Chapter 2: A Fresh Start

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Jasper's POV

Already two years of being here in this town, yet it's still hard for me to deal with these human teenagers, blood coursing through their veins and their hormones thickening the air in the school. I swear sometimes, I just can't take another day being in a school. It's maddening. And to make matters worse, we have new students joining the school. More emotions stirring in the air, great. Suddenly, the door opens and a wonderful scent fills the rooms. I turned and looked and I see a blessed vision. A beautiful girl, no more than 18 with blood red hair, beautiful green eyes like two emeralds sparkling in the sun. She was a small pixie-like being, like Alice. But, more.

The teacher called her Ms. Chambers. Her first name was a mystery. A mystery I must solve. I raised my hand as I am called. When she looks into my eyes, time seemed to have stopped. I felt like I was floating. If my heart was able to beat, it would be beating like a humming bird. She was my mate. I could tell. But she was human. I wasn't sure if I could handle the scent of her. So I quickly held in my breath as she got to her desk. I didn't miss the weird look she gave me. God, even her presence was driving me insane. I could feel the Major, the beast inside me, begging to come forth and claim her, but I can't. Not yet. I gripped on the desk tightly till the wood nearly split and the metal bent. I tried so hard to keep myself calm, but it was difficult. I saw from the corner of my eye that she dropped a pencil and the gentleman inside me instantly reaches down to get it for her but I accidentally brush my fingers against her. I gasp at the sparks I felt against my fingertips when we touched. Oh, no, I breathed her in! But, before I started to panic, I realized that her scent didn't burn my throat like others did. I was very confused. So, against my better judgement, I took another deep breath and managed to block out everyone else except her. She smelled like fresh rain in a forest, like the earth. I could almost smell the fresh grass and flowers as if they were against my nose right then. I smiled in wonder at her. I was shocked, yes, but so relieved. I handed her the pencil and she stuttered a small 'thanks'. She was so cute. She's mine.


After the bell rang, I tried to approach her again but Rosalie prevented me. "What are you doing?" She asks.

I could only stare at the mysterious girl. Rose frowned at me and looked to where I was looking and growled.

She looked back at me, anger coursing through her pores, "You're going get us into a lot of trouble! Alice, you need to tend to him." She growls.

Alice just smiles, knowing exactly why I'm looking at the human girl. "It's fine, Rose. He found his mate." She squeals happily.

"Mate?" Rosalie frowns.

"All right, bud! You found her at last." Emmett pats my back.

Now, I know why Alice wanted us to break up last week. We've been dating ever since we met in that diner in 1948. I knew she wasn't my mate but she brought me comfort. Her happy emotions made it a little bit better to deal with the others around me. I was sad that she wanted to call it quits, yes, but now that I know. I can only appreciate her.

"And I met mine!" Alice lets out a happy squeal.

"Oh, my god! That's wonderful! Who is he?" Rose hugs her, smiling big.

But, I could feel her doubt.

"We'll see them both soon at lunch. I'll point out to him. He's so cute, Rose! But, I don't know, there's something about him. He's so mysterious." She says.

"A guy, mysterious? To you, Alice?" Edward pops up.

"I know! It's weird. I can see his future but, not all of it. It's like, a puzzle missing pieces. It's the same with Jasper's mate.'s his eyes. They carry so much sadness. You can almost feel it. And you don't have to be an empath. No offense, Jazz." Alice says.

I shake my head, "None taken." I say.

My mate is getting more and more curious. I must meet her.

Katherine's POV

Pretty soon, it was lunch time. Cin, Oriel, Dax, and me grab our lunches and head to find a table. I see Bella sitting with three other girls and an Asian guy. A guy pulls out her seat to help her sit and all of the sudden an African American guy runs up and kisses her while pulling out the other guy's chair and they take off running.

Chuckling, "I missed high school." I say.

"Acne, dramatic girls, and perverted teachers, yeah, so much to miss." Dax says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes, "How do you know, you never went to high school." Oriel says.

"I calls them as I sees them." He says.

I made a rude noise to him and walk over to where Bella is.

"Hey, Bella." I say.

"Hey, Kat. Kat, this is Jessica and Angela and Britney." Bella introduces me to the girls.

Jessica seemed like a prom queen bitch type, I like Angela though, and Britney; she seems a lot like Jessica. Hell, she could be a twin, except she had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Guys, this is Katherine and her brother Dax, and her friends Oriel and Cin." Bella says.

"Oriel? What kind of name is that?" Britney scoffs.

"A very unique one, unlike yours." Oriel smiles, mocking Britney.

Britney just rolls her eyes and goes back to chatting with Jessica.

Bella soon looks over at the window, "Who are they?" She asks.

I look over to where she's looking at and 5 beautiful people begin to walk into the cafeteria.

