Chapter 3: The Accident

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(In case you can't read the name on the pic; that is Oriel.  How I see her at least.  And yes, that is Megan Fox from Jenifer's Body)

Edward never showed up for school the next day, or the day after that, or the day after that either.  But, Jasper and I got to know each other better and he is everything I ever dreamed of.  I noticed though that he was cold to touch.  Also, I noticed that his eyes weren't black anymore, they were golden now. That's when I knew...Jasper Hale was a vampire.  And so was his family.  A few times when Jasper and I were trying to make private conversations, his 'twin', Rosalie would interrupt us and practically pull Jasper away from me.  I didn't get what her problem was with me.  Over the past few weeks, I discovered I was slowly falling in love with Jasper Hale.  Was this my fate?  To fall for a vampire?  I should ask Mother soon. 


(Kat's outfit)

Bella and I hanged out next to her truck after school; she told me that she finally confronted Edward after he came back from his trip.  'Personal' reasons he said.  But, I suspect it was something else.  Maybe Bella was right.  When she said he looked like he wanted to kill her, he probably did want to.  I suspected that he and his family want to co-exist with the humans.  Like my family wants to.  But, if Edward tries something, I'll kill him.  I catch Bella looking over her shoulder at him; both of them were practically having eye sex with each other.  I looked over at Jasper standing next to the Volvo, he looks over at where I was and smiles.  I send him a wave and I look over and see Dax next to Alice.  It's not official yet, but I believe they will be dating by the end of this month.  Oriel, Cin and I have a pool going. 

A loud honking jerked me out of my thoughts and I see Tyler's van skidding across the parking lot...towards Bella and me!  Bella pushes me hard out of the way before I could do anything to protect her and because of the stupid ice I slide away and bang against a small rock with a loud, painful grunt.  I gasp and sit up fast.  Feeling pain, I reach up and touch the side of my head and look at my bloody fingers.  I feel myself healing (Super healing is another power).  Hearing the small crack in my skull close up itself, making a soft, crackling noise.  I wipe the blood away and look over to where Bella was. 

The van stopped mere inches away from the truck.  I get up fast and run towards the truck, "Bella! Bella!" I panic then stop in my tracks.  Edward was there, holding Bella and had his hand pressed against the van, creating a large dent in the door. 

"Oh, shit." I mutter which causes Edward to look up at me in panic. 

He quickly moves away and runs before anyone sees him.  I look up over to Jasper and he and his family had a look of panic, anger, and disappointment.

They quickly get into their cars and I see Alice apologizing to Dax as she leaves him.  Cin, Oriel and Dax walk towards me as Bella was taken to the hospital.  They checked me out as well since witnesses said I banged my head.

(Oriel's outfit ^^^)

(Dax's Outfit ^^^)

(Cin's outfit ^^^)

"What the hell happened?"  Dax growls out. 

Oriel was driving us to the hospital to check on Bella. 

"Edward practically blew his existence to Bella." I said. 

We all figured it out that they were vampires but we never said anything of course.  Who would we tell besides Mother and Father?  They already knew before us who is what in this town.  They made us swore to not tell them what we are till it was time.  That frustrated Dax because he was falling hard for Alice and wanted to tell her. 

"Do you think Bella will tell anyone?" Cin asks. 

Everyone looked iffy about that.  We finally arrived at the hospital but stayed in the waiting room.  I finally see Bella coming out of the exam room with her dad. She was worried about how her mom is reacting to the news of her accident.  Far away from her I could also see Edward, Rosalie and I'm guessing their dad was all talking.  Rosalie looked pissed.  I watched Bella and Edward talk 'privately', even though I can hear everything they are saying.  He denied the whole thing and Bella wasn't having any of his bullshit. I met Jasper outside the hospital.  Poor guy, he was worried to death about me.  Such a sweetheart. 


Pretty soon, it was time for our field trip in Biology class.  All 5 of us, Bella, Dax, Oriel, Cin, and I had to attend.  Bella was over at her truck in deep thought.  I could see she was trying to figure out what happened yesterday. I look over and see Edward, Alice, and Jasper making their way over to the bus.  And I know Bella sees too till Mike got in her way about the prom. 

"Hello, darlin'." I hear a sexy southern voice speak out. 

