The Benefactor

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Odin's Chambers, Asgard

Odin lies in his chambers, ready for the Odinsleep. Before he can enter the deep sleep, he has requested the presence of Thorne, Magni, Loki, and even Jane.

Odin: You...are the future...of the House of Odin.....Thorne, my them....

Thorne: I will Allfather.

Odin: Loki...take my spear.....It will aid you greatly....

The son of the two gods of mischief receives the spear gratefully.

Loki: Yes, Allfather. Thank you.

Odin: have proven be worthy.....Take up your father's role....and his Thor....

Magni: Yes, Allfather.

Odin: And Doctor Foster....the last to join my are also worthy.....Become an the mighty...Lady Thor....queen of thunder...

Jane: Yes, Allfather.

She says somewhat awkwardly. Unlike the others in this room, Jane has never spoken to Odin. She doesn't know what to say and what not to say. Frankly, she doesn't want to find out the latter the hard way.

Odin: Now go. The Realms...they need you.

The three men bow their heads and Jane awkwardly tries to mimic them, much to Loki's enjoyment. They leave the room and meet the rest of the team at the Bifröst.

Ghost Rider: Old man taking his nap?

Thorne: Yes. He's entered the Odinsleep.

Ghost Rider: Good.

Heimdall: Do you know where on Midgard you'd like for me to send you?

Symbiote Supreme: Our benefactor is in New York, but I do not want our enemies to know where we are.

Ghost Rider: Send us back where ya found us. Try not to hit the shed.

Heimdall, smirking: I'll do my best not to.

He turns his sword and electricity surrounds them. The Bifröst spirals into motion before a blasting beam of energy erupts from the cone-like barrel.

Ghost Rider: Always a pleasure, Heimy.

He pats Heimdall on the shoulder, then walks through the portal. Symbiote Supreme is the next to go through, hovering above the ground as always.

Symbiote Supreme: Thank you for your hospitality, Asgardian.

Then, it's Dreadnaught's turn. He nods to Heimdall before walking through. Magni, now the new Thor, tosses and twirls Mjölnir awkwardly.

Thor: Goodbye, my friend.

Heimdall: I have watched you grow into a mighty warrior, Magni. Or should I call you...Thor.

He smirks before following the others. Then, Loki steps up.

Heimdall: This might be the first time you've traveled across the Realms without using a secret passage beyond my view.

Loki: It was all in good fun. I've blocked them to where they're one way now.

Heimdall: So much like your father.

Loki: Only the good parts, I hope.

He says while walking backwards with his arms stretched out and a goofy grin plastered on his face. Finally, Jane Foster steps forward.

Heimdall: Welcome to the House of Odin, Lady Foster. I trust you'll keep the two of them in line.

Jane: I'll do my best.

Heimdall: I'm sure you will.

He says with a reassuring smile. Jane nods and walks through. Heimdall turns the sword back and withdraws the blade from the mechanism. Meanwhile, the team streamlines toward Rider's Town.

As they descend upon Earth, the bright lights produced by the rainbow energy of the Bifröst scorches the ground they land on.

Dreadnaught: That was fun.

He says plainly. A circular, fiery portal appears behind them.

Symbiote Supreme: We must be going. The Benefactor awaits us.

Jane: Where to?

Symbiote Supreme: New York.

Jane: I haven't been to New York since I was an ambulance driver. It'll be nice to go back.

Dreadnaught: No. It won't. Let's get going.

He says before walking through the portal. Ghost Rider and Thorn follow with Loki and Thor coming up the rear. Jane steps through before Symbiote Supreme checks around to make sure they aren't being watched. Then, he floats through the portal and closes it.

Chrysler Building

A large man in a white suit stands looking out at the bustling city beneath him. He smirks as he watches it. It's peaceful from above. You can't see the chaos from up high, but he knows it's there. He was once part of it. Now, he's part of the solution.

???: The Sorcerer's here. He's brought Von Doom's half.

???: Excellent, Mr. Spectre. Retrieve them for me.

???: Copy that.

The communications end and the man smiles. He continues to watch the city while he awaits his guests.


The team steps out of the portal and look around.

Ghost Rider: Where's this benefactor of yours?

Symbiote Supreme: He's sending someone to gather us. Patience, my friend.

Jane: How long until this gatherer gets here?

???: I'm already here.

A voice says, causing everyone to turn and look at a nearby water tower. Everyone except Dreadnaught turns to look.

Dreadnaught: Always have to make an entrance, don't you?

???: Says the one who refuses to use doors.

The gatherer says as he leaps down. His white mummy-like attire shines in the moonlight.

Symbiote Supreme: You are the current fist of Khonshu?

???: The name's Marc Spectre. You can call me Moon Knight. The Benefactor will see you now. Head to the penthouse of the Chrysler Building.

Symbiote Supreme: Thank you, Moon Knight.

