E I G H T Y T H R E E | Fancy You

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Harry trudged out of the Great Hall not long after Ron had left for Quidditch practice.

He walked out of the castle with a heavy heart. He was already anticipating the disappointment when Eleanor refused to pick up the phone.

On the other hand, a small part of Harry was glad that Hermione and Ron had convinced him to go to Hogsmeade because it meant he had time alone.

Lately, Harry felt distant from Ron and Hermione or anyone for that matter and often had the urge to be alone. If he was in their company he would notice he became waspish and snappy. He was always filled with an anger that he couldn't explain. It slightly scared him.

Harry noticed the stares he was receiving as he made his way into Hogsmeade and cursed himself, he had forgotten to grab his Invisibility Cloak.

Harry quickened his pace and soon reached the Three Broomsticks. He kept his head down as he made his way through the crowds of people and luckily no one recognised him or at least no one stopped to talk to him.

Harry heard a passing conversation as he walked past Madam Rosmerta who was preparing drinks for a group of older looking wizards. "Can't they do something about that bloody phone-thingy, it's been going off all morning now!"

Harry was reaching the back of the bar now and sure enough he heard the shrill ringing of the telephone. Harry was momentarily confused as to who would be ringing the phone none stop and also slightly amused at the fact that no one in the bar seemed to know what the phone was used for and that the only way to make it stop ringing was to pick it up.

Unsure of who was calling, Harry waited until the phone stopped ringing and quickly dialled Eleanors number which he knew by heart before the person had the chance to call back.

Harry, expecting to hear the same old drone of the dial tones, was taken by surprise when Eleanor picked up the phone after the first ring.

"El?" Harry said wearily. Now Eleanor had finally picked up, Harry was at a loss for what to say. He hadn't expected this.

"Harry! Thank God!"

"Er, is everything alright?" Harry asked, concerned by Eleanors slightly panicked tone.

"Yes it is. Well now it is. I've been a prat and I'm sorry. I've been ringing this damn phone all morning hoping you would pick up. God knows what my phone bill is going to be like this month."

"I'm sorry. I can help pay for it if you need me too."

Eleanor stumbled over her words. "Pay for- oh no, don't worry about that. Why are you being so nice?" Relief, gratitude and uncertainty laced Eleanor's words.

Harry was once again struck with confusion. "Er, am I not normally nice?" Harry asked this carefully, not wanting to sound arrogant, but worried that Eleanor thought badly of him.

"Yes you are. I mean, I thought you would be mad at me. If I was in your position I would be mad at me. I acted like a right bitch. I shouldn't have ignored you. I'm really sorry-"

"Don't worry about it. I was never mad, just scared that I had messed things up. I'm sorry I never meant for things to turn out like this."

"Oh Harry," Eleanor's voice came out soft and gentle and unlike anything Harry had ever heard. "You don't have anything to be sorry for. You've been nothing but sweet and funny and sarcastic. I was the one who got scared and chickened out."


Eleanor heaved a sigh. A sigh Harry knew that meant she was preparing herself for what she was going to say next. Harry's heart started beating faster and he suddenly became very nervous.

"I like you. A lot. I've liked you for months now. But I've never had a boyfriend before and well the thought kind of scares me. Not to mention when you brought up in our last phone call that I had called you my Seeker, I thought you were going to reject me, you know-"


"As well as this, you're a wizard and I'm a Muggle. Like would that work? And also there's the whole thing about if you actually feel the same way. If you don't then this is going to be really awkward but if you do, like where would we go from here? You're thousands of miles away from me-"


"But then I was also scared because like why would you like me? You've done and been through so much, so why would you settle for someone like me when there are probably so many talented witches and wizards to choose from at Hogwarts? Why would you settle for someone like me when you deserve so much more?"

"Are you done?" Harry asked, unable to hide his amusement and amazement.

Eleanor sighed again. "Yeah, I'm done."

"Okay, good." Harry said. "Well in that case, for starters, don't ever put yourself down like that again. You may be a Muggle but that doesn't make you any less than me or any other person for that matter, you said so yourself in one of your letters. You are beautiful and brilliant and capable of more than some wizards are so don't knock yourself down. Okay?"

"Okay." Harry could have sworn he heard a slight smile in Eleanors voice and that boosted his confidence slightly.

"Secondly, I'd be absolutely mad to reject someone like you, El. Absolutely mad."

Eleanor gave a little giggle from the other end of the phone, her voice thick with emotion. Harry hoped she wouldn't start crying.

"What I'm trying to say is I like you too. A lot. Like a lot lot. Like-"

Eleanor giggled again. "Okay, I get it. You fancy me."

Harry laughed. "Well I'm going to keep saying it until you believe me. Until you think yourself worthy. Because honestly Ellie, it's me who doesn't deserve you."

Harry was glad he was placed in Gryffindor and immensely thankful for the sudden courage that was running through him at the moment. He hoped it wouldn't disappear yet.

"Eleanor Summers I fanc-" Harry said loudly causing many people to turn their heads and look at him.

Eleanor was laughing fully now. "Shh! Okay, okay. I get it. I really do. Just be quiet, I don't want you getting kicked out!"

Harry felt so relieved as he laughed along with Eleanor. Everything was okay. Everything was back to normal. Well as normal as something could be in Harry's life.

"But how will this work? I mean are relationships between Muggles and wizards allowed?"

"Of course they are. How do you think you get Half-blood witches and wizards?"

"Yeah that was a bit of a stupid question, wasn't it?"

"So Eleanor, will you be my girlfriend?"

"But what about the long distance?"

"I don't know about you but I think we've been doing pretty good so far, don't you?"

A moment of silence passed. Harry pressed the phone closer to his ear, anticipating Eleanor's answer. Harry's courage was slipping now, his heart hammering in his chest. He was scared what Eleanor was going to say next.

"You're right, we have done pretty good so far. Well in that case, Potter, you've got yourself a girlfriend."

Harry hadn't smiled so much in months.

(Ooh, I think a bit of James was showing in Harry for a while there. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time)

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