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The storm clouds had been gathering on the horizon for hours and Elodie had been watching them ever since they started forming. She was always like that it seemed, always watching the weather.
Elodie, chosen by Her almost 40 years ago, had never been the most social around the group. Always wandering off after singing, never really wanting to live with the group, always alone in her room.
But she wasn't mean or rude, just distant. She was nice to everyone she met and it seemed like she had a good relationship with The Ocean. She seemed like a very good siren, obedient and kind.
She loved to watch the weather for hours each day. Sunny skies, cloudy skies, light skies, dark skies. Any weather, day or night. It was just her thing.
So, after many years with Elodie, everyone was used to her going out to watch the storm after their singing. And they weren't overly surprised to find her gone when they went to check on her.

But when the days turned to weeks and she hadn't answered any calls or popped back in to say hello... everyone started to get worried. Where was she? Was she okay? Did she fall off grid on purpose?
The Ocean had no answers for them either, and was very worried as well. She couldn't reach Elodie at all and that just plain worried everyone.
So they had to go after her. She wasn't dead, sirens couldn't die after all. But they had no ideas where she could be and no clues to go off of. They would try their hardest to get their sister back. They would do whatever they needed to do to find her.

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