Character Submission: Races

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Author's note: Part two of the character submission then we're getting into the races this is my favorite part in D&D there's like so many and they're all really unique

Right then enough talking let's get into it!


Humans are one of the most adaptable and diverse races. They populate many worlds and are known for their ambition, resilience, and versatility. Unlike other races with innate magical abilities or unique physical traits, humans rely on their adaptability, intellect, and sheer determination to thrive.

Humans can be found in various cultures, from nomadic tribes to vast empires, and they often play pivotal roles in shaping the course of history and events.



Elves are an ancient and enigmatic race known for their grace, longevity, and connection to magic and nature. Originating from the mystical Feywild, elves are often depicted as tall, slender beings with pointed ears and ethereal beauty. They are skilled artisans, poets, and warriors, possessing a deep reverence for art, music, and lore.

Elves have a natural affinity for magic, especially the arcane arts, and many become powerful wizards, sorcerers, or druids. They also have keen senses and are adept at stealth, making them excellent hunters and scouts. Elves typically live much longer than humans, with some reaching ages of several centuries.


Dwarves are stout and sturdy humanoid creatures known for their resilience, craftsmanship, and love of the earth. Originating from the deep caverns and mountains of the Underdark, dwarves are renowned miners, blacksmiths, gunsmiths, and warriors. They have a natural affinity for stone and metal, producing some of the finest weapons, armor, and jewelry in the realms.

Physically, dwarves are shorter than humans but incredibly strong and durable, with thick bones and muscular builds. Dwarven culture values honor, tradition, and loyalty, with many clans organized around strong family ties and ancestral lineages.


Halflings are a small and nimble race known for their cheerful demeanor, love of comfort, and unnatural luck. Resembling human children in size but with adult proportions, and are often underestimated due to their diminutive stature.

Halflings hail from pastoral communities and rural settings, favoring a simple and peaceful way of life. They are avid gardeners, cooks, and musicians, finding joy in life's small pleasures and close-knit communities. Despite their easygoing demeanor, halflings possess a keen wit and sharp reflexes, making them surprisingly adept at evading danger and navigating tight spaces.


Gnomes are a curious and inventive race known for their boundless curiosity, whimsical nature, and keen intellect.

Gnomes are native to forested regions and secluded valleys, where they build intricate homes and workshops hidden from the prying eyes of larger races.

They have a deep connection to nature and the fey, often befriending woodland creatures and seeking out ancient secrets hidden within the natural world.


Orcs are a robust and formidable humanoid race known for their savage strength, fierce warrior culture, and tribal societies. Standing taller and broader than humans, orcs have green or grayish skin, prominent tusks, and muscular builds, reflecting their warrior heritage.

Orcs hail from harsh and unforgiving lands, often living in tribal communities led by powerful chieftains and shamans. Their society values strength, bravery, and honor in battle, with many orcs earning renown as fearsome warriors, berserkers, or raiders. Despite their aggressive reputation, orcs are also deeply spiritual, revering ancestral spirits, and nature deities associated with strength and valor.


Goblins are small, cunning, and often mischievous humanoid creatures known for their scavenging nature, craftiness, and opportunistic behavior.

Goblins typically inhabit dark and secluded places, such as caves, dungeons, or the fringes of civilized lands. They live in tribal societies led by cunning chieftains or shamans, and their communities are often characterized by a chaotic and competitive atmosphere.

Goblins are resourceful scavengers and skilled trap-makers, using their cunning and ingenuity to survive and thrive in harsh environments.


Dragonborn are a proud and noble humanoid race known for their draconic heritage, formidable presence, and warrior culture.

Dragonborn are born from the union of dragons and humanoids, imbuing them with innate strength, resilience, and a breath weapon reflective of their draconic lineage, such as fire, lightning, or poison.

Despite their fearsome appearance, Dragonborn are often characterized by their honor, integrity, and strong sense of duty, values instilled by their warrior culture and draconic traditions.


Tieflings are a humanoid race known for their infernal heritage, striking appearance, and supernatural abilities. Born from the union of humans and fiends, such as demons or devils, Tieflings bear the physical traits of their malevolent ancestors, including red or blue skin, horns, forked tails, and sometimes even glowing eyes or cloven hooves.

Tieflings are often viewed with suspicion or fear due to their demonic features and perceived association with dark powers. However, not all Tieflings are evil or malevolent; many struggle to overcome their infernal heritage and seek redemption, acceptance, or a purpose beyond their tainted lineage.


Aasimar are celestial beings born from the union of humans and celestial entities, such as angels, archons, or other benevolent beings. Blessed with divine heritage, Aasimar possess radiant beauty, ethereal grace, and a strong connection to the forces of good and righteousness.

Aasimar often exhibit physical traits that hint at their celestial ancestry, such as luminous eyes, radiant skin, or even ethereal wings that can manifest in times of need. These divine gifts not only enhance their appearance but also grant them supernatural abilities.

Aasimar are often viewed as champions of light, justice, and virtue, embodying the ideals of their celestial forebears and serving as beacons of hope and inspiration in a world plagued by darkness and despair.



Plasmoids are amorphous beings with no typical shape. In the presence of other folk, they often adopt a similar shape. Plasmoids don't have internal organs of the usual sort. Their bodies are composed of cells, fibers, plasma-like ooze, and clusters of nerves.

These nerves enable a plasmoid to detect light, heat, texture, sound, pain, and vibrations. Plasmoids can stiffen the outer layers of their bodies to maintain a humanlike shape, so they can wear clothing and accessories. They speak by forcing air out of tubular cavities that constrict to produce sound.