"The Cullen's." Angela says, smiling knowingly.

"They are Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved him from Alaska a few years ago." Jessica gossips.

"They kind of keep to themselves." Angela adds.

"That's because they're together. Like together, together." Jessica giggles.

"Not Jasper and Alice. They broke up a couple of days ago." Britney says, excitingly.

"What? For real?" Jessica exclaims.

"Yeah, they decided it was best if they remain friends. It must be hard for her to live in the same house with her ex, but, now, I got a good chance of asking Jasper to the prom." Britney fixes herself up.

"Oh, the blonde. That's Rosalie, and she's with the big, dark haired guy, Emmett." Jessica discreetly points at the couple walking hand in hand past our table. Rosalie was gorgeous. She could be a model out of a Victoria's Secret magazine.  Emmett was a huge guy.  Big and buff football player type.

"They live together, it's weird." Jessica says. "The little brown hair girl, Alice, she's really weird. And she used to date that blonde one, the one, Jasper, who looks like he's in pain."

I look up and see a very familiar face. Hale. So, his name was Jasper. I caught him looking over at me and I couldn't believe I blushed for the first time in years.

I look over and see Britney squealing, "Ooh, he was looking at me." She says.

"Actually, I think he was looking at Kat." Oriel points out.

Britney scoffs, "Please, Jasper wouldn't want to be with a fake like her." She scoffs.

I laugh dryly, "Excuse me? Fake? Says the one who is wearing the bleach blond color and hair clips and not to mention, had a nose job, what? 6 months ago? You might need classes how to cover the old scars, girl." I pointed out.

I hear everyone near me chuckling and making 'Ohhhh' sounds.

Britney growls at me and storms off.

"Who's he?" Bella asks as a handsome copper colored hair guy walks in.

"Edward Cullen. He's gorgeous, of course. But, no one here is worth his time." She says, you can tell she has tried several times to get him to go out with her. "Like I care, you know?" She scoffs, trying to cover her tracks, but sorry, sweetie, you're busted.

I look over at Dax and he some sort of trance. He was staring over at the Cullen's table. More at a certain Cullen. Alice. She looked over at him and smiled shyly. Dax's mouth twitch into a small smile.

"Dax?" Oriel calls out. 

"Dax?" I try.

"Yoo-hoo!" Cin waves his hand in front of Dax's face. Nothing. 

"Ohhhh, he's got a crush!" Angela gushes.

Oriel and I look over at each other, "Oooh!" We tease in unison. 

Dax quickly shook out of his trance, "Huh? What?" He asks.

"Checking out Alice?" I tease.

"What? Nooo." He scoffs.

"Liar, liar, liar." We laugh.

"Mind your own business." He scoffs.

I look over at Bella and she was looking at the Cullen's table too.  At Edward.   And he looked over here too at her. He looked almost frustrated about something. Hmmm, I couldn't put my finger on it, but something suspicious was going on about the Cullen's.


After my last class was over, I was walking through the hallways and stopped when I saw Dax chatting with that Alice girl.  He was actually...smiling. I never have seen Dax smile ever. I never thought he could after what happened to Remy. It was nice seeing him happy. I wanted to squeal in excitement when I see Alice writing down something for him.  I'm guessing her number and she kisses his cheek before she leaves. Dax was stiff as a statue.  He reaches up and caresses his cheek with a big goofy smile.

"Aww, Dax is growing up." Cin comes up and wraps an arm around me, giving me a mocking sad face and wipes away a fake tear.

I hit him in the chest and he makes a small 'ow'.

Cin left ahead of me as I head back to my locker and dig out my books for the classes I have homework with. Mostly all of them. Brutal teachers. I shut my locker then gasp when I see Jasper behind it.

"Oh, my god, you scared me!" I exclaim.

"I'm sorry, darlin'. I didn't mean to frighten you." He says.

Ooh, a southern gentleman. His voice was incredibly sexy. "I never got the chance to introduce myself. I'm Jasper Hale. You're Kat?" He asks.

I nod, "Yeah. Nice to meet you, Jasper." I say.

"Pleasure to meet you as well." He says as he holds his hand out. 

I reach out and take his hand into a soft grip and was startled at the feel of how cold his hand was.  Yet, it was comforting.  Sparks danced around my fingers against his skin.  We slowly let go of each other and I awkwardly put my hand in my pocket.

I reach to pick up my bag but he grabs it first, "Allow me." He smiles.

Ooh, that smile was so sexy! "Thank you, Jasper." I say.

"You're welcome, darlin'." We begin walking down the hallway.

"So, how do you like Forks?" He asks.

"Well, it beats the city. I use to live over in Chicago but the crime got way too high so we moved here." I told him the story Mother and Father told us to say.

"Of all the small towns, you pick the wettest place in the content." He says.

