Chapter 11: Victoria's Puppet

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Sean's POV

Landing swiftly on the roof near the ramps, I finally caught up with the one called Riley. And he wasn't alone. I could see a red-head vampire near him. So...this is the one who is called Victoria. She reeked of an evil so black, her eyes produced a cold chill that could freeze time. I move carefully to get closer. I could hear their conversation clearly. Riley said they were moving out tomorrow afternoon and Victoria informs Riley she won't be joining them in battle, but I have a feeling she's not going to miss this fight. Hell, I don't want her to miss it. Mother's punishment must be made.

"You're not coming with us?" Riley asks, disappointment lit in his voice.

Victoria had her arms wrapped around herself as she walks to draw near Riley. She puts on a guilty face, but I could see through her twisted soul. I nearly moaned as I breathed in her scent. Filled with the blood of many fallen human victims. Oh, if only she was human...I could drain her in a matter of seconds.

"It will be a last minute decision." She says gently, placing a hand on his back as she assures him. "I told you how it works."

Riley turns to face her, "The Cullens have powers." I could hear disbelief in his voice, as if he was humoring her.

"Don't underestimate them, Riley. You'll have the numbers, but they'll be able to anticipate your every move." She warns him.

Riley's lust goes up as she presses herself against him, "According to your friend."

"Yes. My dead friend. Laurent found out about the things they could do, and they killed him. But not before he told me." She says and walks away, just a few feet.

Riley frowns at this, but shakes his head and turns to her as she had her back to him, "Maybe he was wrong. I mean..." He moves to stand right behind her and pushes her hair away from her neck, brushing his lips against her skin, "This is supposed to be...Cullen territory. But we've been tearing it up and I've never even seen them here."

"You don't trust me." She frowns.

Riley shakes his head, "With my life. I'm just saying that..."

Victoria moves and cuts him off, facing him, "I'm doing this for us. So that we can feed, without their retaliation. I can't live in fear anymore, waiting for them to attack." She puts a on a scared look and he eats it up.

Riley pulls her closer in his arms, "I won't let them. I'm going to end the Cullen clan. I swear."

Victoria gives him a small smile as she strokes his cheek and kisses him gently till Riley kisses her back with passion, biting her lip.

"I love you so much." She says.

Riley grins at her words and pushes her hair away from her neck and begins nibbling her flesh. I watch from where I stood, seeing her eyes avert. She was pushing her emotions aside.

I move away from where I hid and headed back to Forks. I had to warn them all.


Katherine's POV

(Kat's pjs for the night ^^)

It felt weird to have the whole house to myself in a way. At least Jasper will be here. Soon. I'm not sure what we could do. When I was at Bella's, we mostly talked about our relationships. The topic of sex did come up. Bella actually confessed that tonight might be the night for her to give herself to Edward. I was honestly worried about her and Edward being...intimate. Only because she's human and he's a vampire. It would be dangerous. But, knowing Edward, I know he will refuse...he better.

A thud snaps me out of my thoughts and I look towards my balcony window to see Jasper. I feel my breath catch in my throat as I see him. He was dressed in lounge pants and a tight gray t-shirt. I get up and walk towards the door to unlock it and let him in.

"Hey. Did you hunt enough?" I ask.

"Full and ready to fight." He smirks as he walks in.

I smile and feel him wrap his arms around me. He picks me up and drops me on the bed as I let out a small squeal. He jumps on the bed, landing next to me. He covers his upper body with mine. Giggling, I look up at him, deep into his beautiful golden eyes. How I love this man.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks softly as he brushes his fingers against my cheek.

"You, mostly." I bit my bottom lip.

He chuckles, "But?" I knew he was feeling my uncertain vibe.

I sigh deeply, "I'm nervous about the battle. I mean, I do have faith in you, Jasper. But, I just feel like it should just be us fighting. I feel I should be protecting you instead."

Jasper inhales deeply as he was in thought, "That's how mates are. Protecting each other. And that's what we're going to do. The Newborn army won't be expecting our plan."

I rub my face into his palm as worry takes over me, "I don't want anything to happen to you. Or your family. Or the wolves."

"Especially, Embry?" Jasper asks with a hard look.

I scoff and rolls my eyes as I push him off me. He rolls over to lie on his side and I scoot to lie on my stomach.

"I care about Embry like a friend. But, I love you more than anything. Embry knows it can never happen between me and him. I would never give up what we have for him." I said, seriousness in my voice.

Jasper sighs and looks down at my ring, "I know. I's the jealous side of me. It angers the Major inside me knowing that someone else wants what I have. I'm always scared that I will lose you."

I stroke his cool cheek against my fingers, "You'll never lose me. I spent my entire life looking for someone like you. It took a whole new lifetime to be with you. Nothing will ever change how I feel about you."

Jasper looks into my eyes, my heart pounds against my chest as I feel that intense gaze digging into my soul.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you, too. So much." I say softly.

