Chapter 1

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Warning: Contains swearing(censored)

Britney P.O.V.

"Okay, but you missed the word 'egg'." Elissa said bluntly. 

Mr Alexander gave a large belly laugh, his laughter ringing through the halls of the mansion. "Maybe I did." He said with a mischevious glint in his eye. Or... was that something else?

"So... do you own Grunge Mansion?" Cherry asked,"And if you did, then... you really stayed in there, holed up for ten years? No trip to the supermarket?" Mr Alexander gave another laugh, then replied,"I don't own Grunge Mansion."

"So... Do you know the owner?" Cherry asked. "No." Mr Alexander replied. "So... you just barged in here, without asking." Britney concluded. "Well, nobody owns Grunge Mansion anyways." Mr Alexander shrugged.

"That means you just came in here, and decided to host an Easter Egg Hunt?" Britney asked. Did Mr Alexander really break into Grunge Mansion just to host a game? "You could put it that way." Mr Alexander said. So he really did.

"He's really weird." Emma sided up next to Britney, whispering. "And get this, Britney... when I came in, I checked the armchairs. If they had been in here already, they would've been covered with dust and grime. There was nothing. Like, nada. They were completely clean and new. How?" Britney froze. Things were really starting to get a little weird and questionable.

"Maybe... he cleaned it?" Britney said. Emma shook her head,"More like, he brought these in here recently. Like, maybe last night." "But he had to have caused a racket doing that!" Britney said. "He couldn't just... magically teleport them here."

"I know. But it's weird." Emma said. Britney nodded. Mr Alexander was a little bit weird, but so far, he was harmless. (Harmless- PFFFT- They're in for a BIG surprise)

"So. I think you six want to know how to play the game?" They nodded. "Alright." A huge grin appeared on Mr Alexander's face. "There will be six eggs." 

"Just six?" Elissa questioned. "Yes, just six. An equal amount for all of you!" The grin widened. Britney thought he now looked a little bit like the Cheshire Cat. "So we just have to find the eggs. Okay, let's go!" Elissa said impatiently.

"Well... not exactly." Mr Alexander said. "First, there are some rules." "Rules. I hate rules." Elissa groaned. 

"First... no leaving." 

Then with a wave of his hand, the doors closed with a 'BANG'. A huge golden lock appeared, locking the doors. The windows were suddenly boarded up with wooden planks. The light dimmed.

"WOAH-" Britney yelled. "What- how did you do that?" "That wasn't the wind." Emma said. "Definitely not." Britney muttered, then straightened herself. "Okay, Mr Alexander, something is seriously wrong here. First you break into Grunge Mansion and magically clean it up in one night. Then you close the doors with one wave of your hand. What is going on here!" Britney yelled.

"Dude, if you want a magic show just host one." The blonde wavy haired girl said, her face bored. 

Mr Alexander laughed again. "I'm just stating the rules. And you teenagers are bound to break some of them. So I'm enforcing them." "True, we do break rules." Elissa pointed out. "Thanks for pointing out the obvious." Britney groaned. "This is more like trapping us in and forcing us to play games!"

"You did have a choice." Mr Alexander said. "Anyways...second rule."

"What's it this time, no contacting the outside world because you're going to get sent into another universe and your parents can't know about it?" Britney said sarcastically.


"Just without the other universe."

Mr Alexander snapped his fingers, and Britney felt her pocket go light. "HOLY SH*T!" Britney swore, as she reached her hand into her pocket and felt no phone. "How-what?!" Cherry spluttered. 

"Okay, this is really not okay." Elissa stepped forward, an angry look on her face,"First you lock us up, then you magically erase our phones from existence. Give us our phones back!" Mr Alexander shook his head, the grin never disappearing from his face.

"I need my phone." A voice spoke up, with a noticeable Russian accent. Britney turned around to see the girl with the blonde curly hair-that looked kinda like Polina Gagarina, now Britney thought about it (I'm not breaking the fourth wall, you are-/j)-holding out her hand for her phone. "Give it back." She said stubbornly.

