E I G H T Y E I G H T | Festive Feelings

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Dear the boy going to detention,

Yeah I know it's hard Harry. I'm honestly really proud of you, you've been through so much stuff but you're still fighting, and you're still an incredible, selfless person. Most people in your position would probably give up or end up bitter but you haven't and it just proves that you're a fighter. You've come this far, don't give up yet. Umbridge will get what's coming for her eventually. Karma always finds a way.

Tell Fred and George that when I eventually meet them, instead of shaking their hands, I'll give them a big applause just to inflate their ego's even more.

Honestly, I wish there was a way for me to inflict pain on Umbridge. Do you guys have voodoo in the wizarding world? Because honestly nothing would make me happier than being able to give Umbridge a good punch.

You know what I would do with those Educational Degrees? I'd get a rock (you could probably be more creative with this as you're magic) and I would throw the rock and smash them because those Educational Degrees are the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard of.

I'm so glad that the club is going well for you. Does it have an official name or is it just called the club? (If it is called that then I'm not judging, just slightly disappointed because you had a golden opportunity to name it something epic and cool.)

And if you enjoy the teaching part that much then maybe you should think about becoming the next Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. God knows you'd be ten times better than Umbridge.

That's so good! I'm glad that you are teaching students to properly defend themselves. I know I'm not going to be apart of this war but I still get incredibly anxious thinking about it, so knowing that people are going to be as prepared as they can be puts my mind to rest. Sort of.

Okay, instead of threatening to hit someone, next time the better option is to actually do it.

...I'm joking obviously. That would be completely going against what I've been telling you this past year. But I would still love to see you wack someone around the head with a book. I hope it was a hardback book, they always hurt more than a paperback.

I'm glad you're not getting the nightmare as frequently but the fact that you still get it is troubling.

You haven't done anything for Dumbledore to be mad at you. And if that was the case, then he is dealing with it rather childishly. My take on it is that he's being a bit of a dick about it now. Regardless its his loss, not yours.

You're so cute, Harry! And yes, I'll be staying at my parents house at Christmas. We won't be going anywhere.

How are the detentions with Umbridge? I never asked. I can't imagine them being very pleasant. Does she make you write lines? Or tidy the hallways in the castle or something? Or maybe she gets you to organize the books in the library?

I feel like these letters are always so depressing so I'll end this letter on a happy note. It's two and a half weeks away until Christmas! That means fairy lights and christmas trees, and snuggling up to watch Christmas films. It means hot chocolate and frosty nights. It means turkey and gravy and stuffing your face full of chocolate. I honestly can't wait!

My school is all decorated in Christmas decorations and it makes the place a lot less depressing to be in. That is until I realise we still have to do the usual lessons such as biology and maths. Ugh, maths!

Also, it might amuse you to know that Chloe still isn't over what happened at the start of last year with the frog. I only normally see her in my biology class and she spends most of the lessons just glaring at me. It's honestly rather funny. She always tries to catch me out but always ends up making a fool of herself instead.

Ahh, you gotta love Chloe. The only worthwhile thing about going to Biology. At least I get a good laugh while being in the class. That is until Ms. Burns kicks me out.

Anyway, do you have any Christmas traditions? Does the wizarding world celebrate Christmas any differently than the muggle world? Have you had any snow yet where you are? We haven't, though it's starting to get very icy on the pavements.

Anyway I better go, Hedwig is starting to get impatient with my brother because he keeps trying to feed her his fries. Don't worry I haven't let Hedwig eat any!

Sending all my love,


the girl who's excited for Christmas.

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