Chapter 12: Newborn Battle

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Dax's POV

As night fell, the wind began to pick up and, soon, began a howling snowstorm. I sat in the tent I set up for Alice and I. Before the storm hit, I helped Carlisle set up tents for Esme and him. Along with Emmett and Rosalie's tent. Jasper and Kat decided to camp on the other side of the woods, close to where the Elementals will be fighting. Alice rested her head on my lap and hugged my legs, gently. I sighed softly as I ran my fingers through her hair and stroke her soft cheek.

"Are you cold?" She asks, all of the sudden.

"No. I'm fine." And I was. The cold didn't really bother me. But, I was a little concerned for Bella. She and Edward were higher in altitude and I knew the storm was worse up there than where we were.

"I'm scared." She whispers softly.

Oh, my pixie. I stroke her hair and make her turn to look at me, "Hey, it's going to be fine. I know it."

She still frowns, worry in her golden eyes, "It's hard to stay positive. There's so many decisions being made, I can't tell which outcome will turn out."

I lean down and kiss her softly, giving all my love to her in the kiss. When I slowly break the kiss and look back into her eyes, I stroke her cheek against my finger tips, "I will never let anything happen to you or the others. I love you and will always protect you. You are my family. My love. My heart and soul."

Alice sighs softly and moves to wrap her arms around my waist and rest her head on my stomach. I hold her close to me as we listen to the wind howl more.

"Dax...the sun will be rising by soon. They're heading through Port Angeles from the west and will hit the field by 7:30. Cin says he heard the hawks from the south." Katherine sent me the alert in my head.

"Kat says they're heading towards Port Angeles from the west and should hit the field..." I check my watch. "In 2 1/2 hours."

Alice sighs deeply, "We're ready for them. Maybe you should get some sleep." Alice suggests.

I scoff, "I'm too hyped to sleep. I'm ready to finish this."

"I alerted the Cullens. See you on the field, sister." I replied to Katherine.

"Good night, brother." She says and cuts the link.

At Dawn...we fight.


Oriel's POV

(Oriel's Outfit)

As the sun began to rise, Seth and I put up the tent away and headed towards the campsite. Jacob was already scouting around the site as Seth and I made our way towards the tent. Just as we walked towards it, Bella walks out of the tent, sending us a small smile.

"Hi, Seth. Oriel." Bella hugs me and I rub her back in comfort. I could smell her tension from our camp.

"Hey, I'm glad to see you not as a meat-popsicle. That was one hell of a storm last night." I sigh.

Bella nods, "Yeah, it was. If it wasn't for Jake, I probably would have frozen to death."

I was startled, "Wait, Jake?" I arch my brow at her.

She scoffs, "It was nothing. He used his body heat to keep me warm. As much as Edward hated it. But, if he didn't..." She bites her lip nervously. Meaning, if he didn't she would have literally froze to death. Which would be bad.

"Glad Jake was here then." I shrug.

We snap our heads up and see Edward walking towards us.

"Where's Jacob?" She asks me, then worry filled her eyes, "Did he already..."

I shake my head, but Edward beats me to it, "Not yet. He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes."

Seth grunts and takes off to find Jake. Bella moves to be near Edward and sends him an apologetic look.

"I'm really sorry about last night. It couldn't have been easy on you." She says, guiltily.

Edward frowns, but, sends her a small smile, "It definitely won't make my list of top ten favorite evenings."

"You have a list?" She asks.

"All ten I spent with you. Number one is when you said you'd marry me..." Edward grins down at her, "Mrs. Cullen."

Awwwww, they are so cute.

Bella smiles and laughs, "This is the twenty-first century, I at least want to hyphenate my name."

I scoff, "Really? No old school?"

Suddenly, we jump at an angry voice, full of hurt, "You're marrying him?"

Bella and I turn to see Jacob with disappointment written all over his face, his eyes filled with unshed tears. I wince and move away.

