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The first thing that Amberpaw heard when she neared camp was Breezeshine's wail of grief.
It was like a screech, echoing for what felt like moons after her father's mouth closed.
With Wheatrye's body clamped in her jaws, Amberpaw couldn't reply.
She knew that the wail had alerted the rest of the camp, because at the noise, Mothnose and Sweetbriar sped over to her.
"Wheatrye!"Sweetbriar exclaimed, "Amberpaw, what happened?"
"I...I don't know... I was collecting herbs and...and I found her... on a cliff," she sobbed.
"Sweetbriar, go back to camp and get an apprentice,"the deputy ordered.
Sweetbriar nodded and rushed towards home, returning with Birchpaw.
He gasped,"!"
The four cats made slow progress towards camp, but after a while they entered. Birchpaw had rushed ahead to warn the Clan and they all gathered in the clearing respectfully, hushed.
Dandelionshade appeared from her den with lavender. She rubbed the flower onto the dead queen to disguise the scent of death. She seemed unsurprised.
Breezeshine, however, was pacing around, growling and muttering curses. Why did this have to happen? She was an innocent queen! Amberpaw sighed.
She decided to get some sleep, she would be up all night, grieving.

"Wheatrye, you were my sister-in-law, and a loyal warrior. Even during the hardest of times you would incourage us to keep trying, no matter what," Frostedstar meowed.
"And you were the best mate ever, you loved our kits with all your heart and would never, ever abandon them,"Breezeshine cried.
The Clan was saying goodbye to Wheatrye. Everybody knew that she had been killed because of the bite marks on her throat of which could only have been made by a cat.
"You were a great mother," Shadowpaw's voice cracked, "And although I never listened to you, you were always right,"
" didn't deserve this, and I hope that one day, I will walk with you in StarClan," Birchpaw sobbed.
It was her turn.
"Wheatrye,"Amberpaw whispered, "You never lost faith in me, even when I was afraid of hurting others, you'd stand with me,"
Dandelionshade got up,"Goodbye, I hope you find...swift running, shelter when you sleep and prey...?"
Amberpaw saw the Clan exchange puzzled looks, and knew that the medicine cat had performed the wrong words, but without questioning, the elders grabbed the body and buried it.

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