Chapter 4 - What you think of me?

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"Shella, the Alpha asked for your"

Dash walked out of Shella's den to greet the female back from her hunt, three Magickarps dangling from her strong jaw with no life left within them.

Like she drained it away with one bite once caught...

"What does he want now?" Shella mumbled out, the fish still in her mouth as she tried to get her words out. "I don't know, probably about Anisa know what's coming after all." Dash said. His eyes focused on her and his expression showed...nothing.

Just nothing.

The fish were thrown into the floor with a splat, still being a bit wet from the water they onced called home. "Fine but when Anisa gets back, make sure she has something to eat." Dash scratched his cheek, avoiding his permanent scar as he sighed. He was starting to appreciate the young pup and her mother but he wasn't the type to make sure pups were well taken care of since most of the time they dislike the lower class alpha.

Especilly since it's close to that season.

"Okay but remember, don't you dare come back late or I'll make you sleep outside with the Pidgeys..." the young she-wolf flipped her tail, whipping him in the face before strutting out, not a care in the world for what he said.
Dash growled under his breath, the way she just brushes him off now always set a blaze within him.

Where did this rebellious wolf come from? What happened to the old, obedient Shella?

He hated the thought, not being able to keep his so called "mate" in line.

It was his responsibility given to him by his leader of this pack he took pride in.

It frustrated him...

"I only follow my father's orders, not yours" Dash heard Shella mutter as she left the den, leaving the male alone again with his frustration.

Ever since he was ordered to keep her in was more him than her as the years had passes by.

It angred him to no end, and he hates it.

Lovely art by Sylveon12 and it's beautiful as always.

Thank you!

"Amara...what do you think of me?"

The little snow fox glanced at her friend, tilting her head at Anisa, "what do you mean Anisa?" Amara asked the young Rockruff.
For the past couple of weeks, the little snow fox had been noticing the shifting emotions in the pup, wondering what was going on in that tint head of her's. Amara sat in thought, her "perants" always educated her about the world are her and all the pokemom that live in it.

But Lycanrocs and Rockruffs, they have always been a mysterious species, still living in their own ways and not bowing down to the rules of the new way of living.
That's why they were throw into the wild lands, letting them run wild and live as they pleased. Most probably don't know about the outside world and any other Pokemon were a threat to them.

Explains why Anisa was so protective when she first met me...

But that was just the Midday Lycanrocs, Midnight Lycanrocs on the other hand are a lot more mysterious but...not in a bad way.

It doesn't stop the little rivalry between the two breeds though, always clashing with each other according to Anisa anyway.

"I mean that, I overhead my mum and Dash talking, explaining I've been showing signs of evolving into a Midnight instead of a Midday...does that mean I'll be bad?" Anisa asked. She glanced down, watching the small bits of grass flow in the wind to him her shame.

Bringing shame to the pack...

"Does it matter? I mean look at me! I'm not exactly normal am I?" She had to admit it, she wasn't in what everyone else categorised as "normal". Not in the slightest, being a snow, white Vulpix wasn't normal at all, only a chocolate, brown Vulpix belonged in this society they called life.
Amara already accepted it and moved on...that's what she's always believed.

"You look normal to me Amara...and if I don't evolve into a Midday then I won't...I won't be accepted anymore..." sniffles could be heard coming from the little pup, tucking her face into her neck fur to shield her from the world she lives in.

Letting her thoughts rattle in her brain, taunting her's that one same thing over and over again.

He'll come soon, don't worry...

Anisa couldn't wrap her head around what her mother was saying, it drives her crazy. She strives for that answer but when Anisa even asked, all she would get is "You'll see soon" or "You'll find out eventually".

But when?

Who are you talking about...why in such a loving manner?

It drove her crazy.

"Anisa...if they don't accept you then I'm sure your family will...and I will too no matter what!" Amara held her head up high, a loving smile on her face. "You promise?" Anisa asked. The little fox climbed down from the comfy rock she was resting on and jumped up high, grabbing Anisa into a bone-crushing hug full of acceptance.

"I promise Anisa, I always will!" Anisa laughed heartly at her friend, so full of glee and wonder.

Yet, Anisa still knew what was to come and who will make it a challenge...

Her grandfather and Alpha...Bodolf, along with the Dash and the other spectators.
"Amara, will you watch?" Amara looked at the pup and nodded, "of course I will, if they don't accept you if you evolve into a Midnight then I'll be there waiting for you." She brought Anisa back into another and less tight embrace.

It's nearly time...

Author Note

Sorry for the hold up, I've been trying to get this done and it finally is!

I can't wait to write the next chapter!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and tell me your thoughts!

(Art at the top goes to it's rightful owner).


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