Skylor haf always had her hair down or would style it into pigtails on special occasions like her birthdays, her father's (who we will call master Chen) cult rituals, Master Chen's worker getting beheaded etc etc.

One day Skylor was sitting in her father's staff's dressing room. Master Chen's staff consisted of women who would wear precisely 22.45 layers of kabuki powder. These women would serve Master Chen, Take care of Master Chen and would perform on special occasions.

Anyway, back to Skylor. She was watching the women pick out their hairstyles for the day and noticed that none of them chose a ponytail. Skylor felt that the said hairstyle would feel bad so she decided that she would be the one to choose the ponytail.

From then on, Skylor wore a ponytail every single day. Initially it was to make the hairstyle feel better about it itselves but she lost that mentality as she got older and would wear the ponytail simply because it looked good on her.

Nowadays you can find Skylor and her iconic ponytail at Chen's noodle house (The place where she currently works at). So if you ever want to meet her, you know where to look.

And that, concludes the origin of Skylor's ponytail.

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