Bella takes a step to apologize, "Jake...I..." Bella turns and sees Edward with an emotionless look. She glares at him with anger, "You knew he was listening!"

"He deserves to know."

Jake turns to stomp off away from them, but Bella rushes to him.

"Jake, stop." Bella calls out to Jake.

Edward snaps his hand out to grab hers, stopping her from going after Jacob, "Bella, let him..."

"Don't!" Bella warns Edward, furious at him. She turns back to Jake and runs after him, calling out to him, "Jake, stop. Jake, please." She begs.

Edward stood frozen with a hurt look, I can't help, but feel bad for him, yet angry at him.

I sigh deeply and move to stand before him, "That was very stupid." He turns and frowns at me. "Why didn't you wait until she told him herself?"

"She never would have told him." He states.

"Yes, she would have! But, at least she would have soften the blow. You just let him listen to a private conversation and hit him right in the feels." I stop, and realized what I just said. I let out a scoff and a laugh, "That's it, isn't it? This stupid feud between you and him. You guys have got to realize that Bella is a person. Not an object. What she wants is for her to decide. She chose you! Fate has chose you for her. You are her mate. Nothing can change that. But, if you two keep playing tug-a-war with her heart, you're going to lose her." I said my piece.

Edward keeps his eyes to the ground, but nods, understanding. But, soon, a hurt look clouds over his face as he looks to where Bella stormed off to with Jake.

"What?" I ask.

Edward looked like he wanted to cry when he looks back to me, "She's kissing him."

"What?!" I exclaim.

"Only to stop him from committing a death sentence. But, still..." He couldn't finish his words. Ok, what the hell, Bella?!

Soon, Bella comes back with a shocked look, full of guilt. You better feel guilty, bitch. I cross my arms over my chest and glare at her. She stops to stand in front of him and looks up into his eyes, seeing the hurt.

"You saw." She says.

"No, but Jacob's thoughts are very loud." He says, bitterly.

Bella stood, almost frozen in shock as she thinks about what she just did, "I don't know what happen."

Edward swallows roughly, "You love him."

Bella slowly looks up at him, "I love you more." She states strongly.

Edward gives her a small smile, "I know."

I sigh deeply, "I want to smack Jake."

Edward tried to wipe a smile away, but failed. Bella just looked uncomfortable, but stiffens as Seth comes over a boulder, grunting anxiously.

I stand close to him, worried about what was wrong. Then...that's when I heard it. The forest...the calling of our animals shrieking in the air.

"It's starting." Edward says.


Katherine's POV

(Katherine's Outfit)

(Cin's Outfit)

(Dax's Outfit)

I could hear them. Their feet rumbling against the earth as they race towards the Cullens. From where we stood, high above on top of the mountain, I could see the trees being torn through. Their growling, their hunger. Their rage. The Elementals and I crouched on the rock, waiting for them to draw closer. My anger was building deep inside me. Making me more powerful.

"She could have just gone to the Volturi." I say all of the sudden and stood before my family. They watch me walk in front of them, back and forth. "But, no..." I snarl. "She chose to go against us. Us." I scoff, earning hard glares from everyone. But, I knew their anger wasn't directed at me. It was towards Victoria.

I look and see the army getting closer, "She chose to challenge our mates. Hurt them."

Snarls erupt from behind me, growling. Bones crunching.

"Kill them. Kill our friends." I growl out. "Invade our territory." I eyed Sean as his upper lip twitches.

I look and see my family turning to their half breed side. Growling loudly.

"Our family." My upper lip twitches as my fangs begin to protrude from my lips. "We're not going to let her...are we?" I crack my neck.

My family answered with loud snarls and crackling of bones. I slowly unzip my jacket.

"Let's show..." I slide my jacket off and crumble it in my hands. "Exactly who she is FUCKING WITH!" I throw my jacket to the ground.

Just as I said that, the army explodes out of the woods and we watched the Cullens take off towards them. I watch my love lead his family into battle, taking out the first newborn by knocking his head off till he was ash.

