8. Closer than ever.

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I wake up and almost instantly a smile creeps on to my face as I recall last night's events. Considering the texts that were exchanged makes me feel giddy inside and my morning routine is completed before I know it and I am already walking out the door when I notice that I haven't seen Yoongi all morning.

He must've left with his friends earlier to hang out for no reason. I conclude and walk to the spot where Jin and I separated the day before, no longer riding my bike since I messed it up. 

"Hey!!!" A voice yells one I clearly recognize, and I turn to look for the voice when I see someone blonde run towards me. 

"Jin?" I question almost in a whisper, astonished by the way the sun reflects off his skin, accentuating his perfect face. Jin catches me staring and smirks, knowing he'll make me blush.

"I'm handsome, aren't I? I dyed my hair but you already noticed, I'm sure." He chuckles and we walk, making it faster to school than I wanted, again receiving stares and looks from both boys and girls. I almost glare and suddenly remember that I'm not back at home where I can just glare and laugh it off with everyone. This is a big school, I shouldn't test it. We walk through the main hall separating from each other and both of my best friends run up to me.

"Okay, Akane, tell me the truth. Are you guys a thing now or what?" One asks, the other already mid-sentence-

"-you guys are definitely a thing, right? There's no way you guys can just look at each other that way and not be."

I continue walking to my first class, and deny their thoughts, as more girls begin to eavesdrop, also wondering what the answers to their questions are. Soon enough I'm standing directly in front of my class as the tardy bell rings and half a dozen girls scramble to beat the time. In an attempt to hide a laugh as I make it into my seat, I notice another boy staring at me, or more so the book in my hands. He seems like he wants to ask me about it and so I take my seat next to him. My book though is not very interesting at all, it's just a book about dancing, something I picked randomly at the library to help myself explore more books. It's this thing I've begun recently since I want to learn more about different things.

The literacy teacher begins to talk and attendance is taken as I attentively listen for his name. Despite having been at this school for three months I've somehow managed to avoid people a lot considering how many have come up to talk to me, some including boys and girls. 

" Gyo-ran Nomi." 

"Here!" Someone calls and  I feel a vibration in my pocket.

A notification.  I'll check it later.

"Jung Hoseok."

"Here." The voice next to me says, the words dragging as if he wasn't motivated enough to say them. I look over to my right and almost choke at the sight in front of me, his hair slightly tousled and face shining from the light filtering in through the window. He's laying down almost as if he's about to sleep and I let go of a breath that was stuck in my throat. He looks almost angelic and I hesitate to lightly nudge him so he doesn't get in trouble, not wanting to destroy the image before me.

"Thanks." He mumbles as his eyes travel again to the book that's now on my desk. Having noticed this I pass the book to his desk and look at the board, pretending to not have done anything. From the corner of my eye, I see a stunned face as he picks up the book and studies it slowly flipping. 

Out of the nowhere, I remember the notification I received earlier. I decide to not check due to the fact that I'm in the middle of the class and keep taking notes until, a few moments later, I feel a new vibration. I decide to check quickly noticing one message from Jin and one message from Yoongi. I read both:

Jin: Self- study is so boring! Help!!!

Yoongi: Hey, umm... Akane-noona, Yoongi just collapsed and I'm very sorry to bother you but can you please come to us. We are in the auditorium and I'm scared and think it'd be better if you were here. We already called the nurse but Yoongi looks like he's in pain and asked for you. I'm counting on you! ~Jimin-ssi.

After taking a couple seconds to read I gasp and stand up so abruptly that my seat falls over and Hoseok asks me whats wrong.

"Yoongi, he needs me." I barely make out and many turn at the mention of his name and I speed walk out of the classroom telling the teacher what happened so fast that I'm sure she doesn't understand my words. Suddenly a hand reaches for me and a quick glance toward the figure helps me determine that it's only my seat partner.

"Thanks for the book. I um..." He mumbles looking for the right words and I don't have the time to wait as I tug him along on my way to the auditorium.

"Yoongi collapsed and I'm his step-sister so he needs me. I swear if you say a single thing to anyone about this then you'll pay. Got it?" I breathe out bittersweetly, as I struggle to catch my breath. I hear a quick gasp and suddenly, Hoseok is completely awake. 

Well then, I think as I didn't even know boys looked up to Yoongi as well. He must be pretty cool then.

I throw open the doors as soon as I arrive to see four dorks surrounding a quiet human huddled into fetus position. A silent Hoseok follows me toward the figure and I nudge the statue like figure to test if it is safe. 

"Yoongi?" I hesitate in a voice almost, whisper-like. He hums in acknowledgment of my presence and another voice joins the silence asking if Yoongi is in need of any assistance. THis voice belonging to none other than my new friend Hoseok.

" Look your cru-" a boy with pink hair begins to talk and is interrupted by a small, cat-like cry.

"Help." A whimper is heard and never have I ever seen such a vulnerable Yoongi. I wonder what could be wrong with all his friends to not have helped him. Hoseok, obviously wondering the same, picks up Yoongi in his arms and begin carrying him bridal style. I chuckle at the sight, the anger that had begun forming subsiding and a new feeling arise. Amazement. The other boy's eyes widen and a small "Go Min Yoongi!" is heard in the distance. 

Quickly we all begin to rush through the halls to the nurse's office and a wild Jin appears next to me.

"I was wondering why you didn't pick up my text." He says racing to catch up with everyone.


I'm so sorry!!! Please forgive me for not updating but I have been on some type of writer's block and even this chapter took me a whole day to write. It is definitely all over the place and hopefully, many things clear up next chapter. Please don't be angry with me as I will try my best to update regularly and maybe more than once a week? IDK, but I am on summer break so it should get easier.

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