E I G H T Y T W O | Can't Hurt To Try

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For several weeks, every saturday Harry would rush down to Hogsmeade and into the Three Broomsticks. Not particularly because he wanted to go to Hogsmeade anymore, because the little village didn't seem as exciting as it did when he was in his third year but because he wanted to use the phone.

Every Saturday he would phone Eleanor only to receive no response. Harry knew he was being ignored because he had even sent Eleanor a lengthy letter telling her how he was sorry for messing things up and explaining that the phone call wasn't meant to turn out how it did.

He explained what had happened with Umbridge and getting a life long ban from Quidditch. He explained how he's been appointed the Defence teacher for a new secret club he ran to teach students proper Defence Against the Dark Arts. He explained the nightmares of dark corridors and black doors. He explained how this was what the phone call was going to be about but he wanted to have a bit of a joke to cheer himself up. He explained how he thought Eleanor would joke back like she normally would and make a snarky comeback.

He explained all this and yet his letters and calls got ignored. This caused Harry to panic a little bit. He needed Eleanor, he relied on Eleanor. He needed her jokes and her sarcasm. He needed her encouragement and her faith in him.

Harry seriously considered going to Ron and Hermione for advice. He didn't care that Hermione would have told him he was an idiot. He didn't care that Ron would probably agree with Hermione even though secretly Ron wouldn't have a clue what to do in Harry's position. Harry was desperate and would take any advice given to him to try and make things right.

Harry was thankful for his busy schedule at least because throughout the week all thoughts of Eleanor were drawn out of his mind. But they soon came rushing back when the weekend came around and Harry had more free time on his hands. He would sit in silence and think about what went wrong. Harry agreed with himself that he probably should have just kept his mouth shut but the other part of Harry told him that Eleanor overreacted slightly. But other than the internal battle in his mind trying to decide who was in the wrong, Harry was confused. He couldn't stop thinking about what Eleanor had said. Did it mean she fancied Harry? Harry definitely fancied her but now, Harry thought mournfully, he would never have the chance to tell her this because by the looks of things, Eleanor wasn't going to speak to Harry ever again.


Another saturday rolled around. Harry got up with Ron and watched bitterly as Ron got ready to go to Quidditch practice. Trying not to seem jealous, Harry scrambled to get dressed and then followed Ron down to the Great Hall where Hermione was already sat eating.

Harry barely sat down before he realised Hermione was watching him. "What is it, Hermione?"

"Are you going to the Three Broomsticks again today?" Hermione asked. She didn't look accusingly at Harry but concerned.

"How did-" Harry began but was interrupted by Ron.

"Bit hard to miss you sneaking off, mate."

Harry sighed. He was hoping Ron and Hermione hadn't noticed him disappearing off to Hogsmeade for an hour every saturday to try and reach Eleanor. Now looking at it, Harry thought it was very wishful thinking that his little excursions went unnoticed.

"No, I was going to watch Ron's Quidditch practice instead." Harry answered. He was tired of feeling the sinking disappointment everytime Eleanor refused to pick up the phone.

"Well I think you should go." Hermione said in her most pompous voice. Harry had the strange desire to smile.

"Oh yeah, why is that? So I can get ignored again like I have been for the past month. If you don't mind Hermione but I think I'll pass." Harry replied unable to keep the bitter tone from his voice.

"Ignored? B-" Ron began but Harry guessed Hermione had kicked him because he gave a painful jolt.

Hermione looked at Harry softly. "She's probably been busy. Both of your lives are complete opposites, it's no surprise that they clash."

Harry nodded faintly. Ron and Hermione had no idea what had happened. Harry knew Hermione was only saying words to try and make him feel better but Hermione also didn't know that Harry knew he was being ignored. They didn't understand and Harry didn't have the energy to try and explain it all.

"What about Ron's Quidditch practice?" Harry said.

"I'll be there, won't I? Besides Ron can tell you all about it when you get back."

Ron suddenly paled. "If it was anything like last practice I won't be saying much."

Harry repeated the words he had told Ron a thousand times. "You're just nervous. I've seen you play at the Burrow and you were brilliant."

Ron didn't look very reassured.

"No, you know what," Harry said. "I'm coming to practice."

To Harry's surprise, Ron shook his head. "No, I'll be fine. Go to Hogsmeade."


Ron smiled at Harry sympathetically. "It can't hurt to try again. Maybe she'll pick up this time."

"And if she doesn't?" Harry couldn't help but ask the question that had been worrying him the most over the last couple of weeks.

Ron and Hermione just shook their heads, unable to provide any words of comfort, all thinking the same thing; what would happen if Eleanor didn't pick up?

(This is taking a slightly different turn than I had orginally planned but I'm not mad about it. I hope you are all enjoying the story. Until next time.)

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