I smiled and turn around to face him, "Hey, handsome." 

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him.  Good lord, I could get lost in that smile.  "Are you excited for the trip?"  He asks. 

"It's nice to take a breath from school.  But, it's still learning."  I said, burying my face in his neck. 

He smelled so good.  Like rain and sandalwood.

"Hey, Alice."  I hear Dax say. 

I turn to watch the two of them smile like love birds. He holds her close in his arms and kisses her nose, making her giggle. 

"Aw, you guys are so cute."  I gush, batting my eyes. 

"Shut up, Kat and let me have a moment."  He wraps his arms around Alice and she snuggles into his embrace. 

"Are you sure you're up for the trip, Kitten?  After what happened..." Jasper's voice trails off as painful emotion fills his eyes.

This has been going on for days, since Bella's accident.  He told me over and over that he saw me get hurt but I keep assuring him that I was fine. 

I cut him off, "Jasper, I swear, I'm fine.  Trust me."  I smile at him. 

He gives me a smile back and holds me close.  Finally it was time to go so we all got on to the bus.  I saw from a distance Britney was looking my way with an ugly sneer.  Jealous much?

Jasper's POV

Seeing my mate slide across the parking lot as the van almost hits Bella, my heart dropped to my stomach. 

Emmett holds me back, and I snarl at him in protest, "Easy, she's ok, Jazz."  He says. 

The major was pissed at him for keeping me from checking the safety of my Mate. 

"Jazz, you can't expose yourself like this.  Think of your mate." Rosalie says. 

I took a deep calming breath, trying to keep the major at bay.  It was difficult but, they were right.  I looked over and see my mate in shock.  Then, we see Edward running off in the other direction.  Bella gets up and everyone around her is in panic, calling on their cells for an ambulance.  Kat looks over at me, I'm sure she could see the panic in my eyes.  As I could see it in hers.  We quickly get into the cars and I watch Alice apologize to Dax as she gets into the jeep. 

"God! That idiot!" Rose snarls and slams her fist into the wheel. 

"Careful, Rose, you're gonna break your baby."  Emmett says as he rubs her arm. 

She rubs the wheel, making sure she didn't do any permanent damage, then sighs in frustration, "How could he do something so stupid?!  He's going to expose all of us and we will have to leave.  I don't want to leave here.  This is the very few places where we can actually be normal for once."  She says. 

Finally, we get to the hospital and go straight to Carlisle's office.  I hold in my breath when we pass the patient rooms.  My throat burned with a raging fire.  Not even the smell of the disinfect equipment or chemicals in the air could overpower the smell of blood.  So, I decided to wait outside.  I assured them all that I was ok, but was I? 

"Jasper?"  I hear an angel call out. 

Kat!  I quickly pace over to her to and take her into my arms, breathing in her scent as I bury my face in her neck. 

I lift my head and look down at her, "Are you ok, darlin'?  I was so worried about you."  I say, cupping her face in my hands. 

She nods and licks her lips, "I'm ok.  Just a tiny bump."  She says, placing her hands on mine. 

I sigh in relief and hold her close.  "What about Bella?  Is she ok?"  I ask carefully. 

We walked over to a bench and sit down together. 

"She keeps telling everyone she's ok.  You're dad is checking her out.  I met him, by the way.  He's very nice."  She smiles. 

"Carlisle is the best.  He'll take care of her." I say. 

She smiles, I could get lost in that smile, and her sparkling green eyes.  "Would you like to go out with me, on a date?"  I ask. 

She gives me such a cute smile and nods, "Yes, I would love to go out with you, Jasper."  She says. 

"How about I take to dinner in Port Angeles?  I know a great place called Cafe Garden.  Saturday at 7:00?" I ask.

"That sounds great.  Saturday at 7:00 is perfect."  She says, giving me her beautiful smile.

"Katherine!" I hear male call out to her.  He looked like he was in his late 30s.  Black hair, cold, silver eyes, his entire body language radiated of power and confidence. 

"That's my dad.  I better go.  I'll see you later, ok?"  She says. 

I nod, "I'll call you later."  I say. 


She surprises me with a kiss on my cheek, causing me to gasp and freeze.  Her lips felt warm and the sparks brushed against my skin.  I reach up to touch the spot where her kiss was and smiled so big. 