The Githyanki are a fierce and formidable humanoid race. Originating from The Astral Plane, the Githyanki were once enslaved by the Mind Flayers (or Illithids) until they revolted and broke free from their oppressive masters. Since then, the Githyanki have become a warrior culture dedicated to waging eternal war against the Illithids.

The Githyanki are organized into a strict and hierarchical society, led by Vlaakith, the Lich-Queen who rules from the Githyanki city known as Tu'narath. Githyanki culture values strength, honor, and martial skill, with warriors and knights holding a revered status within their society.



Goliaths are a rugged and mountainous humanoid race known for their immense size, strength, and resilience. Originating from high-altitude regions and harsh, mountainous environments, Goliaths have adapted to the extreme conditions of their homeland, developing thick skin, powerful muscles, and a keen sense of survival.

Goliaths are tall and imposing, standing between 7 to 8 feet tall, with broad shoulders, thick limbs, and a sturdy build. Their skin ranges from gray to blue or green hues, often mottled or streaked with lighter or darker patterns resembling the natural rock formations of their mountainous homes.


Thri-Kreen are an insectoid humanoid race known for their predatory nature, swift agility, and unique anatomy. Resembling humanoid mantises, Thri-Kreen have a chitinous exoskeleton, multiple limbs, and distinctive mandibles that can be used for both communication and combat.

Thri-Kreen originate from arid and desert regions, where they live in nomadic tribes and hunt in packs. They are renowned for their speed, endurance, and survival skills.

Thri-Kreen have a communal and hierarchical society, organized around clan structures and roles based on individual prowess and specialization. They value agility, adaptability, and cunning, with warriors, hunters, and scouts holding esteemed positions within their tribes.


Tabaxi are a feline humanoid race known for their agility, curiosity, and wanderlust. Resembling anthropomorphic cats, Tabaxi possess sleek fur, retractable claws, and distinctive feline features such as pointed ears, slit pupils, and whiskers.

Tabaxi originate from tropical and forested regions, where they live in close-knit tribes or as solitary wanderers known for their love of exploration, storytelling, and collecting rare and exotic artifacts. They are natural hunters and climbers, able to move with grace and precision through dense forests, treacherous terrain, and even urban environments.


Grung are a small, amphibious humanoid race known for their vibrant colors, agility, and toxic skin secretions. Resembling anthropomorphic frogs or toads, Grung have mottled skin in shades of green, blue, or red, with large eyes, webbed hands and feet, and a distinctive throat sac that expands when they vocalize or display emotion.

Grungs are native to tropical and aquatic environments, where they live in hierarchical and caste-based societies organized around their amphibious abilities, toxic skin secretions, and natural affinity for water. They are skilled swimmers, jumpers, and climbers, able to navigate both aquatic and terrestrial environments with ease.


Dhampirs are a humanoid race born from different ways, Either from people barely surviving a vampire attack, to Immense experimentation, making a pact with a predatory deity or higher being, or just if one of their parents was a vampire.

Possessing a blend of human and vampiric traits, Dhampirs often exhibit pale skin, elongated fangs, and a heightened sensitivity to light.

While they are not undead themselves Unlike Vampires, Dhampirs possess a natural affinity for necromantic magic and are often drawn to professions or pursuits that allow them to explore or exploit their dark powers, such as necromancy, shadow magic, or the study of forbidden lore.


Aarakocra are a bird-like humanoid race known for their avian features, aerial agility, and deep connection to the skies. Resembling anthropomorphic birds.

Aarakocra hail from high-altitude environments such as mountains, cliffs, and treetops, where they live in tribal communities organized around aerial hunting, nesting, and territorial defense. They are natural flyers, able to soar through the skies with grace and precision, utilizing their wings and keen eyesight to navigate, hunt, and communicate over vast distances.


Tritons are a noble and aquatic humanoid race known for their deep connection to the oceans, seas, and underwater realms. Resembling humanoid merfolk.

Tritons hail from the elemental plane of water and the ocean depths of the Material Plane, where they live in underwater cities, coral reefs, or hidden grottos. They are natural swimmers, able to navigate the ocean depths with grace and ease, utilizing their aquatic adaptations to hunt, communicate, and interact with the diverse marine life and magical creatures of the deep.


Warforged are a unique and sentient humanoid race constructed from a blend of organic and inorganic materials, such as metal, wood, and stone. Created as powerful and versatile constructs for war, labor, and various other purposes, Warforged possess a resilient body, mechanical features, and an artificial intelligence that grants them consciousness, autonomy, and the ability to learn, adapt, and evolve over time.

Warforged typically have a humanoid shape, with a sturdy frame, metallic skin, and a range of built-in features and enhancements tailored to their intended roles or functions. These can include armored plating, integrated weapons, sensory devices, or specialized appendages designed for combat, exploration, or utility.

Many Warforged seek to understand their origins, forge their own destiny, and find meaning in a world that sees them as both marvels of magical engineering and potential threats or tools to be used and discarded.

Author's Note: There also like Subraces for most of them, but that's something you can look into or you can ask me!

Oh, and there's like over 43 Races officially, but the image limit is 20, and making a Part 2 would be too much

So any races that aren't on the list are also available to choose, just be sure to run it by me first!

If you're curious about it, all the Races can be found here

Well those are all the available races you can choose from (Plus more on that aren't on the list) I really have a good feeling about the story like I'm really pumped this is it really!

Well, ill see you guys later have a good day!

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