As one we roared out our presence and jump from the mountain, landing with ease on to the ground and charge at the army. Once we reached the field, the wolves exploded from behind the boulders, attacking the ones who were caught by surprised.

I charge after one, ripping his head off with ease and tossing his head into another newborn's face, making his head explode with his. Dax slashes his claws through one newborn's stomach, tearing him in half and taking his upper half to slam against another. Cin jumps into the air, using his knees to slam into another newborn and tossing her into the air till a wolf catches her.

I noticed one coming towards me, I pick up a large rock and toss it at him. He punches it till it explodes in the air, giving me the advantage of punching his head off. Sean picks up a newborn male and slams him to the ground, ripping him apart. He tosses his head back to let out a loud triumph yell, then goes back for more.

At the corner of my eye, I see movement in the trees. I snap my head towards the figure and smirk evilly. Victoria. She watches in horror to see her army failing at what she wanted. To bring my family down. Carlisle and Esme worked together to take out the newborns, sending them to the wolves.

Soon, Victoria's eyes land on mine. Her widening in shock as I smile big, showing off my fangs.

I point at her, 'You're mine.' I mouth to her.

She takes off into the forest before I could reach her. I grunt in frustration and turn back to the fight. Oriel will get her if she reaches the camp.

Jacob finally joins the fight and catches a newborn before the vampire could get to Emmett. Knew he couldn't turn down a fight.

I could see my love taking down every Newborn who stood in his way. Alice was luring one newborn and flips into the air as a wolf attacks him.

Cin watches as a Newborn attack Jake and races to save him. He tackles the Newborn and holds him down till Jasper comes and rips his head off. Cin smirks down at the body.

"Don't lose your head."

Esme and Carlisle were doing good. I look and see Dax chasing a Newborn who was after Alice. He growls loudly and chases after the newborn. Dax catches up with the Newborn and tosses him back till Sean catches him. Sean chuckles evilly and holds the Newborn down as he growls and fights to escape or kill Sean. Dax walks up to the newborn and grips his throat.

"This will teach you vamps to invade my city." Sean growls.

Dax slowly rips the Newborns' throat out till his body falls to the ground, but Sean still held the head.

Sean chuckles, "Footie." He drops the head and kicks it like a ball. It zooms into the trees, but you could hear the shattering of debris. "Goal!" Sean throws his hands up.

The young vampire, Bree Tanner, hid behind a few trees as she watches the fight. She moves to join, but when Carlisle and Esme stood before her, she backs away in terror.

Suddenly, Father places a hand on Carlisle's shoulder, "Wait, Carlisle." He says.

I snap my head as I see Mother walking towards the field, we already managed to get quite a lot of the army, but there was still more. She stood in her black dress, eyeing the rest of the army. She holds up her hand and, as one, the army begins to fall. Many screamed in pain and crumbled into dust. Some burst into flames. Before we knew it, the army was finished. But, someone was missing...


Oriel's POV

So far, Edward has been telling us what's been going on down there on the field. Once I heard that Mother and Father arrived, I knew we won. But, Edward's face turns to fear and worry. Bella catches it as well as I do.

"Someone's hurt?" She asks, afraid of the answer.

"She's close. I can hear her thoughts." Edward says.

I gasp, "Victoria." I whisper.

"Seth, Oriel, go, now." Edward says.

Seth and I take off to hide and I watch Bella rush to Edward's arms.

"She knew we weren't there, but she caught my scent. She knew you'd be with me."

"She found us." Bella says, fearfully.

Edward frowns, "She's not alone."

As he says that, a figure walks up the path, around a few boulders. Riley.

"Riley...Listen to me. Victoria's just using you,to distract me. But she knows I'll kill you." Edward tries to talk to him, making him see reason.

Bella gasps as Victoria lands on a boulder near Riley, sending her a cold glare that had Bella shivering in fear.

"In fact, she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore." Edward says.

Victoria turns to Riley, "Don't listen, Riley. I told you about their mind tricks."

