T H I R T Y E I G H T | Miracles

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Dear the boy who needs to prepare for the second task,

Yep, my teachers love to praise me on my sarcasm and wit. It's actually the thing that gets me into all these secret meetings after school where I stare at the clock for an hour with a teacher keeping their eyes on me at all times. Some people call it detention and say that it's a bad thing. Pfft, I say they're bluffing just to hide the fact that I get so much special attention for being awesome.

If I remember correctly Potter, I only commented on your 'severe baggage', I never once mentioned the word 'emotional' so who just caught themselves out? You did. Ha!

...all jokes aside, are you alright? I know it's easier to joke about this stuff but make sure you're getting the help you need, Harry. Mental health is really important. You can always talk to me, you know that right? Or if you don't want too, talk to one of your other friends, or even your teachers at school. Just make sure you're looking after yourself, okay?

And now that's over, back to the jokes. Thank you so very much for not spilling my darkest secrets about liking you and Ron over Hermione, what do I owe your graciousness, kind sir?

Thank you for the 10 points. I don't know what it goes towards but I want a 100 of them.

Honestly, I can't wait to finally meet you. Yes, I want to find out what all the mystery is around you because it's eating me alive trying to figure it out because nothing about you or your life makes any sense. But most importantly, I just want to meet my friend. I want to finally know what you look like, and if you are actually this sarcastic and self deprecating in real life.

Do you really think I would have fun at the park with my little shit of a brother? You must be mad, Harry. I would rather someone impaled me. Okay, so maybe I'm being a bit dramatic. But he wanted to bike there. Bike! I don't like exercise. I don't do exercise. At all! Then he wanted to play Frisbee and he's terrible at it so I had to keep running miles to retrieve it. It was horrible. I could've been doing so many other things like eating or watching films or more eating or SLEEPING.

The second task is near already! It feels like the first one was only a couple of weeks ago, how has months passed? Well make sure you're prepared, you'll do great just like you did in the first one. Besides, you don't need a miracle Harry, you have me.

Oh god, I make myself cringe I swear. Just keep Ron and Hermione by your side and you'll be fine. Make sure you stay safe, okay?

I can't believe your friends make you study, that should be classed as some kind of abuse. It's not fair on you. If Cass ever made me study I would honestly tell her to fuck off.

...Ah, that would be the day, to see Cass study. Now that Harry, that would be a miracle.

Hope you had fun studying, loser.


the girl who doesn't study.

(These two are so sarcastic. I love it. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, until next time...)

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