7. Try

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Walking out of school I finally feel a stare searing through the back of my head and turn around so fast I begin to fall until I feel and see a hand wrap around my waist, bringing me close and making me stable on my feet. I look up and see him sigh as he lets me go.

" 백치 (Idiot)" He speaks, scaring me as I didn't expect him to talk, he doesn't usually speak with me. I bow my head and walk forward, knowing he doesn't like anyone knowing we're associated in any way.

"Thank you," I mumble and walk away stumbling into a new problem.

"You should watch where you're going Akane-chan!" Both Xi and Idaliz say in unison, making fun of me. They help steady me after bumping into them and we began walking. They continue to say random Japanese sounding words in hopes of being entertained but I have no energy to put up with their antics.

"Stop," I say bluntly making them groan because of a lack of reaction. They continue to talk and begin asking questions about what happened during lunch. Luckily for me, we reach the gate before anything can be responded.

"Well, I'll see you around!" I yell running for my life, hoping not to be followed when for the hundredth time today I cause more trouble. This time though, I really mess up.

"What the-"

"Don't say it." He scolds right before I can even think of saying the following word.

I bow mumbling a "Sorry," and continue to walk next to him.

" How many times has it been today? Are you sure you aren't trying to kill me?" Jin spoke. It's true, we've only known each other for less than a day and I have already almost caused him to go to the hospital. My schedule was thrown off track to and I missed a couple of classes. I chuckled at his comment and continued walking, kind of hoping my brother hadn't already become acquaintances with him. After all, Yoongi is pretty popular here. He fits the cold, cool guy stereotype in animes. You know, the ones that all girls swoon over but no one can really get close enough to unless of course, you're their childhood friend or something. He only has four other friends and they are all popular for their own reasons too.

"So, have you made any new friends?" I ask quickly so I can just get this ordeal over with.

" Well a few boys did talk to me but I didn't get much of a chance because I was in the nurse's office half of the day." He reminds me as he gets progressively louder with every word making me laugh again.

" Are you mad because I ruined your Mr. Worldwide Handsome face?" I inquire as the atmosphere around us softens and we get comfortable like real friends.

" Yes. I looked so perfect before. But don't worry because I look like a handsome bad boy now!" He says as he sends a flying kiss into the world and I begin to giggle at his confident words. We continue to walk and Jin makes a few dad jokes, making some of the passing elderly ladies laugh along with us. At our parting point, we both say a kind farewell as he reminds me not to hurt anyone again and to be more careful.

"Ok!" I yell out as I begin heading home, wondering if at any moment Yoongi passed me as I walked with Jin as I see the tv on through the window before I even step inside.

I slowly unlock the door making sure not to make any sounds, and grab an umbrella from the hallway walking up to the living room and see a figure facing the tv on the couch. Then I look at his hair and realize it is only my stepbrother. I sigh loudly as I put the umbrella down and walk towards him to give him a hit on the head for scaring me.

"Aishh! What was that for?" He bellows inquisitively.

"For scaring the crap out of me. I didn't know you were home. When did you pass me?" I also question.

"You would have noticed me passing if you weren't too busy with your boyfriend." He mumbles, mocking that last word. My face quickly heats up as I correct him.

"He is only my friend. Geez. What is your problem?" I say as I begin to get defensive. Why is he all of a sudden paying any attention to me? Is it because he wants to get closer to Jin and I'm in the way or what? I think staring at the tv and stomping my foot unintentionally.

"Ok." He drops the subject, turns off the television and heads toward his room as I head towards mine.

Ting! New Message from Jin 💕.

Jin: hello!

Akane: Oh, hello!

Jin: So I thought about how u should repay me and concluded you treat me to an ice cream after school tomorrow!

Akane: Sure, I'll do that. Ice cream doesn't sound bad. I've got to go prepare dinner. Bye!

Jin: Awww, are you just going to cut the conversation short? Well, RIP. Ok, talk to you later.

Akane: Sorry !!! But i really do have to go if not I'll probably never get around to cook dinner. Ttyl!!

Oh my god. Did I just- did I just have a conversation with Jin? And most importantly, did he just ask me out?!

These questions linger in my mind as I prepare tonight's dinner causing me to not only cut the vegetables but myself also.

"Aaaaahhhh! 痛い! (It Hurts!)" I yell, not controlling the language I speak in since I'm home. Soon I hear footsteps resembling those of an elephant running towards me.

"だいじょぶ? (Are you ok?)" Yoongi asks clearly and I become shook at his sudden good Japanese.

"はい。(Yes.)" I reply overwhelmed by the two things that just happened. He quickly reacts and cleans up my wound, wrapping it nicely and I just watch it all happen. I thank him and continue cooking.


The rest of the evening continues as it always does. We eat in silence and return to our rooms to do our own thing. I complete all the missing work from the afternoon and the homework I received and am pretty exhausted by the end of it all. I would knock out but still, I go through my nightly routine; take a shower, brush my hair, face mask, and brush my teeth in the total amount of an hour.

" Not bad," I say to myself as I tuck myself into bed. The time? 11:00. It's not too late and I normally would stay up on my phone but, decide against it and I know I need to sleep well.


I receive a new notification and break into a cold sweat until I notice it's only Hua Xi. I would respond but she probably just sent me a photo of a kpop boyband member.

I close my eyes and begin drifting off...

A/N: Sorry for uploading late!!! I just haven't had much motivation to write recently but am getting back into the mood! I'll try to keep doing my best! Maybe another update this week?

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