I wish

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I wish I understood my friend.
I wish I knew who bullied you.
I wish that you would eat.
I wish you a better life.
I wish that these wishes would come true.
I wish you would stop saying that you are fine because that is the biggest lie that I have ever heard and told.
I wish you would stop saying that you're sorry because it's not your fault.
I wish the people who made you like this would say sorry.
I wish you would cry so I could see everything.
I wish that these frequent scares would stop and that we can return to a normal world for at least one minute.
I wish you knew what was right from wrong.
I wish you wouldn't almost collapse then say your fine.
I wish you would tell us the truth.
I wish that this wasn't a reality for you or for any of us.

I wish these things, hoping they might change. I say wish because that is all I can do. Wish. Your fate is in your own hands, for we cannot make you eat or be happy. Please make a better decision. What is happening now is affecting people that you wouldn't expect. When you say your fine, you tear us all down along with yourself because it's not true and we all know it.

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