(Mild Smut)

Jasper gently presses his lips against mine, kissing me with such passion. Gently moving me to lie on my back and he covers my body with his. I moan as I feel his tongue against mine as the kiss deepens. The feel of him pressed against me, I swear I thought my heart was going to blow out of my chest. Jasper moans against my lips, his hands roaming over my back, I feel his cold hands sneaking under my shirt to feel my skin. I shiver against his soft touch, I didn't even mind the coldness of his skin against my hot flesh. Just the feel of him sent my lust sky high...and I knew Jasper could feel it. Jasper presses himself hard against me, I could feel himself grow hard against me. I couldn't help, but gasp at the feel of him. My legs automatically wrap around his waist. He rocked his hips against mine as the kiss deepens. Panting against his lips, I drag my nails over his back, the sound of cloth tearing startled both of us. Jasper pulls back quickly, licking his lips as he frowns and looks over his shoulder. He feels around his back, and I could see torn pieces of his shirt. I hold up my hands and see my claws coming forth. I guess my sexual lust is tied with my blood lust. I couldn't help, but blush and cover myself in embarrassment.

Jasper chuckles, wait was he laughing at me? I remove my hands from my face and frown at him. He moves to lie back on his side and kiss my nose.

"It's ok, Katherine. Actually, it's a good thing we stopped. As much as I want to do this, and I know you're not a fragile human. But, I want to make sure it's possible. Plus, I rather we wait after marriage." He says, smiling gently.

I was taken back, "You, my rugged cowboy, wants to properly consummate in marriage? And I thought Edward was the prim and proper one?" I teased.

Jasper rolls his eyes, but smiles still, "Still, I respect you, your body, your soul. I want to do things properly with you. Once...everything is back to normal, I want to be with you and share my eternity with you." He takes my hand that carried the ring and kisses my knuckles.

I sigh softly, how sweet he is to me. He's everything I ever wanted and more than what Colin ever gave me. Right then and there...I made a decision.

"I've decided a date."

Jasper lifts his eyes and to me and frowns in confusion, "A date?"

"For the wedding." I smile.

Jasper grins and gestures me to continue.

"How about August?" I ask.


Dax's POV

I was scouting out from the mountains when I heard Alice gasp softly. I turn to her and see her staring out into space, her eyes rapidly moving. When she snapped out of her vision, I took her hands carefully, studying her face.

"What is it, Alice? What did you see?" I ask carefully.

Alice looks at me and a big smile formed on her face, she squeals and jumps into my arms, "She finally decided!" She exclaims excitedly.

"Who? Victoria?" I frown at her behavior.

She pulls away and rolls her eyes, "No, you dummy. Kat. She finally decided on the wedding date. Oh, I can't wait to start planning!" She says, happily and jumps out of my arms to continue her hunt.

I shake my head and laugh, she'll be the death of me. Lucky, I can't die.


Oriel's POV

(Oriel's outfit for the day ^^^^)

As I woke up from my slumber, I couldn't find Seth next to me. I was almost panicking, till I heard his voice.

"Come on! I want to catch the action, why do I have to sit out?" I hear him argue with someone.

I got up and dressed myself and walked into the kitchen to see the pack, eating and talking.

"Seth, you're the pup in the pack. A pup in an army battle is too risky." Embry argues.

"But, I can fight." Seth argues back.

"But, you're slow. Newborns will crush you before you can set your jaw on them." Jared states.

"Seth..." Sam breaks the argument, "As your Alpha, I want you to watch over Bella at the campsite after Jake's shift."

Seth growls lowly, but he knew he had no choice, but to obey.

"And I'll be there to keep you company." I say as I walk towards the pack. "Who knows, Bella and Edward might run into trouble, they might not, but, I'm not leaving my mate vulnerable."

Seth grins and pulls me close to him, kissing my cheek, "I'm honestly glad you're not going to fight."

"As much as I hate missing a fight, especially with a bitch like Victoria involved, I don't want leave you alone." I sigh and wrap my arms around his neck, feeling him press his face against my hair.

"Ok, you and Seth will take the morning shift with Bella and Edward. The rest of you will set camp near the field. All of you be careful and watch your back." Sam states.

"I'll alert my children to scout ahead for any surprises. Cin, Dax, and Kat will have alarms set as well."

Sam nods, "Very well."

"Vampire ass kicking at dawn." Jared says, excitedly with Quil.

"Jake is already heading towards the field to meet up with Edward and Bella. We should go meet with him." Seth says.

I nod and move away from Seth, "Ok."

We walked outside and Seth transforms into his wolf. He was such a cute wolf. He was smaller than his pack. Like a puppy. But, I know when he gets older he'll grow. I can't wait to see.

Seth turns to me and nods at me, I laugh. "As much as I want to ride your back, I'm still getting pine out of my hair from last time." I tease.