Katherine's POV

(Kat's outfit for the field trip)

Jasper and I walked hand in hand through the greenhouse with the other students. It was pretty seeing all the newborn plants. It's like walking through the maternity ward. Like hearing thousands of babies crying, welcoming themselves to our world. I reach out and pet a leaf, feeling it wrap around my finger. They knew what I was.

"It's so pretty." I say.

"Yes, it is. Do you love nature?" He asks.

I laugh softly, "I love it with a passion. I go camping as much as I can. With the rain and all here, it's a little hard to. I love growing anything. I'm trying to make a small garden in the backyard." I say.

"Green thumb?" He asks.

"Forrest green." We laugh together.

"What about you, what's your passion?" I ask.

"I have a passion for history." He says.

I exclaim in excitement, "Me too! Besides gardening, I'm such a big fan of history. Civil war topics have always been an interest." I say.

"Really? You love the Civil War?" He asks in amazement.

"Mm-hmm, you should see my library." I giggle.

"I would love to one day." He smiles at me that send warmth around my heart.

It was time to load up on the bus, most of the boys were laughing about scaring the girls with earthworms. I rolled my eyes at their immaturity. I see Bella going on towards the bus and Edward follows her. Telling her that they shouldn't be friends. Boy, even he was making me confused. Jasper, Dax, Alice and I walk closer to them. I hear Alice ask Bella if she was going to ride with them but Edward, being the dick he was, says the bus was too full. I send her an apology look and follow Jasper on the bus.


The next day at lunch, Bella and I walked into the cafeteria. I see her looking over to the Cullen's table. Edward looked frustrated as usual.

"Wonder what's up his butt?" I said, referring to Edward.

(Kat's outfit)

"I don't know. I can't figure him out at times. He's all rude and mean, and then all of the sudden he's apologizing and actually being nice." She says, even she was frustrated with him.

"Maybe he's got his man period." I say and see Edward looks up, annoyed. 'Yeah, that's right, Edward, you dick' I thought to myself.

Bella and I walk up to the table that Cin, Oriel, Dax, and the rest were sitting. "La Push, baby. You in?" Eric says excitingly.

"Should we know what that means?" Bella asks.

"From what I gather, La Push Beach, it's on the Rez." Cin says, leaning back on the table.

The guys were talking about surfing and the girls were talking about whale watching. Eric wouldn't shut up about La Push.

"If we go, will you stop saying that?" Bella says laughing and heads to the salad bar.

I followed her to grab a few things. I look up and Edward is next to her. I move to give them space and grab a chair next to Dax.

"What does Cullen want?" Mike sneers.

I shrug and bite into my apple.

Dax arch's a brow at me, curious as well.

(Dax's outfit ^^^)

"He likes her, yet, he wants to stay away from her."  I speak in my mind.

"To keep her safe." Dax replies. 

I nod and chew. 

"Rosalie, that's enough!" I hear Alice scorn at Rose.

"Edward is such an idiot! And so are you, Jasper. You two are going to blow it." Rose says.

"I can handle it. Her scent is different. It's like...I don't have the thirst for it." Jasper says.

I could tell they were talking below human range, but not me and Dax.

"You haven't been in this family long enough to fight it. Alice, you as well, why are you with a human male?" Rose snarls and I see Dax perk his head up and look over at Alice then to me.

"They're our mates, Rose. You can't blame how fate works. I have waited so many centuries for him. You know how it is when you're with Emmett.  And I thought you were ok with the fact that I met him?" Alice asks. 

"That was until Edward here nearly screwed it up in the parking lot." Rosalie growls out. 

My eyes widen at 'mates'. "Mates?" Dax speaks but we use our language.

It's like a combination of French, Italian, and Celtic. We call it the Dead Language.

"When need to talk to mother." I reply in the dead language.

"What's that language you guys are talking?" Jessica asks.

"Oh, um, my parents were born in France and they taught us the language." I say.

Britney eyes us suspiciously, "That doesn't sound like French."

Dax simply shrugs, "They lived in another part of France, and the language is a little different than common French." He says.

Britney still look like she didn't buy it but she shut up at least.

Hope that was ok.  Please leave comments and votes.  Please?  I'm dying to know what people think.  Love ~Song~

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