Hunting Legends

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Dreadnaught and Symbiote Supreme arrive in Texas after stepping through a giant portal. They step out onto a field and look at the nearby sign that reads "Riders' Town: Sinners Beware".

Symbiote Supreme: That seems inviting.

Dreadnaught: Let's get moving.

The DNA hybrid walks forward while the Symbiote Supreme floats above the ground. He crosses his legs as he floats, concentrating on things elsewhere.

Dreadnaught: Can't you cast a spell to find him?

Symbiote Supreme: I'm searching for him right now.

Dreadnaught: You have not moved.

Just as he speaks, a ghostly image appears across the field. A fiery cowboy is seen riding a horse snorting smoke and fire. They follow the ghostly images into town, where the magical constructs stop.

Dreadnaught: Can you not trace him beyond this point?

Symbiote Supreme: This is as far as my magic is allowed to go. There appears to be a barrier surrounding the town.

Dreadnaught: Then we will do it the old fashion way.

The pair enter Riders' Town to find many old buildings. There isn't a car insight. People travel throughout the place on tractors, horses, and even carriages. A young woman walks over to them along with a man who is clearly some form of law enforcement.

Young Woman: Can we help you?

Symbiote Supreme: My colleague and I are looking for your town's namesake.

Young Woman: Who? The sheriff?

Dreadnaught: If you could point us in the right direction, we'll be out of your town.

Law Enforcement: I'm Deputy Ellsworth. This is Clarissa. No offense, but we don't trust costumed individuals like yourselves.

Symbiote Supreme: We respect that. Help us to find the Ghost Rider and we will leave your town immediately.

Ellsworth: You mean it?

Symbiote Supreme: You have our word.

Clarissa: The sheriff lives over on that ridge. He wanders around here at night, but he doesn't take too kindly to trespassers.

Symbiote Supreme: Then we won't be long.

The magic user and his new ally go in the direction Clarissa and Ellsworth pointed them in. They thank the two for their hospitality and go along their way. While walking, Dreadnaught speaks up.

Dreadnaught: You seem on edge.

Symbiote Supreme: The fate of our planet and all its inhabitants rely upon this meeting.

Dreadnaught: You're not fooling me, sorcerer. This assignment is personal.

Symbiote Supreme: What are you implying, Dreadnaught?

Dreadnaught: The stories Doom was telling you back at the castle, you already knew them.

Symbiote Supreme: Yes, I did.

Dreadnaught: Because you were the one who made sure your adventures were recorded.

Symbiote Supreme: Yes. I recorded them and put spells over the evidence of our battles so time could never wipe us away. I haven't seen either of them since the end of the Dark Ages.

Dreadnaught: I thought Rider left during the Crusades.

Symbiote Supreme: He did...but he was born to punish the guilty...

The Dark Ages

Ghost Rider sits on the back of his Hellhorse. He is soon joined by the Symbiote Supreme and Thorne. Beneath his black cloak, he's wearing a new suit of Asgardian armor.

Standing across from them on the scorched earth, the evil leader of the Dark Elves Malekith. The army of Dark Elves stand at their king's command, waiting for the order. On the other side of the battlefield, the Spirit of Vengeance, the Asgardian giant, and the spell-casting Klyntar are preparing for the uphill battle. Thorne rests his war hammer, Mjölniron, on his shoulder.

Ghost Rider: We can't let Malekith win. His plagues end here, tonight.

Symbiote Supreme: If Earth falls, who knows how many realms and dimensions will be next. If we fail, all reality as we know it will perish.

Thorne: I have no plans to die today.

The three charge into battle, knowing it could very well be their last. The battle is a gruesome one. The Dark Elves proved to be formidable opponents for the three heroes, but their victory wasn't written in the stars on that day.

For days, the Rider, the Sorcerer, and the Jötunn fought valiantly. The Dark Elves' numbers diminished at an alarming rate. Their magic was of no use to the Ghost Rider, as he is immune to such things. Their spells and enchantments were quickly broken by the wiser and more powerful Symbiote Supreme. Anyone brave enough to challenge Thorne in close-quarters combat met a swift end thanks to the crushing blows of Mjölniron. The war hammer's enchantments allow it to behave just as Mjölnir does, granting Thorne immense power by allowing him to control the weather.

Lightning and fire rained down from the heavens as the Dark Elves retreated. A fiery chain slashed its way through foe after foe. Spells, incantations, mystical artifacts, and inter dimensional beings thwart the enemies' plans of launching a counterattack. Meanwhile, lightning and large stones, which had been thrown by the large Asgardian, crumble the Dark Elves' cavalry.

At long last, they had Malekith cornered. Another grueling duel commenced and ultimately ended with the brutal slaying of the leader of the Dark Elves. During the fight, Symbiote Supreme had opening portals and used the crimson bands of Cyttorak to lock Malekith's arms out of the way. Ghost Rider wrapped his fiery chain around his neck, the heat searing through Malekith's flesh. All of this was to hold him still long enough for Mjölniron to make contact with his head and sever it from the Dark Elf's body.

Soon after, the Dark Ages came to an end. The three warriors each went their own separate ways. Since that day, they became so busy with their own respective duties, they rarely had time to meet. The sorcerer embarked on a long, inter dimensional journey. The Rider fled from Europe once more and served as the first Ghost Rider in the New World. Thorn served with the Asgardian military throughout many campaigns, occasionally using his down time to work with the Dwarves of Nidavellir smithing weapons and armor.