I laugh, "Well, I love the cold and the rain. Most people say they prefer the sunshine and the heat. But, not my cup of tea." I say.  "Besides, my parents are from around here and they wanted to be back where their roots are." I lied. "What about you? I heard you and your family moved here from Alaska. You went from colder to less cold." I tease.

He chuckles, "Actually, my adoptive dad had gotten a position at the hospital. He use to work at a famous hospital, but he wanted a change of the scenery." He says.

"Oh, yeah, Jessica mentioned you're dad's a doctor. What does your mom do?" I ask.

"She's an architect. She does a lot of projects at home. It's her passion." He smiles lovingly.

"That's nice. My mom and Dad are both work at home types. They do a lot of odd projects. My mom works as a freelance writer on the side." I say.

"That's nice." Jasper suddenly stops when we're near the steps. "I would like to call you and get to know you more, if that is alright with you." He says.

I smile at him, "I'd like that." I grab a pen and a paper and write down my number for him. "Call me or text me." I say and hand him the piece of paper.

He smiles and takes the paper and puts it in his coat pocket, "I will." He waves goodbye and opens his umbrella and walks outside to where his family was.

I wanted to hang with Bella so I stood by her truck and waited for her. I looked over at Jasper talking to his brothers, Emmett and Edward. All of the sudden, Bella comes storming out of the school, looking like she wanted to kill someone. She passes by Edward and had a bothered look on her face then she comes pacing over to the truck, "Hey, you ok?" I ask.

She scoffs and looks back at Edward who gives her a frustrated, angry look. "Never better." She says bitterly.

"Wanna hang?" I ask.

She looks back at me and thinks about it, "Yeah, sure. I could use a friend." She says.

I give her smiles and a small hug. I walk around to the other side of the truck but something stops me.

"No, Edward! She's not one of us!" I hear Emmett say in distance.

I look over at the three of them with a frown. What the hell was he talking about? 

Edward looks back over here and I eye at him. Giving him the 'you better watch it' look and then I get into the truck.


Bella and I were doing our homework on her bed, "So...what's the deal with you and Edward? Did he do something to make you mad?" I ask.

Bella lets out a frustrated sigh and tosses her pencil down, "I don't know what his problem was. I didn't say a single word to him and he looked at me like he wanted to kill me.  He gave me a stinky face at first then just plan rage at me." She says.

I look at her in confusion, "What a dick. He might be having his man period." I say.

She laughs then, sighs, taking a breather. "Anyway, I saw you and Jasper talking." She says.

I smile shyly, "Yeah. He wanted to introduce himself.  You know it's funny, because he did the same thing you said about Edward when I first met him in class." I say.

"What is their problem?" Bella scoffs.

I shrug, "Maybe you should confront Edward tomorrow at school. Demand him what called up his ass about you." I say.

She laughs at my comment but nods, "I'm gonna do that. As soon as I see him tomorrow." She says. "Good on ya." I say.

Jasper's POV

Finally, it was lunch time. We arrived at the doors and walked to get our food. As usual, everyone's eyes turn to us and the smell of their blood hit my face like a ton of bricks. Holding in my breath seems to help, but still, it was rough. I could hear people whispering about us. I turned and saw my mate talking to Jessica, the school's Gossip Girl and 'future prom queen' she likes to call herself.

-mental eye rolling-

"They broke up a couple of days ago." Britney says, excitingly.

"What? For real?" Jessica exclaims.

"Yeah, they decided it was best if they remain friends. It must be hard for her to live in the same house with her ex, but, now, I got a good chance of asking Jasper to the prom." I heard Britney say.

Britney was the school's biggest slut. I always project vomit when I hear her trying to 'get with me'.

I look over to my mate, sending her a smile. She smiles back. Then, I hear Britney squeal and talking about how I was smiling at her.

"She's never gonna give up on you. The thoughts she has of you. Ugh!" Edward grunts in disgust.  I could relate.  Her lust was enough to project vomit.

"Actually, I think he was looking at Kat." I heard a girl points out.

So, my mate's name is Kat. So, beautiful.

Britney scoffs, "Please, Jasper wouldn't want to be with a fake like her." She scoffs.

My mate laughs.  I sigh at the music she made, such a beautiful laugh.

"Excuse me? Fake? Says the one who is wearing the bleach blond color and hair clips and not to mention, had a nose job, what? 6 months ago? You might need classes how to cover the old scars, girl." Kat pointed out.

Emmett lets out a snort and laughs.

Rose and Alice both giggle.

We hear the girls talking to the new girl, Bella I believe her name was, about Edward. We all sit at our table and we could see her, along with our mates, looking over at us. But, Bella seemed to have her eyes on Edward.

"That's him." Alice says, while looking at the male human with short, black hair.

