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A day had passed since Wheatrye's death. Most of the Clan had reminded their selves about how Clan life worked and moved on but Breezeshine hadn't. Amberpaw's father hadn't been seen since the vigil and she worried about him. He was likely to be lost in grief so she left him alone.
Amberpaw was in her nest with Dandelionshade, trying to get to sleep. Although she continued to try, worry for what happened to Wheatrye still clung to her like a tick. Eventually, exhaustion overcame her fear, and she drifted into sleep.

Amberpaw dreamed. She dreamt that she was running through the forest, a silver tom with her. No matter how fast she ran, she neither tired or went too fast for her blue-eyed companion. As she sprinted, she realised that she felt something towards this cat; something that he'd felt before. For Wheatrye, Shadowpaw, Birchpaw and Breezeshine. Amberpaw focoused harder and realized that it was love.


"Morning, sunshine,"
Amberpaw jerked awake to Dandelionshade's voice, "Oh, sorry! I slept in!"
"Oh, no I wasn't criticising. You'll need your sleep for the Gathering tonight," she continued,"But I do need you to do a job for me,"
Excitment flushed through her, "What, what is it?"
"I need you to search the elders for ticks!"
Amberpaw's excitment vanished like snow in newleaf,"But... that's an apprentice job..."
"And that's what you are, sweet heart. Now go and use that mouse-bile over there,"Dandelionshade purred, seeming almost amused by her objection.
Amberpaw sighed and screwed up her face. With the mouse-bile in her jaws, she headed towards the elder's den. Before she entered, she overhead some of their convorsation.
"I'm telling you, Wheatrye's death was just the first of many, it's not just a coincidence!"Voltleaf hissed.
The old cat was arguing with the other elders, Goldenpod, Dotfur and Splotnose, who all rolled their eyes.
"Voltleaf, you're overeacting, it must be old age making to put this nicely?...insane,"Splotnose muttered 'how to put this nicely'.
Voltleaf glared and the tom,"Take that back, you mange-pelt!"
Despite her worries about what he'd said, Amberpaw couldn't help but feel amused that the oldest cat in ThunderClan still argued like a kit.
"Hi, I've come to check you for ticks,"
"About time,"Goldenpod sighed, "Honestly, young cats,"
As Amberpaw searched for ticks, she comforted herself Voltleaf's wrong, wrong!

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