From a different friend.

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Your my friend and I want to help you, you need to eat. We just want to help you. Saying your sorry and that your fine all of the time is getting tiring.
You are an amazing, beautiful person and don't deserve to feel like you do. I might not completely feel how you feel, but I do understand that it isn't easy, and tearing yourself and your body up all for it is not worth it. I love you and don't want you to hurt.
I miss the old you, and we all want you back, whether that takes you telling us, a teacher, or a counsellor. You need help, and I am here for you. Please just talk to us, and be honest this time. I don't want you to say you're fine, we know you're not. We see right through the lie- you don't want us to worry, but we will until you decide to start eating and taking care of yourself. You are a beautiful person and can do so many things so well, but if you keep on this way, you won't get there, you'll be carried to your grave by the people who tried to stop you from getting there.

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