"I can read her mind, so I know what she thinks of you." Edward says.

Riley stops in his tracks, and hears Victoria speak to him, but he keeps his eyes on Edward.

"He's lying." She says.

"She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. It's the only thing she cares about. Not you." Edward says.

Riley frowns at this and slowly looks over to Victoria.

"There's only you. You know that." Victoria sends Riley a gentle, loving look.

"Think about it. You're from Forks, you know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you." Edward states strongly, hoping for him to believe.

"Riley...Don't let him do this to us. You know I love you." Victoria practically begged Riley to believe her.

Riley frowns as he looks at his beloved Victoria. Edward waits as he watches Riley try to process the truth in his mind. I could see Bella digging her nails into Edward's arm as she waits anxiously. Finally, Riley looks up at Edward and Bella and sends them a sinister grin.

"You're dead."

He moves to charge after them, but Seth jumps out from his hiding spot and attacks Riley, biting his hand off in the process. Riley howled in agony as he grips his arm.

Victoria tries to run for it, but, Edward's voice stops her in her tracks.

"You won't get another chance like this again. You want her. You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James. When I tore him to pieces. When I turned him into ash. When I turned him into nothing. " Edward bites out.

Victoria was practically seething in rage, she growls and charges at Edward, to get to Bella. Edward and Victoria slid over the snow, Edward wrestles with Victoria as she scrambles to get up to attack Bella, but Edward grabs her from her waist and throw her into the air. Victoria catches herself and lands on a branch of a snow filled tree. She snaps her eyes towards Bella, glaring at her with such rage and begins to climb. Riley was kicking Seth away from him as he grips his wounded hand. Edward grabs Bella and pulls her away from danger. He pushes her gently away and shoves the tree down that Victoria was inhabiting. Victoria lands on the snow and charges again for Bella, but Edward jumps into the air and tackles her to the ground, gripping her throat.

Seth was distracted from the tree and Riley used that advantage to knock out Seth. I cry out for my mate as he falls to the ground. When Riley takes off to attack Edward with Victoria, I run to Seth.

"Seth? Seth?" I shake him gently.

He lets out a little whine and shakes his head.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

He snorts and winks at me. He was just playing possum.

I sigh in relief, but pop his nose, "Don't ever do that again."

We look over and see Edward trapped in a headlock, Victoria was going to rip his head off! I tell Seth to go over to the boulder and wait for my signal as I rush over to Bella, to protect her.

"We got to do something!" She cries out.

"I can't. I might take his head off if I attack them." I say.

Suddenly, Bella gasps as I see an idea pops in her mind, "Scratch me!" She exclaims.

"What?" I look at her like she was crazy.

"Remember the third wife story? Scratch me! Now!" She shouts.

I knew what she was talking about. Distraction! I fling my claws out and grab her arm. I quickly slash her upper arm and soon, blood trails down her skin.

As one, Riley and Victoria snaps their attention to Bella's blood. The scent of her filled their noses. It gave Edward the benefit to break out of their grip and attack them.

"Seth, now!"

Edward tosses Riley away and as he lands, Seth jumps out and bites down on his shoulder. Riley fights, but he couldn't escape. He looks over to Victoria, his love, for help.

"Victoria! Victoria!"

Victoria sneers at him and turns back to Bella.

I rush to join Seth, not before catching the hurt look on Riley's face.


I yank his head back and snarl, "Too bad. So sad." I growl as I transform into my half-breed.

Seth and I rip him apart till he was nothing, but ashes in the snow. After I was done, I quickly rush back to see Edward getting ready to rip Victoria apart. I race towards them and shove Edward away, but grab Victoria's hair and hold her arms behind her back. She growls and struggles to get out of my grip. Edward snaps to his feet, but frowns in confusion at me.

"Sorry, Ed. As much as you want to kill her, Mother wants her first." I smirk and see Victoria's glare still on Bella's face. I grab Victoria by her neck and yank her to turn. "Walk, bitch."

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