Welcome to Asgard

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The Bifrost absorbs the band of heroes and transports them to Asgard. The ground beneath them is forever scorched by the energy of the Bifrost. Unbeknownst to them, they weren't alone. A man in a slim, black and gold suit climbs out from his hiding place on the ridge and puts his hand to his ear.

???: They're gone. They found the Rider.

In what used to be Avengers Tower, the man who betrayed his team answers the call.

Captain America: Copy that, Killmonger. No use in waiting around there. We're sending evac to pick you up.


Ghost Rider and the team step out to be met by Heimdall. Heimdall smirks upon seeing him.

Heimdall: I see you remembered the key to get here.

Ghost Rider: Ya see everythin' Heimdall.

Heimdall: You remembered your sense of humor as well.

Ghost Rider: Among other things. Where's big man?

Heimdall: He is with Odin. They are training the next generation.

Dreadnaught: Next generation of what?

Heimdall: Of the House of Odin. Did Thor not tell you?

Ghost Rider: What? That, he and Sif bumped uglies? I kinda figured.

Heimdall: Their son is training with the son of Loki and Sylvie.

Symbiote Supreme: Is that not just an alternate version of Loki where he's female?

Heimdall: Indeed, she is. You may pass through the gates. And Ms. Foster, be careful. I would not mention you are going by his father's name.

The group walk across the rainbow bridge and go through the golden archways until they finally enter the magnificent kingdom of Asgard. Soldiers clad in armor move about, citizens wearing robes of various colors living happily, and children wielding wooden weapons play about.

Ghost Rider: Follow me.

He says, turning down on of the roads. The rest of the group follows him. Mjölnir sways on Jane's belt as she walks. Everyone but Dreadnaught moves nonchalantly. Dreadnaught takes in his surroundings, watching for any sign of danger and keeping his hand on the hilt of his sword.

They follow Rider down various streets until they finally reach the warriors' courtyard. There, they can see hundreds of soldiers training. The two that catch their eye are being trained by Odin the Allfather.

One of the young men is clad in silver and black armor with a red cape, while the other wears black and gold clothes with a green cape and a golden horned-helmet.

The two are sparring against two Asgardian warriors while Odin and a much larger man watch. Odin leans and whispers something, causing the large metal man to turn and approach them.

???: What are you doing here, Rider?

Ghost Rider: I'll be damned. You look good, Thorne. The Destroyer armor's yours now?

Thorne: Something like that. What're you doing here? And what is she...why do you have Mjölnir?

As he notices Jane and points out the hammer, the two training stop and look on. Odin turns and looks at Foster, who starts to fidget nervously with all the attention she's getting. Mjölnir is yanked from her belt and pulled to Thorne's open hand.

Thorne: What's happened to Mjölnir? Where is Thor!?

Jane: I- Thor, he...he was betrayed. Killed.

Blond man: Father is...dead?

The Allfather grasps onto his arm and slowly falls backwards. The two young men guide the Allfather down, resting him gently onto the steps he was standing on.

Odin: My sons...they're both gone...

A singular tear rolls from the eye of Odin. The blond man looks up at her with rage in his eyes. His black haired companion looks between them worriedly.

Blond man: Who killed my father?

Thorne: You? Why do you wear the armor of Thor? Did you kill him!?

Jane: What!? No, I-!

Thorne steps forward, his large armored frame towering over her. The fires deep within the Destroyer armor rise and the visor opens.

Before anything can happen, Ghost Rider steps between them.

Ghost Rider: She didn't kill Thor! Cap did!

Thorne/Blond man: What?

Ghost Rider: Captain America turned on the Avengers. Had Hawkeye's help too. No survivors.

Black-haired man: You're certain?

Ghost Rider: Saw the surveillance before we came here. Cap's with HYDRA now.

Thorne: Still doesn't explain how she came into possession of Mjölnir, the condition it's in, or where the body of Thor is.

Jane: The hammer-

Thorne: Mjölnir.

Jane: Mjölnir...repaired itself. Then I lifted it. I'm worthy.

Thorne: I'll be the judge of that.

Odin: NO!

He manages to shout. The Allfather breathes heavily as he tries to speak.

Odin: No. There's no need...for further bloodshed. The Ghost Rider...has never been wrong before. He can see...the sins...of every living being. If he says she is innocent...then innocent she is.

