N I N E | Owl Deliveries

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EDIT; So I just noticed there was a slight loophole in the last chapter. Because Harry isn't at Privet Drive, how would he get Eleanor's letter? It's a silly plothole I didn't think about but I swear there are no more in the story as far as I am aware. Everything else is thought out carefully. Anyway, let's just pretend Harry sent Hedwig to search Privet Drive, guessing Eleanor would send a letter there.

Dear the girl who is worried,

I'm sorry for not replying sooner, I've been busy.

You were right to guess that I am with my friend Ron and I will be staying with his family for the rest of the summer, so I'm sorry if my reply's are slower than usual.

Also something that might take you by surprise is that my owl will be delivering my letters from now on, because Ron's family live quite a while away and they do not own a letter box. Send your reply back through my owl Hedwig too. I hope this isn't an inconvenience for you. Or that it startles your parents too much.

Eleanor felt her forehead crease together as she read the letter. Even if Ron's family did live far away then they should still have a letter box. Her nan and grandad lived in the country side in Cornwall and they still managed to travel to the post office to deliver letters. Eleanor shook it off, who was she to judge the living ways of Harry's friends family, even if it was strange.

Also it's best if you don't go to the Dursleys next time I don't answer a letter. They'll only give us both a hard time and besides they don't care where I am. I could be half way across the world and they wouldn't even know I was gone, so it's pointless to ask them anything about me. They don't care.

You dye your hair purple? Cool, I bet it looks nice. And I can't say too much about my private school because they are very strict and the Dursleys don't much like me talking about it either. But it's beautiful. We have these big mountains surrounding it and this massive lake and it looks so beautiful to sit and watch the sun set. The actual school is massive and took me weeks to learn it's ins and outs but it now feels more like my home than at the Dursleys.

Ron also goes to my private school too, that's how we met actually. We have to get a train to get there and we met through that and have been best friends ever since. I also have another best friend called Hermione. She's a genius and knows everything. She's also very kind but she can stand her ground too when Ron is being a bit of an idiot.

Anyway, I should probably go. Mrs. Weasley's calling me. I've got a trip coming up to - the Quidditch - a world cup so you probably won't get a reply from me for a couple of weeks.

It was nice to learn more about you Eleanor and please don't worry about me again.


Harry who couldn't come up with a creative name.

(Remember anything in bold is what the characters scribble out)

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