F O R T Y S E V E N | Rendezvous

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Next week.


At the park.

It was like Eleanor's mind was running in a constant loop. It was the same thing over and over. She couldn't think of anything else.

Next week.


At the park.

Worry was gnawing away in the bottom of her stomach. Near enough two months of silence and then suddenly she receives a very vague letter. She was very worried about Harry and the people around her were beginning to notice.

Dark circles shadowed underneath her eyes and her usual spark was gone. She was loosing interest in almost everything.

Eleanor felt as if she were a ghost surrounded by the living. Like she was stuck and everyone around her was moving. It was weird and she didn't enjoy feeling like the shell of her usual self. The minutes seemed to drag and days seemed like years.

Eleanor really didn't like this. She was anticipating the day to finally see if Harry was okay but it seemed the universe was against her and wanted her to suffer for as long as possible.

Eleanor had sent a letter back to Harry but she had yet to hear a reply. She seriously doubted he would reply.

She found herself often contemplating the sudden silence and mood change in Harry. She thought maybe it would be something at home but then she realised the silence started while they were both at school. So Eleanor narrowed it down to something happening at school which worried Eleanor even more because everything seemed to lead back to this school for Harry.

She was even more nervous to find out the truth now.


Eventually next week arrived and Eleanor awoke to the bright sunlight flooding her room. The UK was having a very hot heatwave, so naturally everyone was overeating to the weather and acting as if they were all abroad, sipping cocktails on the beach.

Eleanor sluggishly made her way out of bed and climbed into the shower. She wanted to make some kind of effort to look decent.

After getting dressed into some skinny jeans and tucking a baggy t-shirt into them, Eleanor deemed herself presentable. She tied her purple hair up into a messy ponytail and chucked on her favourite Doc Martin boots.

Because it was the holiday, Eleanor's parents allowed her to sleep in, so it was currently 11:30 a.m.

Eleanor's morning was uneventful. She had some brunch and then just did everything in her power to kill time so the clock would reach 2:30.

Surprisingly, Eleanor didn't find herself feeling nervous. Herself and Harry had shared enough through phone calls and letters for Eleanor to know she was completely comfortable around him, she was just anticipating to see why Harry had been so quiet and to see if he was actually okay.

2:15 pm soon whirled around and Eleanor made her way out of her house and to the park. The sun beamed down at her as she made her way across the street. Now Eleanor had left the house, the severity of the situation hit her and soon she could feel the butterflies swarming around in her stomach.

It didn't take Eleanor long to get to the park and she arrived at 2:27. The park was surprisingly vacant of children but Eleanor knew people were afraid to come around here because of Dudley and his gang of goons.

There was one person there though, who didn't seem to care about Dudley and his goons. As Eleanor approached the swing set in which the lone boy was sitting, she guessed it was Harry Potter. His jet black hair and vibrant green eyes obscured by circular rimmed glasses struck her instantly.

The boy who she hoped was Harry was looking at the ground, his shoulders seemed to sag with an invisible weight. Eleanor knew to expect Harry to not be in a good state because of his sudden silence and mood change but it still surprised Eleanor and a wave of sadness washed over her as she took in the defeat and obvious struggle Harry was suffering through.

Silently Eleanor approached the swing set and sat down on the swing next to the boy. Harry hadn't even addressed Eleanor's presence and after a minute of silence, Eleanor guessed Harry was too wrapped up in his own world to notice her.

"Harry?" Eleanor said tentatively.

Eleanor knew for definite now that Harry hadn't known she was there because his head shot up and he jumped when he noticed he was no longer alone.

His eyes flickered to his watch, confirming the time. This made Eleanor suspect he had been here for some time.

"Eleanor?" Harry said, his eyes turning back to her and drinking in her features.

Now Eleanor saw his face, her heart broke even more for the boy. He looked tense, and his eyes flickered around occasionally, on edge. It was clear to Eleanor that he hadn't been sleeping because of the deep and dark bags under his emerald eyes. Now Eleanor was up close, Harry's eyes didn't look as bright as they did from afar. Although they were a shocking green, they seemed dull, empty, dead.

As well as this, whether it was his own choice or down to the Dursleys, it was clear Harry wasn't eating well either. His figure was skinny and resembled someone who had lost weight in a short and unhealthy amount of time.

Despite all this, Eleanor couldn't help but notice Harry's beauty. "Hello, Harry. How have you been?"

Eleanor knew this was a shit and pointless question to ask as she could tell quite plainly how Harry had been but she also was struggling with what to say. This did not look like the sarcastic and witty Harry she had been conversing with for over a year. "It's nice to finally meet you." Eleanor continued to allow Harry to avoid answering her previous question.

"You too, you look great by the way." Harry said, gesturing to her.

Eleanor blushed not expecting that response. "You too."

Harry laughed at that. But it wasn't the laugh Eleanor was used to hearing over the phone full of life, it was hollow and fake. "I've been better." Harry spoke after a moment, as he scuffed his shoes in the dirt.


But Harry interjected her. "I know. Come on, let's go for a walk, and I'll explain everything, including why I've been avoiding you. I'm sorry about that."

Eleanor stood and watched Harry closely. He looked tired. Physically and mentally. "It's fine, you've clearly been dealing with some things."

Harry sucked in a breath. "Yeah I have."

Another beat of silence went by but Eleanor didn't push anything. Harry looked like he was reminiscing and the looked of horror that covered his face made her beat herself up. Why did she have to mention that? She just walked along side Harry, desperately wanting to provide him with some comfort as she pretended not to notice him wiping away a stray tear that rolled down his cheek.

"Right," said Harry after a moment. "I should probably start from the beginning, huh?"

(This is so sad but I'm so excited at the same time!)

Also sorry for the slightly boring start to the chapter. Hope you enjoyed all the same!

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