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Britney P.O.V.

Britney was bored. Very bored indeed. 

Her parents had gone out for a vacation, only themselves, and it wasn't fair at all. They were going to the Bahamas, where they had the ocean, a hotel room, and a week away from her and her brother, Easton.

Unfair indeed.

Meanwhile, Britney was stuck here, with her elderly grandmother and annoying Easton. Not to mention the lack of things to do and the horrible, horrible heat.


But at least Britney had a week to herself. But what was she even going to do? There was utterly nothing to do, and the heat didn't help. The park's slides were burning hot, and even though she wouldn't admit it, she loved the slides. 

Very, very unfair.

Britney sighed as the fan in her room blew at her face. The wind did nothing to cool her down. What she needed, she thought, was a can of cold soda. 

Britney removed herself from the sticky chair and went out to the living room, and into the kitchen. Just when she was about to open the fridge and finally get something fair in turn, she heard a familiar voice yell,"BRITNEY! THERE'S A LETTER FOR YOU!"


"COMING!" She shouted back, no doubt breaking her poor grandmother's ears. That was how it went in her family. Loud noises were expected. She opened the fridge to find no cans of soda at all, only a small note saying 'I drank all of them ;)'. 

Britney groaned and slammed the door shut with a little too much force. "Crap." Britney muttered then stormed to the door, where her older brother was waiting for her with a letter in his hand, and a smirk on his face.

"Took you long enough-"Easton started, but Britney interrupted,"Oh, shut up." She ripped the note from his hand and stormed back up to her room, while Easton yelled behind her,"I'LL EAT THE POPSICLES NEXT!"

"DON'T YOU DARE." Britney yelled back and she slammed the door shut. Easton was such a pain in the butt sometimes. Now back in the safety of her room, she gently ripped the letter open, and pulled out a yellowed paper.

It read:


Dear Britney

You have been invited to play a game at Grunge Mansion.

Please make your way to Grunge Mansion if you wish to play.

From, Mr Alexander.

"Strange." Britney thought. "How did he know my name? And an Easter Hunt? Wow, they forgot the 'egg'." But whatever. Did she want to go?

Maybe. No one was there to stop her, her elderly grandmother definitely couldn't, and she could shake off Easton. And she had always wanted to explore the spooky mansion at the end of the street. She couldn't even believe that the mansion had a name. "Grunge Mansion? Gods." Britney thought as she chuckled. She always just called it 'the spooky mansion at the end of the street'. Everyone did.

This was the perfect opportunity to check it out, and have something to do. 

However... was she really to trust a random letter addressed to her? By a person named, no less, Mr Alexander? It seemed a little creepy and suspicious, to be honest.

Britney decided to go.


Britney walked down the street, letter in hand, phone in her pocket, her red hair tied up in a ponytail. A bead of sweat dropped onto the pavement. It would be very cinematic if there was wind, and her red ponytail swaying in the air, but oh well, the heat didn't disappear. 

Suddenly, she bumped into someone. She looked up to see a girl about her age, with black wavy hair and wearing brown baggy clothes under a tan short sleeved checkered dress. "I'm sorry." Britney immediately apologized, but that's when she spotted the letter clenched in her fist. 

"Wait..." Britney said,"You got a letter too?" "Wait, wait wait." The girl backed away. "What do you mean? How do you know?" "Okay, um, does your letter tell you to go to Grunge Mansion, which is the spooky mansion-" "At the end of the street, I know. Did you get it as well?" The girl finished, her eyes widening. 

"Yes..." Britney dragged out the word, still unsure if she should trust this girl. "Well, I guess we're both invited to play..." The girl checked her letter,"'Easter Hunt', whatever that is." She said. "I'm Emma, by the way."

"I'm Britney." Britney introduced. "Nice to meet you, Emma." Emma nodded. "So, I guess we're going to Grunge Mansion? What a fitting name, considering it's so dirty." Britney chuckled before she continued walking. "Emma's nice. I wonder if more people are coming, and if I get to scold some of them." She smirked at the thought. She liked proving people wrong.


After a few minutes, they stood in front of an old rickety mansion. Its walls were black and charred, the windows broken but yet still covered with black curtains from the inside. It looked the same as it did before. Except for the doors.