Blond man: Allfather, it's not innocence I wish to prove. It's her worthiness.

Odin: You have...every right...to be upset, Magni...but like the Ghost Rider...Mjölnir is not wrong...

Magni: Allfather, I wish to take my father's place as protector of the Nine Realms. Loki can join me.

Thorne: We'll decide who will wield Mjölnir after it is repaired. Until then, welcome to Asgard.

The large man says, stomping away with the damaged enchanted weapon. Ghost Rider chuckles a little and follows his old friend, Symbiote Supreme joining the two. Dreadnaught and Jane are left alone with the grandsons of Odin and the Allfather himself.

Magni: You fancy a battle?

He asks calmly while looking at the Allfather. The son of Thor looks over at Dreadnaught with a raised eyebrow.

Magni: You wish to test your skill?

Dreadnaught: That obvious?

Magni, smirking: You haven't let go of your sword since you arrived. Come. I feel the need to punch something.

Loki: Brother, not here. Allfather is unwell and if you fight with your full might, you could very well level the whole Realm.

Magni: Fine. And where do you suggest we go, Loki?

Loki: The Dark World. It's been abandoned for centuries. Should make the perfect battleground for you two. Before you two leave, lady Jane, do you mind helping me carry Allfather to his bed? The time for him to enter the Odinsleep grows nearer.

Jane carefully steps forward and puts one of Odin's arms over her shoulders. Loki does the same and the two aid the Allfather to his chambers. Meanwhile, Thorn, Ghost Rider, and Symbiote Supreme walk through the back wall of the weapon's vault. As they walk, they are transported to the forge of Sindri. The spot they enter is the private forge for Thorn, which was gifted to him from the Dwarf King.

Ghost Rider: They give you the Destroyer?

Thorne: I earned it.

Ghost Rider: I'll say. You're the best damn warrior to come outta Asgard.

Thorne: No. Thor was.

As he turns on the forge, he removes his helmet. His skin looks like that of his grandfather Surtur's now. Slowly, it changes from lava-like skin to flesh. His hair and beard fully grow out to its long, wild and black state. He gets to work, trying to repair the damaged Mjölnir while also forging something else alongside it.

Symbiote Supreme: We know what Thor meant to you, old friend. We are truly sorry. If we could have prevented it, we would have.

Thorne: Is that why you came? To offer condolences and pity?

He asks, hammering away. Sparks fly everywhere

Ghost Rider: You know that ain't my style, 0big man.

Symbiote Supreme: We came to ask you, and any other Asgardian that wants to come along, justice for Thor.

Ghost Rider: Besides, who's better at savin' the world than us?

Thorne, smirking: We were pretty good, weren't we?

Ghost Rider: Best there's ever been.

Symbiote Supreme: Will you aid us?

Thorne:...Yes. But Loki and Magni must come along as well. They deserve to avenge their father.

Symbiote Supreme: I was led to believe Loki died years ago.

As he talks, Thorne walks around the forge. He quenches the hot piece of metal in water and watches it as he speaks.

Thorne: He was.

Symbiote Supreme: Then how is he alive now?

Thorne: Before he died, he had a son with a version of himself from an alternate timeline. This version of him was a woman named Sylvie. The Loki you saw is their son.

Ghost Rider: Their son...named Loki?

Symbiote Supreme: Would you expect anything less from two egomaniacs?

Ghost Rider: Nope. Just a little on the nose.

Symbiote Supreme: Lokis are never known for their subtlety.

Thorne stands up straight holding a bright orange glowing head of a hammer. He carries on making something. The other two watch on intrigued as he continues to work.

Ghost Rider: That ain't Mjölnir you're workin' on.

Thorne: Correct. It's a smaller hammer. Similar enchantments. Foster looked a little uncomfortable traveling with Mjölnir. This will be Mjölnyre, a hammer of her own to carry.

Ghost Rider: Think it'll be able to keep her cancer from killin' her?

Thorne: That, I don't know. Hopefully it will slow it down, but I don't think there's a way to keep it from killing her. Not through the hammer at least.

Symbiote Supreme: We must hurry. The second half of our team is impatient as it is.

Ghost Rider: Second half?

Symbiote Supreme: This is a large operation. We have a benefactor from New York. He is supplying us with several strongholds and the other half of the team.

