The story of Mr Cuddlywomp

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Study for important physics test tommorow? Nah.

Write dumb fanfiction? Yes.

Mr cuddlywomp (or blue mouse plush as he was called back then) was made in a toy shop in the small village of Ignacia. However this toy shop was not an ordinary one, there were rumours that the toys made their would often bring soulmates together and would grant them happiness for life. It was even said that one of them would see a glimpse of their future together when the two would meet, But these were all rumours so we're not sure how reliable they are.

Anyway, BMP would often sit near the store window staring at the passersby, hoping to be bought.

That special day finally came when a woman by the name of Maya Smith decided to buy him for her daughter's second birthday. And after arguing with the store owner about his cost, he was shoved into a plastic bag ready to be gifted to the young birthday girl: Nya Smith.

Nya Smith was overjoyed at her new toy and named him "Cheese". Cheese immediately became a fundamental part of Nya's life. She would sleep with him, eat with him and would do litteraly anything a two year old would think of doing with the company of her stuffed companion. Like licking walls, eating the flowers from her mother's garden and stabbing her brother with a toothbrush.

Cheese stayed in the company of the young girl for one and a half year. In the year in which she would reach the wise age of four, Kai smith, her brother who was older than her by two years threw away her favourite stuffed toy into the trash can just as the Garbage truck was collecting it. His reasoning for this behavior was , "She was spending too much time with it!" (This incident took place only two months before the famous Smith kidnap)

Nya was obviously devastated. Her childhood companion had been snatched away from her at only the mere age of three and a half. Ray and Maya Smith were incredibly disappointed and gave their son quite the spanking.

In that same year, another young child by the name of Jay Walker was going to reach the wise age of five. His  family lived in a junkyard as they weren't well off financially. Being at this disadvantage meant that Ed and Edna Walker (Parents of Jay Walker) would have to find a birthday present that would be cheap and would please their beloved son.

Two days after Nya lost her stuffed companion, the garbage truck came to the Walker junkyard, delivering a fresh new pile of junk. And it was in that pile where Edna Walker found the perfect gift for her son: A blue mouse plush.

After some patching up BMP was gifted to Jay Walker on his fifth birthday. Jay named his new toy: "Mr Cuddlywomp"

Mr Cuddlywomp remained with Jay for a long time. He was there when Jay went to his first boy scout meeting, He was there when Jay participated in a rollerblading contest with his mother and He was there when Jay moved into the monestary where he met his future wife and the previous owner of Mr Cuddlywomp: Nya. (Unfortunately Nya never remembered that he used to belong to her but nevertheless, she is still fond of the toy previously owned by her)

Many people believe that the rumours surrounding the toys from the toy shop in Ignacia were false. But it certainly wasn't the case with Jay and Nya as they deeply cared for the other and stayed by each other's side forever. Some even believe that they're soulmates. Coincidence or not, there is no denying that Mr Cuddlywomp played a big part in their relationship.

Today Mr Cuddlywomp can be found in the monestary on Jay's bed. So if you ever want to meet him, you know which house to break into.

That concludes the story of Mr Cuddlywomp.

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