The huge wooden doors that were once blocked by wooden planks were now slightly open, the wooden planks gone. "Woah. We can actually go inside the spooky mansion." Emma breathed, emphasizing the word 'inside'. "This is new, but I'm up for it." Emma looked towards Britney. "You?"

"Duh, yeah." Britney snorted,"I wouldn't have agreed to go if not." Emma shrugged,"Well, let's-" "HEY!" A voice yelled, interrupting Emma and Britney. They whirled around to see a girl with brown wavy hair and brown eyes, wearing a blue crop top. "You guys clear off! Look, I know exploring the spooky mansion is fun and exciting and all, but you're not invited." The girl said with a completely serious look on her face. "Come back later." The girl pushed past them with a wave of her hand and was about to walk into the mansion, when she turned around and said,"Well? Go away!"

"Actually, we were invited." Britney said, holding out the letter for the girl to see,"I assume you are too?" The girl looked at the letter, crumpled in Britney's fist, and her eyes widened. "Oh." She said simply. "Well, in that case, what are you waiting for? You're not wimps, are you?"

"I'm no wimp." Emma said defiantly, and walked straight towards the mansion, pushing the doors open with a grunt. "Let's go." Then, she walked inside. Britney looked towards the girl, who still had the same angry look on her face. "Well, you?" The girl asked. 

"Going. Stop acting like my mom." Britney grumbled, then walked inside as well. "Hey." A hand grabbed her arm, and she turned around to see the girl. "My name's Elissa, Elissa Armani." Britney stared at her for a little while, then said,"I'm Britney. It's really nice to meet you." She replied, sarcasm dripping from her words. 

"Very funny, ha ha. We're supposed to work together." Elissa retorted. "Who knows? Maybe we don't have to. Maybe we're competing." Britney said, and tugged her arm out of Elissa's grasp, starting to walk inside. Elissa gave an audible sigh and followed. 

They soon came to a huge hall. A glass chandelier sparkled on top of their heads, swaying dangerously. The walls had a red/golden pattern, and black curtains covered the areas which windows probably resided. Some meters in front of them were two grand staircases leading up to another floor. Plush armchairs sat next to the wall, with huge potted vases of roses. 

"Who knew Grunge Mansion was this nice on the inside?" Emma suddenly appeared next to Britney. "I guess the saying 'It's the inside that matters, not the outside' was true." "Well, they should've let us in. Or else it wouldn't have developed this reputation of being 'the spooky mansion at the end of the street'."Elissa said.

Britney nodded. "So it's just the three of us?" Britney asked. Just then, footsteps rang behind them, and someone stepped into the hall. She had blonde curly hair tied up in a messy ponytail and blue eyes. "Well, apparently not." Elissa sighed. 

The girl ignored them and stepped to a side, sitting down on one of the armchairs, averting her gaze. "Well, she's a total introvert." Elissa added. "Who's next, Jacob?" Jacob was the school's local jerk(Yes, I used him for a minor character :D), and nobody liked him. Britney snorted,"Please. Like anyone is dumb enough to invite him to a game like this. He'd probably rip the paper to pieces."

"True." Elissa replied. 

Just then, two more people came in. One had blonde wavy hair and wore a gray crop top, and one had black hair and wore a red and black striped shirt. The blonde girl stared at the three of them and sighed,"Yep. Stuck with more jerks." "Excuse you?" Britney said loudly,"Who are you calling a jerk?"

The girl didn't reply and instead sat down on one of the armchairs as well. The other girl smiled awkwardly and said,"Nice to meet you. I'm Claire, or Cherry." "Hi." Elissa said bluntly. "Emma, nice to meet you." Emma smiled back. Britney waved at Claire.

"Ooh, I see everyone's here!"

Britney whirled around to see a fat pudgy man wearing a red and black soldier uniform. He had goggles covering his eyes and he was mostly bald. He had a big orange mustache. (I think this is how Eggman looks like?) "Who are you?" She asked skeptically.

"Why, Mr Alexander, of course! And I see you're all here for Easter Hunt!"


God, that was a long prologue, but anyways, we're starting the story eeeee-

Feel free to correct me on anything I wrote wrong!

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