F O R T Y | Panic

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Dear the girl who doesn't study,

I know I should wait for your reply but I really need to talk to you.

The second task is tomorrow morning. It's currently 1 am so I guess it's already morning. I haven't slept, I can't sleep. I haven't figured out the clue, and I don't know what to do El. I can't stop panicking, I don't know what's going to happen now that I can't figure out the clue. I'm not prepared in the slightest.

Ron and Hermione have been taken away by one of the Professors. I don't know where or why but they've been gone for hours. I really need them right now. If I had them by my side, I know I'd be alright. Ron would joke about just winging it while Hermione would have her nose in a book trying to figure it out.

That's what I've been doing for hours. Reading and reading but I can't find anything. I'm freaking out. I really don't know what to do.

There was a large ink splotch on the parchment.

Crap, I just heard something. I'm not meant to be in the library after curfew, I've got to go. Wish me luck for in a few hours time.


the boy who's really screwed.

Double update!!

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