Modern Day

Symbiote Supreme: We have a lot of catching up to do.

Dreadnaught: I'd say so. We need to keep moving.

Meanwhile, Castle Doom

Dr. Doom walks throughout his castle and stands on the balcony. He looks out at his kingdom admires it. The sound of thrusters and heavy metal boots landing behind him echo, but he doesn't turn around.

Dr. Doom: Colonel Rhodes.

War Machine: Doom.

Dr. Doom: I assume you are here to teach the boy another lesson.

War Machine: I am.

Dr. Doom: He's tinkering with his suit again.

War Machine: Where's Dreadnaught?

Dr. Doom: On an assignment. One the boy will join him on when you give the word. I think you will admire his newest adjustments. You may find it...familiar.

Riders' Town

The two new allies walk through the small town until they reach the ridge Clarissa and Ellsworth spoke of. At the top of the ridge, a figure watches them. As they get closer, he decides to meet them face-to-face. With his horse snorting fire and a primal yell, the infamous Ghost Rider launches through the air from the top of the ridge and lands behind the two visitors. They whip around to see him, but he's already got an original Winchester Model 1887 pointed at them.

Ghost Rider: You boys can't read signs?

Symbiote Supreme: Hello, Rider. It's been a long time.

Ghost Rider: Too long. What do you want, magician?

Symbiote Supreme: We need your help. The world has been taken over by a secret agency and we don't know who to trust. Heroes from around the world have either joined them or perished.

Ghost Rider: And what of the costumed men in that giant tower in New York?

Dreadnaught: The Avengers are also dead. They were betrayed by Captain America and executed publicly in the ensuing battle.

Ghost Rider:........They're dead?

Symbiote Supreme: I'm afraid so, my old friend. Earth still needs champions to defend it.

Ghost Rider: So you wanna get me an' Thorne back? I'm in, but I'm not sure about Thorne. The last time I saw him, he told me he was now the guardian of the house of Odin. He said he mostly guards the weapons vault.

Symbiote Supreme: You think he'd turn down a fight?

Ghost Rider: I think it may not be up to him. Odin has been growin' weaker as of late. If Thor died with the Avengers, there's no telling what Odin's thinkin'.

???: You know nothing of the house of Odin!!!!

Lightning cracks through the sky as woman descends onto them. She slams her hammer down, but Dreadnaught swiftly gets his shield into the air. The hammer and the shield collide, causing a blast wave that makes Symbiote Supreme float back a little and forces Ghost Rider to lean back slightly. Once the dust clears, they get a better look at who attacked them. It's Thor! Although, it isn't at the same time. It's a blonde woman wearing armor and wielding the mystical hammer Mjölnir.

Dreadnaught: Who are you?

The sound of the Winchester racking a slug into the chamber can be heard as Rider points the gun at the woman.

Ghost Rider: Spill, darlin', or your head's gonna go splitsville.

Jane: My name is Jane Foster. I was able to lift the hammer and now I am Thor.

Symbiote Supreme: How is it that you wield Mjölnir?

Jane: I'm worthy.

Symbiote Supreme: Yes, I can see that. I mean Mjölnir was destroyed when Captain Rogers betrayed the Avengers. How is it healed?

Jane: I'm not sure. It pieced itself back together and allowed me to lift it.

Symbiote Supreme: You need to come to Asgard with us.

Jane: I'm not going anywhere with you three. I'm here to take you three down. What does Dr Doom want?

Symbiote Supreme: What any business man wants. To eliminate the competition. HYDRA has managed to take over the world and believing that he's smarter and wiser than them, he has decided to put together his own team to end their tyranny.

Jane: And how do you know all of this?

Symbiote Supreme: I was the one who gave him the idea.

Jane: And you need to go to Asgard for that?

Ghost Rider: We need an Asgardian to help us.

Jane: Why come all the way out here then?

Ghost Rider: They're here to find me.

Jane: Why? What makes you different than any other Rider on Earth?

Ghost Rider: I'm thirteen hundred years old and I'm the only mortal with open access to the Bifrost.

Jane: that possible?

Ghost Rider: Because throughout my long life, I've teamed up with more Asgardians and battled more threats than you can imagine. Eventually, even Odin began to trust me.

Jane: Why live here instead of Asgard?

Ghost Rider: My sole purpose is to punish the guilty. I cannot do that from a gold and ivory palace. The sorcerer is correct though. You should join us.

Jane: And why is that?

Ghost Rider: My Asgardian friend is gonna wanna see that hammer of yours.

Dreadnaught: We need to get going. Time is a luxury we don't have at the moment.

Ghost Rider: I agree.

He fires his shotgun at the sky, then slings his chain after the slug. The two collide, causing an eruption in the sky. Rider moves his chain about. The fiery chain made from the bones of Cyttorak dances in the air in a seemingly random manner.

Meanwhile, in Asgard

Heimdall stares out from his post at the Bifrost, monitoring the realms all at once. Something in Midgard catches his gaze however. He narrows his eyes to see a fiery message written for him in the sky. The message reads "LET ME UP, BITCH". He smirks as he turns his sword and opens the Bifrost to Midgard. He turns to see two Asgardian guards and smirks as he speaks.

Heimdall: Alert the house of Odin. Ghost Rider is on his way.

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