"And why is that?" Mr Alexander said.

"Because it's my phone. And what if I get orders?" "Orders? For what?" Britney blurted out. "For my bakery." The girl said. "You own a bakery?" Britney said incredulously. "Yes."

Britney shrugged. "She's right though. Give us back our phones!" She then said to Mr Alexander. "I already said no." Mr Alexander insisted. "Besides, why would you need it?" "To call the police, maybe?" Elissa said.

Mr Alexander gave another belly laugh, which was really starting to annoy Britney. "Third rule." He said, and they groaned. "No! Just give us our phones back!" The other blonde girl said. "Yeah." Emma said.

"No protesting."

Mr Alexander then held out his index finger and swiped it horizontally. Immediately, Britney felt a pain in her throat, then it was gone. She tried to protest, but found out-

She had no voice.

She tried as hard as she could, yelling and screaming, but no voice came out. Britney looked at Emma, and found out that she was too struggling to speak. They all were.

Britney looked at Mr Alexander and shot the dirtiest look she could muster. She couldn't speak, but she could still protest with her eyes. Britney mouthed,'Give us our voices back!' "I can't hear you, speak up." Mr Alexander taunted.

'If you would give us our voices back, we could.' Britney mouthed. "I still can't hear you~" Mr Alexander said. Britney looked at Elissa and Emma, 'This guy is crazy.' She mouthed. 'We have to get out of here.' Emma nodded.

'But in case you didn't realize, the doors are locked.' Elissa rolled her eyes, folding her arms. 

"Well... I guess everyone is okay with this?" Mr Alexander said. 

'You motherf*cker- I will hunt you down and cut out your throat-' Elissa mouthed silently, or at least Britney thought she mouthed that. It was hard to tell.

'I am so not okay with this.' Britney shot him another glare.

"Now, there's actually a twist." Mr Alexander said. ('As if there weren't enough twists already' thought Britney)"You're the eggs. And I'm the seeker." 

'That's a metaphor, right?' Britney mouthed. 'I don't know.. he might as well turn us into eggs by this point.' Emma mouthed back. 'So this is hide and seek?' Elissa mouthed. 'Possibly.'

'Then why didn't he just say hide and seek?' 'Because he's crazy, that's why.' Elissa rolled her eyes again.

"And there's a bomb." Mr Alexander added.

'WHAT NOW?!' Britney tried to yell, then remembered she couldn't. 'A bomb?!' 'Cool... still dangerous, but cool. I've always wanted to see a bomb.' Emma mouthed. 

"So basically...I'm going to try and find you. And you have to find the bomb, timed for one hour, then it explodes. If you don't defuse it by then, you're dead! Understand?" Mr Alexander said.

'No.' Britney mouthed. 'Not at all. How did you get a bomb?' 

If Mr Alexander knew what she was saying, he didn't give any indication. "There will be clues leading you to the bomb. The first clue... oh, somewhere in that hallway..." Mr Alexander waved his hand behind him casually, and Britney walked over. Indeed, there were two long hallways, both with multiple rooms.

Britney bit her lip. So, a bomb. They had to find a bomb. And...'What happens if you catch us?' Britney asked, then remembered she couldn't speak. She groaned mentally. "And if I catch you..." Mr Alexander's grin widened again. "I kill you."

Britney froze for a little while, as her brain strained to process the information. So they were locked in a spooky mansion, which was less spooky on the inside, Britney admitted, with a pyschopath who knew magic and with no way of contacting the outside world. They were about to play hide and seek with the pyschopath and a bomb. 


It took all of her energy to try not to scream and panic.

'Okay, I'm usually a daredevil, but that's just way too far. I hope he means a metaphor, because I'm not ready to die-' Emma mouthed, but then Mr Alexander interrupted,"Ready? You have five minutes before I start finding you."

'No.' The three of them mouthed in sync.

Their response probably didn't change anything, as Mr Alexander then snapped his fingers.

