F O R T Y T H R E E | An Unexpected Visitor

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Days seemed to fly by. Weeks turned into months and soon Eleanor found herself four weeks away from the summer holidays. Of course this excited Eleanor immensely, after all she thought there was no worse place on earth than school. But then she remembered how Harry had still got his third task to do.

Eleanor wasn't worried about Harry as much for this one, mostly because Harry had seemed to have gotten over his nerves and seemed quite a bit more calm. Of course, Harry was still nervous but he had managed to control it this time around. If he can make it through the first and second task, whose to say he won't make it through the third?

Through those passing months, Eleanor and Harry still exchanged letters, sharing to eachother how their days were going and learning new information about one another like their birthdays and favourite foods. Eleanor didn't know why, but she certainly didn't expect Harry to say his favourite food was treacle tart. She guessed he must have a sweet tooth.

Harry started enclosing little notes from Ron in his letters too, so Eleanor not only had Cass and Harry anymore, but herself and Ron were getting on quite nicely now too.

Eleanor found herself reflecting on the past couple of months every now and then. It had been a roller coaster for certain but Eleanor couldn't deny that it had improved her life a lot.

For many years Eleanor only had her family and Cass. It was wonderful and amazing. Her family were brilliant, they made her laugh and Cass was a sadistic little shit but Eleanor loved them all. She was completely comfortable with her life.

But then her brother had to add some chaos into her life and flush her phone down the toilet, loosing her precious conversations and memories she had saved on it too.

Eleanor was enraged at first, she didn't talk to her brother for weeks but looking back at it, Eleanor was thankful that he decided to be an idiot that day because otherwise the events that followed after would never have happened.

She wouldn't have got a reply back from Harry. They wouldn't have become friends and gone on that weird emotional roller coaster where Harry has a big ass secret. She would never have talked to Ron, or Hermione (although Eleanor still wasn't sure what to think of Hermione just yet.)

But it wasn't just down to her brother. It was her own stupid mistake that made all this happen too. Eleanor was so embarrassed at first when she found out she wrote the wrong address but now she is so incredibly grateful because she's made lifelong friends out of it.

It is so strange how the world works sometimes.


Hey, pot head

I'm laughing at that right now, just thought you'd be interested to know. I come up with the best nicknames I swear. I'm a genius.

I can just imagine you whining about how much you hate me when you read that.

Anyway, it's four weeks until the holidays. Whoo! Four weeks until we meet. I'm so excited. When's this task of yours coming up? Or has it already been? It's getting pretty close to the end of the school year.

Anyway, guess what? My parents met Hedwig the other day. They freaked the fuck out. It was hilarious.

It was Saturday and I was downstairs eating some scrumptious homemade pancakes courtesy of my father and suddenly Hedwig flies straight through the open window.

Harry, let me tell you; it was chaos.

I bet the neighbours thought World War Three was going on by the noise coming from our house.

Anyway, it took me ages to calm my parents down and explain to them just why a snowy owl was in our house holding a letter.

Of course my brother was ecstatic about it and now keeps pestering my dad's for a pet owl. Kids, am I right?

Anyway that was the most exciting thing to happen to me all week. I hope your week was more eventful.


the girl who is a genius.

(I love how Eleanor's slowly grown more comfortable around Harry, you can tell from the letters. When she wrote that first letter intending it to go to Cass, Eleanor was completely her silly self and I think that sides shows more in these last couple of letter exchanges between Eleanor and Harry. Character development. Anyway that was just an observation I had. Until next time.)

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