Dax was his name.  He looked like he was caught in a trance at her. His lust and love for Alice was strong. I laugh at my mate and her friends teasing Dax.

"He's really cute, Alice." Rose says.

"I know. He's going to ask me for my number after school. I can't wait to call him." She sends Dax a shy smile.

After school was over, I decided to gather my courage and go talk to Kat.   As I walked to her locker, I see Alice talking to Dax.

"So, I-I was wondering, could I call you later? Maybe we could go out and catch a movie?" Dax asks her.

She giggles and nods. She writes down her number and gives him a kiss on the cheek then skips away.

I laugh at the boy's face. He was dumbstruck by her move and caresses his own cheek where she kissed him. Smiling like an idiot. 

I looked over at my mate and growled lowly at the guy who drapes his arm around her neck. "Aww, Dax is growing up." He says wiping a fake tear from his eye.

Kat hits him in the chest and he makes a small 'ow'. The boy rubs his chest and takes off.

I walked toward her locker and stood behind it. As she shuts it, she jumps when she sees me, "Oh, my god, you scared me!" She exclaims.

"I'm sorry, darlin'. I didn't mean to frighten you." I say.

My mate was even more beautiful up close. Her green eyes and beautiful red hair. I'm shocked that her hair wasn't cheaply dyed. I couldn't smell the chemicals. I could only smell the scent of Lavender and Vanilla shampoo and lotion.

"I never got the chance to introduce myself. I'm Jasper Hale. You're Kat?" I ask.

She nods, "Yeah. Nice to meet you, Jasper." She says.

"Pleasure to meet you as well." I say as I reach out to touch her hand, forgetting that I shouldn't be touching her so soon, but it was too late.  She feels the cold, dead skin I carried.  But, I could feel the warm sparks dance over my fingertips.  She felt like home in my hands.  The major inside me nearly wept when she lets go and stuffs her hand into her pocket. 

She reaches to pick up her bag, but, as a gentleman, I grab it first, "Allow me." I say while smiling.

She blushed, her cheeks were so adorable lighting up like cherries. "Thank you, Jasper." She says.

"You're welcome, darlin'." We begin walking down the hallway. "So, how do you like Forks?" I casually ask.

"Well, it beats the city. I use to live over in Chicago but the crime got way too high so we moved here." She explains, but I couldn't help, but think there was more to the story of her being here.

"Of all the small towns, you pick the wettest place in the content." I joke.

She laughs, "Well, I love the cold and the rain. Most people say they prefer the sunshine and the heat. But, not my cup of tea." I really love this girl "Besides, my parents are from around here and they wanted to be back where their roots are." She says. "What about you? I heard you and your family moved here from Alaska. You went from colder to less cold."She teases.

I chuckle, "Actually, my adoptive dad had gotten a position at the hospital. He use to work at a famous hospital but he wanted a change of the scenery." I say.

"Oh, yeah, Jessica mentioned you're dad's a doctor. What does your mom do?"She asks.

"She's an architect. She does a lot of projects at home. It's her passion." I smile lovingly.

"That's nice. My mom and Dad are both work at home types. They do a lot of odd projects. My mom works as a freelance writer on the side." She mentions.

"That's nice." I stop when we're near the steps. "I would like to call you and get to know you more, if that is alright with you." I say.

She smiles, god I love her smile, "I'd like that." She grabs a pen and a paper and write down her number. "Call me or text me." She says and hands me the piece of paper. 

I give her a warm smile and take the paper and puts it in my coat pocket, "I will." I wave goodbye and open my umbrella and walk outside to where Emmett and Edward were.

Edward seemed to be in deep distress, his blood lust was going haywire, especially towards the Swan girl. He looked at her with such anger and yearn. His emotions were making me thirsty. He told us that he found his mate, who also happens to be his blood singer, too. Bella Swan. The same girl who is friends with my mate. Oh, no. I watched Bella and Kat and she gives Edward an annoyed look.

"Hey, you ok?" I hear Kat ask Bella.

Bella lets out a scoff and looks back at Edward who gives her a frustrated, angry look.

"Never better." She says bitterly.

"Wanna hang?" Kat asks.

Bella looks back at her and thinks about it, "Yeah, sure. I could use a friend." She says.

Kat gives her a smile and a small hug. I watch her walk to the other side of the truck and then hear Emmett whisper lowly at Edward, "No, Edward! She's not one of us!"

I watched Kat snap her head at us, looking at Edward. There's no way she could have heard Emmett from way over there. She's human. Edward looks back over to them and I see Kat eyeing at him. Giving him the 'you better watch it' look. Bella must have told her what Edward did in class. That's the only reason I could think of. Rose is really going to be pissed when she hears about this.

Please tell me what you think! Leave comments and votes. I'm dying to know your options. Be brutally honest. Love ~Song~

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