Seth grunts and whines.

I kneel on the ground and begin to move like a panther. My skin darken and became black fur. Whiskers formed around my face as a snout forms instead of a human mouth.

I growl softly as my bones crack and bend. Seth's eyes widen as he watches me transform into the black panther. I told him what I could do, but I never gave him a demonstration.

I could see the rest of the pack members watching, all of them watch with shock as they see a panther standing next to their pack member.

I let out a growl, not threatening, just soft, alluring. Letting them know it was me still. I turn to Seth, letting out a soft purr and take off running with him towards the field.

Seth and I raced through the woods, giggling and laughing, well, if we were human. Seth was grunting playfully and I was making tiny mew sounds of happiness. Soon, we were reaching the field, but I couldn't see Edward or Bella anywhere, but I could smell Bella. Here blood, mainly. I could see Seth frowning as I was and we followed the scent. To my relief, Bella was ok, but prickign her finger and tagging her blood everywhere.

We see Edward walking up to her as she just marked a leaf on a bush, "You're going overboard." He smiles.

"If this is all I can contribute, I want to be thorough." Bella explains.

"The newborns will be frantic." Edward says as he gently takes her hand to tend to her tiny wound on her finger. I could feel Seth grow cautious.

"It's okay. Don't make yourself uncomfortable." She says softly.

Edward shakes his head, "It doesn't bother me anymore."

Seth snorts out a scoff and I hush him, but I already had the feeling that Edward knew we were here.

Bella frowns, "Since when?"

"Since I spent 24 hours thinking you were dead." He says as memories plagued his mind, I could see the pain in his eyes as he thinks back to the time before he went to the Volturi. Suddenly, I catch him frowning as he exams her left ring finger. "You're not wearing your ring."

Bella looks down, guilty, "Well, I didn't want to risk losing it."

"Or risk Jacob seeing it?" Edward smirks, I roll my eyes at Edward. Seth didn't know that Edward and Bella were getting married, so, to prevent the pack from finding out, I told Seth that he gave her a ring out of love. Like how boyfriends do for their girlfriends, give them jewellery.

"I think we should wait to tell him. I mean, at least till after the fight." Bella explains, but I knew it was a lie. If Jacob knew about their engagement...oh boy.

"If you're having second thoughts..." Edward asks, carefully, but Bella cuts him off, shaking her head.

"I'm not. I just want him to have a clear head." Bella says.

"Whose head is unclear?"

We look over to the voice and see Jacob walking up to them. Bella hides her guilt and puts on a strong face, still uncertain though.

"Nobody's, I hope." Bella says.

I guess it was out cue to make ourselves known, I walk out first and Seth follows behind me. Edward and Jacob snap their heads towards us and Bella follows, gasping at the sight of me.

"Don't worry. It's just Oriel." Edward assures her.

I slowly transformed back into human as I walked towards them. Seth stayed in his wolf form, just to be safe.

"I thought you were gonna stay at the Rez with Cin?" Bella asks.

"Game plan changed." I say, "Seth and I are spotting you in the morning at the campsite."

Bella and Edward both frown at this, "You're not fighting?" Bella asks Jake.

"All the talk about you running into trouble at the campsite, just wanna be cautious." Jake shrugs.

Yeah, right. I hear Seth coughs out a scoff and Jacob sends him a glare.

"Seth's not happy with missing the fight, but I rather him be safe than sorry." I say.

Bella nods, understanding how I felt.

"Alice says there's a storm coming." Edward adds.

Jacob nods, "Yeah, I can feel it."

"You guys should get going before it hits." I suggest.

Everyone agrees, Edward moves closer to Bella, "I'll see you in a couple of hours." He presses a long, soft kiss on her forehead and moves away from her and Jake, not missing Jake's uncomfortable figure.

Jake eyes Bella, "Something up?"

For a pregnant silence, Bella finally shrugs, "A bunch of vampires trying to kill me."

Jake smirks, "Same old, same old."

As Jake and Bella took off, I stopped Edward before he left.

"Seth and I will be at a campsite near the field with the pack till dawn. We'll meet up with you and Bella before the fight starts." I say.

Edward nods and takes off.


Third Person's POV

As the sun was falling to set, Riley led his army towards the coast. They roamed through the empty log yard and stopped at the edge of the canal. It would take them a few hours to reach the other side to hit Forks. At the same time, Edward waited for Bella at the tent he set up for her, high in the mountains. Jake raced through the woods with Bella in his arms.

Soon, one by one, the Newborns walked out of the water of the lake with Riley leading the way. The scent of their rage and hunger was strong. In the woods, covering the trees, the bats watches the Newborns walk through the woods. One bat lets out a loud screech, warning out to his master that the army has arrived.

Dax snaps his head up as the screech reaches his ears. He inhales sharply and turns to his family.

"They're here."

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