T H I R T Y N I N E | I'm Fine

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Dear the girl who doesn't study,

You're something else, Ellie, you know that right?

Yeah, I kinda did just expose myself, didn't I? I'm alright though, trust me. I make jokes about a lot of things, the main one being my life. I've got plently of help and friends by my side, including you, so I think I'm going to be just fine. Honestly, my mental health is just fine, I just like a good joke, everything is perfectly fine. I'm fine. I don't need to talk to anyone, like I said, I'm fine. Sure I've gone through a few things, but doesn't everyone? I don't like people fussing over me, especially when everything's okay and I always look after myself.

You are very welcome. Of course I'm keeping your secret for my own selfish reasons. I don't think I could bear hearing Hermione go on and on about it, I would lose my mind.

I don't know what the points stand for, I was just being a git when I wrote that but if you manage to get 100, I'll treat you to something.

I can't wait to meet you either. My life doesn't make sense to me either, so that's nothing new. So if I can't even figure out my life, good luck to you when I end up spilling it all on you in the summer vacation. Aren't I just a great friend?

You can't mention my sarcasm when all of your letters are practically dripping with it, that's unfair!

Oh, running after a frisbee and going on a bike ride, what a difficult and terrible life you lead. You have my condolences. If you came to the school I go to, you wouldn't last very long; there is a LOT of running involved.

I know the second task is getting closer and closer. I'm honestly quite nervous. I still have no idea what I'm doing and It's worrying me that I can't figure out this stupid clue! At this rate, I'll have to wing it which isn't ideal at all but I have to take part in it whether I have it figured out or not so I don't really have a choice.

Thank you for that Ellie, I will think of you while doing the second task. You will be the miracle that gets me through it, raining hope on me even if I think I'm going to fail.

Ha, you make yourself cringe? You should see me when I read these letter back. You truly bring out the most sarcasic side of me and I'm still undecided whether I like it or not.

I promise I'll keep safe, and I'll have Hermione and Ron by my side whether I like it or not. I don't know what I would do without them honestly. I'd be hopeless.

Jokes on you, I did a lot of my homework while studying so ha, who's the loser now.

If I ever told Hermione to bugger off for making me study, I wouldn't see the light of day again and I rather like living so I think I'll continue to suck it up and live through the torture of studying.

At least I avoid detentions, unlike some people I know.

So have fun in detention loser,


the boy who is perfectly fine thank you very much.

(Harry are you okay?)

I mention this later in the story (I have lots of chapters written ahead already) but I don't think Harry's mental health is touched up on enough in the hp series. Don't get me wrong I think the series is amazing but for someone to go through all that, it's bound to have an affect on the mental health. Anyway that's why I'm mentioning it so much. To bring awareness to it but to also give someone for Harry to talk to about it because in the series Harry didn't talk about anything but now through this story he learns that he has Eleanor and that he can talk about it :)

Does that make sense?

If any of you are suffering, just know there is support for you. You can get support through your friends or family. If you want to talk anomalously then any of you can message me and I'll try and be there to help you or I can just be a listening ear for you :)

Also their is a charity out their called Youngminds which strive to help fight for children's mental health. Their support line: 02070895050

OR you can visit their website at: https://youngminds.org.uk if any of you need it.

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