Ghost Rider: They any good?

Symbiote Supreme: They are the best there is at what they do.

Ghost Rider: As long as what they do ain't very nice, they're good with me.

Symbiote Supreme: Then you'll be in good company, old friend.

Ghost Rider: Almost done, big man?

Thorne: Yes. Almost. The Uru will take a minute to cool, even after it's quenched. We can leave now. The hammer should be cooled by the time we reach the Dark World.

Symbiote Supreme: And why would we go there?

Thorne: That's where our young allies are.

Ghost Rider: You sure?

Thorne: Of course. It's the only place they can go all out on each other without killing anyone.


Magni: Are you ready?

The clone of Von Doom and Taskmaster spins his sword around nonchalantly.

Dreadnaught: Bring it, blondie.

Magni smirks. He goes for a couple punches, but Dreadnaught dodges them easily. After the first three don't land, Magni grabs Dreadnaught by the back of his neck and throws him. Dreadnaught goes flying backwards, crashing through a mound of dirt and rock. He rolls through and slides to a halt in a crouched position. Before he can crack a joke, Magni is already above him, crashing down onto Dreadnaught. Luckily for the clone, he managed to get his shield up on time.

Dreadnaught rolls out of the way of an incoming stomp and slashes upwards with his sword. Magni dodges the swipe and goes for a kick to the chest. Dreadnaught puts his shield in the way, but still slides backwards due to the force of the kick.

Loki: Do you think your friend is holding back?

Jane: How would I know? I met him yesterday.

Loki: I see. So you are aware time works differently here?

Jane: Aren't most people?

Loki: Most people don't know this place exists.

The two warriors trade blows and appear to be evenly matched. While Dreadnaught isn't as strong as Magni, he's able to find and exploit weak spots in Magni's fighting style which makes it nearly impossible for Magni to make the same move twice.

As they fight on, Ghost Rider,  Thorne, and Symbiote Supreme arrive to watch. The three watch alongside Jane and Loki, the latter of which has been sitting atop a mound of rock the whole time.

Dreadnaught lands two punches to the face of Magni and one to the gut. Before he can counter, he's met with a shield-assisted punch to the head. Magni takes a few steps back and takes a knee. While down, he notices Thorne out of the corner of his eye, then holds his hand out. Deep down, all he hopes is that he's worthy. Worthy to live up to his father's name. Worthy to defend the Realms. Worthy of Mjölnir.

Mjölnir flies out of Thorne's hand, the head still cracked and damaged. It flies straight into Magni's hand, much to everyone's, including Magni's, surprise. He holds the mighty hammer to the sky, summoning lightning from the heavens.

Clouds of dust and rock spiral around Magni in a tornado. Metal pieces interlock around his arms forming arm guards. His cape whips around in the wind and his eyes begin to glow. Magni isn't the only thing changing though. The cracks in Mjölnir fill with electricity and the metal begins to heal. Soon, Magni stands fully clad in the armor of his father with a fully restored Mjölnir.

With his new armor and newly repaired weapon, Magni smirks and leaps forward. He glides through the air before slamming Mjölnir against the shield of Dreadnaught.

The impact causes a large explosion that results in both men falling back. They both get to their feet only for a fire chain to separate them. The chain lashes out quickly before dragging across the dirt back to its owner.

Ghost Rider: Nice fight, boys. Reminds me of the times me and Thorne fought.

Symbiote Supreme: Times? You fought each other for 300 years.

Thorne, ignoring them: Allfather has demanded you and Loki to meet him in his chambers. And Jane...

The human woman looks over to him. He, Ghost Rider, and Symbiote Supreme all are standing on a great hill looking over everyone.

Thorne: Here. Take this.

He says while tossing her Mjölnyre. She holds her hand out and the slightly smaller and slimmer hammer speeds to her hand. As soon as her hand touches it, the hammer adds a piece to her armor: a helmet.

Jane: T-Thank you! How did you-?

Thorne: Thor had his talents and hobbies, I have mine. Two of them are forging and blacksmithing. Now, let's get moving. We have Realms to save, starting with Midgard.

She joins the Asgardians, Heaven's chosen Rider, and the Klyntar-clad Sorcerer Supreme on the top of the hill. Then, a large pillar of rainbow light rains down from the heavens and swallows the group of heroes.

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