E I G H T Y S I X | Behind The Door

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Dear the boy who wishes he could spend Christmas with me,

I knew you said that Malfoy was a bit of a prat, Harry but honestly insulting your parents who are no longer around to defend themselves is wrong. It's completely wrong.

First of all I'd like to say well done for nearly walking away, it takes a lot of courage to walk away from a fight, especially if they are insulting you for no reason apart from you winning a game. This Malfoy is a bit pathetic, isn't he?

Second of all, I'd like to say I'm proud of you. As someone who gets into a few fights myself, I am very glad to see you sticking up for yourself. The only issue is that it probably would have been fine any other year but you just had to go and do it when you have the she-devil Ministry employee working at your school. I've said it once and I'll say it again, you need to try and stop being so reckless. Umbridge has shown you she means business, so you need to be CAREFUL and as much as it pains me to say this, that also means not getting into fights because now you are paying the unfair price.

Third of all, high five all the Weasley's for me. Especially George. I would've kicked Malfoy too if I was him. But like I said with you, it probably wasn't the smartest move because now the two of you have a life long ban. But please don't get me wrong, I applaud you both. I know Malfoy and Umbridge are the one's who should be suffering instead of you two, but really you both should have been more careful with when you picked your fight, especially with Umbridge around.

Who the fuck has a High Inquisitor in a school? The Ministry are really stretching to allow this woman to have power, aren't they? How many of these Educational Degrees has she made? I didn't think it was possible for me to hate the woman more than I already do.

So on top of all the other things Umbridge is, she's also prejudice. How can so many things be wrong in a person?

I'm not even at Hogwarts and I wish she would bloody leave. I feel for you Harry, I really do. I feel for all the students and teachers at Hogwarts.

Okay, we can call it even.

You all most definitely need to learn how to defend yourselves properly. Umbridge is stupid for not seeing it and being blind to whats going on in the wizarding world. And yeah I guessed the club wouldn't be your idea, you're way too humble. I agree with Ron and Hermione too, that you would be a good teacher for sure.

You'll have to tell me more about the club. Have you started teaching them spells yet? How is everyone doing? Do you like teaching?

Of course I don't have too high expectations of you. I know you, you're my boyfriend, you need to have more faith in yourself, Harry. You really are a remarkable person, I don't need wishful thinking for that to be true.

Did I make you blush, Potter? Did I? That'll be something to brag about to my future grandkids. That I made THE Harry Potter blush. Did Ron manage to snatch the letter off you? Oh, I hope he teased you endless!

A secret room in the castle? How am I not surprised.

Maybe this club can replace Quidditch for you? Just in the fact that maybe it'll tire you out like Quidditch used to so you don't get as many nightmares.

This dream is strange. Very strange. I can't understand it. Even if it did have something to do with Voldemort, what would Voldemort want with a black door? If only you could get a look behind the door then maybe you could figure out what Voldemort might want behind it.

I can't believe Dumbledore is still ignoring you. He's meant to be your Headteacher, someone you can go to in confidence. He is not meant to be hiding away from his students. In my opinion, he's being a bit reckless. He let a Ministry official work in his school and he's not even checking in on his students. He must know more than anyone that Umbridge is no good.

Okay, no worries. I completely understand and after you explaining it all, I agree with you. It would be risky having you over, especially with my extremely nosy brother snooping around. We'll just have to spend a different Christmas together.

Just write to me through Christmas will you? And let me know where you do end up staying for Christmas so I can send you your gift.

And no, I haven't gotten around to telling my parents yet. They have been really busy with work lately and I'm also kind of nervous to tell them but I know it will be fine. Have you told anyone yet?

All my love,

the girl who understands.

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