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-Everyone is welcome here! We don't discriminate and even encourage diversity! Having different sexualities and appearances is great!

-Staying active is great! The first password is your favorite mythical creature. If you won't be on for a while, please inform me or whoever you're roleplaying with so we don't constantly tag you and spam you excessively!

-Don't curse every two minutes? Like I get the occasional word to strengthen a phrase but if it's excessive, we'll have a problem. Also, try and censor it with asterisks (h*ck) or wéįrd letters (héçk)!

-Okay so like, no smut. Take it to pms if it happens or just timeskip like most people! The second password is your favorite book. It's pretty self-explanatory I think? I dunno...

-Have! Your! Characters! Have! Flaws! It's annoying to be in a roleplay and just have one character who is the perfect person with no flaws and never makes mistakes and is soooo pretty!!! Try and make your character make mistakes and have flaws to make it more interesting! Don't be the person who has a Dove Cameron fc who is super sweet and loves singing and her only "flaw" is being stubborn. Don't do it. Thanks!

-Drama is wonderful! Make enemies, kiss someone who has a husband, embarrass someone super bad! The third password is to tag someone and express your undying love for them. Before you do anything drastic though, ask me! (Drastic things include getting murdering someone, shooting the ceiling, running away, etc.)

-My word is law! If I say no to something, then it's a no. There won't be any fishing for answers or complaining. Don't argue and don't be a butt about it. Sorry, but that's the way it'll be.

-Don't control other people's characters or act for them or anything unless they say you can. Lots of people find it rude and disrespectful so don't do it!

-Follow your role! They are very loose, yes, but if your character is said to have a close relationship to the Ocean, have them talk to Her often! If your character is originally from India, don't make them the whitest white that ever whited. Try and take into consideration what I set out for you!

-Have a bunch of fun! There's no point in doing this if you don't have fun, so have tons of it?

-I retain the right to add rules if I see fit! Some things just happen and create a perfect time to add a rule.

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