E I G H T Y N I N E | Dumbledore's Army

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Dear the girl who's excited for Christmas,

Thank you Ellie. You're far too nice to me, trust me I've thought about giving up many times. And I really hope you are right about Umbridge. I hope she suffers.

Fred and George told me to tell you that they said thank you for the applause as it's about time someone else got the attention instead of me. I hope you don't mind but on your behalf I told them to fuck off.

I'm sorry to ruin your daydream but no, us wizards and witches do not have voodoo. But maybe I could introduce the idea to Fred and George, they are always coming up with wacky ideas and pranks so I'm sure if it was up to them then they would come up with something brilliant.

El, you're brilliant and everything but you don't half contradict yourself. One minute you're telling me I need to be very careful and control my anger and the next you are telling me to throw rocks at the Educational Degrees wall.

On the first session of the club, we all decided to call the group the D.A. which stands for Dumbledore's Army. We chose this because the Ministry are conviced that Dumbledore's trying to make his own secret army to rebel against the Ministry. Absolute rubbish, isn't it?

Me, the next Defence Againsts the Dark Arts teacher? Are you mad? Me in a classroom teaching children. I'd be rubbish. I'll probably just become an Auror or something. But thank you anyway, El.

Yeah, you are not the only one anxious about the war. I just hope it all ends soon.

Again with contradicting yourself. And of course I threatend Ron with a hardback book. Why would I threaten him with a paperback, It wouldn't have the desired affect of scaring him then, would it?

And yeah I know my nightmares are troubling but I don't know how to stop them.

You don't have to tell me that Dumbledore is acting childishly. It's really starting to annoy me that he's still avoiding me. I need his help and he won't even look at me. And yes I agree with you, he is being a dick. And it really isn't his loss, it's mine. I could really do with him by my side right now.

Er, thanks El. You're cute too.

Detentions with Umbridge are most definitely not pleasant. And yeah she makes me write lines in my detentions so it's incredibly dull. I would rather she did the other two options you said and make me clean the halls of the castle or the library.

Harry didn't want to tell Eleanor what Umbridge really made him do in his detentions. He felt bad but he told himself he wasn't actually lying, he was actually writing lines, he just skipped over the part where the quill uses his own blood to write on the parchment and he now has a very painful scar on his hand, that keeps deepening with every detention with Umbridge, reading; I must not tell lies.

I can't wait for Christmas either. No more work and I can try and catch up on the workload I already have.

Yes, it amuses me very much that Chloe still has an issue with you. I'm not surprised that she does actually, El.

Do you purposely get kicked out of Biology? Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if you told me yes.

Christmas at Hogwarts is quite similar to your Christmas. We still exchange gifts and have a big Christmas meal. We still hang up decorations all over the castle but they are slightly different to what you would find in the Muggle world. Instead of using fairy lights, we use actual fairies to light up the castle. Instead of one Christmas tree in the Great Hall, we have 12. We also use Christmas crackers like you but ours go off like a cannon blast, full of colourful smoke and they contain several live mice and different kinds of hats rather than the paper crowns you have in the Muggle world. The suits of armour around the castle are also enchanted to sing Christmas carols whenever someone walks by. Christmas has always been magical but you have never experienced Christmas until you spend it at Hogwarts.

Yeah the grounds of the castle are covered in snow. It's abolutely freezing, especially in the dungeons where we do our Potion lessons because apparently Snape doesn't know the use of fire to warm up a room.

You don't have to worry about Hedwig eating anything she shouldn't, I don't think I've ever met a more picky eater than that owl.

I really miss you. I can't wait to see you again and have you by my side. Hopefully next summer we will have longer than a day together.


the boy who runs Dumbledore's Army.

(Hey everyone, I hope you are all enjoying this story. Thank you all so much for all the continuous support. If you think the story is calming down again, then don't get too comfortable. Exciting things are coming. Just you all wait. Until next time...)

Just a side note, I'm running out of pre written chapters so updates might be a bit slower for a while :(

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