The man in white nods his head, then grapples away. With that, Symbiote Supreme opens another portal and teleports the team to the Benefactor's office.

Benefactor's Office

The fiery portal tears open in front of a large table. Standing with his back turned to them is the big man in a white suit. He turns to see them and holds his arms out.

???: Welcome. Please, have a seat.

Dreadnaught: You first.

???, laughing: You must be Von Doom's clone.

Dreadnaught looks on unimpressed by the Benefactor. Ghost Rider steps forward, the fire surrounding his head erupting in anger.

Ghost Rider: Wilson Fisk, your soul is stained with blood of the innocent!

Fisk: Yes, I know. But look again, Rider. I'm trying to atone for my mistakes.

The Rider looks into the Kingpin's eyes and finds what he says to be true. He is trying to do better.

Ghost Rider: Slip up once, I send ya to hell. Capeesh?

Fisk: You have my word. I've been in this "hero business" for a long time now. I've agreed to fund and house your team for ventures in the United States, both continental and territorial, as well as supplying the other half of the team.

Dreadnaught: Where's your half?

Fisk: On an assignment, but I assure you, there are none better than the men and women I'm bringing to the table.

Ghost Rider: They better be. We got an uphill battle to fight.

Fisk: These men and women have had an uphill battle since the womb. Ah. There are two of them now. Meet Jennifer Walters and her apprentice Brittanica Banner.

Brittanica: It's Brit.

She says annoyed. Jennifer rolls her eyes and smiles, putting a comforting hand on her apprentice's shoulder.

Jennifer: He didn't mean anything by it, cuz.

Ghost Rider: The young one's got fire.

Brit: Who you callin' young?

Ghost Rider: Kid, I'm 1,300 years old. Everyone is young to me.

Brit: Oh. Sorry.

Jennifer: We're still working on controlling our anger.

Brit: Sorry, cuz.

Dreadnaught: Two Hulks? Impressive. Who else?

Fisk: Mr. Spectre, where are the Mutants?

Moon Knight: Five at the school, other two on an assignment.

Fisk: And the others?

Moon Knight: Doc's monitoring the Syms. Blitz and Cage are investigating a potential connection between Cottonmouth and HYDRA.

Fisk: Good. Everyone, let me introduce you to the rest of the team, including your leader.

Brit: I thought Cas was the leader.

Fisk: He turned down the opportunity when I presented it to him. Anyway, you three, say hello to Jane Foster, Magni, Loki, Thorne the Destroyer, the Ghost Rider, and the leader of the team: Dreadnaught.

Jennifer: You're the team leader?

Dreadnaught: Who'd you think would lead us?

Fisk: He's the clone of Anthony Masters and Victor Von Doom himself. He is the most qualified candidate for the roll.

Moon Knight: Seen the aftermath of some of your work. Pretty gnarly. Not Cas gnarly, but still gnarly.

Dreadnaught: This Cas person sounds like he can take care of himself pretty well.

Moon Knight, chuckling: You two're gonna be good friends in no time.

Dreadnaught: When do we get to meet the rest of the team?

Moon Knight: If all goes well, within the week. There any other clones or are you the only one?

Dreadnaught: My brother. He'll be here soon.

Jennifer: How soon?

The clone turns to face her. Then, he mimics Moon Knight's posture and voice perfectly.

Dreadnaught: If all goes well, within the week.

Moon Knight: Impression was pretty good. Uncalled for, but good nonetheless.

Brit: Pretty good? He nailed it! Who else can you imitate?

Dreadnaught: Anyone with a pulse.

Fisk: As impressive as that is, we must get down to business. You are to stay at a mansion outside of the city until the rest of the team is assembled. The defense systems will activate as soon as you're all inside.

Ghost Rider: We're just supposed to wait around until they get here?

Fisk: You were a soldier for centuries, Mr. Rider. Surely you understand the importance of laying low.

The Rider glares at the former Kingpin. Thorne places a large metallic hand on Rider's shoulder. To everyone else, he's reassuring him, but Rider and Symbiote Supreme both know why the hand is there. It's not to comfort Rider. It's to keep him from lashing out and sending Wilson Fisk to Hell.

Symbiote Supreme: We accept your gracious offer. We will head there immediately.

He opens a portal and the group walks through it. The Hulks and Moon Knight look at Fisk. He nods his head towards the portal silently telling them to follow. They do as told and follow the rest of their newly formed team inside the portal. With that, Fisk is left alone once again. As he turns to face the city beneath, he removes a picture from the pocket of his jacket. The picture is of a woman and a young boy. He smiles as he looks down at it. Fisk knows that he's risking his life by helping to build, house, and fund a team of heroes, but he's not doing it for himself. He's doing it for them. For his wife Vanessa and their son. This is his gift to them: a world free from HYDRA's influence.

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