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"Funny thing is... nightmares run from the demons who created them."


Lost. Anxious. Confused.

The lights overhead brightened as Phillps walked into the warehouse. He paced in front of us; normal behavior. A cigarette hung on his bottom lip as he eyed each and every one of his with a grin.

I tried not to focus on him. After the previous night, I spent hours trying to understand myself. The emotions I felt made me human, but I lacked the ability to separate what was real and what wasn't. Javier's memory files were potent, rushing through me like vivid deja vu. At times, it was sickening; if androids were allowed to vomit, I would've. All night my head hurt, my chest tightened.

I just wanted to breathe.

"Look at y'all Replicas." Phillips laughed and clapped his hands. "Something's different from the last time I was here. Did the videos upload without an issue, hm? No hiccups, right?"

Knowing I couldn't move from my place in line didn't help. If I was to breathe, I needed to be free. I needed to move. It was how humans calmed themselves, right? Pacing. Walking. Releasing their frustrations.

"No, don't think so." Phillips stopped moving and placed his hands behind his back. "If there were any, I'm sure the Jordans would've told me. Can't let me walk into a wolves' den without the right knowledge, right?" He laughed again. "I'm no match for any of you."

'I'm no match for any of you.'

My eyes snapped up as he spoke. He was no match for us. Humans couldn't fight androids. It was explained countless times that this was why we were created. To be used as soldiers, not sacrifice their own people; to have the advantage of strength, speed, mobility. Fighting a human meant they'd lose. Almost instantly.

For once, I understand our purpose.

I lifted my chin, but Phillips didn't notice. He closed his eyes, slid a finger along his temple. With a deep breath, he said, "I'm going to need to see how well this new programming works. Replica-As." he lifted his head and looked at our line, "load simulation."

My eyes widened. I knew what this would mean. I was a Replica-B. My android type took the beating before reacting. The guinea pig of the fight, I was going to be pummeled, kicked, until my blue spilled from my mouth. My screams would be generic, an expression of pain.

But I understand pain. I felt it the night before. Glancing at the android to my right, I wondered if I wanted to experience that first hand. Did I have it in me to fake it? Comply?

Data corrupted. Unable to process information.

Phillips stomped one foot. The androids followed, copying his movement. All did, but me.

He looked at me, cleared his throat, but didn't say anything. At least, not to me directly.

"Replica-As, simulate battle sequence three," he said, eyeing the line. "You will turn to the Replica-B to your left-"

The android on my right. For the first time, I felt its presence. The electrical pull from its body. Lowering my gaze, I shifted my eyes to glance at him. And the red glow in his eyes.

"-in this simulation, you will be the victor. Replica-Bs-"

When he mentioned my group, I looked ahead. His eyes weren't on me but the entire line of androids. His chin was lifted as he spoke. "You're to wait for commands on your simulation load."

My brows lifted. He really thought I would stand here while this android beats me? The more I thought about it, the more I realized... I didn't want to. I didn't have to.

"Replica-As, begin simulation!"

The android's fist slammed into the side of my face. My head rocked to the left with the impact of the blow. The vision in my left eye blurred. Static appeared in the corners. The letters and words were unclear.

The android hit me again.

"Replica-B's, you are to react as the losing side!" Phillips shouted at everyone, but his words were more for me. The other androids cowered to the floor, covering their heads as their partnered droids. The impacts of metal hitting metal echoed around us. Mine echoed in my head.

Structural damage reaching moderate levels. Battery at 79%.

I smiled. The android's punches were damaging my frame, cracking my interior structure with powerful blows. And my battery reacted to it. Never had I experienced a level drop; not from training, not from trauma. I was an android, pure perfection. And yet, at this moment, I was flawed. I was fragile. My grin widened.

I'm human.

I lifted my arm before the android could throw another blow. It reacted with confusion, dipping it's head to the side as I looked at it. Giving it a wink, I smirked. It blinked.

"Replica-B!" Phillips shouted at me. "What are you doing?"

I looked at him next, dipping my head just like my android counterpart had done.

"You're the B group!" Phillips stomped towards me, finger pointed in my direction. "You're on the dying squad! You're supposed to lose!" His finger touched my forward, his face close to mine. He bared his teeth as he held a hard gaze to mine. "You're to drop to your knees and beg for your life."

My grin faded. Did I want to be human? So cruel, so ignorant to another's needs. I closed my eyes to break the stare he had on me.

He bent his finger so his nail dug into my artificial skin. I felt the prick, the pressure. I ground my teeth to keep from hissing. The pain was real. My pain was real.

"Cower, you fuckin' robot," he snarled. "Do as you're programmed to do."

My eyes snapped open. Without lifting my head, my hand quickly shot up to grab his finger. Gripping it tight, I squeezed, bent his hand back, and watched as terror filled his eyes.

"I'll do as I'm programmed." I moved forward and made him walk with me. Each step, he tried to pull away; I twisted his hand further. "I'll cower, play human. I'll plead for my life as you've requested."

"Stop! I order you to stop!" Phillips cried. "You need to-"

"No!" I forced Phillips to his knees before me. The red of my eyes illuminated his face as I bent with him. Baring my teeth, I let a growl slip from deep in my throat. "You need to stop. You need to feel what we feel."


A/N: A chapter long overdue! So sorry for taking so long!
If you're here and have waited long for this update, I'm sorry, and I thank you for coming back! <3 And as always, thank you for reading!

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