'Oh no.' Britney thought.

Then, she felt the world turn and grow large. The walls started becoming higher and bigger, the armchairs grew to the size where a giant could sit on and not break, and Mr Alexander turned into a giant. 

Then she realized, that the world didn't get bigger.

She got smaller.

So did Emma, Elissa, Cherry, and the two blonde girls. They all were getting smaller and smaller. Britney speculated they were about the size of... the palm of her hand. Britney looked down at herself, and was horrified to see-

A round, colorful, patterned body. 

Since when did Mr Alexander have the right to give her tattoos?

She had no mirror, but she could kind of make out her new look in the shiny reflection of the chair's leg. She had an oval shaped body that was white, with criss-crossed stripes of red, orange and coral. Two small eyes blinked at her at the top of her new body. Two arms stuck out as well as two legs.

Another 'person' was next to her. Britney assumed it was Emma. She had a similiar oval shaped body that was pastel with brown stripes. Elissa was to her right before, so the 'person' at her right must be Elissa. Elissa had the same body but her body was black and had silver patterns. 

Britney realized what Mr Alexander had did to her.

Not tattoos.

Mr Alexander had turned her into a egg.

An Easter Egg.


'Sh*t' was the first word that came to mind after the realization. And rightfully so, too. "It wasn't a metaphor?" Emma's voice was squeaky and nervous. Wait, voice? So Mr Alexander, in exchange, had given them back their voices. Britney wasn't sure she preferred this over no voice.

"I look cool and all, but holy-" Emma said. "I know." Britney said, then turned around to see three more Easter Eggs, one with red and black zigzag patterns with small red flowers, one was blue with white polka dots, and one was extremely colorful with a tie dye pattern. "Where's Mr Alexander?"

"There." The red and black egg pointed to the doors, where Mr Alexander sat in an armchair. The blue egg gave a little yelp as they realized he had a bundle of... dark smoke around his head. However, Mr Alexander seemed completely at ease. 

"I think he can't see." Britney said. "Holy crap, we're eggs. Like, actual eggs!" Elissa yelped. "This is just not okay!" "Nothing is okay about this." The tie dye egg said. "How did he do that?!" Elissa ignored the egg. "How am I supposed to know! This is freaky!" The tie dyed egg snapped. "Not asking you!" Elissa retorted. 

"Guys, stop fighting." Britney said, putting a hand on Elissa's shoulder. Clearly, their nerves were frayed. "This is new and all, but we gotta survive! We need to find the bomb." "We're eggs, and the first thing you care about is the bomb?" The tie dyed egg said. "Of course!" Britney snapped. 

"Whatever. I don't wanna live anyways, so I don't care." The tie dyed egg sighed. Britney stared at the egg. "Give yourself a chance, damn." Britney muttered, then turned to the rest of the eggs.

"In five minutes, he'll start looking for us, so we have to move." "To where?" The red and black egg asked. "Okay, who's who? We have to know. I'm Emma." Emma said. "I know that the red, orange and coral egg is Britney, the black and silver one is probably Elissa-" Emma looked towards Elissa to confirm it, and she nodded-"What about the red and black one?" 

"I'm Cherry. Claire." Claire said, and Emma nodded. "Tie dye and white polka dot?" Britney asked. "I'm Michela." The blue and white egg said quietly. "Who's Michela?" Elissa asked. "The baker girl, with the Russian accent, probably." Britney said.

Michela sighed. "Of course, no one ever remembers me." "Well, you didn't even speak the first time we met-" Elissa snapped. "I'm Sephie." The tie dyed egg said with a bored tone. 

"Okay, so Mr Alexander-" Britney began, but then Emma interrupted,"Can we call him something more appropriate?" "Okay, Mr Dirtbag, said that the first clue was in the hallways, so, the first clue should be there somewhere."

Emma nodded and began walking at a painfully slow rate. "Gods, we're so slow!" "We'll probably get accustomed to it." Cherry reassured. "We'll be faster then." They all began walking as fast as they could. Britney's puny little feet hurt, but she started to run. She would never forgive herself if she died here, and her parents had to come home to a funeral.

