F O R T Y T W O | Ice Cream Diversion

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It had been five days since Eleanor sent her letter. She was quite concerned about Harry. Had the task gone well? Did he manage to figure out the task? Were Ron and Hermione okay?

But Eleanor couldn't think about that right now. It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday morning and Eleanor had travelled down to Brighton with her Dads' and brother. They were currently browsing the famous Brighton Lanes and planned to go to the pier at sunset.

Their labrador, Max wasn't with them because he hated long car journeys, so he was staying with Eleanor's friend, Cass.

Eleanor was just looking at a cute denim jacket (not that she needed another one) when her phone rang and a familiar number flashed onto her screen. It was the same number that Harry had used to call her previously, when he spoke to her at that pub in the village he was allowed to visit sometimes.

Eleanor knew she shouldn't answer because she was with her family but she also knew Harry wasn't a very simple person, so something must have been up. She looked at her dad's buying her brother, Josh an ice cream so she knew they would be a while. With that thought, Eleanor swiped her finger across the screen, accepting the call.

"Hey, Hazza." Eleanor greeted.

"Yeah, don't ever call me that again."

Eleanor cringed at herself and nodded. "Copied and understood, sir."

Harry laughed. "Are you busy right now, I could always call back."

Eleanor glanced back at her family. "I've got a few minutes, what's up?"

Harry didn't waste anytime and jumped straight into an explanation. "I was going to write you a letter but I thought it would be easier to call you and since I'm in Hogsmeade I thought, why not?"

Eleanor smiled. "Relax Potter, you don't have to explain. So, how'd task two go?"

Eleanor heard a sigh of relief come from the other end of the phone. "That's why I called because it would've taken too long to write in a letter."

"Go on, then." Eleanor said with a fond smile and encouraging tone.

"Right. So, as soon as I finished writing that letter to you, I had to hide because I thought someone was coming. Turns out it was only Peeves the Polte- er I mean, Peeves the prankster! He likes picking on people you see and messing with them. Anyway, I hid and waited till he left and then went straight back to seeing if I could find anything about this clue."

"You studied all night?! Harry that's so bad for you, especially if you had the task in the morning!" Eleanor couldn't help but interject.

Harry was slightly surprised and thrown off by Eleanor's tone. It was scolding, almost motherly and laced with concern. It reminded him strongly of Hermione.

"Er, sorry?"

Eleanor sighed. "Harry, are you sure you're looking after yourself? That you're okay?"

"What? Yes, of course I am!"

"You keep saying that in your letters but you don't do a good job at convincing me. I'm worried about you, Harry."

Eleanor heard Harry's breath hitch, and his voice softened, almost to a whisper. "El, don't be, I'm fine honestly. I just have a, er...complicated life." Harry cleared his throat. "Anyway as I was saying. Soon after Peeves left, I was still having no luck and I ended up falling asleep. I don't remember that part but I remember being woken up by one of my friends, Dobby. But it was now morning. I was panicking, El. I honestly didn't know what to do. But guess what? Dobby had figured it out for me so I would be able to complete the task!"

"So you did well?"

"Yes, I came second. I keep getting so lucky but now I only have one more task and I've done it."

Eleanor smiled, Harry sounded like an excited child who had just met their idol and couldn't believe their luck.

"I'm so proud of you, Harry."

"Thanks, El."

"Really I am. To say you've been thrown head first into this, you're doing great. I just wish you would look after yourself more." Eleanor admitted.


Eleanor huffed. "Yes, I know Harry. I'll stop going on about it. Did you find out what happened to Ron and Hermione?"

"What?-Oh right, yes. They were part of the task."

Eleanor's forehead creased as she let out a confused laugh. "What?"

Harry cursed from the other end of the phone. "It's hard to explain. I'll tell-"

"Let me guess, you'll tell me in the summer?" Eleanor interjected, teasingly.

Harry laughed. "Precisely." Then his tone turned serious. "I'm sorry about all this. I wish I didn't have to be so secretive."

Eleanor brushed it off. "Don't be, it's fine. I understand."

When Eleanor first found out Harry was being secretive and not telling her the truth, she was so angry about it. But now, Eleanor realised that her friendship with Harry was more important to her. That didn't mean she wasn't curious though, and still anticipated for summer to come around.

Eleanor spotted her family finishing with the ice cream and a shot of panic hit her. "Look Harry, I've got to go but I hope everything continues to go well for you."

"Thank you El. For everything."

Eleanor couldn't help but gush over the nickname. God, what was she turning into? "No, thank you, Harry, for making my life ten times more exciting and complicated."

Harry and Eleanor laughed. "You're very welcome, thanks for talking to me."

"See you, Hazza."

Eleanor heard Harry groan and she giggled as she put down the phone.

"Everything all right?" William asked her daughter as he saw her slip her phone back into her pocket.

"Never better." Eleanor answered with a grin.

(Aw, they are so adorable.)

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