"Maybe we should check in the pots?" Elissa suggested. Britney nodded. The huge vases of roses in the hallways would serve as a great place to hide a clue. "But how do we get up?" Cherry said worriedly. 

"We can't." Sephie said bluntly. "Oh, stop being so pessimistic." Britney groaned. She walked over to one of the vases, and looked at the golden patterns. They stuck out a little. "I think we can go up using these... small ledges." Michela said, suddenly appearing next to Britney. 

"Those? You're going to fall, considering your weight." Sephie snorted. Britney shot her a glare. She was almost as annoying as Mr Dirtbag.(Sorry- this is only in the story, I do not mean it) Britney began to step on the golden patterns, nearly slipping off the ledge, but she held on. Slowly, she began to inch her way upwards. Conveniently, there was a golden line that led right up to the vase opening.

Britney felt someone behind her following, but she ignored them. She focused on going up the line, and no matter how tired she felt or how painful her hands and feet felt, she persisted. She really hoped there was a clue up there, as she was not doing this again. 

She finally reached the opening, her hand almost slipping and she almost fell, but someone behind her pushed her forward and she was able to fall into the vase. Luckily, soft soil was there to break her fall. Britney brushed herself off then looked behind her to see Cherry climbing up behind her. She smiled and said,"Thanks."

"No problem. See any clue?" Cherry asked. Britney looked around the forest of roses, and gently touched one giant spike protruding from the green stem. "Not really." She said, walking around the perimeter of the vase, and digging in the soil. "I don't think there's any clue here." Cherry said.

Britney sighed. All that for nothing. This was going great. 

Just then, she spotted some movement in the corner of her eye, and she was about to ask if it was Cherry, when someone yanked her arm and pulled her to a side. "Wha-" "Shh! It's Mr Dirtbag." Cherry whispered. 

"Sh*t." Britney muttered under her breath. Loud footsteps rang through the hallway. Britney and Cherry stayed still, them barely daring to even breathe. Britney could only hope that the four eggs down below were hiding and that Mr Alexander-apologies, Mr Dirtbag- would not spot them. 

'Ba-bump, ba-bump-' Britney was sure they could hear her heartbeat in China. The realization hit harder than ever, if she was found, she would die. Actually die. Especially now she was an egg, one slight fall would result in her having the same fate as Humpty Dumpty.

After what seemed like an eternity curled up in the vase next to Cherry, and soil staining the beautiful patterns on her body, the footsteps slowly resided and disappeared. Britney let out a breath that she had been holding in, and stood up. 

Cherry followed. "Phew." She said. "That was close. I was terrified!" "So was I." Britney admitted,"We would've died." Cherry nodded. "We have to hurry." 

Britney walked over to the side of the vase, and peeked downwards. Elissa and Emma were down below, saying something like,"Was there a clue?" Britney couldn't really hear. Britney shook her head. Their faces fell, but were quickly filled with determination. 

"Come down." Elissa said. Her voice was faint as she didn't want Mr Alexander to hear her. Britney slowly climbed down the golden ledge, this time fairly easier. After some time, she was safely back onto the ground, along with Cherry.

"This is going to take a long time, if we have to find one clue in all these pots." Sephie groaned. 

"Precisely. That's why we should split up." Britney said. "Sephie, you go with Michela and Cherry, I'll go with Emma and Elissa. Be careful though." "Gods, who gave you the right to take control?" Sephie said, rolling her eyes. "But whatever. For once you seem to have two braincells." Britney forced down an insult, as she knew this was no time for arguing.

"Come on." Elissa was already walking towards another vase. "Let's find this clue."


Aaaand there's chapter one!

2851 words- wow-

I mean, I said there was going to be a little amount of chapters, but I didn't say they could be loooongggg- >:)

So, um, yeah! We're officially eggs, and the hunt is on.

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